



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2015, 11:48 AM

(Hover over foreign stuffs for translation)

The celestial giant had made her way to the mainland, taking with her an abundant worry that seemed to permeate the air around her. Her plush banner flicked to and fro almost constantly, every muscle tense and knotted with anxiety. What if her brother was dead? There'd been no sign of him so far, not one little tendril of his scent on the breeze. Her immense paws splashed carelessly through the trickling streams that were leading to the ocean. She'd cleaned up on the shore, and now she looked presentable, decent. Crown low between her shoulders, she paced in the general direction of the central continent, wondering where the hell she was going to find her brother. Long limbs took even, if hurried, strides as she pondered recent events. Why now, of all times, did this have to happen to them? It was unfair to a degree that was far beyond measure, that this curse should lay itself upon the galactic darling.

Kicking a stone that happened to be in her way, she let out a low growl. The tiny stone bounced away, a trail of tiny splashes in it's wake, before disappearing into the main river that lead into the sea. "Mitra, možete idiotski drvo liženje, kade što, po ǵavolite si ti?" She growled, the sound of her vocals still strained and hoarse after what was no doubt a very long time spent choking on sea water. Her intricately decorated limbs moved through the terrain with little problem, despite how sore she was from the abuse of her trip. It was the least of her worries at the moment, she was utterly focused on finding her brother. A very loud, demanding roar from her gut demanded she find something to eat. The closest food would be coming from the sea, but there wasn't a doubt in her mind that she would not be eating something from there for some time to come.

With a small sigh, she picked up her pace and headed for the cover of the trees just across the delta. Surely there would be prey there, right? Her body picked up the familiar rhythm easily, trotting casually onward. The stench of the sea was masking many of the scents she should have normally been able to pick up, and her nostrils were positively raw from inhaling, and immediately coughing up, half of the ocean. Despite it all, she made it into the treeline, and started seeking out her next meal. She picked up next to nothing, each breath leaving her lungs raw as she inhaled desperately.

The cosmic titan all but tripped over the first thing she found, a small squirrel, fattening itself on the ripe bounty of summer. It skittered up the nearest tree before she even had a hope of catching it. "Vie ste patetični, znaete li deka?" She grumbled internally, before continuing on her way. Despite her complete silence, she couldn't catch anything for the life of her. The she wolf's gut began to grumble in earnest now, which no doubt scared away anything she might have hoped to catch.

Attempts to hunt filled the afternoon, until she finally collapsed in the middle of the forest as she sun began to set. A quiet whine escaped her, illustrating how miserable she was. Her amethyst gaze dropped to the floor, massive crown rested on her forelimbs as she accepted defeat. Was she going to die here, not knowing where her brother was? If her body didn't right itself soon, the answer was yes.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



4 Years
02-21-2015, 02:25 PM

set before aisling's joining thread to ebony/hover over foreign stuff for translations

Having just arrived in the area, the russet female was cautious about where she put her paws down at. She had followed the scent of a squirrel into the forest, and had come across where the squirrel was eating when a celestial colored wolf startled it away. She snorted lightly before moving her paws away to see if she could find a rabbit out of the forest area. Spotting one, she stalked it from clump to clump of grass. Coming almost right upon the rabbit, she leapt out of the grassy clumps and towards the rabbit. As she moved towards it, it began to run away. Snarling lowly at her forgetfulness about rabbits being quick, she pressed into her reserves of stamina for extra speed. Putting on a burst of speed, she pounced and leapt onto the rabbit, capturing it and killing it quickly. Deciding to go back into the woods to eat, she picked up the body of the rabbit and trotted towards the forest.

Spotting that celestial wolf again, she paused in her steps. She looked over the wolf, noticing how skinny she was. Taking cautious steps over to the other wolf, she dropped her prey at the paws of the other wolf. She backed off with a small smile. She had enough distance away to run if the other wolf decided to put up a fight.  ""D'fhéadfadh sé seo cabhrú leat a ghnóthú do coinín neart mar a úsáideann tú a."" She said with a soft voice. She felt no anger at giving up the prey she had caught, but was happy that she was able to help a fellow wolf in need.

"Aisling Talks."  "Others Talk."   'Aisling Thinks.'  Words.

Nikolai is allowed in any of Aisling's threads, regardless if they are private or not once they become best friends ^^ They more than likely will always be close to each other.



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2015, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 02:47 PM by Caia.)

"Speech" thoughts actions

A stranger appeared, of all things. A puny stranger, with a pelt that bore no colour, no cosmos or intricacies. What the fuck? The galactic behemoth would lift her front half, decorated forelimbs raising her into a slouched pose that was still quite a bit higher than this stranger. Her russet coat was plain, muted. This was the strangest thing ever to occur to the giant. Amethyst gaze was held upon the form of this she wolf, who simply dropped a rabbit at her feet and spouted something in a tongue she hardly recognized. Damn her brother for distracting her during her fathers lessons. Tall audits would flick hesitantly backwards as she continued to regard this queer looking fae. Optics would narrow as her brows lowered in uncertainty. What kind of place was this, where the wolves bore no stellar pelts? Large crown tilted to one side quizzically, trying to puzzle this out silently. Was this maybe a runt? An outcast?

