
Wishful Thinking



5 Years
02-23-2015, 10:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Things within the Fjord were settling into something that almost felt normal and...well, happy. She had Lebrah, which in itself was a delight. Espirit was growing like a weed, capable of even keeping up with his elder brothers now which she was sure they were ecstatic about, though in an entirely sincere way. He seemed to be enjoying it, anyway; she needed to double check with Kailos, Jak, and Nako how the boy was fairing on their adventures. And Lior, though still mellowed out, seemed to be in better spirits. And then there was Glacier and his unexpected but thrilling attention. Yes, things were finally feeling happy again.

So it was with a smile that she padded through the wooded edges of the Fjord, not necessarily hunting though her eyes were on the lookout and searching. Perhaps she had been spending too much time with Glacier that she was actually beginning to look toward the edges of her home in the hopes of spotting him coming to whisk her away on another adventure, but still she did. It was just too fun being able to leave the territory and actually feel safe doing it. Not to mention she was greatly enjoying his company. But he was not here yet, and she had no idea when he would come for her again. She just had to content herself with doing this, and hoping that she could find something with her wandering eyes to make up for the not exactly necessary stroll near the border.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
02-23-2015, 11:52 PM

Voltage had settled, it seemed, just fine in his home. Despite the thunderstorms of course. He and Serefina had a den picked just for them with the door blocked mainly to sound proof from the storms, and when the days were great and he needed to soak in the warmth of the rest of his family, he would either sleep in the main den or with a sibling of choice (that would put up with his constant movement of course) He found the thing he needed to survive right there in those dens, and it wasn't the wind or the earth or the entrance to sky viewing above. It was his family, and the energy they gave off. Yet there was something that continuously nagged at the back of his mind. Something that he had been meaning to do for quite a while. Glacier had brought home a mousey little girl one day, and Voltage had been dead set on getting to know her. But in the flurry of activity in the move and being unable to really relax it had been pushed to the back of his mind. But now he had all the time in the world, and Voltage was not one to decide to do things and not do them. With a bright smile he moved through the lands, searching for her scent on the coastal breeze, trying to find out where the little misses lived. He had a strong feeling that perhaps she lived close by here, maybe from the way Glacier spoke about this place, or he just knew his brother too well. Somehow his big brother had found this beach, and Voltage knew that he had explored with her. So the dots were connected, or so they were in Volty's mind. He had wandered far from their new home, but not very far at all, when he smelt her familiare scent on the breeze. With a toothy grin he moved towards it, slipping around the rocks of the Fjord. It didn't take long before he spotted the woman, and he couldn't help but grin so brightly. "Well well well, if it isn't the little lady~" He sung over the distance, grinning and stopping in his place. He had had enough of scaring little women, he didn't need for her to be fearful of him too. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Elusive little bird you are." He chuckled, grinning good naturedly.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 12:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was so focused on the woods around her, so watchful for the approach of another, that when she saw the shadowed figure moving her way her whole attention fixed on them, and a quiet little flutter was felt in her chest. Could it be her searching had paid off and her visitor was back again with another fun day in mind? It seemed like a long shot, wishful thinking in every sense, but it could have still be true, right?

Only it was not the brother that she had anticipated. As the wolf drew closer, Anais could see more clearly that he did not hold quite the impressive size that Glacier did, though he was still easily larger than she was. Nor did he possess the deep sea blue her friend sported, but instead a yellow that was almost electric in its vibrancy. She recognized him, and recalled his name with just a little bit of thought. This was Voltage, Glacier's littermate, his brother.

What was he doing here?

She was puzzled but Anais still managed a polite but incredibly shy smile, her body shrinking a little as did her head though her tail wagged in friendly greeting. "Hi," she stated, her voice soft but friendly while her curious, yellow-gold eyes begged the question on her mind that she had yet to ask. But with Voltage's own statement of looking for her, she momentarily forgot to ask it. "For me?" she asked, her brow furrowing gently with a look that bordered on uncertainty. Why had he been looking for her?

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
02-24-2015, 12:29 AM

Voltage continued to trot towards her at an easy gate, eating away the distance between them. She shrunk low, but he easily noted it was not exactly in fear but nervousness that had her shrinking infront of him. With an easy smile he lowered his head to be more at her level, tilting his head softly. "I can tell, you're disappointed. I'm not the elementas you'd prefer, am I?" He said with a gentle chuckle. Glacier was steadfast, unwavering, and when he set his sights on someone or something he often achieved it. And it seemed he had managed to nestle his way into this girls heart, mind and expectations. "Yes, you, silly." He said with a gentle laugh, lifting his head then and settling on his haunches. He glanced around then, at the place that he had found her in, breathing in the air that filled this place. There were others, weren't there? He wondered, did she have a family? Is that perhaps why Glacier hadn't extended a permanent invitation to this lovely girl. Turning back to her, he smiled. "I apologize if I am intruding on anything, or if I got your hopes up. I'll try and keep calm enough." He said with a gentle smile. He was getting better at figuring out how to turn off his excess energy, how to store it to aid him in the future. He shifted again, flicking his tail to cover a hind paw as he turned to look back at her again. Would all that appease her curiousity, he wondered? Humming lightly he smiled down at the little lady again. "Ever since Glacier brought you home I wanted to get to know the girl that melted his ice a little better. He's never brought anyone home before...or even had interest in anyone out side of the family before." His voice dropped slightly as his eyes seemed to almost distance, looking at someone far beyond sight. Glacier meant a lot to him, everything infact, and he wanted to understand the girl that brought a smile to his big brother's face a little better.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 01:02 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He called her on her thoughts easily, as if she had them written all over her face, and she blushed deeply beneath her golden grey fur, her eyes averting themselves as she lost her nerve to meet his gently teasing stare. Was it really so obvious that she had been looking out for Glacier, that that was who she thought was coming to get her when she saw someone coming her way through the wood? Goodness, she hardly wanted word to get back to him that she was pacing the border of her home waiting on him to return. What might he think of that?

Voltage said no more about it than that, moving on to answer instead her question with a clarifying statement that she was, in fact, the one he was looking for. He sat, and though it would have been polite that she do the same, Anais remained on her paws, shuffling a little where she stood as she tried getting used to her new company. He apologized for any inconvenience he might have imposed on her, but she merely brushed it off with a kind smile. He might have embarrassed her with his quick observations, but he was still family to Glacier and therefore welcome as far as she was concerned.

To her surprise, he spoke of his brother, offering her some small, intimate details that caused the little flutter in her chest to return just a bit more strongly. No one before me? Was that true? Could she really be that special in his eyes, and, apparently, in the eyes of his family as well? She might have hoped that she occupied a special little place somewhere in his list of relationships, but this was more than she had been allowing herself to consider. "Really?" she asked, her tone surprised but possessing an undercurrent of hope. Was she really special to him after all, like Voltage made it sound?

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
02-24-2015, 01:29 AM

He was lucky to constantly be surrounded by such a varying degree of personalities that he was easily adaptive to each of them. It was like colors of the rainbow, and he could experiance them all depending on who he decided to spend his day with or who wished to share his company. With a gentle smile he let a comfortable silence settle between them, waiting for something from her. She seemed to react rather well when he mentioned his brother and her affect on him. He smiled, knowingly, as he nodded his head at her question. She really was a sweety, he decided. With a gentle laugh he inclined his head, almost motioning for her to sit. "There isn't much that make him react this way, and you seem to be it." He said with a laugh. He looked at her now, the small little lady that held a very anxious seeming appearance. Yet she was soft, kind, gentle. If she had a bit more self-esteem he would wonder if perhaps she and Gale had been siblings seperated at birth. Perhaps that is why Glacier allowed her so close, he and Gale seemed rather close within the family. It was almost like how his and Serefina's relationship was, those two. Everything about their lives revolved around their family dynamics, and the only way for some stranger to fit in, is if they could be integrated with the rest of the family. In his short meetings with this girl, he knew she would have no problem integrating with the rest of the family. Even Serefina would get along with this girl, it seemed. "Do you like my brother?" He asked suddenly, always one for the spontaneous.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 01:56 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The yellow marked wolf could only laugh and chuckle over and over again at the way she was responding to him, though it was not the type of laughter to make her self conscious or nervous. In fact, it was gentle, good-natured, and reminded her strangely of the sort of laughter Glacier himself would make at times, as if he could not have been happier to be anywhere else but in that particular situation at that particular moment. It was amusement, yes, but also appreciation. She found she could tolerate it easily, and almost smiled herself at the cheerful sound of it.

