
mama fight my teenage dreams

Absinthe 1

02-23-2015, 06:32 PM

the kids are all wrong, the story's all off

ooc. set before her visit to mt. volkan

The girl was wandering, for once. Her wariness to leaving her parents behind was something recent, but she couldn't deny it. The season had changed, and with it her body had begun to grow even more. No longer was she a tiny ball of fluff and innocence, completely bound to her den and her parents. Her legs were a little longer, a little stronger, her ears weren't so absolutely gigantic on her tiny head. Her violet fur was still downy and soft, growing longer as time passed, her paws still didn't look like they fit with the rest of her. She looked less like she'd just left her mama's womb, more like she was squabbling with her siblings constantly and irritating her parents. Four months had passed, and now she was ready to start her adventures in earnest, provided she could continue trusting her parents.

She left the den, her sister Milli not wanting to join her on her adventure. Whatever, that just meant more fun for herself! The grass was soft under her feet, and the sun beat down on her back. It was a nice day, without a cloud in the sky, and the sky blue as blue. She smiled a little as she pranced across the field and toward her adventure. Today was gonna be a good day. Her little tail wagged calmly to and fro as she wandered, taking in the sights and the smells of everything. There weren't as many birds around, probably because there were, like, no trees anywhere around here. Where were the trees? Sure, there were bushes, but how safe were bushes, really? She grass brushed against her flanks, tickling the soft skin just beneath her thin, fuzzy coat. The lavender babe noticed a bumblebee floating lazily across the plain, and started to follow it. Bees followed the flowers, right? Well, she wanted some flowers today. Flowers were nice.

Instead of flowers, the bee skirted around a canyon. It looked like more fun than any meadow she might find out here, so the lass decided she would investigate it. This place was strange, she noted, it looked like someone had painted it and rearranged it to suit their styles. Everything was ruddy hued, but she quite liked it. Sure, she stuck out like a sore thumb, but the baked earth under her toes was so warm she just wanted to lie there forever. What she needed now was a nice stone to sun herself on. This place was full of rocks, surely it wouldn't be hard to find one for herself, right? On she went, further and further into this little maze of rocks, waiting for the perfect stone to present itself to her.

All the ones she found were too tall, and she was beginning to get frustrated. How hard was it to find a rock in a canyon full of rocks?! With a yip of irritation, she finally decided she was going to do whatever she wanted. So what if she was too short? She'd just climb onto the next rock she found, and screw the world and it's limits. When she found one that looked nice, the girl started bouncing on her hind paws, trying to get a nice grip on the edge of the stone. If she could just get her front paws on top, she could scrabble up to the top.

It took a lot of muttering and squeaking, but finally she was up on top of the rock. With a victorious howl that was too squeaky to be anything but laughable, she settled down to have a nice rest in the heat of the morning. Folding her little front paws one over the other, she stretched out and rested her head on her paws. Yes, count this among the best days ever. A soft sigh escaped her once more, and she drifted off slowly with the heat soaking into her back. There was a tickle on her nose not two seconds later, and with a growl of annoyance, she opened her eyes to see... eight more staring back at her. A horrified shriek escaped her, and she reared back so fast she nearly went right back over the edge of the rock. Spider! A very big, very hairy spider was scuttling across the rock towards her.

Now she was screaming in earnest, pleas for help whistling through her teeth so fast they probably sounded like very loud babbling. "Mama! Help!" She cried, tears already dripping down her cheeks. It was so close now, any second it was going to start crawling up her legs! It was gonna climb into her ears and eat her brains!! "Mommy! Help me!" Her innocent little melodies wailed into the canyon, every inch of her trembling with terror. She was going to die! The monster spider was gonna kill her! "Somebody! Help!" Came what was no doubt the last thing she would ever say as the tarantula crept the final few inches to her little alabaster toes. This was it, this would be the end of little Abby...

heavy metal broke my heart


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



3 Years
02-25-2015, 01:12 AM

She had felt it for a while now, but it wasn't as noticeable as it was today. She felt somewhat heavier. Was it because of her increased hunger? There had been more food going into her system, but surely she hadn't gained any of that. To add to that, her mood had seriously dropped in the past few days. Every morning she awoke groggier than the day before, no matter the amount of sleep she was getting. Perhaps it was normal, just a phase. She planned to have a long trek to fill her mind with positive thoughts, if she could be bothered getting up.

