
Like Father Like Son



7 Years
02-01-2015, 01:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 12:28 PM by Nako.)
It was nice to get away like Anais did after the recent loss of their parents. Time to mourn in solitude, finding during the past few weeks that the tears didn't come so easily now to the head male of the diminished family. A sorrow laced limbo had eventually replaced the more obvious signs of grief. Nako eyed his Talutah scar in reflection, eye catching the tip of a feather secured behind an ear. It was a wonder how feathers stayed on wolves, the withers of his neck holding the half dozen accessories in place surprisingly well. From his father. From his family's time at The Range. A pained scowl creasing his brow. Little Espirit was all that was left of his parents, besides his fathers carving antler.

A curious and clingy pup was left behind to be reared by his older siblings. Nako did his best to train the boy alongside Jakart and Kailos but it wasn't the same. He wasn't as patient as Bane. Not as concerned as Tahlia. A sigh left him as he crested the fjords cliff, just being able to see the top of mimosa tree where both of his parents lay on the other side of the fjord. Nako shook his pelt free of water and lay down, tail giving a slow wag.



9 Years
Athena I
02-14-2015, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 12:25 AM by Kalliope.)

Pale peach paws moved slowly and carefully across the landscape. After nearly walking over a cliff and making an absolute fool of herself in that tangled forest she had learned her lesson and was now taking her time and trying her best to learn her way around this place called Alacritis. It was a slow and difficult process, but she had a good memory and knew she would get the hang of it... as long as her patience didn't fail her first.

She stopped in mid step, sniffing the air to take in the scent of a new stranger. A male around her age if she was guessing correctly. Her ear twitched and she began moving again, moving carefully toward the stranger. Her forepaws brushed lightly against the ground to feel her way forward and her ears were perked and alert to listen for any sound around her. Her steps were as quiet as could be to keep from having her own paw steps interfere with her careful listening. Her heightened sense of hearing picked up everything, even her paws brushing against the ground.

Soon she noticed the stranger's scent getting stronger and she came to a halt, listening to his breathing to figure out where he was, her sightless gaze looking in his general direction. "Hello?" she said as both a greeting and a question. It wouldn't be the first time she had mistaken a wolf's scent for one of someone who had recently passed by and so would leave her talking to herself. "Is someone there?"

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-14-2015, 12:24 PM
Nako considered just getting up and making the swim back across the fjord but knew he needed to rest before heading upstream along the bank. The current hadn't been strong but a fair distance had been needed to cross and wind up close to home. The ever present breeze helped dry his pelt during his trek up the side of the fjord, the dirt he lay in clinging minimally to his fur. The wolf blinked, his only functioning ear starting to twitch as he looked to his right. Someone was coming towards him. With a sigh, not wanting to meet someone while lying down and rather vulnerable, Nako brought his paws underneath himself and stood.

The wolf, female, and as pink as a pale peach, stepped rather gingerly over the crest of the fjord. Nako bristled and did a double take. Wolves got stranger and stranger with each generation. Looks. Mindset. All were becoming rather odd. Lebrah for instance, Nako's thoughts shifting to his sisters child of sorts. There was a strange sort of limbo when she paused, Nako tilting his head to the side in confusion when she asked if anyone was there.

"Yes. I am here, I..." Nako's confusion obvious upon his face as he looked at her more closely. "I am Nako. Are you in need? Looking for something around here?" This female. Gorgeous and built with the finest curves he had ever seen was blind. That much was obvious. Thoughts turning to his father Bane and his blindness that lasted a few months before he passed. Nako looked down at his paws and thought of where his parents were now. Even in death they had each other.

Besides his siblings Nako was alone. Some days he found himself more wanting of some company of the opposite sex than others. His father's advice remembered now, Nako reflecting on the instructional words once spoken to him when Bane and he were by themselves one day. The elder had been carving upon a tree, and the things he told his son would've caused his mother to certainly have a fit. Guy talk. The peach furred she wolf was glanced at, Nako clearing his throat. "Is there something that I can help you with mam?"



9 Years
Athena I
02-16-2015, 09:32 PM

"Are you in need?" It took all of her self control not to scoff at his words and had to make herself not get irritated at him. It was hard to remind herself that when others were asking if she needed help they weren't trying to mock her or bother her. She wanted so much to be completely independent and not have to hear those questions all the time, but it would forever be a part of her life. Before she could reply he asked if there was something he could help her with and ending with... mam? She did scoff at that, her retort quick and biting. "Well, first of all, you can stop calling me mam. Jesus, I'm not your grandmother."

