
days fell away with nothing to show (EBONY)


02-20-2015, 01:36 PM

Earlier that day, Finch had requested a song from her while they lay peacefully within their den. Considering everyone else was out playing or sleeping, it was very quiet and relaxed, which came as rare in most cases. So it was just her and her quiet daughter, side by side while she hummed a lullaby. Even though Finch was asleep by now. Wren curled herself around the young girl, nuzzling into her ears very gently, when the head of her husband suddenly popped through the entrance. Wren turned her calm gaze toward him, ears pining forward instantly. "Come, my love. We are needed at Ebony." As far as she knew, Ebony was a semi-close ally to Abaven. Although, she had yet to meet their leader, Kassander. What'd they need them for?

Despite her curiosity, she nodded and stood over Finch, kissing her forehead and climbing out of the den. Her jaws split into a yawn, and before she could wonder where Bass had ran off to, he returned with a loving nuzzle. Wren smiled and quickly called for Harmony's assistance before taking off toward Ebony at Bass' side. It didn't take long to get there, but there were many unfamiliar faces here already. Probably members of Ebony...and others. She stepped closer to her husband and sat when he did, minty gaze falling onto a large male. Apparently, the one who called them to this meeting. Kassander. When Bass introduced her and the others from Abaven, she sent him a kind smile, dipping her head and simply leaving it at that. After all, he was pretty popular it seemed, speaking to him would be pointless.

Motif I


4 Years
02-20-2015, 03:04 PM

Motif had been a little out of the politics for a while, but when Bass howled for her she would quickly take Shaye to Shai and giving her little girl a kiss on the cheek, she would pad off in the direction of Bass, and would catch up with him before he entered the territory he in turn had been called to. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before they walked into the group of wolves, and well she found herself wondering what was going on the girl was more subdued then normal, her thoughts with Rhythm and Shai, and the changed in her life.

As her name was spoken in introduction, she nodded her head accordingly and worked up a smile for the wolf she did not know, keeping polite with Bass's allies for his sake, despite her own personal turmoils. As Bass got to talking with the wolves he knew, she fell back to stand at Wren's side, nudging her gently and offering her a smile of greeting – since the two had become mated she hadn't really had much time to get to know them as a pair – but she did like Wren, and their children, and she approved of the match.





7 Years
02-22-2015, 08:51 AM

The words of his siblings swirled around him, and Kass stared at them, troubled and too full of thought to address their concerns. He didn't know where to start. How to explain all that had happened, and what he had to do. "I'll explain everything when Bass and Epiphron get here," he said instead, and fortunately was saved from a long awkward silence by the swift appearance of the other two alphas, each accompanied by guards from their own packs. Kassander's attention was temporarily caught by Epiphron, but the situation left very little desire in him to stare calf-eyed at the beauty - though he was struck for a moment by her guards, two towering wolves with markings that looked... remarkably like Ebony's ruling families' genetic inheritance. In fact the male's markings were nearly identical to Kass', though faded nearly to an indistinct silver. His eyes widened as the female of the pair introduced herself as Birna Xanilov.

But he shook away the mystery for now. There were more grave things to discuss here. He nodded politely at each wolf as they were introduced. "These are my sisters, Sindri and Svetlana, and my brother and General Sigmarr. It is good to meet you all, though I wish it were in better circumstances. I'm sorry it was necessary to call on you both with our alliances still so young," he began solemnly. "When we were young my sister Sindri was kidnapped from our pack's lands by slave traders. None of us knew what had happened, but when we were of age Sigmarr went to look for her, only to be captured as well. They escaped and made their way home only recently, but we have just learned that a representative of these slave traders, a representative sent specifically to bring my sister Sindri back to them, has been sheltering among a pack here - not only sheltering but rising high in their ranks. This... Aerndis, she is cruel and bloodthirsty and without mercy." There was the backstory, what he knew of it. He took a deep breath. "Knowing what little I do of this pack I do not believe they are likely to behave honorably in this, or any instance. A wolf such as Aerndis could not have the backing of a pack that would, and I'm told that this pack is little else but brutal fighters. So I find I must ask you, what do you know of the pack known as Arcanum and the alpha Cataleya?" What he learned would greatly influence his decision, but truly his mind was already made up. He knew what he had to do... he just needed to see that he wasn't simply overreacting at hearing the name Arcanum linked with his siblings' pursuer.




