
When Honor Isn't Enough


02-17-2015, 09:51 AM

Thany would wait -- it didn't take long for one of those dark hearted beasts to take the bait of his words. He was not afraid of retaliation. No, perhaps it could be said that the boy of death sought it. He would breathe in, gazing fixing upon the girl who spoke, claiming her alpha had a shit ton more honor than he could ever have. Oh, was that supposed to hurt? Should he say "ow"? His gaze would harden slightly of the femme, a smirk coming to dance on his face. Oh she amused him. What did these dark and cruel bastards know of honor? The silver queen of Arcanum trespassing openly within his lands -- you called disrespecting borders {without cause} honor? "Actually dear, that was directed at the silver Queen, not your oh so 'honorable' king." His words might have, without emotion attached, be considered sweet. But no, Thany's words dripped with venom.  He wouldn't even look at the blue man whom he apparently "insulted", paid no mind to his mocking laugh. No, Thanatos had, for better purposes, lost his true self the moment he entered the battlefield and darker, stronger emotion took him.

He was hardly afraid of her, nor any other wolf here. Thanatos would laugh now as she spoke, her challenge hanging clear as day. "Oh? Is that what you believe? Because I am of the light I won't tear into your sorry carcass and bleed for what I stand for?" His gaze would light with the thought of death looming around him. Even if it could be his aunt, could potentially be any of them, really, Thanatos was not afraid. No, the thought of dancing alond with death, his namesake, brought a shiver of delight up his spine.

Perhaps the boy was not as light as he thought.

But, it was as he always believed. Death was what you made it. Right now, death was no friend to these beasts gathered here. He would move off to the side, to give plenty of room for the combatants to fight to the death, and then his gaze flicked back to the girl as defenses were set into place.


Stance would be widened first, legs and toes alike being spread. Claws would dig into the dry soil of the battlefield, limbs bending and muscles across his body tensing in readiness. Weight would be distributed equally across all four limbs in preparation for the first round while Thanatos chose for his tail to be tucked where it wouldn't become a tempting target. The woman had to be roughly ten inches taller, heavier than him. But did that worry him? No. Not in the slightest. His head would be lowered to align with his spine, neck scrunching while he did not bother tucking in his chin -- with how tall she was the boy figured she would have a harder time reaching his throat while they were both upright. Hackles were raised, lips pulled back in a snarl, as final defenses of pinned ears and narrowed eyes were set.

"Enough talking! Bleed for what you believe, here and now." He would wait for her to make the first move. "Ladies' first." His voice was a challenge of it's own, the snarl rumbling from his chest. Win or lose, he had no shame. He would fight for what he believed, be it right or wrong.

Thanatos vs. Mercy For Dominance / Maim

Round:: 0/??

Attacks:: --

Defenses::  Legs Spread, Toes Spread, Claws Digging Into Soil, Limbs Bent, Muscles Tense, Weight Distributed, Tail Tucked, Head lowered, Neck Scrunched, Hackles Raised, Lips Snarling, Pinned Ears, Narrowed Eyes

Injuries:: --

Notes:: Being lenient with defaults on this, if Eve still agrees, due to our current conditions. Also, since I'm about 99% sure these two will both be going for a maim at this point, go right on ahead Eve. <3 Best of luck. I will state my maim officially in the first round.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono

Mercy I


5 Years

02-22-2015, 01:57 PM

She had to admit, she was slightly impressed with this tiny boy. Slightly. He didn't back down from the fight, instead trying to insult her. But Mercy's skin was thick, is words just bounced right off her form. Did he think that he could actually make her upset? Ha! That was rather laughable, really laughable really, and she couldn't help but let out a smooth chuckle. But he wanted a fight, he was damn well going to get a fight. She strut away from the death match, following the boy's lead. It was going to be a shame to miss that fight, but she had a brat to take care of. Plus, it would be a shame if the two pairs of fighting wolves rolled and tumbled into each other. She stopped about four feet away from the male, aiming to keep them at about that distance. Well, for now at least. She watched as his defenses fell into place, while she just watched him with a level gaze. He was a lot shorter than her, by at least 10 inches. She towered over the boy, and had a lot more weight than him too. Mercy felt like she could just sit on him and win. But no, she was going to teach him a lesson about speaking out like that. Perhaps she should take away one of those pretty tan ears, surly he didn't need both of them! Since he didn't seem to want to listen to good advice, she was going to make sure that he needed to listen to things extra hard now.


He cast another so called 'insult' at her, saying that it was ladies first. She sneered at him, her head tipping back as she let out a great boom of laughter. "Funny, I was going to say the same thing!" she called back, letting her own form slip into a natural defensive state. Her legs bent, toes spread as her claws dug into the earth. Ears pressed flat against her skull as her head lowered to align with her spine, chin tucking towards her chest as her shoulders rolled forward. Her weight was evenly spread along her body, her tail raising to align with her spine. Purple eyes narrowed towards her opponent, lips pulling up into a snarl. Mercy then attempted to close the four feet between them, although she did not run up to meet Thanatos. Oh no, she was so much taller than him, that trying to slam her chest into him would just be slamming against his face. Which would be really very fun, but that was not her attention. So she slowly crept up to him, licking her chops as she tried to stop about an inch away from the tan male. "Ready?" she questioned, although she would not hesitate to start a fight.

