
I'd spend the rest of my days with you..



5 Years
02-23-2015, 04:12 PM

She had awoken, content, peaceful... happy. It was not very often she felt so free, loving. But she was going to see her son. And my, how much had he grown? She would lightly wake Absinthe, and gently caress her wife's soft cheek. " It's time..." She would leave Millicent with the other children, knowing how much she loved it with them. Desireé would stretch her long limbs, reaching for the opening light before making her journey. Most of it was made in peaceful silence, with the sweet sound of the birds ringing in her ears. Her steps would remain light and would hold the usual grace and elegance. It was a rather long journey but she was positive Absinthe would keep up. It was time she met some of her family! Once the travel was done, she would stop in her tracks, deciding to stay at Mt Volkan, her crown would tilt back and call for her Son, the only one who truly gave her a chance out of the Sovari Children. She loved them all, but she Trusted Solo. Would he come to her call? Wouldn't this be an exciting day, one of many.

Absinthe 1

02-23-2015, 04:50 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

Her mama woke her up, and the violet babe let out a small whine. She didn't wanna get up, she was liking all the sleep. Even though her energy was in constant abundance, the lass didn't use much of it. She was now hell bent on sticking close to her parents and her sister. What if her mommies left her for real this time? What if they never came back? There was a tiny spark of anger in her chest, that got brighter whenever she thought about that betrayal. Mommy and mama never told her that they were going to leave, but they'd never had to. She could sense it, the worry on their faces and in their eyes. They'd been planning something, and she hadn't known until they came to meet aunty Cataleya. Now, she was wary of leaving them out of her sight, for fear they'd sneak off somewhere far away.

It took more prompting from mama Des, but the lavender darling did awake from her slumber, and she reluctantly trailed after her mother. The morning was bright, and heat was quick to find its grip on the air all around. She liked the summer, the heat soaked into her pelt deliciously, and everything was alive. She would bound across the terrain, pausing occasionally to try and capture her mother's tail as it swung to and fro at her haunches. She could never get a grip on it, mama was too good at this game for that. Endlessly she would pester whoever wanted to listen with endless questions, mostly revolving around a single inquiry. "Where we goin?" She would question constantly, thought sometimes it would shift to who they were going to see. For the lilac child, that was a bit of a loaded question. Last time there'd been an adventure like this, mommy and mama had tried to give her away to aunty Cat.

Finally they would arrive at the destination, a massive mountain with little wisps of smoke coming out the top. The girl would let out a gasp, tail wagging with such force her entire body wiggled with it. "Can I go see, mama?" She cried, bounding around Desiree with what seemed to be an astounding amount of her endless energy. She didn't get an immediate response, as her mama was busy calling for someone. Who was she calling? She wanted to call them too! A pitchy, weak little howl would erupt from her jaws, until she got tired of it and went back to bugging her mama. "Can I go, please mama? Can I? Can I? Can I?" She begged, pallid toes now coated in soot from all of her bouncing and prancing about. All she wanted to do was see why the mountain was making smoke. "I wanna go see mama, I wanna see why it's making smoke!" She cried, aiming to brace her tiny paws upon her mother's purple chest and nip at her soft cheek fur until she relented.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!


03-11-2015, 11:18 AM
Vi would wake with her small family, feeling her mate stir and something side her sparked as if she had touched fire. They had agreed it was finally time to go see Solo, but they had no idea where he was anymore. Cataleya had been kind enough to fill Vi in on Olympus's downfall and Yfir's rise. She had said that maybe Ebony was the best place to start looking. Vi didn't really know why or what the reasoning was but she wanted to see her boys. Being with Desiree and their daughters... It hurt... Thought she loved Abby and Millicent they were a constant and forever reminder that Desiree had betrayed her. Vi would lift herself slowly, shoulder hurting more then usual this day as if it knew that there was a long road ahead of them. Vi wanted to go to the beach once more as well but that would be after seeing Solo. It had been the last place she had seen her other son.

Vi would trail behind Desiree slightly, reaching out to shove Abby playfully every so often, forcing a smile though her eyes were shadowed. It wasn't long before they would reach Mount Volkan, her first home in these lands and a place she would always treasure in her heart. Abby would ask their destination and Vi would chuckle, trying to keep the mood light despite her own dark spirits. "We are going to try and find your older brother. Your mother and I had children before you you know. We haven't seen them in a long time. One fell in love with an evil queen, two were selfish when your mother and I wanted to have you and your sister so they left us. We haven't spoken to them in over a year... But wehave two sons, Vivek and Solo. I have not seen Vivek in some time, but Solo married a princess. We have to see if he is living happily ever after." Vi would say, her words soft. She loved her sons...

They would come to the mountain and pause, Desiree tossing her head back to call to Solo before letting the how trail off. Was her near enough to hear? Absinthe would spot the smoke at the top and begin bounding around Desiree, giving a small howl before asking to go see. "Come with me and we can go see. Mama can wait for Solo and Gaia..." Vi would say, smiling before she would begin to head up the mountain. Abby was getting bigger, which made her even harder to keep up with but it wasn't long before they would reach the edge, the lava settled in the belly of the mountain far below them but even from their height at the mouth the heat could be felt billowing up in waves with smoke. "This is Mount Volkan, that is lava. It is very hot, they say that the mountain is a hole to the very centre of the earth and it pulls up the hot rock that keeps the who world warm..." Vi would say as she slowly settled down on her haunches to sit and look around. Half way around to the other side was the slight lip of the mountain that she had last seen Morphine on.... Her heart would comstict in her chest. Morphine had run to the arms of another man as well... Hi had never been good enough for her either..