
Keno's Plotting!



3 Years
02-15-2015, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2015, 07:41 PM by Svetlana.)
Still WIP But Feel Free To Post!

------The Baes------


[Image: akemi_ref_by_reflectedmemories-d8i2d39.png]

Name: Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir
Age:: 3 Years {Summer}
Pack:: Secretua Huntress
A Little About:: Akemi, despite being rather damaged, is a prideful spitfire of a femme. She is the smallest size allowed on Alacritis, with three biological children {two of which are with her} and an adopted son that is a Pygmy Jerboa. She is determined, easily offended, and short tempered, but she also has a caring side deep down. Loyal and hardworking, her main allegiance is to Rune of Secretua in gratitude for all he has done for her family. If you want to mess with Rune's family, or Sec, it is the same as messing with her own kin. There is next to nothing anyone can do to have Akemi betray Sec or Rune's family; in her eyes they are the reason she was able to pick up and carry on after her hardships.
Status:: Single
[Note:: Akemi is not really actively seeking a mate, however I'd be more than willing to have her meet some men and mingle. She's not a whore, so don't expect any one night stands just for babies. If Akemi ever gets with a man it will be through love and dedication]
Plotting Status:: Open



[Image: allen_walker_by_reflectedmemories-d8i2d1j.png]

Name: Allen Walker
Age:: Six Years {Spring}
Pack:: Abaven Gamrean
A Little About:: Allen is an older fellow, a gentleman. He is a kind heated man who is of a fatherly sort and a tender personality. He has a bit of a broken past, mainly from having those within his family have tragic ends or fall apart around him. He has had one litter, but currently two children are dead and the other unknown. His loyalties reside with Abaven and Bass, a man who has kindly taken him in not once, but twice in a time of need. He lives there with love of his life, Nona, and hopes to one day have a new family. Secretly Allen fears of having a new family, and having his children come to hate him.
Status:: Taken by Nona Seinaru Utahime [Played by Aoto]
Plotting Status:: Open [[Primarily In Abaven, with family, or rogues]]



[Image: cypress_by_reflectedmemories-d8jc70f.png]

Name:  Sequoyah Cypress Dominique-Netonya
Age:: Two Years {Autumn}
Pack::  --
A Little About:: Cypress was originally born on EoP Alacritis to Birch Netonya and Éowyn Dominique and at the time went by Sequoyah. He was, I believe, my first character on Alacritis to have children! Currently he is now a member of Fiori and has become close to Arian. He is one whose loyalty is unwavering, so expect him to remain a loyal member to the pack and, above all else, Arian. Currently he views her as a friend, but they are planned to become more.
Status:: Plotting In Progress Loves, No Touchie!
Plotting Status:: Fairly Open! Friends, Enemies... etc!



[Image: EinarrTable1.png]

Name: Einarr Akemason
Age:: Pup {Autumn}
Pack:: Secretua Youth
A Little About:: Einarr is the bastard child of Kau and Akemi. Despite being a child born of rape his is very loved by his mother. He was told as a child his uncle Freyr was his father, though the boy noted the differences in how couples acted versus how his mom and uncle acted. When he discovered the truth {due to a rather... not so pleasant visit by his other uncles Hati and Thor} he became even more antisocial and didn't want to deal with the pack at all. However, eventually after some coaxing by his mother and adopted brother, Tiny {the pygmy jerboa}, he decides to somewhat open up to his packmates and try for his mother.  He is slowly trying to make friends, working with Eirik first, but definitely needs more if he's going to open up fully.
Status:: Single, So Not Ready To Mingle
Plotting Status:: Open! Needs friends, particularly in Secretua!



[Image: ellis____just_another_day_by_reflectedme...8jc8js.png]

Name: Ellis Cathal
Age:: Four Years {Autumn}
Pack:: None
A Little About:: A healer from a foreign land, a wanderer at heart and a pacifist. Ellis is a sweetheart who is rather easy to get caught up into trouble, and sometimes, though she means well, she is drawn into situations not so good for her. Her best friend is Othello, who she met while both femmes were pregnant. Ellis is the other of Mack {to be played by Rina} and Theisinova {played by me} Cathal -- children a product of rape. Truly Ellis just wants to help others and be happy in life and to find that one place she truly belongs.
Status:: Single {But Threading To See If She Clicks With Suzaro}
Plotting Status:: Fairly open! Ellis will not be joining a pack straight away and will be wandering for a while, and I don't plan for her to have babies with anyone but a future mate so nothing of that nature. She's definitely up for interactions though {maybe a bit of scaring xD} so long as she is able to walk away at the end of it.



