
A Momentary Rest



6 Years
02-06-2015, 10:46 AM
Kuwindwa could not be certain exactly how long she had been traveling like this now. Just a few weeks? Or a few months? It felt like years sometimes. Every day passed in the same fashion: void of passion and doing only what was necessary to ensure her survival. There had been a time when the woman had considered forsaking that instinct and letting herself fade, but in the end she realized her folly for what it was: why punish herself for the crimes of others? Nevertheless, she knew she never really escaped the Pack. So she padded forward, blind to her destination. She could only think about the path directly ahead, never look behind, and always look forward.

The woman's gait stopped as she heard the rushing of water - a dreadful familiar sound. She was thirsty and a little tired. She had moved with little rest for the past week. Now was as good a time as any to take a break from the monotony that had become her life.

The sun was shining in full noon light, providing some warmth again after the bitter winter. Slinking ahead once more, Kuwindwa soon stood before the delta. She took in the terrain carefully, noting her only escape would be to flee if she needed to. There were precious few places to hide on the river delta unless one was particularly lucky or their pursuer particularly stupid. Flicking an ear - the only sign that she may be unnerved - Kuwindwa pressed on again until she reached one of the narrower, shallower streams to drink before returning to the grassy banks. It felt open. But she could see far here and her eyes were sharp. There were no wolves on the horizon, no enemies. Just her, alone, for miles around. Mind made up, Kuwindwa all but collapsed onto the grass, a soft sigh sliding from her lips.

It was likely she looked as bedraggled as she felt, even after sliding to her belly in the sun-warmed grass. There she remained in silence. Even after her head lowered, she never quite slept, one ear constantly swiveling or twitching. Still, this rest was more than she had allowed herself in so long, even this state was a relief.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-06-2015, 11:24 AM
Psalm felt rather comfortable leaving the safety of the packlands, after his 'inprisonment' he was still eager to run and go places that were not his home. A fact that his mother Novel was still rather nervous about. He'd assure her as best he could that he was growing up and that he could take care of himself. She still wasn't too happy but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Somehow he's even managed to shake his brother, Hymn was off doing his thing and Psalm was going to do whatever he wanted. He was fearless, and even though he knew the Delta already he felt like he was still exploring it for the first time.

Mismatched paws carried him easily through the taller grasses as he set forth from the borders of the pack, with his eager feet eating up the ground beneath him. With an obvious skip in his step Psalm found himself eventually at the water's edge. The deepness was something he was sure to be wary of, having grown up near water he knew how to swim. He knew his limits fairly well though, and was quite sure were he to fall in the likeliness of getting out was slim. Smartly the boy would find a more shallow stream. The scent of another wolf was rather strong, like she'd been through her rather recently.

He'd feel his guard go up, but fear would not set in. He just had to be safe for his mothers. Still his curiosity outweighed his cautiousness and with bright blue eyes he would seek out this mystery woman. She did not have the scent of a pack on her, or the scent of anyone really. This was her and her alone. With his nose to the ground he didn't realize how close she was, but he wouldn't see her for his need to find her with his nose.




6 Years
02-06-2015, 12:13 PM
The sun was warm, the stream lulled her. Even so, Kuwindwa knew its comfort was false, and she must press on before too long. There had been times of weakness when she had considered seeking the safety of a pack, but the complicated matters she ran from now always stopped her before she could act on the idea. What would she do? Settle in and find her hunters within a new home? Even if she believed she could settle comfortably into a pack again, how could she knowingly bring danger into their midst? Even if she wasn't pursued as she believed herself to be - even if her trackers lingered only weeks or days behind - how could she risk it?

It wasn't long before a distinct chill struck the woman. Her hackles rose instinctively and her head shot up. Half a moment ago she was at rest. Now she appeared bright and alert, her ear redoubling their movements as she lifted her nose into the breeze. In her half-lulled state she had missed something. But what? Nervous now, the woman pulled herself to her paws in one movement. She kept her head low as she swept her surroundings with her gaze, faltering only when she caught a darkened shape against land and sky. Instinct prompted her to crouch low as she watched the other figure near her location. But they seemed utterly distracted - their nose to the ground. Tracking her, she realized. There was nowhere to run she would not be seen, so she rose up again, slowly this time.