Whether because of the gesture Voltage had made or because she was slowly growing more easy in his company, Anais reclined and seated herself across from her friend's brother timidly. Her thoughts were still on his revelation, that somehow she was, as he had put it, "melting" the icy mountain of a wolf, when he pointedly asked her another question and completely caught her off guard again.

Like Glacier? Of course she did. He was fun to be around, and so kind, and he was not off put by her changes between timidness and excitement. He was patient and gentle and made her feel safe no matter where they were. Of course she liked him...but she had a feeling it was a little more than just appreciating his company.

Was that was Voltage had meant? Was it the deeper kind of like? The like that...bordered on bigger and greater things? She grew embarrassed again, felt the color return to her cheeks beneath her fur as she thought of it, and, managing to meet Voltage's eyes with a look that was nervous, answered softly, "I think so." It was close, right? What she felt for him? At least close enough for her to think that maybe she did as soon as he asked the question. Maybe that was why she kept feeling as flustered as she did now as Voltage brought it up. Maybe that was why she could hardly stop herself from smiling when Glacier came to call on her. Maybe she did like him like that after all.

But would Voltage keep her secret?

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
02-24-2015, 02:23 AM

Stormy eyes watched intently as she relaxed in his presence, and he felt his heart sing. It was almost shocking when he felt the familiare feeling in his chest. It was normally reserved for his family, but he guessed it wouldn't be long before this girl found herself sleeping in their family den, spending time with them at their get togethers, sitting with his sisters to bask in their celestial light, to play with Serefina...or at least, he was being hopeful. He almost wanted her to join them, even after these short meetings. An ear twitched slightly before he looked back at her, searching for her gentle eyes as he smiled down at the girl. When she reacted to his question he couldn't help but grin, but her soft words caused his smile to fall to something more warmer, less playful. "I hoped so.." He breathed. Glacier was something else with Anais by his side, and he wanted to see him become even more. It was something that he wanted his brother to continue to explore this side of life, beyond their family. His brother was a different creature all together, different from Voltage. Volty who loved affection and wasn't one likely to turn down a pretty and sweet girl and her bed or affections. Glacier was wholey different, he loved fully and unrelentlessly. And he couldn't have chosen a better girl. "He comes with strings, though, if you and him persue the path..." He whispered softly, leaning in as if it were a big secret. And it were. This conversation would stay between them, he hoped. He would probably die if Glacier found out he had spoken of these things with the little lady, and he knew Anais would probably want her words to remain secret aswell. "Us, we all come with. There's so many of us, Anais. We are the fire of the earth, the life of nature, the unrelenting storms of the sky, the unmoveable celestial will have to accept us, as well." He said gently. They would accept her, he knew, but she would have to accept them as they were. "I am merely warning you, little lady..." He said gently, stormy eyes shining. "because I want this to work, I would love to welcome you more into our lives."




5 Years
02-24-2015, 11:47 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was not sure what she expected as she revealed the little secret that even she had not been fully aware was forming inside of her. It was nerve wracking to say the least, telling another of her feelings just as she was finally acknowledging them herself. Not to mention she was nervous it would somehow make its way back to Glacier, and she was not at all ready for that. But Voltage seemed to lose a bit of his teasing edge, his expression softening almost into something kinder, sweeter, more understanding. This was what he had hoped for all along.

Her breath that she had not known she was holding breathed out of her in a quiet sigh, feeling as if somehow she and Voltage were on the same page. He approved of her friendship with his quiet but steady brother and, she understood now, approved of even more than that. It was more than she had ever expected to get from this yellow-marked sibling of her mountainous friend, and she was incredibly humbled by it.