7 Years

02-22-2015, 01:24 PM

His wife nuzzled into him, and he smiled and licked the top of her head. This was a strange thing for all of them, there didn't seem to be many occasions when Abaven was called to something like this. When Kass started to speak, his heart hammered in his chest. He knew what it was like to have a sibling stolen away, but it would seem that the smaller alpha's siblings came back, and didn't develop a strange sense of Stockholm syndrome with the pack of the captor. But when the pack name was uttered, and the question was asked of Cataleya, he froze. Abaven was allies with the very pack in question, and him and Cata seemed to be... close, in her strange ways. But if this woman was still posing a threat to Kassander's family... Letting out a sigh, he hung his head for a moment. Bass had had a feeling that one day, a pack was going to rent out some of his warriors and use them against an allied pack. But that is how he ran his pack, that anyone could come along and rent out some help in trade for a favor. All his allies knew this -- or should know it. Of course he would refuse if the cause was unjust, and he could not deny that there was some ground under the alpha's claim. "Me and Cataleya have met and spoken on many occasions," he admitted, eyes raising up look at the masked man. "My pack is allies with hers, but... She knows how my pack is run, what I do," his gaze roamed over to the group he had brought with him, his lips pursing. "I cannot deny your argument on this, I would be a fool if I did not help out. To have ones family threatened," he broke off as his eyes met his sisters, "we know what its like."

Letting out another sigh, his eyes returned to Kassander's gaze. "You know as well how my pack is run. Soldiers in trade for a favor," was he a fool to go against an alliance here? He felt torn, and shuffled on his paws. "I do not wish any harm on your family, so I will lend my support in you seeking out this Aerndis. Family is greater than any bond, this I cannot deny." It still didn't make him feel any better though. But with a huff he nodded his head, he would help Ebony in this.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-22-2015, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2015, 08:04 PM by Epiphron.)
What a curious meeting. She was grateful for the presence of both Birna and Björn at her side; choosing them as Head Sentries had been a wise choice, if she'd ever made one. It was beyond strange to be called to such a larger gathering, so soon after she'd discussed becoming allies with Ebony, and the tension in the air was thick and undeniable even for one who knew nothing of most of the wolves here. Briefly she watched the other alpha here, Bass, eying the wolves that had accompanied him with curiosity. Quickly her gaze averted to Kassander as he spoke, introducing Sindri and Svetlana as his sisters and Sigmarr as his brother. A small nod was offered to the introduction. The explanation he provided was strange, and the names spoken meant little to her, though she listened nonetheless.

What did she have to do with this? Quickly her inquiry was assuaged by his own question, asking what they knew of a pack called Arcanum and their alpha Cataleya. Bass quickly spoke up, describing his own relationship with the woman and the pack. Still, she had little to offer, mulling over Kassander's words in her mind silently. "I know nothing of this Cataleya," she admitted with furrowed brows. "All I can tell you is that my son Caeto was part of Arcanum, though he has since left to join Fiori. He seemed a bit unsure if he'd be allowed to leave. That's all I have to offer you." A slightly confused expression had fallen over her features. "I'm certain you didn't just call me all this way to hope that I knew something about this woman, she said certainly -- wanting to get to the point of why he'd called two of his allies here. "What do you intend to do about this woman? And what sort of thing do you need from us?" They'd had this conversation only recently, telling one another they'd likely not sacrifice the safety of their family for a cause they didn't have anything to do with, and Fiori certainly had no qualms with this Arcanum pack... though she liked Kassander and wondered what sort of help he was searching, and what his true intentions were.



7 Years
02-22-2015, 09:11 PM

Kassander nodded slowly, both to the other alphas' concerns and to Bass' offer. To them both, and to his siblings, and with his voice having grown loud enough to reach the rest of his pack he spoke. "I intend to go to war against Arcanum. It's something that should have been done long ago, long before things got to this point. Arcanum hounded the pack Solstice until its alpha could no longer function. They attempted at every turn to rip it apart until he couldn't take it anymore, and left in order to protect those who had followed him. They betrayed their ally, the pack Pantheon, the pack four of my siblings grew up in and call family. They have given sanctuary, friendship, and power to the wolf who works for the same wolves, the same slave traders who captured my sister and my brother and tortured them. How long do we wait until we stand up to them? Do we wait for them to finish off my siblings' family pack and hope they don't come after us next? No... someone needs to stand up to the bullies and the murderers who make up that hell pack and I intend that to be Ebony. If you are willing to help please, come forward. If you cannot, or will not help... I can't say that I understand, but you won't be punished for it. We'll send you somewhere safe. My sister Svetlana will go with you to lead you there."

