
Time to begin



6 Years
Extra large
02-21-2015, 06:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 06:37 PM by Glacier.)

The new family had integrated with the old, and they had needed a new place to go. Voltage had turned to Glacier, and thanks to Anais's help, he had been ready with his answer. He and Voltage had checked out the beach he had in mind first, and his brother had accepted it as a potential family home. He had explained it to his siblings, and they had all (well mostly) been in agreement to move there. He knew Sere would not be happy to leave her Volcano, and would show her the deepest caves across the beach in the hopes of giving her a better light to view the new home by.

Now it was finally time to lead them all to their new lands, they had stayed on the Volcano a little while longer but really its just wasn't right for them all, and the chosen cave they had settled had been a tight fit for the older members of the family, with their younger siblings it was simply no longer an option.

Voltage and Glacier where the first to enter the beach, and they would make their to a point close to both the caves and the sea, where the two oldest siblings would take up a position on some conventionally placed rocks, where they could see all of their siblings and speak, of which Glacier would be the first to do. “I want you all to explore the new land and give your opinion, we want to make it work for everyone and will work out any issues we can. There are a few small caves for those who want to den alone or.. want some privacy at some times” his eyes flittered around to Sere and Voltage, the heart breakers of the family, before he continued on. “Or there is a larger cave further along, with a section that can be used as a family den, and a part that continues on deeper into the rock for those interested in exploring” he continued, and looked over at Voltage to see if he had anything to add.

"Burn Baby Burn"

OOC: Voltage first please




6 Years
02-21-2015, 07:30 PM

To say Voltage was excited was an understatement. He loved the Beach, loved the water and the way it reflected the sky, loved how the warmth of the summer swelled around him but didn't seem to imposing with the water at his fingertips. The caves gave a cool earthy vibe, and he knew, from first hand impressions, that the storms here were breathtaking. This place was the best suited for his family, he found, at least so he assumed. There were so many boxes on their checklist that they had to tick, and it was almost impossible for any one land to offer everyone exactly what they wanted. He had been there when Glacier told them of the move, and he had been there to support each and everyone of his family members if they had anything they wanted to move. He knew Astrea would miss being so close to the stars but he was sure she and her celestial siblings could find a perch somewhere above a cave to watch or bask in their selected element. He wasn't too worried for them, infact he wasn't too worried for any of his family, well, except one. One that he litterally had to pull from the Volcano in some way.

With a gentle sigh he moved to nudge Serefina, who had caused a fuss when the fire goddess was told to leave her perch. He loved her so dearly, and he knew this move would be the hardest on her. Somehow, someway he had to offer her the warmth she craved. Somehow he had to make this place sing to her as it would the rest of his family. He glanced at her with stormy eyes, blinking away the mist that gathered along the edges, knowing he was disappointing someone so very close to him with this move. But they had too, there was no room on the volcano for all of them. And as one of the eldest of this family he would have to do what was right by the rest of this family. "Sere..." He would whisper by her ear as he made sure she continued walking. "I am sorry that we could not please my most beloved fire maiden. I will make it up to you." He would smile as they all finally reached the point he and Glacier had decided upon. Offering her a kiss to her cheek he turned and trotted up to his big brother's side, perching on the rock beside him.

He listened as Glacier spoke, his eyes glancing from family member to family member, gauging their reactions but his gaze settled on his fire sister the longest. His chest grew tight as he watched her, hoping that she wasnt as upset as he thought she would be, but he doubted it. Instead he offered her the smallest of smiles before gatching Glacier's glance. Private caves? He laughed goodnaturedly, shifting to nudge his brother and roll his eyes. Yes, a private cave would be nice from time to time, but he needed his family, needed to pull in the energy they gave off. It was his sustanence, his life force, he needed to lay with them at night just as they needed their elements. It was his check box, and he was sure he would check it off.

