
right in the eyeball



7 Years
02-22-2015, 03:26 AM


A wretched screaming rippled through the midday air, polluting it with a palpable horror so vile that it silenced all else. The breeze fled and left the desert brush still, and the birds ceased their chirping to sail off elsewhere. Insects fell quiet and crawled beneath their rocks. A sound that had caused so many to slink away with discomfort and guilty pity was the same sound that lifted one muzzle into the air and perked mismatched ears. The beastling sniffed rapidly, his jaws barely open. He smelled decay. A sudden, sharp and slurping inhale was made. It was a good smell. Of course, he didn’t need to smell it to know something was dying.

Settling his head back down and twisting it to the side some, he would cast his wild blue gaze left and right, scanning the barren plains. It was a strange place he’d come across, with pools here and there. They were black. He liked that color, but he didn’t like water very much. Needless to say, he had only just spotted these, and had not inspected them close enough to perceive the thickness that the substance held. Before he had gotten much of a chance to get close, the screaming had started.

With a pleased, grating hum he started off, weaving in between pools and grasses. Certainly, he was still interesting in these inky ponds, but screaming was so much more interesting. The fiend’s bony little body was surprisingly spry and quick, and it did not take him long before he could feast his eyes upon the source of the wailing. A young ungulate of some sort strained its neck to the point of pulling muscles as it struggled in one of the pools. The imp’s eyes widened as his chest swelled with an excited breath. ”Ooooh!” he squealed.  He could see now that the black water was not water at all, but some viscous substance – horrible and great in the simple danger it could pose. Black tendrils hugged tight at the body of the herbivore, stretching up past the middle of its legs, and unyielding in their grasp. It looked almost like it was pulling it down farther every minute. Was it alive?!

The deer-ish creature quickly caught sight of the wolf and began to cause even more of a racket, writhing and jerking the best it could. Despite the unintimidating stature of the little wolf, it was clear how much duress the other beast was under, and his presence did nothing to help. ”Yes, yes!” he jeered, growing more and more excited by the second as he jumped up and down and hopped around the edge of the pit. How interesting! How exciting! What was this marvelous material?! 



2 Years
02-27-2015, 03:44 PM
At the screaming that echoed in her ears, a wicked grin appeared on the white wolf's face, her acid green eyes glimmering in a pelt of white and violet. Long limbs carried her towards the screaming, her violet paws lifting as she carried herself elegently. White tail raised in dominance, she walked until she noticed a little.....goblin, standing and watching something strugle. Her acid green eyes narrowing, she gave the little creature a glare. Her strong voice was surprisingly soft, but her words in German, and quite harsh. [b"Move, kleinen kobold."[/b] Turning her acid green gaze towards the deer-like creature, she spoke again. "Idiot." It wasn't obvious who she was talking to, the little goblin or the strange creature. At her words, the deer thing struggled even more. Moving forwards, she balanced on solid ground, reaching out with one long limb. Her paw barely reached the shoulder of the creature, and she gave a dark chuckle as she moved a little closer, her paws at the edge of the stuff, and gave the creature a small shove, deeper into the stuff. It struggled, shoulders jerking as it was pushed deeper into the stuff. Once it's head was barely over the stuff, Lavendel slowly and carefully moved her paw away, giving the smaller wolf a harsh glare. "Do you wish to be next? I suggest you leave." Her white and violet head gave a small motion towards the dying creature in the pool of stuff.
The warrior was sure that the little goblin wouldn't move with those words, so she was already getting ready for a battle, moving away from the pit. Violet paws carried her to circle around the little beast, making no movements toward him. Her acid green eyes met his as she passed, daring him to challenge her. Finally, she spoke, her voice only holding a slight growl, mainly sounding as if she were holding a normal conversation. "May I ask why a kleinen kobold watches a creature die, when another creature could put it in the same shape?" Yes, this little goblin would make for a good example if he chose to defy the power/bloodthirsty female. If she ever had a pack of her own, maybe he would make for a good servant, either for her or her brother.

"Move, kleinen kobold." = "Move, little goblin."
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



7 Years
02-27-2015, 04:22 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2015, 04:27 PM by Cesar.)


As he crooned and giggled a chorus of ugly and cacophonous noises, the smell of fear poured thicker into the air. Oh, it was so upset! He drank in the smell voraciously, drool beginning to sneak out of the side of his mouth. In his engrossment in the wonderful transformation, he would only notice the stranger when she was particularly near. The imp paused his jeering momentarily to turn his head with a quick, bird-like motion, his pale eyes widened with curiosity. What in the world was that!? A mesh of horrible pink and white assaulted his eyes, his teeth clamping together and brows lifting with quirky puzzlement and repulsion. The larger wolf strode by, uttering for him to move aside, along with some other words he did not quite understand. Cesar hopped to the right, watching with a tilted head and ears flopping in different directions. The other would lean dangerously forward to prod at the deer, and Cesar’s odd expression warped into a sickly, hollow grin. Joy tickled in his belly, and he would sidle a little closer, intending to push her in as well. It was a perfect opportunity! But before he could get himself within a few feet of her, she turned back. She spoke assertively, and a choked, wicked laugh wrenched from the little beast’s jaws in reply as irritation ignited within. Telling him to leave? He didn’t like that. ”No, no, no, no!” he shrieked, his fur bristling immediately as he hopped back another foot. What a shame! He could have had another friend too! He supposed that some wolves were just poopy-heads though, unfortunate as it was. ”Cesar was here first!” he barked, the innocent tone suddenly ripping from his voice as a vicious hiss spiraled free. He would step back, denying her the right to circle him like a piece of deer meat. ”Want to watch,” he yapped, irked that she was trying to distract him from this symphony of death. He scoffed at her question, sticking his tongue out between in teeth in a feral display of anger. Was she trying to imply something? ”Cesar doesn’t get put in deathpit. Cesar puts things in deathpit,” he said, his brows narrowing over empty eyes.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



2 Years
02-27-2015, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2015, 05:47 PM by Lavendel.)
A low growl rumbled in Lavendel's throat as the little goblin laughed at her, acid green eyes narrowing as she spoke. "Du wagst es, mich auslachen, kleine Wesen? Weißt du wer ich bin?" Was the little repulsive creature actually drooling at the dying animal? A low, annoyed noise came from her throat, her white and violet head tilting as she glared at the little creature. At the creatures yapping that it wanted to watch, a smirk appeared on the girl's maw as she stopped, standing in front of the little creature so that he could not see the dying creature anymore. The little creature shrieked that it was there first, and Lavendel gave a small laugh, her voice a dark growl. "I guess you'll have to move then, little goblin. Because I'm here now, and I don't wanna watch the scene with some little creature."  

At the little creature saying that it threw stuff in the death-pit, Lavendel snorted. "What smart wolf would call this a death pit? Honestly, is that the best you could come up with?" A short chuckle came from her again, as she rose to her paws. Even if the little goblin was amusing, even it got tiring after a while. Maybe a few more minutes of bothering it would be good enough.


Du wagst es, mich auslachen, kleine Wesen? Weißt du wer ich bin? = You dare laugh at me, little creature? Do you know who I am?
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



7 Years
02-27-2015, 07:04 PM


She spoke some encrypted garble again, hiding her words from him. It didn’t sound anything like what wolves normally said, and so Cesar concluded that it was nothing outside his vocabulary, but some different language entirely. ”Durr durr mikken ploppen urken durken,” he mocked childishly, sticking his tongue out again and crossing his eyes, his nose lifted in a little snarl. She would then step in front of him, effectively blocking his view as she tried again to bully him away. She was, as most were, taller than he was. Why did she feel the need to do this? Was her ego so sodden and pitiful that it needed a good stroking from bothering strangers? The beast furrowed his brow and spat again, ”Nnn-o. He ignored her comment about his naming of things, and with admirable agility and quickness (though minus points for grace), he scrambled off to the right about five feet, his attention partially flung at the deer thing for a few seconds. It was going down now, into the oozy depths. Its nose was still above, and its eyes – swimming with horror and agony. He could only give it a glance though, before he allowed his shifting gaze to keep tabs on the female again. His ears were folded slightly, his legs spread and bent in a practiced defensive stance, his center of gravity held steady and his muscles tense. Of course she would try something. And he wanted to bite her. Just not yet…

