
We Were Born Sick {Tinaro}


01-29-2015, 12:43 PM
Ooc: if you want Tinaro to know about Alvin and mingan' fight you can ^^ if not Alvin will probably mention it a little later in the thread. Also he didn't say goodbye to esper in her death thread so if Tinaro has any feels for that go for it XD

Alvin sat near the banks of the river. Maybe his mother's death was playing a toll on him, but if there was any emotion, he didn't show it to anyone. He stared down to the bottom, remembering how it was frozen just a month before and actually enjoyed it looking so lively again. It was weird that he liked something like that... Especially when he showed he didn't care that both his parents were dead.

He looked down at the fish swimming up stream, he thought it was odd that they were using so much effort to get... Where? Why did they even swim down stream of they needed to go back up? He was very lazy himself so it really just didn't make sense to him. He wanted to be young forever and have everyone to do everything for him. Of course he had his own evil desires that would escalate later on.

He was just so bored of this place. When would he be able to go out and fend for himself?

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
01-30-2015, 01:00 AM
After the recent death of his mother, his mind had been plagued with grief. He was sure the emotion he was experiencing was called sadness, and he didn't like it. Sadness was unlike happiness or excitement, in fact it was the opposite. It was like he was hurt, although he didn't have any cuts or sprained legs. He discovered it was a different kind of suffering where his emotions were torn instead of his body. But which was worse?

He needed something to take his mind off this matter. The memory was too vivid in his mind, always bringing back the depression from that day. Running, hiding and exploring didn't seem to be fun anymore. As his gaze caught the familiar form of Alvin, a tiny sigh of relief would escape his lips. He didn't want Alvin leaving him as well. Paws would trot closer to the rapids and he seated himself beside his brother. He saw no need to ask for permission as Alvin was family and he surely wouldn't mind the extra company. He assumed his brother would be feeling a tad sad if not completely over it. The boy wished he could forget it and yet it still clung to him regretfully.


01-30-2015, 09:10 PM
As Alvin stared at the fish for what seemed like forever, his brother would come and take a seat beside him and would block his concentration as the fish took flee any way. He was a bit startled as he realized that Tinaro had approached him, but would only give him a small glance that didn't hold any sort of sadness or excitement. Maybe he reflected Tinaro and didn't realize it, but he would look out over the other side of the river, wondering what wolves lived over there. Maybe it was better on the other side, and if he could he would push Tinaro over there for a happier life.

Alvin felt closer to Tinaro; they played more than he and Mingan did as younger pups. In fact, the only real sociable act was the fight they had. Of course besides sleeping and eating, they didn't have any huge memories to go by.

After a few moments of silence, Alvin would look down at the water again but this time would let his voice break the sound.

"This is where dad died."

He tilted his head a little though his voice was only stating a fact. He couldn't remember if Esper told them this is where it happened... But somehow, he just knew. Someone must have told him at some point, or maybe Esper sung them a nighttime lullaby while they slept. Or maybe it was just her weeping... His voice held no sort of agony or joy to that fact, but it wasn't like it could be another thing on his brother's mind...

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
02-01-2015, 04:08 AM
It wasn't comforting knowing that their father died by the rapids, since he was trying to forget the subject overall. How his brother knew that fact he didn't know and he couldn't be more bothered to find out. The pup couldn't recall their mother telling them that and he assumed she wouldn't want to anyway. Perhaps Alvin had a connection with their deceased father, a connection he wished he could have with Esperanza.

"Oh." Was all he would say quite gloomily. The urge to unleash his annoyance and demand the reason of bringing that topic up was uncomfortably held. It wasn't like his brother read his mind and decided to pick on him. The statement was probably coincidental.

"You aren't too sad, are you? Y'know, now that mama's gone." His query would be spoken with concern. Alvin didn't seem to be upset or distraught, although he wanted to be certain.


02-03-2015, 06:23 PM
Alvin continued to look down at the water as Tinaro had nothing to say of the matter. Just a single "Oh" came out. And he was actually glad that he could hold those kind of feelings in. Alvin even envied it a little though he enjoyed being able to have the freedom to speak his mind.

But Tinaro would ask him something, ask him if he was even sad about Esperanza dying and leaving them. And Alvin couldn't help but grin a little. It wasn't his normal menacing smile, but instead was more of a caring one. He wasn't playing it safe, he was trying to take it a little easier on his brother Tinaro. Mingan was running his mouth and it caused Alvin to show his violence.

"It can't be any different then dad being gone." It was still weird that he had someone to call dad. Well, not really, Darrah was the closest thing physically to them as a father. But Alvin always was very fond of Bass.

"I want to leave here when I'm old enough." He would state to the fact of not having either one of their true parents left. His voice stated that the matter was his decision point. "You can come with me if you want but..." He looked to Tinaro with gentle eyes, something that almost seemed impossible for him. "You'll probably be safer here."

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
02-06-2015, 08:22 PM
There was agreement with his brother's response. There wasn't much of a difference between their mother and father, even if they never met him. Tinaro never had a favourite parent, and if they were with him then he might have considered it. There was a brief silence until his brother continued. Alvin informed him of his wish to leave when he was older and Tinaro assumed he meant "leave Abaven". For a moment, his startled mind grew with nothing but surprise. Why would he want to leave home? Abaven was a great and loving pack, was there anything else he wanted?
It took a while for him to piece the problem together. He reckoned his brother was leaving because he didn't have everything he wanted, which were parents. He understood why his brother wanted to leave, if that was the reason. There was no point in him weeping over his brother's decision, and in a way he felt relieved Alvin had spoken the truth.