"Since Glacier didn't mention, and you are all big mature adults now, I wont have to remind you to be wary of the water. We don't know how strong the waves are just yet, but I'm sure if anyone wants to go swimming our personal lifeguard Locha will tell us if its safe." He said with a grin, knowing it was weird for safety lessons to come from Voltage who often came home with more scrapes than he should. There was a time, quite recently, where he litterally fell through the earth because he wasn't cautious. But this was his family. "We want, more than anything, for this place to sing to each and every one of you, and I am deeply sorry if it does not. There are so many varying personalities here, its impossible to believe any one land can offer us everything we ask." His eyes settled once more on Serefina again, brows pulling close together before he smiled. "But I...we will work to our dying breath to ensure each of you are comfortable, as Glacier said." His gaze moved again to Locha, Gale, Terrae, and the celestial triplets and Arcus. He sighed then and turned his gaze towards the water that expanded around him. "We have all done well, my beloved siblings. Look how far we have travelled, how far we have come, and I believe we have finally made it." This could be home, finally, to a family that had been left without one for too long. Eyes clouded over as he felt the emotion grip at him. He had finally settled, they had finally found a home.

"Welcome home..." He breathed, looked at each of them and then grinning up at Glacier, nodding that he was done.




5 Years
02-21-2015, 07:57 PM

They were leaving.

She looked back at her wonderful volcano with tears in her ember eyes. They were forcing her to leave. She kept stopping, but Voltage was always there to nudge her along. She growled at her dear brother as she did so, not even looking at her closest sibling. She wasn't stupid, she knew that the volcano was too small for all of them, but it still was her volcano. They hardly even hung out together as a huge family! Well, maybe they did when she was away. But still the fire woman burned, each step that they took farther away from Mount Volkan and a tiny piece was dropped behind and left. She didn't blame anyone, not really. She was just much like her element, hot headed and easy to make mad. And right now, she was pissed. Really, really pissed. By now her and Voltage were far behind the rest, and she didn't even care. She wanted to go back. Flame dusted head dropped low, a whine leaving her maw as she stepped on to the black sand. Voltage whispered that he was going to make it up to her, and her lips curled back into a snarl as she snapped in his direction. Pointedly stepping away from him, she flopped to her rump before Glacier. Serefina knew that that had probably hurt Volt, but right now she didn't care. She sure as hell was going to regret that later.

The two eldest spoke of the place, telling them details. She could feel Voltage's eyes casting on her form, but she never even looked up at him, not a chance. But when her electric brother said those last three words, her head snapped up and she snarled, standing on all fours as her hackles raised. "Home?" she spat, a laughter lacking any humor slipping from her lips. "How is this home? This will never be home! I was taken from the one place, the one place that I have felt safe at! And you want to call this home? Well screw you! This will never be my home," her words were harsh as she spat them out at her family. Breathing heavily as tears started to pool in her eyes, she turned away without another word and stalked away from the group. Serefina broke out into a full run then, turning and racing away down the unknown beach. There was fire at her heels, like she couldn't get away quick enough. Tears ran down her soot and flame face, and she hoped that no one would follow her.

-Exit Serefina unless stopped-

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
02-21-2015, 08:21 PM

When the family departed from the volcano, Locha stayed relatively close to the front. Her ribs still gave her trouble sometimes, but she was mobile enough just now. Every once in a while she'd look back to the volcano, every time seeing Voltage and Sere lagging further behind them. A crashing storm raged inside her mind. Should she go and help Sere along? Mocha knew it must've been tough for her sister to move from the volcano. It called to her, just as other elements did to the rest of her siblings. The family was asking her to move away from her element! Even though she wanted to go to her, a nagging thought pushed at it. Locha and Serefina had never been the closest. Their elements were the complete opposites. It wasn't as if they were on bad terms.

The further they travelled, the more Locha doubted herself and before she could make a move, they'd arrived. It was only when her siblings came to a stop around them that she looked up. As she did, a breathtakingly view met her eyes. The sea was before her! In all its glory! She grinned widely, taking it all in. Her eyes caught Glaciers as the shone with happiness. As she looked around, her eyes caught her fiery sisters form. Her excitement wavered. This wasn't what would make Sere happy. Quietly she sat down and listened to her brothers, sneaking glances to her fiery sister. She could see the building tension so much that she jumped as her sister burst. Her eyes widened as her sister shouted, her words like needles. Before she ran off, Locha stood up, tears pricked at her blue eyes. Soon Locha was chasing after her. She didn't want her sister to be unhappy.