After dragging her tired self away from the den she had been glued to for the past few days, her limbs managed to carry herself a fair distance. The heat didn't exactly shape the day better either, making her contemplate on whether or not to scrap the whole walk. Well, there was no point in turning back now. Why did it have to be summer? Why did the west have no possible shade and such open landscapes? So that would be her day, walking in full scorching heat. Her onyx fur was probably fried to a crisp. Give me snow any day.
At least it gave her motivation to continue her search for shelter and water.

Ears perked instantly as a distant voice shrieked out for help. Her mind briefly had a mental blank, confused of what to do. It wasn't just any voice, the cries belonged to a child. They had to be in danger, and she couldn't let that slip past. Standing and letting it happen wasn't the best choice of action. Snapping out of her daze, stinging paws flew across the heated soil in the direction of the wails, forcing her half awake self to actually move. Her speed wasn't as incredible as it was before, but that was the least of her concerns. She was guided to a rocky canyon landscape, painted with no other hues than tones of earth and ember. Of course the pup would be in a dangerous canyon with nothing but ledges and stone. Why not? The worst possible scenario flooded to her panicked mind as her head darted in search of the girl, momentarily locking her gaze onto a frantic looking purple figure. Not bothering to figure out what the child was, instead she searched for the danger. Approaching the rock in a few swift strides, a green gaze finally spotted the fairly large spider crawling towards the young girl. It wasn't the prettiest of creatures, quite a sight in fact. Now, spiders could be quite harmful if their venom happened to reach one's bloodstream. She knew of a cure, but there wouldn't be one in this environment. Was that really the danger? A spider? She was half expecting real injuries and wounds to treat, not a frightened arachnophobic kid.

"Honestly dear?" Faintly annoyed words rolled from her tongue as she leaped upon the stone and swiped the spider away in a smooth motion. She had no intention to kill it so hopefully the pup would have enough common sense to move before the spider crawled back. So much for positive thinking. First she was out on a total rage with the sun and now she was getting irritated at innocent pups. What next?

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]

Absinthe 1

02-27-2015, 04:50 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

Her saviour would appear in the form of a dark woman. Never in her life had she seen such a dark pelt, not that she could recall. She ceased her cries as the scary spider was fought back with a swift bat of the stranger's paw. Her breathing slowly returned to it's normal pace, but her heart continued to flutter in her breast like a dove in a cage. Mismatched optics would rise to gaze up at her heroine, and a big grin would crease her maw. Tail would give a few delighted wags before she bounded forward to press her face against the leg of the ebony woman. "Thanks mum!" She yipped gleefully, fair wiggling with excitement. Little did she know that not all women were her mom, as she had only really encountered males in her time exploring, and the only other lady she'd met was Aunty Cataleya, who was related to her anyway. Somehow. Alabaster toes would dance across the stone as she scampered to the edge, peering over it. Wow, that's far. She thought to herself, not worried in the least. Rump would wiggle in preparation as she crouched down. It just looked far away, she would be okay if she jumped down, right?

Hesitating, she decided to play it safe. The obsidian furred lady didn't seem happy with her being afraid, and if she hurt herself it might make her even madder. Spinning around carefully, her hind end would fall from the edge, toes catching the sheer surface of the ruddy face. Bit by bit, the girl would lower herself as far down as she could, before letting go and dropping the rest of the way. She was still small, and wouldn't be a very big girl even when she grew up, so it was an impressive feat to get up there in the first place. The violet lass landed on her rump, letting out a startled oof! when she landed. Bicoloured orbs would stare up at the woman who had saved her, offering a goofy looking grin. "My name's Absinthe, but my mom's just call me Abby." She introduced herself politely, beaming up at the stranger. Surely this was another aunty of her's, or a mom she hadn't met yet. "What's your name?" She asked curiously, head tilting to one side. Her rump was still firmly planted in the dirt, a cloud of pale dust settling over her fluffy coat from the impact of her hitting the ground with such little grace.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



3 Years
02-27-2015, 08:37 PM

At this point, she wasn't sure what there was to get annoyed over. The pup seemed quite young and inexperienced. Still, that didn't answer her question as to where her mother may be. Did parents let their children play in spider infested canyons? For now no-one else happened to be in sight, not that she was expecting a worry stricken mother to arrive panting from behind. Parents or none, she hoped this would be a lesson for the girl to be more wary of her actions.

