



5 Years
02-11-2015, 02:41 PM
 Vitus missed his mothers. How many times did he had that thought? Vitus missed his family. He missed them. And yet it seemed his patterns seemed to continue. He would miss them, get as reacquainted as he could, promise to help them and protect them..and then he'd wander away again in his nerves to get stronger. He'd often lie awake at night, terrified that he wasn't enough for them. It wasn't something he liked to discuss, he didn't want to show this vulnerability to his brothers. But perhaps they knew it already, with how much he wandered off. He wasn't enough, yet, and he was terrified to his core (even if he couldn't name it) that he would fail them when it really counted. His one and only fight he had lost...terribly. And perhaps he was just a young child at the time, but he still felt the sting from that failure. With a deep breath he meandered through the forest. That was the only word that could describe his slow movements. He meandered. With a swish of his tail he watched as his paws pressed against the ground before he would push forward, as if trying to make his pawsteps stick to the ground, to show his trail. He needed more weight, he needed more strength....he needed more.

With a gentle sigh he lifted his eyes and gazed around. In the time he spent in his skull he had managed to circle their den in several circles that seemed to get larger and larger. It wasn't training, it was more a nervous habit. He didn't necessarily have a place here, yet. It was unknown yet whether the tension he felt was due to them being unaccepted here, or if it was something else. Regardless, he missed the snow and his old lands, missed knowing that his training was just around the corner for the pack he had known was one that liked to be strong. He knew there that if he showed his strength he could easily secure himself a position that put him at a spot to protect his pack and his family. And here...he wasn't so sure. His faith was flimsy, yet he still had some optimism. Mama Ama seemed very happy here, and he hoped his brothers were settling in just fine. He took a second, pausing in his steps, to realized that he didn't know if they were because he hadn't been here. With an aggravated sigh and a curl of his lips, he moved again, this time his paws slamming against the ground angrily as he continued to move at a more determined pace...and yet he continued to circle his home, perhaps too scared and angry to venture further than their den, scared he would wander off again if he ventured too far away.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



7 Years
02-15-2015, 04:55 PM

The woman had come home and curled up in their den, not even taking the time to stash her bundle of herbs in her little stash den. She was so tired from wandering around all night, trying to build her stocks back up. She had been able to bring a few things from the North, but they had not fared the journey well. With Summer just around the corner, she wanted to gather and preserve just as much as she could, even if it meant getting no sleep. She hadn't even heard Vitus walking around their den in the mangroves, not until his paws began to stomp on the ground. It didn't wake her up at first, her ears twitched a tad at the sound, but it wasn't until he made his second angry stomping circle that her blue eyes peeled open. A yawn parted her jaws as she wiggled up towards the entrance, dropping the front half of her body out of the den as she blinked at the harsh light. Who was making that sound? At last she picked up her son, her dear Vitus, and laughed softly. It would seem that he was trying to work things out, making laps around their family den. Not wanting to bother him, she places her coloured head on top of her two-toned paws, head moving with him. When he vanished out of her sight, she twisted her head around to try and catch him as soon as he showed up again. She had no idea what he was brooding about, and didn't want to snap him out of it. So she just watched, blue gaze never leaving his form when he was in sight. When he was ready he would notice her, and she just waited for that. If he wanted to talk, she was here. If he just needed cuddles, well she was more than happy to offer those.



5 Years
03-30-2015, 08:16 PM
Vitus would continue to lap around the den, continueing to go over everything that he could possibly thing about. Flames of anger licked along his paws as he moved, and it was only when his lungs were burning that he finally slowed to look towards the den. Surprise lit up his features the second he saw Amalia and he stared, embarrasment taking over the surprise. With a small, embarrased smile he'd look at the path he'd made before shook his head and turned towards her. With quick steps he'd return to the mouth of the den, to lay beside her with a heartfelt sigh and nuzzle into her fur in one fluid motion. It was as if this is what it all lead up too, every lap, every thought, was just to lay beside his mama ama. With a gentle hum he'd nuzzle deeper into her fur, seeking out the comfort she always so happily provided, but he remained silent for a moment (which wasn't a rarity for Vitus at all). After a long while of just laying there, accepting whatever love and affection she wanted to give him and returning the embrace with his own cuddles he would sigh. "I....j'st d'n't g-get 't" He said softly, his raspy voice muffled by fur if she would let him nuzzle into her neck. He didn't get any of it, his father, why exactly they had lost the only home he had known, where he stood in this pack, anything. He couldn't understand a lot, and it was beginning to get on his nerves. Especially when certain things seemed rather important.
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]