Mercy attempted to close in the last inch of space between them, her jaws opening as she attempted to dip her head towards Thanatos. Tilting her head towards her left, she aimed to lock her teeth around the tan boys right ear. Both the top and bottom part of her jaws aimed to close around the sensitive appendage, her top jaw towards the right of Thanatos' ear while the bottom jaw was aiming for the left side of his ear. Mercy was hoping to lock down with enough force to tear into the right ear deeply, hoping to also hold it tightly within her jaws. At the same time, Mercy attempted to lift her front right leg, hoping to stretch it out to its full length and lock her joint stiff. She then attempted to ram the left side of her front right leg on to the outer portion of Thanatos' left front leg. Mercy was hoping to slam the broad side of her leg, about three inches up from her ankle, into the outer left part of Thanatos' front left leg around his ankle joint. With this attack the girl was aiming to cause enough pain to the ankle that the boy would have to lift it up, giving her an opportunity to knock him off balance. (Basically a karate chop to his ankle) As a final move Mercy bunched her hind legs and attempted to drive her body forwards and into Thanatos, the center of her chest aiming for his nose. The pale girl was hoping to slam hard enough into his nose that it would bleed, also hopefully daze her opponent.

MERCY vs THANATOS for MAIM (removal of right ear)
Round 1 of 3?

Attacks : Biting his right ear, karate chopping his front right ankle, and trying to shove her chest at his nose.
Injuries : N/A
Notes : Keno agreed about them being four feet apart at the start.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


03-01-2015, 10:20 PM

Thanatos had no more attention left to give for the petty things before the battle. There was no more time for words, it was time for action, to prove to all present what he stood for. The brute would remain buckled down, his defenses checked. Thanatos paid particular attention to the defenses upon his face -- pinned ears, narrowed eyes and his neck being scrunched. With his opponent’s height in mind he figured she would likely attack his face or upper body. The outcome of this fight, Thanatos reminded himself, wouldn’t matter. What mattered is he stood for what he believed which was more than some would dare stand for.

His opponent closed the space between them, coming head on {I assume because I did not see any angle mentioned in Eve’s post about it}. He would eye her, seizing her up, debating on his target of attack. His tail would give a twitch beneath him, tucked safely rather than being held out. Muscles remained tense upon his body, weight distributed across his limbs as he watched the woman stalk ever so closer. Legs were spread, as were his toes, with his claws biting into the dirt where many had fallen upon this battlefield once before. Would he join them? No! Jaws would part, shoulders shifting into a rolled forward position. He would stand victorious today. By the gods he had to!

Hackles raised, the boy readied himself for the first move.

The white behemoth would move and so would the brown furred male. Head would drop down and towards the right, body angle shifting along with his head, so that he could get attempt to get his parted jaws around her left foreleg. Thanatos’ upper jaw would the flesh just above her shoulder while the lower sought the area just above the elbow. His desire was to bite down with force and damage the muscle however he could. Thany wanted her leg useless at the end of this fight.

He could smell blood too, feel pain as his opponent caught the tip of his ear in her mouth {roughly a third of his ear}. The damage would be moderate, possibly have him end up losing that part of his right ear. A shame, but no big loss.

Trying to ignore the pain Thanatos would take one step forward with his front left leg, pushing forward with his hind legs to throw himself at his opponent as she thrust herself forward as well. If all went as planned she would push herself right into his jaws and he could bite down into the desired muscle. The claws of his left leg were biting into the soil, weight continuing to shift as he moved forward.

There was a jolt of pain, though not quite as bad as it could have been, as the girl’s inner right leg struck his outer left. Her karate shop had missed his ankle directly, though impact was enough to register pain. Perhaps a mild bruise somewhere along his lower leg. All minor sacrifices in this game.

Thanatos vs. Mercy For Dominance / Maim {Immobility of Front Left Leg}

Round:: 1/3

Attacks:: “Head would drop down and towards the right, body angle shifting along with his head, so that he could get attempt to get his parted jaws around her left foreleg. Thanatos’ upper jaw would the flesh just above her shoulder while the lower sought the area just above the elbow. His desire was to bite down with force and damage the muscle however he could. Thany wanted her leg useless at the end of this fight.” || Shoving himself at Mercy as she is shoving herself at him.

-Moderate bite to right ear. Going to loss the end third of it regardless of maim outcome.
-Mild bruising to lower left foreleg.
-Pending damage from both shoves / counter damage.

Notes:: Thank you Eve so much for your patience. The next round should come much quicker now that I’m feeling up to par. :3 Also confirming what Eve stated in the two being four feet apart.

Also not sure if my damage and attacks and such even make sense. Was trying to have it all shift as both bodies shifted but... e-e Also, because of how Thanatos’s attack is I’m leaving the damage of Mercy’s shove as pending, because that will all depend on how she angles herself and if her leg goes directly into his jaws or not?  -Sobs- I’m so bad at fights I’m sorry.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono