
natural cause



5 Years
01-23-2015, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2015, 10:03 PM by Nagendra.)
Nagendra's Threads

Lionheart - At The Marble Wash with Bacchus
Nagendra arrives in Alacritia for the first time, full of excitement. He meets a boy named Bacchus and has a brief, polite conversation.
The Difference Between Us - In The Kamui Delta with Áki
Nagendra explores more, finding a river delta and a new friend - a rather attractive friend. He is excited to meet a handsome and pleasingly amicable man named Áki, and hopes to see him again.
White Winter Hymnal - In The Stone Steppe with Rhythm
Continuing with his neverending exploration, Nagendra makes his way to a place filled with odd rocks. While there, he witness an unfortunate somebody fall and hit their head! Running to her assistance, he meets Rhythm Destruction, and helps her home.
Black Mambo - In The Barren Hills with Fiamette
Hot mama! Seriously. Nagendra meets a dangerously alluring woman and, of course, being quite the charmer himself, one thing leads to the next. Alacritis body count: 1.
Seven Ways to Sunday - In ??? with Yurella
Nagendra meets a wolf named Yurella, and the two have a polite conversation before parting ways.
Which Are You? - In ??? with Valentine
Nagendra comes across another attractive man - one who well receives his often overwhelming advances. It had been long since he had met another not off-put by his habits. It sets his blood ablaze, and the two copulate before Valentine offers him a place in his pack, Imperium.  
Chocolate Sauce for Blood - In ??? with Absinthe and Desiree
Nagendra finds a little girl, possibly lost in a willow grove. Although he does not care particularly one way or another for children, he finds himself charmed by the girl's innocent disposition. Her mother eventually comes to retrieve her.
Ode to Sad Disco - In ??? with Rainbow
Nagendra finds an extraordinarily strange and beautiful looking woman.
Spirit of Life - In The Range with Rhythm
After agreeing to join Imperium (a tad fearing the commitment that a pack implies), Nagendra is pleasantly surprised to find that Rhythm had also joined!
Ode to Sad Disco - In ??? with Rainbow
Nagendra finds an extraordinarily strange and beautiful looking woman.
Homeland Security - In The Buffalo Knolls with Kyarst and Lysis
Nagendra helps out with patrolling the pack borders while a war ensues!
I Follow Rivers - In ??? with Lysis
Nagendra gets to know his pack mate, Lysis, better.
Summer Year Six

Walking the Rosy Paths of the Fig Tree Garden - In Cattail Creek with Mithras
Nagendra arrives back in Alacritia, feeling a little guilty for disappearing. It's not enough to keep him down though! He soon spots something that flabbergasts him - a purple wolf, with a pelt like the night sky! What in the world is it? [Navigation - Exploration]
Om is The Bow, The Arrow is Soul - In The Aspen Dam with Creed
Nagendra continues to explore, finding peace in the new environments he discovers. [Navigation - Exploration]
Say My Name You Know Who I Am - In The Buffalo Knolls with Valentine
Nagendra heads back to Imperium, seeking forgiveness and above all, Valentine. [Navigation - Home Turf] [Complete]
Said the King to the River - In Crystallum Cliffs with Aki
Nagendra continues exploring, and gets caught out in the rain (also, yes, he likes pina coladas). [Navigation - Exploration]
Lest There Be Monsters - In The Soulless Forest with Shaye
Jeepers creepers peepers, or something like that. The sun sets before Nag can get home from the forest, and he ends up spooking and getting spooked. -ghost noises- [Navigation - Exploration]
Fall Year Six

Nature's Toys - In The Whistling Willows with Fiamette
Nagendra finds a familiar face in the Willows.  [Navigation - Exploration]
Winter Year Six

Congratulations, I Hate You - In The Range with Naoise and Cascade
Nagendra meets Naoise - a newly captured Imperium slave - although is unaware of his status and right to his sour mood. Cascade soon joins in to tend to her prisoner.
The Path of Paths - In The Alabastrine Shrine with Viridian
Nagendra discovers another stunning land in Alacritis, and takes the opportunity to meditate in what he believes to be the best place for it. [Navigation - Exploration]
Feel Good Inc. - In The Veteran's Plateau with Hera
Nag explores near Imperium. [Navigation - Exploration]
I Should Wear Your Old Red Dress - In The Buffalo Knolls with Mercy
Nagendra explores the Buffalo Knolls a bit more thoroughly. [Navigation - Exploration, Home Turf]

By me!
Guilt was a small and dull warping in his conscience. It wasn’t too bad – for Nagendra seldom felt very guilty for anything, and made a point to try and keep himself free of such dreadfully rotten feelings – but it was there. His strange and capricious morals demanded that he not be without it. And that was alright; it wasn’t enough to take his smile from him. He thought about it as he traveled back towards the mainland of Alacritia. Would Valentine be upset? Perhaps. It would be… understandable. Although, Nagendra defended himself in his mind, he did believe he had warned him to some extent that commitment was not his forte. Yes, yes. That was a decent enough justification.