"Sere!" she shouted, voice wavering. Her limp was starting to show her legs slowing. She couldn't keep up with her sister however much she wanted to. Mocha came to a stop, looking at her red sister as she ran.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
02-21-2015, 08:34 PM

It had hurt so terribly when Serefina had snapped at him, but Voltage had been the brunt of her fire before and he was almost used to the burning he felt. But it still hurt, it really did. Voltage did everything in his power to make her happy, but it seemed that he couldn't do it all. The joy he felt for finally finding a place they could all call their own was quickly pushed away when he felt more than heard his sisters firey explosion. Visibling wincing he blinked at her, brows pulled and chest tight. His jaw clenched as he moved to stand, eyes misting as he listened to his sister. "S-sere!" He whispered, his voice tight as he took it all, all her anger. It was his job to be the one to take it all, it was his duty to protect his siblings and her from her own fire. He glanced, once, towards Terrae before sighing. He was the only one Voltage had spoken about the energy he longed from his family, and he wondered if now his earthy brother would understand what he had said. But then she turned, she bolted, fire at her heels and he would instantly move after her. "Glacier, take it from here. I'll take care of this." He said in as calm a voice as he could handle, yet it was still tight with the pain he felt as he smiled to his gathered family before he leapt from his rock. He was the only one that could rival his sister in her speed, his coming in bursts and hers just a steady speed. He would pause beside Locha and smile his toothy grin. "Don't worry little sister. You go back, and don't work yourself too hard. I'll take care of Serefina." He said with a gentle smile, moving to lay a kiss along her neck before he was off again, bursting like lightening in the sky after the fire that was his sister. He would catch her, and they would talk. In some way, whether it was by teeth or by voice, they would get this anger out and he would do everything to make this right. Everything. She was due more than that, but it was all he could do.

-exit Volty-




6 Years
Extra large
02-21-2015, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 08:49 PM by Glacier.)

Things would quickly fall apart, as Sere, the sister who had already been in her heaven of a home, burst out with her indignation, and he knew that she was terribly upset. He had seen it brewing in her all through the move from the Volcano to here, but he had not thought she would react quite so strongly at the end of the trip, and even Voltage, who understood Sere far better then he or any other in their family wasn't able to stop its eruption. He watched her, worried for her and wishing he could help, but knew that anything he said likely would not help.

He was tense, concerned for his sister and wanting to go after her – but torn, because he also wanted to settle the family in rather then have this turn to chaos, he wanted everyone to be happy. He would first see Locha run after Sere, and he winced, opening his maw wondering if he should call her back – their fiery and watery siblings didn't always mix well and he didn't want sweet Locha to take the brunt of Sere's flame. He need not be concerned however as Voltage leaped forward, the only one among them really able to help Sere out here, and he would nod thankfully at his brother, and offer him a steady smile to say he believed in him, and then his brother was gone, pausing only to gently tell Locha something.

He waited a moment longer, until Voltage had departed, and then turned all his attention to the remaining siblings. “If anyone can help Sere, its Voltage, she will be alright, lets concentrate on our move for the moment, through, okay?” he addressed them all, his tones warm, conversational rather then commanding – he was not the boss of them, but their protector, and he wanted to make sure everything worked out for them all. “As I said before, anyone with questions let me know, and those who want to go off exploring on their own may do so, however I will also be giving a tour, so those who would like to be in on that let me know” he concluded.

"Burn Baby Burn"




5 Years
02-21-2015, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 09:29 PM by Caeli.)

Astrea did not want to leave. She have lived close to the ground all her life, an island is at sea level after all. It was only after coming to the top of this volcano that she fully felt the power that her stars had over her. It was only then that she felt calm enough to sleep at night instead of surcharging the highest point to bask in the little lights in the sky trying to pull enough calming energy to work through the day.

So when her brothers gathered them all she held back, she longed to stay, to fad into the shadows like she so easily did sometimes and make her way back. It was easy after all, no one payed her much mind. Even her closest siblings the sun and moon never payed attention to her, she was just always ghosting them, close at hand if they needed her.