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



2 Years
03-01-2015, 04:07 PM
A soft snarl escaped her throat as the little goblin insulted her birth tongue, acid green eyes narrowed in fury. The little beast had the nerve to do something like that, causing the female to bristle, and her white and violet head to lower. Tensing her muscles, straightening her weight, and flattening her white and violet ears, she made her way forwards. After a moment, she narrowed her acid green eyes so the smaller male couldn't blind her easily. When he said something, one side of the female's mouth twitched upwards. "Nooooo." She taunted, making her voice high pitched and quite annoying. "The little goblin doesn't waaant to leeeave." Her voice stayed high pitched for a moment, before she lunged.

Head whipping down, her jaws opened as she attempted to sink her jaws deep into his shoulder.

Lavendel Vs Cesar for Dominance Round 1 of 2?


Defenses: First paragraph

Attacks: Attempting to sink his jaws deep into his shoulder.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



7 Years
03-01-2015, 04:44 PM

She would in turn taunt him, and he would twist his muzzle her way to watch through narrowed eyes, his muzzle wrinkled in a snarl. How original she was. ”No, he doesn’t wanna leave,” he spat. Did she finally get it? He watched her stance fall defensive, and turned his own body to face her as she lunged. His own defenses remained as they had been placed previously. Eyes were narrowed and tattered ears folded, his head lowered and chin tucked to hide his throat. Legs were spread evenly and bent some to hold him balanced, with his center of gravity low. His tail hung out behind him to also assist in balancing, while his shoulders were rolled forward to scrunch his mangy scruff a little. The female was upon him in a flash, her jaws shooting towards his shoulder. The smaller wolf would recoil to the right and back a tad, avoiding becoming completely grappled, but unable to evade the teeth that dug moderately deep into his upper left shoulder. Pain blossomed along bleeding flesh. Immediately the imp would respond with his own fangs, attempting to swiftly bring his jaws up and clamp upon the female’s neck midway down on the left side.  He would hope to obtain a grip, as well as deeply puncture flesh. At the same time, his right forepaw would also lift and then be brought quickly down, hoping to smash long claws upon the left forepaw of the other wolf. Playing nice was not something the gremlin knew how to do.

Cesar vs Lavendel for Dominance
Round 1/2

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



2 Years
03-01-2015, 05:03 PM
When her teeth sunk into the little goblin's shoulder, she pulled her head away, licking the blood off of her teeth, mouth pulled back in a mix of a snarl and grin. Backing up, she watched the little creature with narrowed green eyes. The wolf sunk his fangs into her flesh, but she twisted away before he could sink his teeth in deeper. Blood dripped down her neck as she shook her head, matting her violet fur a little. She moved away, glancing at the little beast, trying to figure out the best way to attack. Biting the spine would cause enough pain to the little male, as she rolled her shoulders, maybe a little too late. Moving herself forwards, she circled the small male a little, violet limbs carrying her around him slowly. With a low growl, she raced forwards, not hesitating as she attempted another attack. Jaws opening again, she moved her head towards his right side, closer to his spine.

With no warning, she attempted to sink her fangs into this spot. If she managed to do this, she would attempt to sink her teeth deep into this spot.