With a sigh she moved closer to him, better able to figure out where he was not that he had spoken and she was sure that his scent was fresh and not a ruminant or marker of some sort. "Other than that, no, there's nothing you can help me with other than making sure I don't go walking off a cliff or something. I've already almost done that once since I got here, don't need that happening again." She finally settled down on her haunches once she was sure she was maybe a few feet from this male, giving another soft sigh before looking in his direction again. "I'm Kalliope, but call me Kalli. You are?"

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-16-2015, 10:25 PM
The female did her best to hide the look that crinkled her muzzle but clearly vocalized the expression with the words that came spewing forth. It wasn't his intent to insult her, Nako's gaze narrowed and head drew back slightly. She moved closer however and Nako couldn't help how he looked down at her paws. He could almost see Bane's searching steps when the elder walked, the minuscule twitches just before touching the ground before having to repeat the process all over again with the next step. The whole season he minded the elders travels until at last he passed away.

But as Kalliope drew closer he saw that there was far more confidence in her stride than his father. Maybe it was his fathers age that caused him to move how he did, but as this she-wolf sat down a few feet away Nako shifted his thoughts to focus more on her. "I won't let you fall, even my father who was blind with age could navigate these cliffs. I watched of course. As I will watch you." Nako dipped his head at the female, a gesture she obviously couldn't see but was still required in the presence of a lady. "I am Nako, Kalliope. What, ah, brings you to these parts? The fjord. There isn't much besides rocks and water around here."



9 Years
Athena I
02-20-2015, 08:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 08:58 PM by Kalliope.)

The male's obvious chivalry brought a little grin to her muzzle. There was always that part of her that got irritated by others trying to help her because of that stubborn, independent trait that ran deep in her personality, but he seemed to genuinely want to be nice so she tried not to get annoyed at him for it. "Well, thank you for that," she commented at his promise to not let her fall, chuckling softly to herself. He would introduce himself in turn before questioning her presence here in this place that was apparently all rocks and water. She raised an eyebrow at him quizzically, sarcasm dripping from her tones when she commented, "The whole blind thing is really flying right past you, huh?" She laughed, hoping that he knew she was just kidding around and that she wasn't trying to be purposefully mean. She shrugged, growing a little more serious. "No, but really, I honestly didn't know it was just rocks and water. I don't really know where I'm going. I've only been in this area a few weeks, I'm still feeling my way around. It's been hard, this place is kind of huge."

Her ears flicked and her head turned a bit as she listened, noticing the sounds of the water now. She wondered what it was like... to know what things were before she touched them, to be able to see what was ahead. It was something she'd never be able to do. "I was born blind," she said, feeling the need to clarify her situation for her new acquaintance as she turned her head back toward him, her ears turning forward to listen for his breathing to make sure he was still around. "I've never seen anything... In a way it was a blessing. If I was going to go blind I would rather it just happen from the get go, ya know? Now I'll never know what I'm missing."

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-21-2015, 01:01 PM
Kalliope thanked him for minding her while they sat by the cliffs, and again Nako dipped his head. About his comment regarding the details of their surrounding, the she-wolf poking at his description of the fjord with a tone that wasn't overly malicious. The male grinned at the comment, realizing that he was treating her a bit like Bane in the sense that his father had actually knew what things looked like. He would hold off his inquiry about wether this was something Kalliope had lived with her whole life as she spoke about just arriving in the area.

The admission that she was born blind was sobering, but the fact that she was doing this alone was an admirable feat. She was all by herself in this land. Nako took the few steps to close that gap between them before sitting down be her side. Kalliope confirmed that she was born this way and that it was positive reasoning that didn't keep her from missing what she would never know.

Her words sunk in a bit. Nako took in a slow breath. "Well. I'm deaf in my left ear, a close by lightning strike when I was just a pup. The winds from that storm scarring my pelt, gaps in the fur and such now." Nako reached over a shoulder and bit a feather out of where it clung to his mane. "I have six feathers, all of them rather soft." It was untested waters, what he was about to do. The wolf then drew the feather along the side of her muzzle just above her lips, ending with the tip brushing off by her nose. "I may not know what your going through Kalliope, but what I think. And we'll never know this about each other. But I think since you cannot see that you can instead feel, hear and smell. Maybe more than any other wolf out there. There is that. Other physical stuff. Pleasure and pain." Nako jabbed the raven feather back into his mane with an audible sigh and glanced away as he awaited her reaction.