When they set out she lagged. The last in the long line of wolves, She was even behind Sere and Volt if they looked behind them. She was constantly looking behind her, her pale eyes tracing the tip of the mountain, her perch for so many weeks. Yes she could go back, yes she could visit Seerten on his mountain but it would not be the same as laying beneath the stars that where so close. As they moved closer to the sound of water she felt the pull and calm lessen, panic quickly rising. And as she set paws on the shinny blackness of the beach her eyes locked on Volt pleading in her eyes. She did not mind the cramped caves of the volcano, she slept outside anyway, but she knew he would not budge, he thought this was the best solution to the situation.

They all gathered around a set of rocks with Glac and Volt in the center. She sat on the edge, futurist from the water. She wanted to leave, go to Seerten's mountain and just live there, but she also loved her siblings, all of them even the elder brothers who left before her birth.

When he talked of caves and exploring she was uninterested, she turned her head and looked over the cliffs that where way to low to the volcano that she could barely see, it was so far away, and even Seerteen was further. She let out a small whine, she will have to leave for days to see the big loveable guy. She looked to Sol and Selini, then back the way they came. This place held nothing for her, other then her siblings, the cliffs not remotely high enough for her peace of mind.

When Serefina took off she was tempted to go too, fade into the backdrop and leave; go to the starry cliffs again, see Seerten and bask in the clam the near stars gave her. She again looked at the siblings left, they all meant so much to her but she could not feel the stars, they where too far.

She moved back, her dark pelt blending into the obsidian, even her purple spots mixed in and moved back, she would be back, but did not know when. Most probably wouldn't even notes her gone, She was sitting behind everyone with there eyes on Glac after all.

-exit Astrea-




8 Years
Athena I
02-21-2015, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 09:42 PM by Solaris.)

Solaris padded along behind his older siblings, being sure to stay side by side with his moon twin the whole way. He tried to keep an eye on Astrea as well, but it was hard to when she refused to stay with the rest of the group. The celestial triplets. He honestly hated change and he did like living on the volcano with its warmth and how close he felt to the sun, but as long as he was with Selini and Astrea he was sure he would adjust. He was very interested to see these black sands his siblings spoke of. Sand was generally pretty warm anyway, he was sure this dark-hued beach would be just as warm if not warmer. Sunrises over the beach must be glorious as well.

They finally arrived and curious orange eyes glanced around at it all. They all settled down in front of Glacier and Voltage, Solaris sitting himself as close to Selini as he could. Whenever something changed in his life he clung to his twin like a leach. She was his one constant. By the time his older brothers finished giving their speech about this new place he was actually feeling pretty good about it all. He smiled and glanced to Selini, giving his twin's cheek a small kiss. However, his calm was suddenly jolted when their fire sibling burst out in all kinds of harsh words before turning and running away from the group, Voltage quickly following after her.

His dark-tipped ears flicked back uncomfortably and he looked back up to Glacier as he reassured them that everything was fine and offered them a tour. He first looked to Selini before turning his head to look behind him, trying to find Astrea. The last he saw was her star-marked tail fading into the darkness. He whined softly, frantically glancing to his moon. "Astrea," he said softly, his voice laced with concern. Should he go after her? His orage gaze searched Sel's pale yellow, looking for an answer.

Talk You Think



5 Years
02-21-2015, 11:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Gale had not known quite what to expect when Glacier and Voltage had mentioned leaving the mountain for some place along the coast. She had rather liked the high peaks of the mountain and the winds that buffeted against them, the bracing chill that made her feel alive and rejuvenated, even if they had calmed during the past months. Eventually they would return, she was sure of it, and she wanted to be there when they did. But there was no denying the fact the mountain was simply not large enough for the lot of them anymore. With the addition of their four youngest siblings they had exceeded their capacity.

When it came down to it, though, she trusted her brothers. They were going to do their best to find a location that would appease most of them - to appease all of them was impossible - and they would do everything in their power to make the transition as easy as possible. She held her reservations close, especially when Serefina had been so vocal about her disapproval, and stuck close to her littermates, all the while watching her elder brothers curiously. They seemed in good enough spirits overall, and she hoped the rest of them might come close to the same sentiments when it came down to it.