The other - male she realized now - was smaller than she. Lanky. Young. Not someone she needed to worry about then. Nevertheless, she wasn't entirely sure this could be a fortuitous meeting. As he drew nearer and still failed to see her, a strange dismay filled the woman. This was a young wolf - that was becoming ever more obvious as he drew nearer. Where were the parents? The pack? Young loners like this were rare. Emitting a low warning bark, Kuwindwa waited, her tail waving a little uneasily behind her as she awaited a response for good or ill.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-06-2015, 12:29 PM
Psalm's awareness of the woman was rather dull as he couldn't even spy her from a few feet away, though he knew he had to be getting somewhat closer to her elusive form. Dark and white paws shuffled through the grass indiscreetly until his ears took in the sound of her bark. It wasn't in fear that his features shot up from the grass and impossibly bright blue eyes searched for her form. She was hunkered in the grass, tail flipping in annoyance like some kind of cat. His features would brighten at the same time, eager to encounter a new face and willfully ignorant of the potential danger he'd just encountered.

Had he been any younger the boy would have surely bound up to the stranger and lavished his affections upon her, but the time in Jupiter's pack had changed him enough that now he refrained from that physical contact he'd so eagerly given as a small child. Still black tipped ears would perk, attentions on her as he would give her a simple, "Hai!" with a grin that was much too big for his face.




6 Years
02-06-2015, 01:05 PM
His attention gained, Wind felt some of her dismay ebb when she caught sight of blue eyes that shone with life and a smile - things she hadn't seen in such a long time they were nearly foreign to her. It was followed by such an enthusiastic greeting Kuwindwa couldn't help but mentally backpedal, almost as alarmed by the friendliness as she might have been by aggression. The woman's demeanor shifted when she knew she was not threatened directly by the boy. While not outright friendly, the nervous wag of her tail stopped and she dared move a little closer to get a better whiff of his scent... he had been with other wolves. The distinct pack-smell was hard to miss.

"Hello," she offered after a moment, her own tone subdued, though not unkind. She offered no smile, but an unconscious curve had formed on her lips as she observed the younger wolf, though her sharp eyes retained the wary, world-weary look. "Are you out here alone?" She needed to ascertain she was in no immediate danger from others who might be around to protect this pup. He couldn't even be a year old - was easily younger. So while her first concern was her own safety, undeniably she recognized her old habits kicking in as well: this youngster was alone and he shouldn't be. Besides that, his greeting was so forthright, she was almost worried.

Sometimes Kuwindwa missed the days when she was so care-free... but then, she could never be that again no matter how hard she tried. There were always too many dangers, too many mouths needing food, whelps seeking shelter...

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-06-2015, 02:22 PM
Still a bit to young to notice the intricacies of body language he wouldn't notice her readjustment, easily the boy would assume she shared his emotions. He knew what sadness was, and fear but only really because of his connection to his mothers. He'd seen both emotions in them and could spy them easily. Wind's behavior would not elicit any particular curiosities from Psalm, but she did move closer which told him she was obviously a friend. She would even greet him back with a simple hello.

Her face wouldn't hold the same exuberant expression Psalm wore, however she seemed nice enough as she asked if he was on his own. Maybe he was.. really he had left his family back in the territory, but it's not like that was only a short run away. "Yes, he'd say simply, no one had come with him here, but he couldn't account for their whereabouts past when he left. They could have been following for all he knew. 's nice. he'd comment on their surroundings, much like he had when he'd followed mommy Ara out here.




6 Years
02-06-2015, 06:19 PM
His response was short and simple. He was smart enough to know better than to elaborate on the location of a secretive pack... but she rather doubted that, given his bright and open expression. She wouldn't assume he was stupid, just inexperienced: he was still innocent and naive enough to trust a complete stranger in open territory. Hmmming softly, Kuwindwa cast one last cautious glance at her environs before settling onto her haunches. The boy's last comment seemed to be a general statement.

Uncertain what he meant (she assumed he meant wherever they were), Kuwindwa hmmed one more time as her head tilted gently. Her eyes softened a little as she seemed to come to a decision. Righting her head, she spoke evenly in agreement: "Yes, I suppose it is. Who are you?" There was a brief pause before she offered: "I am called Kuwindwa." It wasn't even her name. But he didn't know that. Still, it felt strange to speak the name she had given herself all that time ago aloud. Indeed, she was fairly certain it was her first time speaking it outside her own thoughts. How odd it felt. So very final. Not only that, but she had just told him that she was called hunted. Granted, she knew of no others who spoke the old language of her pack - who would know the traditions of naming of her kin. Even so, the way her stomach lurched with the idea was a little unexpected.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-09-2015, 12:24 PM
Psalm was a rather simple pup, he took in the information around him but that doesn't mean he knew how to use any of it. He was a rather innocent pup too, despite his time as a 'prisoner' he still was very much unaware of the evils that played in his world. Curiously he would watch the woman before him as she made a soft humming noise and looked out around them again . Surely she was enjoying their surroundings too? He'd watch her with curiosity as her focus came to rest upon him once more, her gaze brightening his smile as she talked to him some more. She would easily agree with him before asking who he was. Delighted at the question the young boy would dance excitedly before her, spinning around almost like he was chasing his tail, before looking back up to her with his brilliant stare. His smile somehow growing even more broad as she gave him her own name. "Kuwindwa!"He couldn't help but repeat back as he memorized her face and name. "Am Psalm." He'd say brightly, still not quite getting that he should add on his last name as well, that seemed sufficient enough an answer. "You home?" He'd ask curiously, if it was this place was rather nice. He liked this better than the mangroves most of his pack lived in. Though his own den was by the hot springs with his mothers.