But his approval came with a warning. Glacier did not come alone. Just as she had her family, he did as well, just as close, if not closer, than she was to her own siblings. She could understand that, respect that, and was glad that there was someone else in the world who enjoyed those types of close relationships. They seemed rarer than she had first thought.

He was ready to welcome her into their lives, even before their friendship became anything more, but his words triggered more in her, a sense that she needed to come clean too. "I have strings too," she admitted nervously, shrinking a little more where she sat, "brothers and a sister, and a wolf I adopted as my son." It had never seemed to matter before - her family had been tolerant and accommodating of her new adventures, and Glacier had not shown any ill favor toward them - but was it possible they could pose a problem? Would what she felt never get any farther than it was because of them? Doubts that had never been there before were suddenly clouding her mind, and she wondered how close to true they actually were.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
02-24-2015, 12:58 PM

He grinned brightly as she almost seemed to glow at the news. Or at least, that's what she thought as he watched her. They all came with Glacier, just as he expected whomever he chose to accept his family. It was all part and parcel, but he wouldn't have it any other way. And it seemed this woman would be accepted whole heartedly and had already nearly accepted them. With a toothy grin he would lean forward in an attempt to nudge his nose to her cheek, laughing under his breath. She certainly was something else it seemed. But then, the conversation took an unexpected, but should have been seen, turn. Of course she had other family, and it seemed just as close as the elementas were to each other. He smiled inwardly, praising his brother. It was an added plus to her character that she appreciated family as well as they. But the news made her shrink in herself again, and his stormy eyes grew wider. "Oh, no no little lady." He said softly, shrinking himself to be at her eye level and offering her a gentle smile. "Please don't worry, I hate to see you with any expression but what I had seen. You deserve to smile, Anais, please don't worry." He whispered so gently, smiling tenderly to the girl as he shifted closer, as if to tell her a secret. His voice dropped to an almost whisper aswell, his head tilting just slightly. "It would be very selfish of us all to expect you to accept us and refuse to accept the ones you love as well. I am all for the family growing, so long as we don't scatter. Please don't worry, little bird, everyone will get along." He hoped. It was expected with such an array of personalities that some wouldn't get along with others, but as a whole he hoped that it would eventually make his family stronger. "Please don't worry, little harm will come" He wanted to raise her up, because she deserved to stand tall, and be happy, and he could already tell that Glacier seemed to bring that side out of her. With a delicate smile he moved to nudge her again, tenderly, as he tried to comfort the girl and ease her mind.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 03:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They might have looked so very different in coloration, but she could see a similar patient temperament to the one that Glacier always had for her here now within Voltage. He picked up on her nervousness immediately and adjusted himself in such a way to always keep his posture level with her own, joining her in her shrinking, worrisome thoughts with kindness and reassurance and light. She met his stormy eyes anxiously, her smile momentarily gone as she wondered at the chances her own strings would possibly hinder whatever was forming between herself and Glacier, and whether he would find it in himself to accept her, and them, when it finally came down to it.

Voltage failed to see them as a problem. He layered on assurances that her family would be welcomed just as fully as she would be, that they would learn to live among each other without issue. Oh, it was a lovely image he painted, a possible future she had never given thought to until this moment, one that she was beginning to realize she wanted very much. He was wonderful to her, a friend, a fellow adventurer, a guardian, a source of comfort and quiet affection. To think that her family might be welcomed into the mix too, for them all to join in her happiness at knowing Glacier and his long list of was a tempting thought.

He pressed softly against her cheek for a second time, doing his best to try and draw her out again, and it worked a little. He was just so sweet, so sure, about everything he said, she felt herself being pulled into this vision that he could see, and the certainty that it would come to pass. "Do you really think he'll be okay with them?" she asked, in particular thinking of Lebrah. He was no child by physical standards, only mentally, and he seemed so determined not to like the giant blue wolf who had saved him when he had been in need. It seemed a lot to ask Glacier to accept him too.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
02-25-2015, 02:15 PM
Voltage would grin brightly as she seemed to come back out of her shell. It was like a hermit crab they had on their beaches, scared of his curious paws, but emerging when Voltage managed to keep himself still for long enough. It was with this smile that he hoped he would be able to help her emerge more from her shell, to bloom like the little flower she was, or fly like a bird. There were so many comparisons Voltage could make for the girl, that he wondered if she was meant to be those instead of a wolf. Delicate little thing, he would dip his head as she smiled at him, mulling over her thoughts in her mind. His tail would flick around his hind leg and he smiled brightly back at her. Perhaps it was a good thing Voltage had decided to come here this day. She seemed perhaps too timid to come to these conclusions herself and needed an outsider to help her find the path. It defintally made up for any meddling the eldest might believe he was doing. Lightbutt merely smiled and waited to hear her soft words, offering no other touches in fear it would seem too familiar. He just waited, untill he heard her delicate question. And he blinked, his smile fading. She was asking of Glacier, correct? But perhaps she meant another He, and he could almost feel it in her words. So he nodded, without knowing the full extent of her sentance.  "He will, and if he doesn't, he'll learn too. Especially if he loves you." He said with a gentle smile. "I've only known you a short time, little lady, and I can already're worth it. Worth him coming to like someone he may not like. You deserve your happiness, and if it is with my big brother, then he will give it to you. I promise." He said with a gentle smile, reaching a paw out to touch hers before he would shift to lift himself up a little more.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
02-25-2015, 03:02 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She saw the smiling look on Voltage's face disappear for a second, something more thoughtful taking its place, but whatever it might have been was only momentary. He answered just seconds later, smiling once again and promising her that if Glacier cared enough he would find a way to make everything work. It was what she had been hoping for, but his opinion of her was something she had not been expecting. Was she truly worth all that she claimed she was? She had never really considered herself anything extraordinary, anything above and beyond just "average" or "normal." The way he spoke of her made her feel like something else, something more. It was definitely more praise than she was used to receiving.

And it was all so sweet. She had no idea what to expect when the sibling of Glacier had shown up, and it certainly had not been this, but she was grateful that he had thought to come and talk to her. That he thought so highly of her to take the time to make her feel more comfortable with the thoughts that had been swimming around in her head. His paw slid over hers, and as it did she leaned forward to press her forehead to his shoulder in a sign of appreciation. "I've never thought of anyone the way I think about him," she admitted as she lifted her head from his shoulder. "He's always there in my mind. When he's around, I can't stop smiling. And I'm always looking out for him now." She paused to chuckle at her own expense, remembering how she had thought Voltage was his brother and that he had been able to tell she was expecting the other. "It's scary, a little," she added, her voice lowering again as she hinted at her fears. She lifted her gaze to look at Voltage properly again, asking quietly, sincerely, "Is it supposed to be like that?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
03-11-2015, 05:13 PM
The softest of stormy eyes would watch her,  his paw covering hers just gently. There was a tenderness that grew in him for the girl, and while he had felt romantic feelings before this wasn’t it. It was something that he had felt before, for his siblings when they had these tender moments. He was reminded of Gale, of Serefina, of his little siblings that needed him. He sighed softly as she pressed her forehead against him, and for a moment he was shaken with how he felt in that moment. "You really are something special." He whispered delicately as his heart swelled, and he would move to nuzzle his nose into the fur along her neck. It wasn’t romantic, this emotion, but it certainly was something. It was shocking, he had never met a stranger that had nestled under his skin so quickly, infact it had never happened quite like this. And unbenounced to Voltage, he had already accepted her as a sibling, reguardless of if something does come out of her and Glacier’s relationship. His loyalty was instantly won, and he would stand before any danger to keep her safe.
When he heard her voice he shook his head just slightly, dispelling thoughts and returning to reality. Pulling his head back he would look at her, grinning and stormy eyes shining brightly. Everything was fine. With a gentle smile he would tilt his head, his ears shifting forward slightly. He didn’t speak then, until she pulled back and looked up at him. He would meet her gaze, looking into her gentle eyes, and he slowly nodding. "Self-preservation." He whispered softly. "All good things are a little scary, but you brave it out. " He wanted to joke about Glacier’s massive size compared to hers, and how that had to be at least a little scary, but he didn’t want to destroy the tender moment, so he just smiled. "But being scared about something like this, its better than feeling nothing at all." He whispered, smiling down at her as he slowly lifted his paw from hers grinned. "But there is no reason to be scared, big brother wont harm you. And if you does, he’ll have to answer to me." He grinned his boyish toothy grin, tilting his head in the other direction as he smiled down at her. She certainly was something special

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-20-2015, 02:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais listened closely as Voltage responded to her question, wholly curious and trusting that whatever he had to say would help her in the long run. For having only met him once before, and for having only truly gotten to speak with him on this visit, it was surprising how quickly she had taken to him, and he to her. Like any of her blood brothers, she trusted that Voltage's better judgment would be used to aid her, that her secrets would not go any further than this meeting once they parted ways, that he honestly cared about her and her happiness. It was not the same sort of feelings that she felt for Glacier, not by a long shot, but there were definitely growing sentiments for the lightning-emblazoned brother of the steady glacial mountain.

The advice he offered sounded so simply, almost too easy. Brave it out. Could that really be all she needed to do? Was there not more that she should be trying, something else that she needed to say now that she recognized her feelings? Anais felt her anxiety and confusion return, felt it furrowing her brow and bubbling up words on her tongue, but Voltage did not stop there. With a voice that was as soothing as it was convincing, he promised her feelings were okay, that they were good in the overall scheme of things, and that Glacier would do nothing to harm her. At least not without answering to him for it.

His backing, his protection, was unexpected, but she chuckled even as he mentioned it in such a comical, easy manner. Glacier would not hurt her. Somehow she had already grown to accept the phrase as truth, grown to trust the giant blue wolf with her life on each outing she took with him, but could he? She understood then why admitting everything made her feel so nervous, so anxious, so frightened. If she owned up to her feelings but Glacier felt differently... Her golden eyes stared into Voltage's face, a question begging to be asked. Do you think Glacier likes me too? But was she ready to know? Did she even want to find out this way?

No. If something was there, if what she felt was true and shared between them, then she figured they could work through it on their own. She sighed, smiling instead, feeling lighter, more at ease even though her world had been opened up and turned on its head so much in such a short span of conversation. "Thank you, Voltage," Anais said quietly, sincerity coloring her voice. Though comfortable, she felt as if the words had deserted her, and she hardly knew what else to say beyond voicing her thanks. He had done so much for her so quickly, gained her trust and respect just as his brother had, and opened up her world further than she had imagined it could be. She liked someone. And she had a new friend that she could trust. It was far more than she had ever imagined to gain that day. "I feel a little better." The grey and gold wolf laughed just a little as she spoke, letting out another sigh. Yeah, she did feel better.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
03-20-2015, 01:49 PM
When silence easily settled between them Voltage was no longer overly worried it was because she was being awkward or upset or confused. Instead, it felt as if his work was all done now, and he had managed to clear away some of the fog that surround his steadfast brother and the little mouse he had brought into their lives. He merely sat where he did, smiling to himself (and for her aswell, of course), watching as emotion flittered through her. He was happy for his brother, oh so happy, and he hoped to the heavens that something amazing would come from this. When no words came from the girl but a thank you, he laughed softly and shook his head. "Don't even mention it." He said with a warm smile, leaning forward in an attempt to push his forehead against her own, grinning. "Just promise to come visit us, okay?" He asked with a bright smile, pulling away from her and moving to stand. When she said she felt better, even a little, he nodded, stormy eyes shining. "You deserve so much happiness, Anais." He said in his calm, soothing tones. "Don't hesitate to ask if there's any I can provide for you." With an unneeded glance over his shoulder he turned back to her, his boyish grin back on his face. He hated that he couldn't bring her home, assimilate her instantly into their family, but she had connections here, and it would take a while before everything was just...perfect. "I should head back before Serefina organizes a search party. Don't want to be on the painful end of her fire unnecessarily." He said with a laugh, shaking his head and taking a single step back, grinning down at her, almost reluctant to leave this place and the girl that his brother had found. "Promise you'll visit? We'd all love to show you our home, now that we've all settled in..."

"Burn Baby Burn"