The beach was very unlike the one they had washed up on when they had crossed into Alacritia from their island home. For starters, the sands were not pale and sandy white, but black and shimmering, almost blinding in spots. And yet it was soft beneath her paws, ground fine and safe and cool to the touch. The waters were energetic and loud, crashing a ways down the shoreline and making enough of a ruckus that Gale was content to stay away from them. Water had never been her favorite point, but she glanced at Locha to see any approval on her sibling's face. But, oh, it was the chilling marine breeze that called to her most, that brushed through her windblown grey and lavender fur and seemed to carry up her spirits with it. She found herself smiling before she realized it. Maybe this could actually work.

But her sudden optimism was stamped as Glacier and Voltage carried on their speeches to the lot of them, which received further reproof from their emotional Firefly. Like the spitfire she was, she was all sparks and fury, too hurt by leaving the mountain to even consider how her words might wound the rest of them, and she was gone the moment they were out of her mouth. Gale watched after her with a look that was a mixture of irritation and sympathy. The girl just had too hot a head for her body; she could never take things easily, it was always either extremely well or extremely bad. Locha tried to keep up, but it was Voltage who went to Serefina in the end, as it should have been as far as Gale was concerned. They were the closest, not just relationship-wise, but in temperament as well. She hoped he would be able to settle the fires raging in their sister wherever she had ran away to.

A look back at her mountainous elder brother told her that though he was holding himself together rather well, there was still a part of him that was shaken by Firefly's outburst. And how could he not be? Even Gale had been off put by it, but knowing her own relationship to the girl to be somewhat rocky on its best days she knew better than to step in and say anything. Likely she just would have made it worse. But in this, with Glacier, she was sure she could help. He did the best he could redirecting their conversation, speaking to those left, though it took a quick glance around for her to realize another somewhere along the way had gone missing. Jeez, were they getting too eager to explore on their own, or were more wanting to run off and throw pity parties like their sister?

Figuring she ought to step in and offer her two cents, the cool and casual wolf stepped forward into their midst and spoke herself. "I don't think it's that bad now that I'm here," she stated matter-of-factly. "I mean, the beach wasn't really my first choice since I'm no Seabird like Locha, but I have to say the winds here are nice. And the skies are sooo clear, you can see everything up there." She tipped her head skyward as she spoke of it, her eyes squinted against the light but her half-smile still firmly in place. It might have smelled a little funny, but that was a small price to pay really. There was enough room here between the caves for all of them, and enough in the landscape to satisfy most of them. They would find a way to make it work, she was sure of it.

Her smile widening into a grin, she added somewhat eagerly, "And I'm looking forward to exploring those caves. Dibs on the biggest one!"



4 Years
02-21-2015, 11:53 PM

The volcano hadn’t been ideal, much to warm for Selíni’s standards. Even at night when her element reared its head she found the stone pushed back heat when things should have been getting colder. Maybe it was her black coat, absorbing too much heat during the sunlight of the day… but then her fiery sister had no issues with it. Still it was one of the highest places she had ever lived and during the night it brought her closer to the celestial body that plucked at her, in ways other places could not.

Still a part of her was excited to see what this new “home” was; though she was warry to call it that yet. Her previous homes had all thus far been removed from her grasp so it would take some convincing for Selíni to truly call it home. She and her twin walked as close as they could without tripping over each other, which actually was pretty damn close. A life time attached at the hip had given them many, many years to practise.

She was very much aware of her brother’s split focus and despite the fact that in normal circumstances she preferred to command his attention his worry for the last member of their trio was touching. Selíni for her part didn’t look back for her sister though she did occasionally twitch an ear back, looking to Solaris for a hint they needed to fall back, accept their starry sister into their fold. No such signal passed between them and they soon arrived at the beach and the twins settled in beside each other. There were no words that passed between the pair though they kept their contact, which spoke volumes more than they could have actually voiced.

The vixen cast disinterested gaze about the beach as Glacier spoke. She supposed she could see how many of her other siblings would feel more at home here… the sun bounced nicely off the beach’s odd sand and a part of her felt excited for her twin but couldn’t muster anything beyond apathy for herself. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who wasn’t thrilled with what they had found as the ember laced form of their fiery sister rose up.