6 Years
02-11-2015, 12:17 PM
OOC| Sorry for the wait, hon. Don't get flu. Flu baaaaad. Lingering effects of flu = worst. x( So sorry if this be crap. I'm sure it is... >_<


Even with the uneasy lurch of her gut, Kuwindwa's feelings were settled again when she looked at the boy. His mannerisms were precious - far too innocent and youthful to be out here alone, but also something that ought to be treasured. Such youthfulness did not last forever, in body or mind. It should be protected. Which begged the question: where were his guardians? He smelled of a pack - they could not be far. Even so, for all intents and purposes he was alone and too far from home to be saved from any immediate danger. How lucky he had run into Kuwindwa out here, and not someone who might intend him harm.

Wind pulled her muddied paws closer to her body, the very image of a statue as she observed the boy's behavior. "Am Psalm," he told her simply, then added a question. "You home?"

The woman's head tilted as she tried to understand the half-phrased question. His truncated sentences did nothing to help her understand Psalm more, but as she had before, she merely ran with what she believed he might mean, and in this case she believed he might be asking if she lived here. "Home?" Kuwindwa repeated the question then gave her head a quick shake, her muzzle pointing toward the ground briefly before lifting back to the child in front of her. "No. Far from it," she responded with a gentleness that startled herself. In all honesty, his questioned had stirred a few bitter and uncomfortable thoughts - she'd half-believed she might snap her answer. But she didn't.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-11-2015, 03:06 PM
He really wasn't very far from his home, the walk was hardly anything to give a second look at, as well Psalm had no fear of anything. He could explore and come up and talk to strangers as much as he liked. Of course his mothers had scolded him for it, but he paid them no mind. There was no danger out here, he was sure of it. He could take care of himself anyhow. Just as long as he got back every night to snuggle the women who raised him.

Wind was much more stoic than the boy, his little feet dancing beneath him as his tails swung lazily at his ankles. He couldn't seem to sit still. It was almost as if he'd been pumped full of sugar before he'd come to see the delta. Bright blue eyes watched the woman as she curiously thought of his question, it seemed like she needed a lot of thought to decide where her home was. She'd repeat the question but eventually gave him a decent answer. She would tell him that she was very far from her home. "oh." He'd answer her, disappointment obvious in his voice. He felt bad that she was so far from home, was she lost? "Lost?" He'd ask with his features still sad for her, did she need help going home? "Psalm's help?" of course his mother's taught him to always help where he could. Maybe he could do that now.




6 Years
02-11-2015, 04:11 PM

Kuwindwa didn't quite expect the level of emotion her simple answer garnered from the pup. He did a far better job of sympathizing with others than Kuwindwa had in a very long time. By now it was safe to say her heart was frozen - encased in ice for her own sake. It was a wall of protection she had placed there herself. She was afraid what might happen should it crumble. But she noted the fallen look in his blue eyes - the first time he had looked anything other than overjoyed. It was such a marked change, Kuwindwa was almost sorry for telling him. A small piece of that icy armor cracked, then fell away when he asked her in his simple way if she might be lost and whether he could help. Any prior irritation she may have felt - however mild - drifted away.

For the first time, a proper smile spread across the woman's pointed muzzle, though it was brief. Kuwindwa shook her head slightly, just as she had before. What did one tell a child eager to help, but unable to? Nevertheless, she was touched by his willingness to lend her aid, even if it was only because he was a wide-eyed pup. "Oh, I am so very far from home, I'm afraid there is little you might do to help me, Psalm," she spoke in the same even tones she had from the beginning, but there may have been the slightest spark of amusement in her voice. "But thank you, young one. It is very kind of you to wish to help me." And that was it. She couldn't have him asking any more questions, so now she proceeded in another direction of conversation.

