
won't someone get me out of here?


02-04-2015, 12:52 AM
He felt like his chest was constricting and tightening around his very heart and soul. At some point he had stopped to wedge his paw between two trees and had wrenched his limbs back into its socket. Muscles and tendons strained but he couldn't feel it, despite the fact that his chest and face felt like it had its own heart beat he couldn't feel it. Nothing could possibly hurt as much as his heart did at that exact moment as he staggered away from his wife, his home, his family. As he staggered away from his everything. Verdant gaze was dull, lifeless almost sickly looking as he stared blankly at the ground. The massive beast was disheveled, once black and silver pelt matter with blood and dirt from his tumble. He had been here before. Been in this state but it wasn't the same... Somehow this was worse and yet no one was dead. Anger, regret... Fear... It all slithered though his veins like battery acid as he staggered through yet another unknown land.

He didn't know where he was, didn't know how he had gotten here and yet he couldn't find it in himself to care. He had pushed her... The love of his life, his everything... He had pushed her off a fucking cliff... In a moment of rage he had made a mistake that had sent them both crashing to the earth so far below in a downward spiral that had left them both broken and battered at the end. What could be do? Even as she and laid there slowly bleeding out she and refused his help, demanded answers but he could give her none. He had been angry, stupid. She had attacked him countless times throughout their relationship and he had never once sot to hurt her, only to subdue her but this... She had crossed a line and then he had retaliated. Look where that had left them...

He needed to see his children. Basanti... Aster. Viola. He didn't know where he was. Legs would give out suddenly sending the massive beast crashing heavily to the ground, jaw hitting the ground with a sicking thwack. He would crumple there, remaining where he lay as he allowed his one good eye to close as well. He would take a moment to assess his injuries. His head and chest hurt, he wasn't sure if he was blinded by blood in his left eye or simply blind. He wasn't sure how his left leg was even supporting him anymore. The realistic part of him screamed to find shelter, to hide away and rest by part of him hoped that someone might find him and end his misery. He was done...