[Image: emery_avvie_by_reflectedmemories-d8jca45.jpg]

Name: Emery Latchme
Age:: Three Years {Summer}
Pack:: --
A Little About:: Emery, along with Sage, are the last remnants of Mercianne's litter with Awoken. He has been floating about Alacritis, originally hanging with Oracle and Galahad. He met Silveris and quickly bonded with her, sticking by her side after Gala and Oracle moved on. He developed feelings for her over time, being with her for over a year, and had met her brother, Biull. Currently still wanders with Silveris, keeping up her spirits and his own. Overall a young but wise male, who uses his head. A rather decent hunter as well, with a strong will.
Status:: Taken by Silveris Latchme {Played by Croatoan}
Plotting Status:: Again pretty much open. I know he'll become a father this summer. :3



[Image: feli_by_reflectedmemories-d8jcos4.png]

Name: Félicien Ambroise Desgroire
Age:: Two Years {Summer}
Pack:: Threar
A Little About:: Félicien is the son of Symphony and Gitan, a Destruction by blood though not by name. He is the twin of Sorrel, the more outgoing and adventurous of the twins. He is kind in nature, a rather poor jokester, and loves makings others happy. He is a lawful sort of young man, not one to be quick to kill or maim. He holds a lack of self confidence currently and is going through a stage in his life where he finds it hard to speak to anyone but Sorrel about his deepest problems, while at the same time hesitant to even bring them up to his twin. The disappearance of his parents and sister has left him thinking that they really may not return this time, and he questions if he is strong enough to defend his family, his pack, and keep them together. He is definitely looking for his place in the world, and soon to meet his new companion, an owl!
Status:: Currently threading with Tacheté to see how they click. <3
Plotting Status:: I’d really love to have ‘licien meet some other wolves his age! He's really up for anything, though a rival would be cool!



[Image: haku_by_reflectedmemories-d8lwfi4.png]

Name: Hakku Hutashi
Age:: Three Years {Summer}
Pack:: --
A Little About:: Hakku is the long lost brother of Arian {currently residing in Fiori} and Limno {currently residing in Abaven}. He came back to Alacritia following Limno in their search for their sister. He is going to live as a loner, not wanting to favor one sister over the other, and travel between the two packs to meet up with the two of them. He is kind, of a neutral good alignment, and a natural joker. He just wants people to smile and have a good time. He is a healer, though he does want to practice fighting so that he'll be able to defend himself in times of need. He is a bit paranoid, and has some internal problems with dealing with others. It isn't enough to affect his actions towards them though, just to add more for others to read Hakku's thoughts.
Status:: Single Pringle, Ready To Mingle [Bisexual]
Plotting Status:: Open! I'm not really looking for him to be force claimed or anything, or join a pack as you can see above. However friendly spars would be appreciated.



[Image: hypnos_x__mystic_by_reflectedmemories-d8kjxca.png]

{{The brown and cream one.}}

Name: Hypnos Olympus
Age:: One Year {Spring}
Pack:: --
A Little About:: Hypnos is originally the child of Natalya and Helios Olympus however he was disowned by his parents {and Nat threw him into Cryer's Ravine to try and kill him due to a deformity in his leg, but details}. The young man was adopted by Chryseis Olympus, a lower Olympian who was hardly favored by the family either. With her being killed and with his brother Apollo gone the young man has taken to following around the vikings Katja and Kapra. Katja had helped Crys and the boy when he was younger so he feels a sense of loyalty to the two. He is quickly becoming more of a chaotic neutral alignment, though he is not necessarily at the point where he will start randomly maiming others. He is not afraid to fight, however.
Status:: Technically Taken By Mystic Sorrell-Savvil {Played By Esperanza}
Plotting Status:: Open! Friends, Enemies, Spars definitely appreciated.



[Image: kar_again_by_reflectedmemories-d8n4rq2.png]

Name: Kar Savvil
Age:: Five Years {Spring}
Pack:: --
A Little About:: Kar is the father of five children, though one is currently not active and sadly the last looks like he doesn't have a player anymore. He is a wanderer at heart, living with his family in Southern Alacritia. He has a good nature about him, the kind who likes to help others, though he has gotten himself into some trouble with Katja and her cousin Kapra! He has no interest in joining a pack, seeing his family as his pack. He will likely wander a little around Southern Alacritia, though will rarely travel to the Northern area. He is definitely a family man.
Status:: Taken By Nalyda Sorrel {Played by Esperanza}
Plotting Status:: Fairly open!



   Lior {Female -- Single -- Two Years -- Joining Ebony}
   Marina {Female -- Taken -- Two Years -- Loner}
   Naoise {Male -- Single -- One Year -- Loner}
   Pamela {Female -- Single -- Four Years -- Loner}
   Philotes {Female -- Single -- Pup -- Pantheon}
   Ritselli {Female -- Single -- Pup -- Fiori}
   Shrike {Male -- Single -- Pup -- Abaven}
   Sunniva {Female -- Plotting -- Two Years}
   Svetlana {Female -- Plotting -- Two Years}
   Thanatos {Male -- Single -- One Year}
   Theisinova {Female -- Single -- One Year}
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



3 Years
03-25-2015, 07:37 PM
Alright so opening this for plots even though I'm lazy to get everyone completely fleshed out for information right now. Soooo going to work on updating profiles {as most, especially Svetlana's} is not at all up to date. xD So feel free to ask about potential plots and all. I'm bad at this sort of thing, haha.
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



5 Years
05-13-2015, 02:07 PM
Hakku and Locha should thread