Guided by his own questions and the clues she could scent on him, Kuwindwa asked, "Is this your home, Psalm?" The woman knew, of course, that this particular spot was not. She'd have known if she were any closer to a pack's borders. But she wanted to hear the boy say it. To turn the conversation onto and about the child. Such was a far safer topic, less likely to grow uneasy (though by now she doubted the boy would note it).

Here she had thought to rest alone... but she was neither irritated or sad that it had been interrupted. Maybe this was another kind of rest. She was nearly at ease again, safe as she had ever felt since fleeing the Pack for her life.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-15-2015, 09:20 PM
He wouldn't see much of a reason to smile as he spoke to her, but he wasn't one to turn one down. Her own vibrant expression would flash for a moment before she'd shook her head, disappointing him again. He couldn't help her find her home, they were much too far away from it. Still she'd thank him, he had tried and it was the thought that count's right? She wouldn't elaborate anymore, and he'd accept that there would be no ability in himself to assist her. His expression would brighten again, though he was obviously much more somber. He'd find a seat, though his tail would still wag behind him as she asked him about his own residence.

It was his turn to shake his head, no he didn't live here but he used to. "I did before the mean lady came. She moved our pack." He'd never known of Ludicael, he didn't remember the split of Sawtooth and Threar. "Now i live over there." He'd point to the tree line farther away, beyond them lay the hot springs. "I still like it here though." He'd make sure she knew that he felt completely at ease in these lands. Well not that those thoughts weren't obvious to begin with.




6 Years
02-16-2015, 08:31 AM

Kuwindwa's answers had been sufficient for the child and now he in turn answered hers. Her gaze followed his to the treeline, then returned to his youthful face. She would keep a mental note of the delta's proximity to another pack - she wouldn't want to wander too close again. He responded with enough questions to pique the woman's curiosity and she waited patiently for him to finish before speaking again.

"It is nice here," she affirmed whether her heart was really in it or not at the time. It sounded like there had been some sort of leadership skirmish - something to prompt his words of a "mean lady." It was a situation Kuwindwa remembered from her own youth, one she could sympathize with easily. "A 'mean lady', hm? And she leads your pack now, does she?" A "mean lady" could be almost anything from a child's perspective. Nevertheless, Kuwindwa would learn what she could about this pack and its leader for future reference, all the while offering a face that listened intently to the boy. Her expression may not have been openly kind, but it was relaxed - more than it had been in months. Psalm didn't know it, but it was more than anyone could have asked.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-17-2015, 10:54 AM
Psalm's giddy form would easily be swayed to the new topic, and his voice would easily tell her about his own home. Maybe if she liked it enough she could come back with him and be friends with mis mothers and Hymn as well! She did say that she thought it was nice here too, and they could come and visit the delta every day if she wanted. Though she didn't have to be worried about the woman who reigned terror over his family. "Haha! No!" he'd squeal excitedly in answer, "The nice queen told us she was dead." There was obviously no love lost for the woman who'd kept them in chains.

He'd smile easily, not really noticing how little the expression showed up on his companion's face. To him it was hard to feel empathy, surely everyone felt the same emotions as he? He hadn't quite gotten the concept. Though he knew when to help others, and when another's situation made him sad he didn't really read emotions at all.




6 Years
02-17-2015, 11:19 AM
OOC| Ku's gone fishin'! -makes silly face- Forgive the lameness. I'm weird today.

Psalm's answer was one that, while it was certainly a good answer, did little to sate her curious appetite at the moment. She garnered from his words that whatever skirmish had taken place, the "mean lady" had won, leading the pack for a while - long enough for the boy to have some distaste for her - before another wolf took over: the "nice queen." His obvious delight in the fact that the former leader was dead made Kuwindwa wonder just how bad Psalm's villain really might have been. Just because he was a child of simple words did not necessarily mean he was wrong... but given his openness with herself, Kuwindwa doubted how well he yet judged the character of others. Even with that in mind, she responded simply:


Was it good? Oddly enough, Kuwindwa was in doubt of the "mean lady's" meanness! Her doubt might have stemmed from her own situation however, rather than any real knowledge of what had actually happened.

"She is nice to you," she used the boy's own descriptor for the unknown woman rather than any word she might have used, subconsciously speaking to him in a manner similar to his own simple words, but words she also realized could be treading into dangerous territory if she wanted him to remain happy, "What about your mother and father? Were they harmed when the 'mean lady' took over?"

