
i just might cry watching birds fly


02-02-2015, 11:37 PM

He would leap to his paws as soon as he regained consciousness and immediately questions flew to his mind. He didn't hurt anymore, though he could see the wound gaping on his chest and the various other wounds on his body from his fall he couldn't feel them. Sheer panic arched through his whole body as he recoiled and back peddled, scampering back as his eyes flew wide. Was he dead? Where was Cat? Worry and fear ran wild through his veins as immediately he would fling his head around, gaze snapping too and fro as he tried to find some sign of his wife. Was she alright? Was she here with him? He began to tremble visible as he stood frozen in place. She wasn't here.. Did that mean she was still alive? Was she hurt? Would someone find her? She needed to be okay for their children. This was all his fault...




02-02-2015, 11:46 PM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

How much time had passed? She stopped trying to keep track. But the day she had found Maia had been unlike anything else. She had been so heartbroken and devastated. Another child of hers was dead, doomed to suffer the same fate as herself. This place truly was hell. Now she was forced to spend all of eternity with her children who's lives had been cut too short. She moved aimlessly, as always, across plains that constantly changed and yet remained the same. Her gaze was downcast until a familiar scent would lift her head. It had been so long since she had last laid eyes on the boy. But what she saw, was not what she had expected. He was always so angry when she saw him. In this moment, he looked broken, terrified. Moving quickly, she would rush to his side, not worrying about the back lash. "Kylar? What happened?" Worried gaze would search his gaze before inspecting the rest of him. He was beat to hell. He had various cuts and bruises all over his mammoth frame. Panic spread like ice through her tiny frame. "No..." She would whisper. Hesitantly she would reach out, craning her neck to press her nose to his cheek. Shoulders would sag with relief when she felt nothing, barely the faintest of touches. He was alive still. But whatever had sent him here, must have been bad.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."


02-03-2015, 12:12 AM

It was the nothingness that terrified him, it was the unknowing that scared him and eventually finally broke him. His eyes were wide, terrified, a burning sensation beginning in the backs of his orbs as he tossed his gaze back and forth madly looking for anything. And then she would appear. Maybe it was her scent that finally broke him, finally shattered his world world. Had he ever smelt her before. The trembling would stop as she appeared like a vision before him, drifting forward with wide eyes like she had so many times before. She would speak but they would fall on deaf ears. She would reach for him and he would crumple, folding like a child might at the paws of their mothers and sobs would rack his whole frame. He would tremble and shake as he tried to regain control, tried to force on that calm facade he had worn his entire life but as soon as it cracked it shattered, years of emotion bursting forth. The hurt of Secret's death, the betrayal of her howl for Kaios, the loss of his son, of his daughter. The anger and pain, the betrayal and abandonment of his goddess. The fraying lifeline he held to his sister. It all began to fray and disappear as he openly wept for the first time in his life the beast reverted to a child as he simply broke down. He couldn't function, couldn't do anything and there he would lie, wishing he could hurt, wishing he could feel the pain of his wounds. Anything would be better then the feeling that was building in his chest and threatening to completely destroy him.




02-03-2015, 12:30 AM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

As soon as she touched him, he would drop like a bag of rocks. Eyes would widen in shock. His sobs would echo painfully in her skull, causing ears to pin back. He cried and cried and cried. For a moment, she was completely lost. Never before had she seen him fall apart, nor had she ever thought she would see the day. He had always been so reserved, held all his emotions carefully in check. But now he lay at her paws, an emotional wreck. Without a second though, she would move to his side, legs folding as she pulled him into her embrace. The act would be useless, she couldn't touch him, nor could he touch her, all he would feel is a feather light touch, but at least he could see her. Tongue would rasp against his crown, eyes sad as she peered down at him. "Oh Kylar." She would murmur softly. Part of her felt responsible. She had caused him so much pain at such a young age. She had provided him three children, two of which were now dead. She had chosen the wrong man to love. "I'm so sorry." Her voice was soft as she uselessly curled her tiny body tighter around him. If she could take back the mistakes she had made, she would.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."