After being stuck in another daze, she returned to reality as a weight pressed into her leg. A leaf painted gaze drifted downwards to find the amethyst pup thanking her with delighted wags. It was what the girl referred to her that left her a little puzzled. She called her "mum". Now, there had to be some sort of misunderstanding there. The woman was sure she had no kids, especially frantic purple ones. "Mum? I'm not you're mum." She began slowly with confusion wrapped in her tone. Perhaps the pup was an orphan and had decided to latch onto the first wolf she came across, not that she wanted anything to look after.

The girl seemed to have quite a bit of energy running through her veins, reminding the older female of her own bouncing childhood. How the pup had managed to scale the height of the stone remained a mystery in her thoughts, but it was deemed unimportant at this time. It was strange how the girl confidently found no fear in heights while creepy crawlies happened to freak her out. Interesting personality, and she liked that.

However, the subject of mums wasn't over just yet. Whilst the pup introduced herself, she mentioned something about her mums. Did she have more than one mother looking after her? It was a little different, but she wouldn't question this.

"Well, hi there, Abby!" She returned the energetic enthusiasm with a broad smile. "My name's Titania, but I guess you can call me whatever." Her own introduction was finished with a shrug. She didn't mind being called mum, but if the pup started following her home, then there would be a problem over her shoulders.

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]

Absinthe 1

03-07-2015, 07:38 PM

When the woman said she was not her mum, that was okay. She blinked up at the stranger a few times, frowning a little. Okay, not mum, but maybe auntie. "Are you auntie then?" She inquired, just to be sure. Obviously, she had to be an auntie, because otherwise that would mean something that the violet girl had yet to consider. At the energetic greeting of the other lady, she could feel her heart fluttering as she got even more riled up. A series of delighted bounces would propel the lavender child around in a small circle, spinning and dancing a little. She liked the black furred lady! She found out the woman's name was Titania, which was a very cool name. "Hiya 'tania!" She chirped, fair humming with energy by this point. It was hot out, but she was happy now. Butting her skull against the leg of the new friend she had made, she gazed up at the dark woman. "You wanna play wif me?" She inquired giddily, timbre of her voice just a touch too loud to be nice to the ears of the other.

She bounded down the canyon a little ways, before whirling around and casting her two toned optics upon the woman. She waited for a few moments, before deciding to scamper back to her and make sure she was coming. Of course, by scamper, she was actually cantering toward the stranger as fast as her little legs would take her. She wanted to play!




3 Years
03-09-2015, 04:30 AM

This was getting ridiculous. It was time she set the child's facts straight. Before more familial questions could be bombarded towards her, she silenced the girl with a sudden flick of her tail right after the aunt inquiry. "I'm not family." She sighed, shaking her ebony head. Was it a little too harsh? It shouldn't have been. Once her skull lifted only a moment later, her mood lightened to reveal a gentle smile. Perhaps the pup would prefer an alternative solution to the problem. "But, I can be a friend."

Her mind spun in circles as she focused on the energetic and erratic movements of the pup. The cute display was almost making her dizzy. Fortunately the actions ceased as a head butted into her leg followed by the adorable chime known as Abby's voice. Tania, no-one had called her that before. The pup sure enjoyed shortening words. Of course, she couldn't refuse to play with a child. Who would do such a thing? Although she felt quite old, somewhere in her, there was her inner puppy maturity waiting to tumble out.
"Alright!" She answered, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she was able to. Although exhaustion was gradually rising in her system, she would hide that as best as she could. How long did she plan on playing? Despite it being improbable, the woman silently hoped the pup's exhaustion was just as strong as her energy. Pups had the most unpredictable of minds.
The pup scampered off, only to return a few moments later. Clearly, Titania had no idea what the girl wanted her to do and so she asked with a tilt of her head, looking down upon the unique purple creature. "Oh, you want me to follow?"

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]