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-21-2015, 02:36 PM
Now, Jupiter hadn't actively harmed anyone but Pslam's aunt and he didn't even know about that, but the way his mothers acted and how all of his family had fled, how could she not be considered a mean lady? Nothing but good had come from her demise, and Psalm had no issues with her loss of life, not that he really understood what death was. To him, she was just like some of their prey. Someone had eaten her, right? Wind only agreed with him as the boy told her the newest news of his home, and she would question him. He'd bring his attentions back to her, stilling his hopping and watching her from his brilliant gaze. What about his mother and father? He couldn't help but to give her a slightly confused look, he thought he remembered a father possibly, but he'd been so young when he'd met Lel that the rather traumatic experience was barely remembered. "Only have my moms, he'd correct her before he answered the question. "She made them very sad, and I couldn't leave the den and she was so mean the rest of my family ran away from her." Most of them had fled back to Ahlon, and the few that remained were scattered.




6 Years
02-21-2015, 07:36 PM
OOC| Sorry if this is off. Haven't quite felt myself most of the week. I blame the weather. xD Too much snow/ice/cooped-in-ness.

The boy's constant movement ceased somewhat after she had asked that question. One of Kuwindwa's ears flicked as she mentally berated herself: she may have pressed further than she should have... but his bright blue eyes remained fixed firmly on the former warrior and the befuddled expression he now carried told her that might not have been the case after all. When he had finished his explanation, Kuwindwa found it was her turn to be at a loss; he had two mothers? Her confusion never showed on her face, but she had more to ask as a result of his answer. Likely one of them was an aunt. Or maybe an adoptive mother and the biological mother met up by some strange happenstance. This wasn't any of her business however, and it was here Kuwindwa determined she must stop. She had learned enough... just one last thing she wanted to know. Names, if she could get them. And perhaps she could see this boy home: it didn't seem like he should be out here alone whatever he might think.

Besides, surely this pup didn't want to be bothered with the questions of a stranger all day long... so the woman rose from her belly to sit back on her haunches again - she even allowed herself a little stretch before settling into that dignified pose.

"Please forgive all my questions, Psalm. I must be boring you," she stated simply before rising to her paws. "I am curious because I have never been here before, you understand? I do wonder, whatever were you doing out here before you came across this wanderer?"

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-25-2015, 04:54 PM
He was much to old for naps now, but after he answered the woman the boy found a yawn parting his lips. As he finished up his new friend wind would stand taller, stretching as she sat up. He'd watch her curiously, wondering if she'd want to talk more or if he could start heading back to his mother's side. There weren't anymore questions though as she told him that she thought she was bothering him. He'd open his mouth to answer but he knew it was impolite to interrupt and Wind kept speaking. Except there were more questions. Not that he minded. "There's lots of places that I haven't been!" He'd tell her as she finished, though there were two questions. "I was just exploring. There's lot of pretty flowers to bring back to my mother Novel." He'd smile, he liked talking about his mothers even if Novel had trouble leaving their den.




6 Years
03-04-2015, 11:07 AM
OOC| Sorry for the delay, love. Had a bad week. :(

Another brief smile flashed along Kuwindwa's maw, her bronze eyes meeting his blue one's for a moment and lingering as he answered her barrage of questions as best he could. She had promised herself she wouldn't do that to the dear boy, but here she just had. But his answers were precious, and a small part of Kuwindwa - a part she thought lost along with Wawindaji - treasured each word the boy spoke. "Well," she began as she pulled herself properly onto her paws to stand, "New places are exciting!" She tried - and failed - to enthuse. She was a bit jaded with all the wandering herself. It seemed like so long she could barely remember what it was like to have a stable, unchanging environment. "But having a home is nice as well. It is very nice of you to think of your mother! The flowers are very beautiful this time of year..."

She should move on. She should go. But she had a name now, for one of his mothers at least. Novel - she would tuck it away in case she might ever need it. It was with considerable effort that Kuwindwa actually had to begin padding away, though some part of her was tempted to accompany the boy. No sooner than the thought arose than it was promptly squashed by a sudden, harsh, self-defeating thought: the last time she was responsible for a young life... No. Stop. That is past. It is dead. Dead, dead, dead... He was not her responsibility and she would not make him so. Kuwindwa shut down, her heart encased in ice yet again.

"So I leave you here, dear Psalm. I mustn't keep you any longer - we would not want those flowers to wilt while our gums are flapping! Fare well." She barely looked at the boy as she turned and padded northward, her tail waving a brief goodbye.

Kuwindwa exit?

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa