
in the spirit world



6 Years
02-24-2015, 11:06 AM

She wasn't quite sure why she was so obsessed with high places now that she'd finally arrived here, maybe it was the lowland plains and almost desert home she'd come from. She was enjoying the green of the earth here the impressive sights that sprung up all around her. This seemed more like home than where her family was, and she felt complete with Mith and Caia by her side. She'd never found herself fully able to trust in the will of the gods. Especially after they'd chosen to take her friend's lives she knew that no longer would she be able to worship to believe in such beings. Surely the whole tribe would send themselves into extinction. Faria found that she had no problem with that outcome.

The galactic creature would glide on her dark paws through the flower laden grasses. The buds would kiss her pelt as she passed, her bright eyes attempting to take in every one. Though the gods were damnable Faria always enjoyed the stories of the spirits and their world. A gentle smile played at her features as she came to the edge of the impressive cliff, her hips coming to rest on the earth as she looked out over the expanse presented to her. A soft sigh fluttered from her lips as she enjoyed the quiet moment alone.




3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 08:07 PM

Mithras ran hot on Ria's tail, moving with surprising stealth despite his hefty build. The summer sun was hot on his back as he charged up the slope. Her cobalt pelt was an easy thing to pick out amongst the greenery, even if she was dinky and whatnot. "Faria!" he called out at the top of his lungs, unaware that he might possibly be spoiling something peaceful. "Fariaaaa! Hey pixie!" He skidded to a stop at her side, bi-colored eyes wide and sparkling.

His tail swished from side to side and he minced about, causing all sorts of of ruckus. "You'll never guess what happened. So. So, I found this boar right. And he was HUGE, like even bigger than me. Okay, maybe he was a little smaller. He wasn't like a baby or anything, not really anyways. But okay so he charged me but then I turned him around! I started chasing him and- ...Oh! We're you having a moment?" He sat down with a huff, tongue lolling. "Sorry!" He knew that girls did that sometimes, liked things to be all quiet and nice but that was boring! He wouldn't press it but he kind of hoped Faria would want to come after the boar WITH him, because Caia had run off that morning too, and he was getting pretty bored.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
02-24-2015, 08:22 PM

Literally it was only a moment though, not that she could ever be disappointed in the presence of Mithras. He was so jovial and always ready for the next adventure. That was one reason they'd always made such good friends. Her name was on the wind then, coming in quite loud from across the field and the little pixie's features would shift easily towards him, ears eager to take in whatever it was he needed to tell her. An amused grin plain on her features as he almost didn't make the stop at her side. It was gonna be a long way down if he'd not stopped. "Hello!" she'd squeak back as he eagerly took her attention and offered his story.

With wide eyes the girl would listen as he explained the commotion that had just happened. A giant boar, he got charge but then the boar got turned around? Why was he here with her and not after the boar?! His voice would quiet as he suddenly stopped and apologized. "No!" She'd squeal, "What happened why aren't you changing him anymore?" She questioned him as he faltered, he couldn't leave her hanging like that! She was already on her toes in suspense, her starry tail would lash behind her as she awaited his response.




3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 10:11 PM by Mithras.)

Faria seemed startled by his sudden appearance, but it only took her a breath to lean into his story. Exhilaration jolted through his body, and the boy felt grateful in a way he could quite place that he had a friend like this. It was what made Caia and Ria such exceptional companions, they just seemed to build off of one another. Never a dull moment, they never lacked a witty retort or a pick me up when they were in need.

He bounced from foot to foot, seeming to jog in place. "Why aren't you chasing him anymore?" she asked, eyes bright. Mith grinned and spun on his heels. "Because now I know where its wallow is, and I wanted you to come with me!" Duh, it seemed so obvious! He's not gonna go boar hunting on his own, that'd be lame! And he'd tried to find Caia too but she was probably taking a mental health day after those pranks he'd pulled the day before... "So are you coming, or what?" He jounced a pace forwards, trying to urge his friend on.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
02-24-2015, 09:00 PM

Caia and Mithras were her brothers in arms, they'd done most everything together as children and as they made their way into adolescence she had no doubt that trend would continue. They were her best friends and always would be. With the bot in front of her hyping her up she found herself unable to sit any longer and her paws would dance beneath her as well. His grin was hard to mistake as he geared up to tell her, displaying his eagerness with practiced ease. He wanted her to come with him. If her grin could get any bigger it did. He'd ask for confirmation once after he'd offered up the greatest of hunting chances. She was right there along side him as he readied to go, her paws moving even before her dainty lips could. "Yes! yes. yes. yes." She'd chant as she stepped in beside him, knowing that she'd have to exert a bit more effort to keep up with her giant companion. They were going off to hunt, she couldn't ask him for a monkey ride now!




3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 09:31 PM

She agreed, completely absent of hesitation, like he'd known she would. Mithras let loose a victorious whoop and charged back down the slope, minding himself so as to slow once they reached level terrain, for the hobbit's sake. It was a pretty risky idea to go boar hunting in the first place, but being exhausted too? No thank you, he really didn't feel like getting his best friend gored.

The wallow was pretty easy to find, too. It short run through a grove of old growth oak and maple opened into an alluvial flood plain, lazy creek flowing through it's center. He splashed across a shallow crossing, water barely passing his ankles, before slowing to a stop. A wall of hills and a thicket of young hickory trees lay on the far horizon, and the boar was waiting somewhere inside (he hoped.) "Okay," he said, hopefully far enough away that his voice wouldn't compromise them. "His burrow-thingy is under the tallest, oldest hickory tree. You can see it from here," he said, gesturing with his snout to the dominant crown just right of center mass.

He'd never tried boar before, mostly because they were so dangerous that no one really bothered with the risk. But this one was smaller than whatever species they had at home and he was ready for it! "Lead the way!" he said with a grin. He might not admit it out loud, but Ria was a lot smarter than him. He'd never been very good with strategy, and he was more than willing to be the brawn for her brains. That just made things way more fun.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
02-24-2015, 09:58 PM

Blessedly Mithras knew just how fast he should run when she was at his side, she'd smile in his general direction as they marched off to war. Her heart beat excitedly within her chest, her scarred paws took her form sturdily over the terrain. They wouldn't travel for an incredible amount of time, eventually slowing to a stop Mithras would offer the top secret information about their target. He'd point out exactly where the creature took up residence, Faria could already feel her eyes narrowing and her celestial hackles raising all down her back. He'd easily offer her the reigns, and she'd take them.

Of course she wasn't about to go headlong into a situation so first she would sit, eyes calculating as she watched the burrow. How would they get the creature to come out? They could stake out the place and just watch, or they could lure it out somehow. Maybe even scare it out? Wait, maybe that wasn't a half bad idea. "We've got to scare it out of it's den." She'd tell him, her features devious as she looked back to his form. "Let me on your back, we're going in heavy. Just yell and howl and make a commotion, I'm sure he'll come speeding out terrified." With a nod she'd offer up her plan, eager to climb upon his back and give this animal the scare of its life.




3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 10:21 PM by Mithras.)

Faria scanned over the terrain with a general's eye. Mithras watched her with the same intensity she lent to the situation, he could practically see her mind turning over the problem at hand like a stone cast into a torrent. Buffeted here and there, dashed against chance and improbability, it would come out smooth. She announced at last that they would have to scare it out, and gave him the first part of the plan. A monkey ride, huh? Mithras dipped into a low bow, mocking her soon-to-be superior position. "As my lady commands," he drawled. Scaring it out seemed like the best possible choice now that she'd come up with it. Mithras probably would have just stalked it like any other prey, and grown frustrated when his skills paid off to the point where the damn boar didn't even know he was there. But this was way better.

He felt his friend settle into a comfortable position, one they'd both grown used to (and Caia too on the longer treks, once a younger Mithras had grown tired, or vice versa) in their youth. When Faria had burned her paws, walking had been nearly impossible. Mithras had been scared of what her family might have done, seeing as some families had sacrificed unfit children. He'd never asked (he'd been way too afraid,) opting instead to make sure Faria had plenty of time to learn and recover. Monkey rides had been born, and even though it was all in good fun these days, apparently it could still be put to good use. He doubted this boar had ever seen a giant, starry, two headed wolf before. Mithras let out a ringing howl, a caterwaul from hell, and charged across the expanse which lay between he and his prey.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
02-24-2015, 10:35 PM

As she gave him the plan Mithras easily slipped down into a bow as he gracefully took her command. Her grin would only widen as she took her place with ease. This had been more of a daily experience back when her injuries were fresh. Still having less than a year since the tragic incident her paws still grew tender at times. Not now though, she was fit and she was ready. Her slender form sat low over his back while she gripped with her slender legs, the muscles used to do this still quite developed from her their time as younger children. She'd grin like mad as her steed stood, and lifting her head and giving just as much of a commotion the pair would siege the den.

They would hoot at holler all the way to the den, screaming like mad. Yet even as they reached the doorstep there was no sign of their prey. She'd slip from his back instantly Faria would feel the shame and disappointment of her plan not working. She would grow quiet, and as Mithras did as well that was when she heard it. Eyes widening the girl would leap to look around the other side of the tree, and almost out of sight she'd spot the creature. It had gone out the back door. Of course! "Come on Mith! It went out the back way!" She'd holler and race after in, her lithe form navigating the forest like a pro, she'd keep her eye on it hoping that Mithras might overtake her and catch up with the beast.