Lavendel VS Cesar for Dominance Round 2/2

Defenses: Scrunched shoulders

Injuries: Bitten neck

Attacks: Attempting to sink her fangs into his right shoulder, next to his spine.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



7 Years
03-01-2015, 09:52 PM
For the judge: I forgot to note this last post, but I asked Croa which shoulder Lavendel had gone for last round, so that’s why I had that specification in there :]

His teeth found flesh, but the female managed to break away and step back, denying him a grip on her. He would use the opportunity to reorient himself, evening the distance between his legs to retain a steadfast balance. Limbs remained bent slightly, his tail hanging behind him to prepare for assisting in steering. His head hung down level with his shoulders, and his chin tipped down a bit to protect his throat. Eyes stayed narrowed and ears folded, and shoulders rolled forward to scrunch his scruff. His opponent would begin to move again, starting to circle him. He would turn himself to follow her movements, teeth bared. She charged again, and again he would lurch back and duck closer to the ground, almost instinctively. Her teeth would clip into his right shoulder blade, leaving behind moderately deep lacerations of medium length. This time, the ebony beastling would whip around, turning his body clockwise to pull himself away from her grip and try to reposition himself a little better. In addition, he would attempt to dispatch a sharp bite to the right side of the other wolf’s face, hoping to cut across her eye and the otherwise soft flesh of the face.

Cesar vs Lavendel for Dominance
Round 2/2

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.

The Judge


03-14-2015, 09:07 PM
(02-08-2015, 01:49 PM)The Judge Wrote:


Round 1

3 - for clarity:
-2 what angle is she trying to attack Cesar from?
-2 which shoulder is she trying to bite
-2 where on the shoulder is she trying to bite?
-1 what does she hope to accomplish with the bite?  The deep bite makes me think a grip and not a glancing blow but you still need to specify to avoid confusion

10 for powerplaying.  none seen
4 for defenses. +1 for each seen
1 for attack. +1 bite (-2 for clarity deductions)
10 for injuries.First round

Round one LAVENDEL Total: 28/50


10 for clarity: clear post
10 for powerplaying. none seen
8 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. +3 bite +1 grip attempt +1 paw stamp
10 for injuries. First Round

Round one CESAR Total: 43/50

Round 2

0 for clarity:-2 where did Cesar's fangs sink in?
-2 how much damage did Cesar's attack do?
-2 which way did she twist to pull away from Cesar's attack
-2 where on his right side is she attacking?  you say close to the spine but where? near the hips? the shoulders?
-2 what angle is she attacking at?  45 degrees? perpendicular to form a perfect T?

4 for powerplaying. -3 fights happen rapidly, you need to leave time for your opponent to respond, it's highly unlikely she could circle her opponent in the middle of a fight, let alone slowly -2 you need to respond to all your opponents attacks, what happened with Cesar's paw stomp? -1 if/then's are frowned upon, even little ones.  it would work better to be like "attempted to bite deeply to obtain a grip" or something along that nature.  Then in your next post if you succeed your attack can be to worsen the wound
1 for defenses. +1 for each seen
2 for attack.+2 bite (-1 for clarity)

8 for injuries.-2 bite wound to neck

Round two LAVENDEL Total: 15/50

6 for clarity: -2 what angle is he facing Laven at?  how are they positioned? -2 where exactly on the right side of her face is he trying to bite? you mention the eye and soft flesh but how is he attempting to position his jaws?
10 for powerplaying.none seen  
7 for defenses.+1 each seen
4 for attack.+3 bite +1 maim attempt (-1 clarity)
8 for injuries.-2 moderate wounds to shoulder blade

Round two CESAR Total: 35/50


LAVENDEL: 43/100
CESAR: 78/100

And the winner is...

CESAR! Lavendel must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Lavendel: moderate wound to shoulder (1 ooc week)

Cesar:  moderate wounds to shoulder (1 ooc week)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Croa

You need to work on your clarity and also your defenses.  Just getting all your defenses in will help a lot with your score.  Be sure to be specific with your attacks.

For Acrylic

Nice work!  Your first round was great, just a few things to watch in clarity moving into the second round, I know it's hard when you don't have a lot to go on but if your opponent leaves it open to you it's best to take advantage of it.

Thanks guys!

- By [Lunarcat7]