The invite to join his leave was unexpectedly given to him, which he was far from ready to answer. He was torn between the choices, making his stomach churn. There was a close bond between them and the willingness to follow Alvin wherever he went. Then there was Abaven and his ambitious. He also wanted to stay with the pack and one day become a fighter. No, the decision could not be made now.

"I-I need time, Shaky words rattled from his maw as his gaze drifted to his paws. He begged the final answer not to be needed at that moment, depending on Alvin's definition of "older". "Just some time to think."


02-08-2015, 05:42 PM
He would actually laugh at Tinaro's answer, not abruptly but a little louder than a chuckle. Tinaro could have all the time he wanted. Even he joined Alvin years later. But really, that wasn't what was humorous to him.

"You think I can take down them bad guys now?"

He would move his paw to swat at Tinaro's playfully but without touching him. He hadn't even learned to hunt yet, nor did he really have a desire to. When Tinaro did have a sort of ambition, Alvin had none. Sure he wanted to have the satisfaction of a kill, but he was way to lazy to do anything. They were to train with Darrah, and maybe even Bass would do something with them. But Alvin would prove to be a pain when that came around. For now the adults were probably giving them space from their mother's death.

"You'll have Mingan if you stay. I won't be mad." He would assure Tinaro that they could always be brothers and friends. On the other hand, Alvin and Mingan were not on the right paw right now and probably never would be. "I haven't told anyone I want to leave." He wasn't saying that Tinaro couldn't tell anyone, just that he was the first to know. He would probably be the only one to know until it happens; at least the only one that Alvin would tell. "I tell you when."

He stood up and looked at his brother a moment before pulling his head, motioning for him to follow. "We should get back to the den soon." It wasn't really late but Alvin had been out for a while. Proving that he didn't care to be around his brother's or Darrah by running out of the den at the crack of dawn and coming back when the sun went down. He never really did anything but stare down into the water... where his father died...

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
02-09-2015, 03:37 AM
What startled him was his brother's almost sudden chuckle. Confusion was written all over his expression. What was so funny? Had he made a joke with realizing? Instinct told him to dodge his brother's playful swipe, even though he knew Alvin wouldn't hurt him. He was sure Alvin could be a tough pup, depending on how bad these bad guys were.
"You can fight?" He asked half curiously and half with disbelief, a cheeky grin sliding to his features. Alvin's fighting skills were something he had never seen nor was he aware of. Has he been secretly training behind his back?

At least Mingan hadn't been told of Alvin's wish to leave, or had been invited. He wasn't particularly close with the ebony boy, but after their brother's leave, he would be the only family left. He'd hate to leave Mingan behind in Abaven, all alone. Although, he didn't want to ask if their brother had been offered the opportunity. Perhaps something had happened between them. However, Alvin would notify him when he planned to leave, which gave him time to think.

It wasn't extremely late, yet his brother suggested returning to their den. No, not exactly their den. Darrah's den. Strangely, he longingly missed the den they had briefly grown up in with Esper. Now they had moved in with their "mentor", who wasn't exactly mentoring them. Rising to his paws, he began to trudge beside his brother. It wasn't like they were in a hurry to be somewhere. "Can you do that? Like leave? I don't think Bass will let you come back."


02-09-2015, 01:32 PM
He would grin with the lift of his chin, almost proud to say that he could. And of course, he wouldn't hesitate to tell Tinaro what had happened. Alvin had shown no desire to start kicking at him so he didn't think Tinaro would be frightened that he was next or anything.

"Oh yeah." He agreed to being able to fight, "Me and Mingan had a go at it." That sorry loser don't know what hit him. "I came out okay, I don't think he'll be messin' with me again."

It might have been weird that Alvin was saying such a thing about his brother. Sure Tinaro wasn't as close to Mingan either but he was still blood; they were littermates. When Tinaro stood and started to catch up beside Alvin, Alvin would start to make their way back to the den. Yes, they weren't in a hurry but it might have been appropriate to make it back before sun down. Darrah wasn't strict but Alvin still had a little respect towards him. But his brother would bring back the matter of whether or not Bass would take him back, and though Alvin was pretty cool with the man he didn't have any true connections to keep him tied down.

"Oh, me and Bass are buddies. If he doesn't want me back, so be it." He would give a grin implying that that was exactly the truth from his mouth, but he still saw some sort of unknown humor in it. Someone wanting to take him back? He never expected that. "That's why I'm waiting 'till I'm big and strong, so I don't have to worry about coming back if he doesn't want me anymore."

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
02-15-2015, 01:06 AM
A fight with Mingan? So that's what their litter-mate had been doing recently. Although it seemed Tinaro wouldn't be seeing him any time soon. They weren't even yearlings and they were already getting into fights. How far was he behind? At this rate, Alvin was going to be better than him unless he did something about his inexperience.
"Over what?" An innocent question slipped from his lips. Did they have a dispute over food? A disagreement? They were pups, how bad could it have been?

Even though he was a naive child, the fact that his brother was friends with Abaven's leader was an unlikely thought. It wasn't fair, he wanted to befriend Bass first. Sure, Bass probably liked everyone in the pack but friends? Alvin had to have been doing some serious socializing for that. A teasing grin slid across his expression, tone cheeky with disbelief. "You and Bass? Right, if you say so."

It was comforting to know his brother was also in a rush to grow up, Tinaro was himself. Once they both grew up, Alvin would definitely be able to look after himself independently outside the pack. In the way it was worded, there seemed to be a slight chance of Alvin not returning. He had to be sure of that.
"Do you plan on coming back? After your leave?" That was why he wanted to know if Bass would let him return, in case he wanted to. Surely he wouldn't be gone forever.