9 Years
Athena I
02-21-2015, 04:10 PM

Kalliope's ear twitched and followed his movements, listening as he moved closer to her. How close she couldn't be sure, but her guess would be pretty darn close. She continued to listen as he spoke of a deafness in one ear, a result of an accident as a pup. She supposed this was him attempting to bridge the gap between them by naming is own disabilities, but she had a hard time relating that to her blindness. She didn't respond to that, instead remaining silent and listening to him move again, the rustle of fur giving him away. One pale brow quirked quizzically when he mentioned having feathers, having never heard of such a thing on a wolf. Suddenly she felt something brush against her face, making her flinch back just a bit from surprise before realizing it wasn't something harmful. In fact it was quite soft. Feathers. It brushed away from her muzzle and she blinked and tried to evaluate the new sensation.

He began to speak again and again she would listen carefully to each word before she heard him sigh. It took her a moment to think before she responded, "My father used to tell me I could hear like a bat." She chuckled softly, her tone nostalgic and distant. "And I always won games of hide and seek with my step-siblings because I smelled them out before they could find me and I could walk really quietly." She paused, considering his observation. "You might be right. I wouldn't really know about the physical stuff really, but you're spot on with the smell and hearing anyway." Again, she paused, hesitating a beat. "Nako, do you mind touching your shoulder to mine? Just so I know where you are? It's... weird sometimes. Not knowing really there anything or anyone is."

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-21-2015, 04:59 PM
The way she flinched was expected, but Kalliope didn't maneuver away when the feather trailed away. Nako blinked as he stared at her. She spoke up, gaze unseeing but as recalling something worthy to mention. Of a time when she was young and her father had complimented her hearing. Of playing with her step-siblings and how her nose always guided her. Kalliope didn't have any weakness. A handicap sure, but not a weakness. And she agreed with him, Nako feeling a bit better as he shifted his weight to adjust the raven feather so that it wasn't poking into his neck as severely.

The male wolf felt a fluttering sensation in his stomach bubble up when she asked that he touch her shoulder with his. "I don't mind at all." Nako said as he sat down beside her. Kalliope was a few inches shorter than him at the shoulder, her peach colored pelt still holding that dreamy warmth of another. "I'm right here Kalliope." Nako said reassuringly, the scarred male hesitating at first with the thought at further physical contact between him and the female be just met. But she hadn't minded the feather touching her, Nako gingerly setting the bottom of his muzzle between her ears. There was an air of uncertainty as he just sat there, however relishing the feeling of her pelt against his. He hoped the same warmth being felt right now was something she was experiencing. The trio of feathers along the left side of his neck twisted and brushed against her pelt as they sat together overlooking the view of the fjord. The steady breeze felt nice. The company of another didn't hurt either.



9 Years
Athena I
02-22-2015, 06:02 PM

She felt Nako's side against her shoulder and her shoulder's relaxed a little bit. Points of reference helped her a lot. The ground was under her and she knew that because she felt it. Now she knew Nako was beside her because she felt him there. She wished she could feel the whole world at once so she would never feel lost, but she knew that was impossible. She smiled a little at his words, her ear turning toward him in recognition of his voice. She felt him move and then she felt his muzzle on the top of her head and she realized how much taller than her he was. She wouldn't flinch from his touch this time, instead welcoming the contact. She hadn't been this close to anyone since she left home and it made her realize how much she missed the contact of other wolves. She felt something brush lightly against her neck and it took her a moment it was the feathers he had spoken of before. She tried to visualize what they looked like, but it was impossible.

She felt herself leaning into his touch and she realized all at once that she was practically pressed into a complete stranger. All she really knew about him was his name, that he was deaf in one ear, and that he had feathers in his fur. But for some reason that didn't seem to bother her. Her tail curled around her haunches and a quiet sigh passed her lips as she pressed her head into the crook of his neck where his jaw met with his throat. Her skin tingled where his fur mingled with hers. She was vividly aware of everywhere he was touching her and she wondered if he was right about her physical senses being more heightened as well. She wanted to say something to him, to apologize for suddenly pressing into his side like this, but she couldn't form the words. Besides, surely he would have gotten up by now if he didn't want her to, right?

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-23-2015, 09:39 PM
Kalliope didn't mind his touch after all, however wrong it seemed between two strangers who just met. The way she leaned against him, Nako placing a foreleg around her back in a gesture of security and closed his eyes. Another step further ventured to see just how much physical contact she would allow. "This is nice." The male mumbled, chin still resting on her head. Mismatched eyes opened up when she tucked her head against his neck. Kalliopes right ear receiving a prolonged nip that was gently traced along the edges, the paw laying along her back beginning to move up and down.