Pale yellows light up slightly, her blood rising with the presence of conflict. Not that she was happy to see her family already fraying so soon after a big decision. Hell she wasn’t happy to see it at all but it at least was better than the boredom she had entertained only moments earlier. Glacier’s words would pull her focus back and she would notice her twin’s gaze, meeting it with a slight smile and a nod. Then he turned to look back at their missing third and the words falling from his lips had her suddenly rising to her paws, turning too to look at the disappearing tail of her sister.

With a cocky grin she looked back at Glacier, a twinge of sympathy rising up in her. Things were falling apart around him… The voice of her older sister would pipe up and the vixen’s grin would grow even wider.  "Don’t worry about her," she spoke twitching her head back to gesture at where their ethereal sister had disappeared, "we’ll take care of her, and when we get back I’ll take you up on that offer of a tour." With a glance cast at her twin the moonlight female bound after Astrea determined to bring the stray girl back.

-Exit Selíni-

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
02-22-2015, 12:15 AM

It was about time the family left, he almost had enough of the volcano. He had hoped to move much earlier, but the arrival of more more family happened to cause a delay. It was a good thing, he supposed, that the family had grown. Being one of the first few to settle at their temporary home, he knew their wasn't enough room for them all now. If it wasn't for that, they probably wouldn't have moved at all.

His paws lumbered somewhere on the edge of the travelling crowd, closely behind the leading brothers. He kept fairly quiet throughout the trip, occasionally imagining how their future home would look like and if it would satisfy every family member. It was just another repeat of his conversation with his sister. There was doubt with the satisfaction part, but as long as it wasn't another volcano, he would be fairly pleased. Apparently his older kin had already seen their new home, so surely it wouldn't be a disappointment.

There was a change in the wind and atmosphere as the trek veered to its finish. The stench of salt clung to the warm air. Only one landscape he knew of fitted that description. They had to be near the coastline. Was that where they were going to inhabit? Or were they simply using the coast to travel around the continent?
Momentarily, his queries were answered as a bronze gaze swept across an open beach, filled with unusual black sand. The continuous tide pulled the roaring and swallowing waters back and forth. This was it? Voltage and Glacier trotted ahead to stand upon conveniently placed rocks to address the family.

"It's...different." He managed to admit, casting long glances across the endless waters. He wasn't expecting this, but it certainly was different from the volcano. For starters there was nothing green, was that going to be a dilemma? His feelings were quite unsure at the moment. Did he like it? Was it good enough even if it wasn't what he planned? He didn't know.
Like fire itself, the hot-headed woman known as his sister burst into a rage, finding the obsidian beach appalling. His stance shrunk a little as if he could avoid her sharp piercing words. Eyes watched her with a blank stare, unsure if he should mess with her problem. Tears pricked at her eyes as she pelted back the direction they came, chased by the lightning-like Voltage. The older male flashed him a final glance, almost reminding him of their earlier conversation on the family's energy. Was this what he meant? His eyes next laid upon the deep purple form of one of his younger celestial siblings. She seemed to be leaving as well, followed by another sister. As much as he wanted to help, their business was none of his. Everyone was leaving! Was it that bad? Surely the beach wasn't as disappointing as some believed.

Free to explore, he pondered where to begin. The caves seemed interesting, were they worth a look? Of course he needed some place to sleep, unless he planned on resting out in the open. "But you don't need the largest one." He had somehow wandered back to Gale's side, teasing words slipping smoothly from his maw. It wasn't like he wanted the largest cave, or did he?



9 Years
02-23-2015, 03:14 PM



Arcus followed Glacier’s lead away from the small volcano. No doubt the move would leave some family members a little uneasy, some perhaps even a little upset, but in the end the most important thing was they stay together. That small little cave could barely hold the siblings before he and the others were led there. They were a large family, so such a small place was no longer feasible if they wanted to share a home. So it had been discussed, and the decision came to be that they would move to a beach.

As they all walked, Arcus made note of everyone’s demeanor. Serefina was pouting in the back, and Voltage was, as usual, hanging off her trying to make her feel better. The rest did not seem nearly as upset with the decision they had all agreed upon, but Astrea was also a little sad over the move. The cloud colored wolf was sure she would find happiness at the beach as well. No doubt there would be somewhere for her to reach out to her stars, she just had to keep positive and wait to see. He knew how distance could feel from one’s element. Storms were ever present, but there was no way he could ever actually reach them.