Slowly, cranium would lower towards the kill, eyes locked on the stranger. Celestial tail tip would thump heavily against the terra beneath her, a warning, just in case this was a false offer. She did not accept take-backs. Inky lips would peel back from ivory daggers, jaws parting to sink her fangs into the prey. It was still warm, blood trickled from the puncture marks made by her teeth. Using one immense forepaw to brace the hare against the soil, she ripped into the kill. Gods above, there was nothing in the world better than this taste. A low moan of delight left her, and her eyes fluttered closed to enjoy the coppery taste. When the meat slithered down her throat, she licked the blood from her lips so she may thank this wolfess without seeming uncouth. "Vi blagodaram, stranec. Se plašam Jas ne može da bile vo možnost da se Jade za nekoe vreme, ako ne toa mi nadaren." Husky vocals would purr, crown dipping in thanks. They were obviously strained by language barriers, but hopefully her point was made. Another delicious bite took up a moment or two of her time, though she did keep an eye on the russet female.

One brow would rise, inquisitive, as she swallowed down another morsel. Were all the wolves here like this? Not generous, she didn't mean that, because she would not be seeking generosity very often. After all, she was strong enough to take care of herself. Were they all so bland? Surely she could not be the only one here with the galaxies in her coat. Did anyone here speak her language, she suddenly wondered. Having to use the common tongue of English would be so irritating, and she knew she would be hopeless unless she could find her brother. He was the best of the two of them, though he still wasn't very good at it. Worth a shot, she guessed.

When the last of the rabbit had disappeared into her maw, she cleaned the gore from her jaws carefully before speaking. "Big man, look... me." She began, melodies thick with a heavy Macedonian burr and the husky quality of someone who had recently swallowed most of the sea. "You.. see?" She finally asked, hating herself for not being able to speak it properly. No doubt she sounded like a mad woman, raving like a lunatic. Or, even worse, the wolfess didn't speak the common tongue either.



4 Years
03-01-2015, 05:19 PM

ooc chat

She watched as the odd-colored wolf ate the rabbit that she had laid in front of her. When the female spoke in a foreign tongue the first time, she tilted her head, a confused expression taking the place of the content one on her face. "I'm afraid I don't know understand...?" She said, the statement turning into a question at the end. She only spoke English and Irish, Irish being her native tongue and she was taught English alongside Irish. Whatever language the other female spoke she had no idea about. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I haven't seen anyone else with your... unique pelt color around here.." She said, just as fluent in English as she was in Irish.

She wasn't sure where this wolf had appeared from. It looked like the stars had been put into her fur. Were the wolves where this other wolf came from just as oddly-colored? "I'm Aisling, by the way." She added quickly. She seemed to forget her manners and training whenever she was confronted with an odd situation.

"Aisling Talks."  "Others Talk."   'Aisling Thinks.'  Words.

Nikolai is allowed in any of Aisling's threads, regardless if they are private or not once they become best friends ^^ They more than likely will always be close to each other.



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2015, 06:23 PM

The confusion of the fae was evident, complete lack of understanding as to what had been said in her own tongue. She asked something in the common tongue, though the question did make sense to the celestial femme, she did not answer. However, she did offer an answer to the giants own queries. It was hard to understand, eloquent words used rather than blunt tongue, which would have made understanding it so much easier for the cosmic behemoth. After a few moments of trying to puzzle out the meaning of what the stranger had said, she found herself irritated. A shit tonne of talking for such a simple answer. A useless answer, not helpful in the least. A low growl of irritation would escape her jaws, tail tip flicking to and fro. Where could her brother possibly be? He was huge, if this female was anything to go by, obviously it would take a whole lot of idiocy for anyone to miss him somewhere along the line.

An offhanded comment distracted the goliath from her internal monologue, and she glanced back to where the useless woman was still standing. Aisling. A name, most likely. An interesting one, but nothing she would have thought of on her own, nor would anyone else she knew. Foreign, surely. A grunt of acknowledgement and brutish greeting was offered, and a distracted dip of her head. There had to be more wolves in the area, right? She could keep on asking around, and maybe someone would have seen her brother. He must have washed up on the shore here, there was no way he could have been knocked so far off course. Finally, her train of thought was derailed by the futility of her situation. She was completely and utterly fucked. A short sigh escaped parted lips, attention falling once more upon the other wolfess. "Caia is me." She told the russet female finally, vocals harsh and painfully foreign. Damn it all, why did she have to end up here, where no one spoke her language? It was completely unfair.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!