He turned his attention back to the alphas who were with him, and his voice lowered to a normal volume once more. "Epiphron I... I was hoping that Fiori could provide that safe place for my noncombatants. Would you be willing to offer that to me? I would give you whatever you need in return though... I can't guarantee we will return victorious. There may no longer be a pack Ebony after this." He took a deep breath. "But if we don't do this, we have no purpose. I have to protect my family, and I have to protect those who are innocent of wrongdoing, as I have sworn to do. Bass - I would be willing to offer you the services of a healer to assist and train your people for the space of two season, regardless of whether or not we win, in exchange for a few of your warriors. Would that be acceptable?"



Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 09:25 PM

He had stood up and began to pace when Kassander backed away to speak to his siblings, and even more so when strangers danced into his pack lands. He let out a low growl, but his eyes fell on the two pale warriors that walked in with a smaller woman. He blinked at them, one seeing eye trying to place why they looked so familiar. But they were gone before he could get a good enough look at them. Huffing out a sigh, he kept pacing until finally Kassander's voice was strong enough to be heard. His auburn head snapped to attention at the sound of war, his ears pulling fully forward. He knew the pains of war, he wore the scars for his whole life time from the last one he was in. He shuddered in memory of it, but stepped forward anyways. He would not let his family die again, not this time. "I will fight by your side, Kassander, and lend all the strength and knowledge I can," said the tall man, his chest puffing out slightly. He was the oldest one in this pack (to his knowledge) and for all he knew, was the only one who had fought before escaping with his life. He wasn't keen on this... but either was he going to let his pack and family march off without him. He dipped his head towards Kassander, bringing himself closer to the rock so that he could be called to attention better.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-22-2015, 09:33 PM

Bjorn listened to all the young alpha had to say, listened to his own alpha and the other male had to say in return, and kept his own council. Despite the oddity of a male ruling with female siblings deferring to him, they were clearly of old Ebony blood. Surely, surely these were the lost Xanilov scions that had long been rumored. Surely no other family would have dared resurrect the name of Ebony. And if it were the Xanilov family, what better way to secure his lie, his con, of calling himself a Xanilov, of being royalty, than to have a Xanilov grateful to him? To owe him? Swiftly as the young male finished his speech he stepped forward to Epiphron's ear, speaking quickly and in a whisper. "Ma'am if I may - this boy is kin to my sister and I. We would fight beside him if you would allow it. Please." It was a slight risk to speak for them both, but Birna enjoyed battle and it seemed rather unlikely she'd be put out by him volunteering her for one such as this.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-22-2015, 09:54 PM

The man was quiet, listening to all the exchanges between the alphas. Bass was more than willing to help it seemed, and the other, well, she seemed less certain, waiting to see what it is Kassander intended to do. Allen would close his eyes, brow furrowing as he settled into thought. Finally, after listening to Kassander once more, the aged male would open those dark orbs, stepping a bit closer to his alpha and speaking up. "Bass... If I may... I feel that Kassander's offer should be taken. With Nona still recovering and Harmony being the only other wolf with extensive healing knowledge I feel it would be more than beneficial." Of course Allen knew in the end it was Bass' decision if he accepted Kassander's offer of favor. There was something else as well. "I would also like to request that, should this offer be taken, that I be one of the ones to stand with Ebony against this injustice. Their cause is more than noble... I would be more than happy to aid it." There was a light in the aging gentleman's eyes. If Bass would allow it the calico gentleman would stand against Arcanum. He was not afraid to fight.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah


02-23-2015, 01:39 AM

There was quite a bit of hustle and bustle around him, with wolves he did not recognize coming in and then guests from other packs as well. He simply sat quietly and listened till one word came from Kassander's mouth that really caught his attention. War. The last time he had been near a war he had barely escaped alive and his leg had nearly been ripped off. His elbow ached at the thought. He hadn't even really fought in that war and so much had happened to him. Still... When his King called for aid he could not refuse. Fendar spoke up first and his light brown gaze would drift to the male before standing as well and letting his gaze turn back to Kassander. "I will fight as well. You have my word." With that he would settle down on his haunches once more before glancing around at his pack mates. Who else would brave the war?




