
It sucks to be a grown up


01-26-2015, 06:07 PM

Once again he was at ease, no longer endlessly pacing the edge of the forest. A fews had passed since they left Arcanum and so far things had been quiet. It stilled burned in his mind the things his grandfather had said to Ekko, it had only solidified his desire to separate his little family from the pack, even his some of his family was part of the pack. He had not yet gone to see his uncle, it was something he was putting off, but it needed to be done. His uncle needed to know that he was no longer part of Arcanum, nor was Amarant, and that one day Arcanum may come searching for them. A sigh would roll off his tongue, ears pulling back slightly. He wasnt even two and already had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He had aged so much so fast. No longer did he have the mentality of a child, instead his days consisted of patrols, hunting, and spending time with Ekko and Cohen.

Cohen was growing rapidly, keeping them both on their toes. He looked more and more like his mother everyday. A soft smile would touch russet lips as he returned to the den, jaws carrying a limp hare for breakfast. He had spilled away early in the morning, unnoticed. He was plagued by many thoughts today. His feelings for Ekko had only grown, but he wasnt sure how to tell her. Surely his grandfather had been wrong in his accusations, Ekko wouldn't use him to gain her freedom. Again he would sigh. It was something he needed to get off his chest, but he wasnt sure how.

Speech Thought Others



01-26-2015, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2015, 06:40 PM by Cohen.)

The boy sat outside of the den that his parents had made, sea green eyes looking across the willow doted plains. A heavy sigh left his lips, the young boy not really caring to do much else. It was boring here, everything was boring. There was very little that truly interested him, that truly held his interest. His rusty red ears swivled as he heard paw steps, eyes lazily gazing at his father as he made his way towards the den. A rabbit hung from his jaws, lifeless body jolting around in his grasp. Without even saying anything he turned his head back towards the distance, only his left ear facing his fathers direction. Why should he care what Colten had to say? It was never very interesting... He knew he was a burden on his parents, but he cared for them even if they didn't care about him. They may say that they love him, but he knew that it wasn't true. No one cared about him. Cohen sighed again, shortened tail thumping on the earth. He didn't understand why he felt this way, because he knew that he cared for them, but in his heart he felt like he didn't matter. Perhaps it was the thoughts that Ekko had while she was carrying him in her womb. Not that he understood it, but perhaps one day...


01-27-2015, 11:12 PM

His son was already out and about by the time he returned, his small figure sitting just outside their den. His son would turn to look as he approached, though said nothing as he returned to staring at nothing. He didn't quite understand the boy. He was interested in nothing, rarely had anything to say, basically the total opposite of a regular pup. He would drop the hare, having stopped beside his son. Verdant gaze would rest on his russet face, remaining silent for a moment. Hungry? Spotted haunches would fold beneath him. Cohen made him feel awkward, it seemed as though the boy hated his young life and wanted nothing more than to escape it all. But how could one so young be so upset with life? He had been raised by himself and Ekko, surrounded by unconditional love, and didn't know the hardships they had faced the day he was born, his life had been damn near perfect. Was he naturally so ungrateful for the life they provided? He would keep the frown off his face, trying to rein in his thoughts. He would need to speak to Ekko about this. But already he was growing tired of trying to drag any sort of happiness out of his son.

Speech Thought Others



01-27-2015, 11:33 PM

His father would drop the rabbit and ask if he was hungry, and the boy just simply picked up his shoulders into a shrug. He didn't eat much, didn't really care to. He turned back to look at Colten, his pale green eyes seemingly void of all emotion as he gazed at the male with a deep frown on his face. There seemed to be very little else that occupied his otherwise cute face. Really, he could be an adorable pup if he wanted to, but he came off as a very lazy child. It wasn't that he was lazy, he just didn't really care enough to get much done. "Mother is in the den. Bet she wants to eat," he said in his monotone voice, ears quivering back towards the mouth of the den. His mother slept often, she seemed to be tired a lot. She complained about her aching bones in a joking manner, but Cohen knew that she was old. It was easy to see from her graying muzzle, her once shiny coat was starting to dull over time. He sighed, giving another shrug of his shoulders. He knew that he was probably making Colten mad, but he didn't really care...