"Would you like to see just how much you can feel Kalliope?" Nako knew his wording was a bit off and rather sudden. His scent would change slightly, arousal beginning to permeate the air as thoughts shifted to a more intimate subject. But this just seemed so right, despite the obvious fact that she was somebody he barely knew it was a step he would be willing to take. Wanted to take with a female. Would she consent? Would her thoughts follow his? "I know this concept would be rather foreign to one such as yourself and I know this is rather sudden. But I find you beautiful Kalliope. I just want you to know that." Nako added, drawing back and guiding her muzzle with a forepaw to look at him.



9 Years
Athena I
02-26-2015, 10:56 PM

As she sat side by side with this mostly-stranger, her head leaning against him, she gave a small sound of agreement to his comment of this being nice. It honestly wasn't often that she would indulge herself in this kind of interaction, but she had been feeling a bit lonely since she came here. She was used to having her father and stepmother and siblings at least around all the time so being completely alone was strange and borderline uncomfortable. A surprising little shiver moved up her spine when his teeth delicately nipped at her ear and his leg draped around her shoulders. The touch wasn't unwelcomed, but her body's reaction to it was a bit more than surprising.

His question intrigued her and her ears perked with curiosity. She tried to read between the lines and decipher what he meant by that. She thought she had an idea, but it wasn't till he continued to speak and leaned back so he could turn her head to face him that her thoughts were confirmed. The sudden shift in their interactions brought a light blush to her cheeks. A small smirk touched her muzzle when he complimented her looks. Again, he knew his sentiments were genuine with good intentions behind them, but the compliment really meant very little to her. She had no idea what she looked like to know if he was being truthful or not.

After a beat of consideration she dared to lean forward, finding the side of his muzzle with hers and gently brushing them together as her muzzle followed the curve of his jaw till she could nuzzle his cheek. "Show me," she said simply in a soft whisper, her heart beginning to beat a little faster. Move to a whole new continent, nearly fall off a cliff, meet some strangers, and now she was going to get to know one of these said strangers in a way she had never expected. This whole journey had been quite eventful thus far.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-28-2015, 05:12 PM
An amused look overcame Kalliope, Nako knowing her thoughts must've been racing through her mind on what this meant between them. She responded with brushing her muzzle up along his jaw to his cheek. A hushed whisper of consent, the low rumble of desire surfacing up from his chest. Nako thought of his fathers advice and the several ways they could do this, to maximize the enjoyment of a one time fling. His foreleg ceased its caresses along her shoulders, instead he shifted and clutched her tighter to him. Kalliope was eased onto her back, a nip placed along the side of her throat. The way the male had in mind would be more intimate, more special, because of the she-wolfs disability.

Nako stood over beside her with his forelegs on either side of her neck, both of the wolves facing one another. A kiss was placed on the tip of her nose, another over her a blind eye as he then leaned around the side of her neck to pull on the fur of a shoulder. All about getting her nice and ready. Quickening her breaths and making her heart flutter in desire. Nako axiously stepped over his partner and settled against her, forelegs holding the females sides. With but a hesitant press of his hips he and Kalliope would waste their time away together until sweet release.

-fade to black-



9 Years
Athena I
04-13-2015, 08:28 PM

With her consent given there was no turning back now. He immediately went to work doing just as she had asked and showing her everything she could feel. She didn't resist when he lowered her to the ground. Her ears flicked back with surprise and her cheeks warmed with a little blush from the nips he placed on the side of her neck. She could feel him all over her and it wouldn't take long before he worked her into a little burning frenzy of sensations. With only her sense of touch to guide her everything felt twice as sensitive and every nip or touch sent jolts and shivers through her whole being. She let her eye lids slide down to cover her useless blue gems and she let herself go completely. It would be one of the few times in her fairly young life that she would give up control completely to someone else, but she wouldn't regret it in the slightest.

-fade to black-

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
05-03-2015, 11:29 AM
Nako shifted from where he lay next to Kalliope, still tired after performing for the two of them. It had been amazing. The sweet release as you shared yourself with another. Kalliope was eyed, the way her sides slowly rose and fell with each breath. The male didn't want to go, to further sleep off the work next to her side would've been nice, but he had to. Maybe he would give it a few more hours. That sounded all right. He would do that. Nako scooted himself closer until he was against her back. A paw lay across her side as he held her close against his chest. In the morning he would guide Kalliope away wherever she wished to go and say his goodbyes but for now he would enjoy this evening as sleep started to reclaim him.

-Exit Nako via sleep-