2 Years
02-23-2015, 12:08 PM

Wolves of every sort seemed to converge upon the meeting. Her tail flicked nervously, a little uncertain about being a part of a pack again. She had almost forgotten what it was like, being surrounded by the scent of others, and each of them unfamiliar to her. When the same bronzey male she'd met the past winter plopped himself down at her side, she jumped, unable to contain a tiny squeak. When she realized who it was her eyes widened in delight. "You're here! Wow, I was starting to think I'd hallucinated our meeting last winter." She opened her mouth to speak again but... something happened.

Mirajane felt the tension ripple through the crowd, and i made her hackles rise. Looking towards the head of the congregation, she saw that Kassander had been taken aside by a massive male. Kassander let out a howl, and before long their moderate gathering had become a swarm of agitation. Mirajane was so busy watching them all that she found it difficult to pay attention to what was being said. Two of the younger wolves looked so scared, and Kassander didn't look much better. Leaders of other packs arrived... It was chaos. Mirajane attempted to flatten herself to the ground, worried that she'd just get in the way. She turned her head and whispered to Hephaestus, "What on earth is going on?" When Kassander laid it all out, it felt like the breath was being pushed from her lungs. There was to be a war? Mirajane had never done very well in the battle lessons given to her as a child, and the thought that some of these wolves would not return was scary.

But she had joined this pack for a reason, and that was to create bonds, to be protected, to build herself a home. What was a pack if you didn't fight to protect those around you? She might not have been very good at what she did, but if Mira didn't at least try then she might as well just leave. That was unacceptable. So when Kassander asked who would fight for them Mirajane stood up. Her voice quivered a bit but she forced her eyes to show her determination. "I know I'm new to this pack, but I will fight too," she stated, simple and to the point. She would fight, or she would leave. She would live, or she would die. One she couldn't bear and the other, well, that was up to the gods.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-23-2015, 12:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 12:37 PM by Epiphron.)
Though her demeanor had been somewhat relaxed and playful, albeit not without an air of seriousness, she shifted quickly to a more business-like tone when Kassander began to speak. There was time for play, and now was doubtlessly the time of business. Her tail would curl about her hindquarters as she listened to his explanation, grateful that he was willing to be straightforward with her and the other alpha that had joined them. Right off he stated his intentions -- he wanted to go to war. The idea wasn't something that interested her, for she didn't see herself as involved and while she might offer to assist Kassander if he was doing directly attacked, instead he intended to initiate the siege. And yet he did not ask for him in the battlefield, simply a place for those who weren't fighting to seek refuge. It was a simply request, and not at all unreasonable. With ease she would not as he finished speaking. "We'd be happy to harbor any of your members," she told him carefully, letting a warm smile touch the corners of her lips. "And if you fail, I welcome you and your members personally to Fiori if you wish to find somewhere to call home."

Though he only requested the assistance of warriors from Bass, she was surprised to hear Bjorn speak up from beside her. Only as he spoke of Kassander as family did the shared surname come to mind, seeing the similarity between the few of them, and she would shrug a bit nonchalantly. "If that is what you and Birna wish to do, I will allow it." Fiori would not be in danger in this siege and she wasn't at all afraid for her Head Sentries to leave the land unattended -- she knew her family in Fiori would defend one another with their last breath, and she had nothing to fear. "Though it is a favor between family members, not Fiori assisting Ebony in battle." It was a subtlety at best, but the clarification was important to her and she would turn to regard Kassander once again with a serious expression, tail flicking behind her as she wondered how this battle might go. "And we will be happy to provide healing, or food if you need it following this war."



3 Years
02-28-2015, 07:54 PM
"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

The news hit her like a ton of bricks. Her brother and sister enslaved. An enemy lurking within a powerful pack. Svetlana felt the news swimming around in her head, making her sick. All around her voices sounded, offerings to go to war with her brother, to stand up to Arcanum who had bullied another pack into disbandment. Was there no other choice? ...and she... she was to go with the Ebony wolves who wouldn't fight to Fiori? Lead them there? Svetlana would let her gaze flick from alpha to alpha, her blue gaze uncertain. War... war... the thought made her sick. Was it not such bloodshed that lead to the downfall of old Ebony? Sure a war and a coop were two different things but...

Korrin would lean against the young wolfess, feeling her discomfort. She knew the news didn't sit well with the Xanilov female, and that in her mind she was questioning who might not return. If all her siblings would come home safe. Svetlana would lower her gaze, ears flicked back. If there was no other choice to ensure the safety of her family then she would support this. It wasn't just Ebony at risk... but many packs. With Arcanum and that wolf lingering within... they could all be in a load of trouble. She let out a heavy sigh. What would be, would be.

Table by:: Shelby
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