As Glacier spoke, Arcus listened intently, eyes glued to the elder brother. Without averting his gaze, he kept an eye on everyone through his peripherals. He was not the oldest, but he did care greatly for each of his family members. After Voltage rose to speak, Serefina spat out at the elders. Arcus looked at her in confusion. Yes, she had to leave that place so close to her element, but was family so unimportant to her that she was willing to throw a fit because they could not all continue living there?

“Temper tantrums are unbecoming, sister. Hardly a way a goddess should act.” He spoke calmly, loud enough to be heard but his voice just carrying like a strong breeze. Arcus loved all of his family, but the self-centered attitude Serefina seemed to hold, likely born of the amount of attention Voltage gave her, was troublesome. Arcus would not humor her as she would sit upon her pedestal. He would seek to bring her happiness, but not at the cost of the others, just as he would for all of them. So he let her go, let her run off to expend her energy and let Voltage give chase. The others needed caring for as well, after all.

“I follow your lead, brother. I am happy anywhere the family goes. Without you all, no matter how close I get to my clouds, I would never be truly happy, never even content. If anyone would like help settling in, let me know, and I’ll help in whatever way I can.” It was easier for Arcus to move from one place to the next. No matter how close to the skies he got, he knew that he would never truly be close to his storms. Even if he could, it would not be worth losing his family over. As for where he would lay his head, he did not really care, so long as he had room to stretch out comfortably. Then he noticed Astrea’s absence. The siblings of her litter spoke of taking care of her, and Arcus nodded.

“Just let us know if there’s anything we can do. I’ll look into a high rise for us to be able to come close to the skies.”



6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 03:51 PM

Astrea's subtle disappearance was noted by a lot of them, and he would watch her go with a growing sadness. He had included everyone in this, he hadn't exactly been 'that's it, where moving out, follow me' but had talked to them, and everyone – except Sere had seemed to be in agreement with him. For most of them, including Glacier, the problem was that the Volcano was just to small for them all to live, with no other suitable dens and it just wasn't right for them. Surely they all knew that they hadn't moved because Glacier and Voltage weren't happy – those two would have lived anywhere, so long as it was right for their siblings. He shook his head sadly, wondering how he could make this right. His eyes where glancing over the sky twins, just settling on Solaris who seemed concerned for her sisters disappearance, when Gale moved forward and his attention moved to his little sister.

Her light chatter lifted his spirits and he smiled at her gratefully, through he pretended to let out a sigh. “Your right sister, of course, you'll need the biggest cave. I'm sure i'll fit best in the smallest” he added, and winked to all his siblings.

Selini had also seen their star siblings disappearance and he stood, he said a few words and Glacier nodded gratefully at them, he would of course do whatever he could to help his siblings, and the tour could wait until they where all back and more happy with this beach choice they had found themselves in.

he smiled at Terrae as he said that it was different, but he had no doubt that his earthen brother would find things here that he loved – there was life he just couldn't see yet, to the small trees that grew in the water a little further down, to the earthen outcroppings that circled the rocks and hung out a little above the water that made a great highway for a race, and he could be with the earth the entire way – to the caves around them, that held wonders he had yet to see, stalagmites and stalactites and many other sights.

He nodded also at Arcus, who spoke about family – the reason they where all here together and always would be, for their love of family, a love of each other, a bond that their parents had only strengthened when they had kicked them all out, because it further proved how deeply they had each other. “Alright, well settle in as you can, i'll do whatever I can to help you all and I will call a tour in a few hours for anyone interested” he promised, jumping down from the rock to mingle with his loved ones, going to Gale and sticking his nose in the fur of her neck, and kissing her ear.“You'll love it here little giant” he promised here, before moving on to others of his beloved family. “Terrae, i'll show you the wonders of the caves, and the life I've found here so far, and i'm sure you'll find so much more when you explore” he promised him, bumping his giant head against his brothers affectionately, “Hey sport” he teased, bumping his shoulder against Arcus as he made his way over to Locha. “They'll be alright, we all will be, you know that right?' he asked his sweet sister gently, his own eyes moving to look at what was left of the third litter, as he struggled to make himself believe his own words.

