
Piccolo uccello con l'ala spezzata



5 Years
02-13-2015, 05:11 AM
"Padre!" He called, his voice pitched as he circled around the hissing grasses. He hadn’t seen his father too much, and what he did see of his there was tension. Something wasn’t right, and Starling was done sitting around about it. He continued to circle before he bound a few paces and circle again, bellowing for his father again and again. After a large circle he leapt through the grass, calling for his father before, suddenly, he found the ground a little too close. His paws got tangled, whether in the grass or just among his paws, he wasn’t sure, and he fell to the ground with a poof. "ohi..." He whispered, shifting onto his belly and blinking through the grass. It was rather...often that Starling found himself on the ground, especially after each little growth spurt. His legs would grow longer, but his body wouldn’t fill out to accomodate it, so he was even clumsier than most wolves his age. With a deep breath he moved to stand, stopping for a moment to take in the area around him. It was in his rush that he had fallen, and he had rushed because he missed his father. It wasn’t so much that Bass wasn’t around anymore, it was that something must have happened. There was a feeling deep in the child’s heart, that something was off. And he needed to do something to help fix it.

So he moved, again, through the grass with added vigor, searching for his father, for any sign of him. The sun shone down on him, shining through the mildewy grasses, and it was in this warmth that the snakes seemed to hide. Or, perhaps doing other things. It was Spring afterall, even if Starling was too young to understand it. "Paaaadre!! Father!" He called, getting frustrated now that he couldn’t find him. It didn’t once enter his mind to maybe call for his father, but his song wouldn’t have been able to carry very far yet. He needed to find Bass, he wanted too. There was so many things he wanted to ask the name of, and he wanted to tell him of Harmony and his adventures, and just see him. But most of all, Starling wanted this feeling that something leave. He needed it too.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

02-22-2015, 01:02 PM

Oh he had heard the first call, there was no doubt about that. By now Bass had almost fully recovered from the battle. His initial wounds weren't that bad, it was really just his shoulder that had been messed up. That and dragging his butt all over the East without even resting. Apparently he just liked to make things worse for himself... but now! Now he was going to have a little bit of fun with his brown and white marked son. He heard the frustration gather in the boys voice, and he smirked as he stalked closer to him through the tall grass. He was hunkered closer to the earth, white ears pressed flat against his skull. His shoulder was still a bit sensitive, but it was okay to put pressure on. He waited until Starling was moving to creep closer, until he was resting in the grass about a foot or so away from him. As soon as he tipped his head back to howl, he pounced. Bass sprang out from the grass, aiming his front legs towards the boy. He was trying to scoop him up and tuck him close to his chest, his own body rolling along the earth. Starling would be safe in his grasp, as the Azat came to a stop on his back. Letting out a chuckle, he lifted his head as his golden eyes danced with humor. "Mi hai trovato," he said with a grin, reaching up to lick the boy on his forehead.

Bass nudged Starling off his chest, if he had indeed been scooped up, and stood on all fours. He shook the dust from his coat, looking down at the boy as he settled on his rump. "So! What did you call be for, Starling?" Bass found it quite funny that he was right there all along, but it was fun to play games with his kids. He was done being sad and angry, he just wanted to be... normal. Whatever that was, anyways.. Blinking, he wondered why his son had called him. Was there something up? Naw, there would be more than one of them looking for him if something had happened. The pale man did have to admit that he was proud of Starling calling him padre, the way he said it was almost perfect. He was so, so glad that the kids were learning Italian, and that they seemed to be practicing as well.



5 Years
03-30-2015, 08:09 PM
Starling was very much caught off guard by his father springing out of the grass and scooping him up. They spun, with a chorus of childish laughs, through the grasses, Starling's little body pressed close to his father. He would giggle, hiccuping and squeeling as they circled before his father landed flat on his back, Starling still secured to his chest. Shaking with giggles, he would reach a paw up to bat Bass' cheek. "Padre~" He sung out, in a mock annoyed term before he was nudged off his chest. With an awkward leap he'd jump, but landed rather unsteadily onto the ground beside him. He blinked as Bass stood, shook out and sat down, and Starling would quickly wrack his brain, trying to remember why he had been looking for Bass in the first place. With a click of his tongue he'd turn large blue eyes and the largest of smiles back up to his father, laughing. "I hadn't seen you in a-a while!" He said happily, his stuttering a lot better around his family. It was obviously nerves that had his tongue skipping over the beats, his brain rushing far too fast for his vocals to keep up. "Silete Persi! I missed you!" He said easily. It seemed Italian was something he rarely stuttered, and infact he was rather proud of how quickly he managed to latch onto the language. He would often as the translation for many words, and it only took a few repeatings before he managed to put it into his vocabulary. He wasn't nearly at the level to produce full sentances yet, but that didn't mean he didn't try! "I was h-hoping everything...was good. 'Cause it's....b-been a while." His smile fell then as he shook his head. He didn't mean to say Bass had been rather absent, just that their paths hadn't crossed much lately, even if something like that was still a little hard for a child like him to understand. "I was hoping for...more lessons. Italian.Or something." He may be shy, constantly wracked with nerves, but Starling was rather bright. Perhaps he couldn't fight and he often tripped over his own paws, but that didn't mean he wasn't very intelligent. He just needed a more mental field than purely physical.