
The drums of war


09-09-2014, 04:09 PM

Rage seethed from every pour of her being. Her petite bodice trembled, her temper held in check by only a thread. She felt as though she was going to explode. Lips peeled back to reveal ivory daggers, tongue rolling against behind its cage. Her hackles bristled, tail lashing back and forth above her hips. Slaves. It left a nasty taste in her mouth and only fueled her desire for the bloodiest revenge. She would bring them all their knees, they would all bow before her. No one was going to stand in her way now. She would burn this world to the ground, and spill as much blood as necessary to extract her revenge. Slave. She was ready to lash out at the next thing that came within striking distance.

Hypnos was tucked carefully in a den on the outskirts of the lands, away from any other members. He was confused and frightened, but she needed to rein in her temper before she could comfort him. Her face contorted into a mixture of a crazed grin and vicious snarl. Heads were going to roll. The only thing that kept her from completely losing it as Apollo's admission. He loved her. He had declared it in front of his entire family, and didn't take it back even as he was demoted. Her body would continue in its angry trembling.

Part of her blamed him for this. He had not wanted to leave. Even after his parents had publicly shamed her and claimed her as their own personal slave. Her sides heaved with the silent effort of controlling her temper. How dare he! He has just sat there, silent. A snarl finally left her lips, teeth snapping together at nothing. Her mind scrambled to figure a way out of this. She could always fight for her freedom, how hard could it possibly be? But she was not irrevocably tied to Apollo. Her actions would reflect back on him. Her fight would only bring him suffering. But how dare he! He had tossed her into this mess without turning back. Sure she had arrived her on her own free will, and when that bastard had bestowed the rank of Slave upon her, she had held her tongue in hopes that Apollo would rise to her defense and they would leave. But no. He had failed.



09-13-2014, 05:16 PM

The man was now stuck to the very pack that he had tried to ignore. He was captured here at a low rank, a betrayal to all those who had cared for him. His mother had flinched from her gaze, but she was right in the fact that Helios could have torn his throat out then and there for betraying the family. But he hadn't, instead just shaming him in front of all of Olympus. But Chryseis... He had felt her seething anger as she was deemed a slave, and he knew that he could not hold her there. But to be completely shunned from his family? He hadn't been able too... But those three words that had left her inky lips had meant the world to him. He knew his true feelings to her, but had not expected her to return those emotions. But she had said it, she had whispered that she loved him too. Letting out a sigh he set off in search of her, knowing that his beautiful girl would be angry with him -- total understatement. He saw her form, picking it out with ease, and watched as she snarled and snapped. Apollo flinched, but did not slow in his approach to the woman. Saying nothing, his tongue snaked out and caressed the back of her ear, stepping back as his salmon eyes searched her face. He knew that nothing he said would make her feel better, nothing at all. Letting out another puff of air, the large man hung his head. "Go ahead and let me have it." He mumbled, looking up at her under his pale lashes. Pink tinted body hung low to the ground as he waited for it, expecting a blow of words and most likely a few harsh bites as well. But he was ready for it, she could do anything she wanted. In her eyes, he had failed to protect the two of them, failed to high-tail it out of there. But family meant more to him than that... He couldn't have just walked away.

"Hear Me Talk,"'Read My Thoughts.'


09-13-2014, 10:06 PM

He would approach, bolding coming to her side, close enough to nibble at her ear. Her entire body would go still as he stepped away, his head lowered, his pale frame tensed, ready to take whatever she dished out. She had imagined that in this moment she would explode. Tear into him and spit curses at him. But she found herself eerily calm. She would not look at him for a long moment, mulling over her thoughts instead. When she did finally look at her, indigo orbs had melted into liquid fire. Anger still churned in her belly, still scorched her veins.

"You love me." She wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question. Her gaze would clash with his if he allowed it. There was a tense pause in her speech before she continued. "And yet, you allow not only myself, but Hypnos to be claimed as a slave." Lyrics were deceivingly soft, dripping like honey from her lips. Though that honey was poisoned.

"Why?" The single question rolled off her tongue. She didn't know why she asked, she didn't care. Perhaps some part of her enjoyed the sick torture it would cause him to think back on his choice of throwing her away so easily. Her body once again began to tremble with unspoken rage, but otherwise she maintained nearly perfect control.