The corners of his lips twitched up a tad more in an enigmatic and charming smile of satisfaction. He slowed to a halt beside a gently flowing brook (Cattail Creek), his admiring gaze sliding easily along the lovely curves and bends in the run. He loved water so very much – the sound and smell of it. Near a pleasant stream was where he could most be at peace. He wondered if maybe there was something spiritual about the soft sound of moving water – wondered what it was that made such a gentle sound drown out all the rest. He sighed quietly, evened out his stance, closed his eyes, and then inhaled deeply. For a few seconds, he felt intense bliss.

Then, Nagendra Bahri looked upon the world once more and decided that it was time to find something to eat. He stepped forward to the edge of the creek, his slender body peeking between bobbing cattails. The shimmering water was plenty deep enough to hold a bounty of fish, and sure enough, after a few moments, silvery flashes confirmed his suspicions. He stepped into the water gently, although he knew that no amount of care would keep the fish from being scared off for a few minutes. Then he fell completely motionless, and dipped into his thoughts once more. Perhaps he ought to bring Valentine a gift? An offering? He did want to see him again, and Rhythm too. That was partly why he was back – he had decided that Alacritia was quite the lovely place, deserving of more of his attention and exploration. He hoped, a little bit, that Valentine and Rhythm had not forgotten him.



5 Years
01-23-2015, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 09:22 PM by Nagendra.)

Also by meee
Having escaped the frigid grasp of the north, Nagendra drifted with the winds towards warmer weather. He strolled for a day or so, taking his time, for he had plenty of it to spend. Eventually he came to a lively place – or at least, it probably was in the summertime. For now, the grasses in the clearings were brittle golden husks, and the trees thrust naked branches into the pale sky like claws, scraping repentantly at what they could not reach. This place too, had been bitten by the chill of winter. It was still warmer here than the snowy stretches of the north though. And plants, dead or alive or dormant, were a welcome sight. Perhaps he would find something to eat here too.

The brown wolf carried on for a short while longer, smiling a faint, crooked smile as he observed all that there was to see. This was a lovely change. A bit further ahead, he noticed water. Even better! His smile broadened, and he stretched his neck a tad to try and see better. He was getting quite thirsty… Another minute of time was all that lay between he and the creekside, and soon enough he’d halted by the edge. It was at that time though, that he noted that farther along, there seemed to be more. More tendrils of water, breaking apart from a main body upstream. His brows lifted with interest as his muzzle swung from left to right, casting his vision downstream with growing curiosity. Far, far down, the land sloped a tad, and he could not quite see what was at the end. But the distant roaring of water tickled a memory in his brain, and answered his questions. ”Hmm,” he hummed aloud with interest, if only because he had grown desperately tired of silence (at least, of the verbal sort) over this past day. With new goals in mind, he took a quick sip from the river and then proceeded onward, toward the ocean he now visualized.



5 Years
02-01-2015, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2015, 04:45 PM by Nagendra.)

Having escaped the frigid grasp of the north, Nagendra drifted with the winds towards warmer weather. He strolled for a day or so, taking his time, for he had plenty of it to spend. Eventually he came to a lively place – or at least, it probably was in the summertime. For now, the grasses in the clearings were brittle golden husks, and the trees thrust naked branches into the pale sky like claws, scraping repentantly at what they could not reach. This place too, had been bitten by the chill of winter. It was still warmer here than the snowy stretches of the north though. And plants, dead or alive or dormant, were a welcome sight. Perhaps he would find something to eat here too.

The brown wolf carried on for a short while longer, smiling a faint, crooked smile as he observed all that there was to see. This was a lovely change. A bit further ahead, he noticed water. Even better! His smile broadened, and he stretched his neck a tad to try and see better. He was getting quite thirsty… Another minute of time was all that lay between he and the creekside, and soon enough he’d halted by the edge. It was at that time though, that he noted that farther along, there seemed to be more. More tendrils of water, breaking apart from a main body upstream. His brows lifted with interest as his muzzle swung from left to right, casting his vision downstream with growing curiosity. Far, far down, the land sloped a tad, and he could not quite see what was at the end. But the distant roaring of water tickled a memory in his brain, and answered his questions. ”Hmm,” he hummed aloud with interest, if only because he had grown desperately tired of silence (at least, of the verbal sort) over this past day. With new goals in mind, he took a quick sip from the river and then proceeded onward, toward the ocean he now visualized.

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1. natural cause Postlogs 11:44 AM, 01-23-2015 11:55 AM, 01-10-2024