
carry on



6 Years
02-24-2015, 01:39 PM

Her dark paws would take her on yet another adventure, somehow she'd snuck away from the sleeping Mithras and Caia. They might find her gone a little later and try and follow after her, but she didn't mind. They knew she was still trying to get the hang of the world here, and leaving them for a while was nothing new. Though she had to really convince Mithras of that one. The thought of her incredibly bulky friend created an easy smile that flitted across her features as she walked daintily up to the edge of the forest. The trees here held their bounty possessively, not quite ready to drop their fruits yet the branches hung low and heavy. Surely by the end of the season many of them would have snapped of from the weight that they bore.

There might have been a danger of falling fruits once time brought them to maturity, thankfully that time was not now and she would easily follow the game trail into the woods. The scent was hard to replicate, it was sweet and alluring and she had no doubt this place was chalk full of different prey species. She'd never encountered somewhere so bountiful. The fragile yearling made her way under the full canopy, seemingly alone but very much at ease.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 02:55 PM
Perhaps this time would be better, he decided. The last time he had found himself in the orchard he was met with a really cautious wolf. He was nearly done with females being terrified of him or wary. He wanted nothing more than to be seen as the love bug he was at first sight, but he doubted that would happen. Voltage wasn't very bulky, but he was large, streamlined and brightly colored. Perhaps there was something wrong with his expressions. With a shake of his head he paused beside a puddle from a recent summer rain, shifting his brows and widening his eyes, grinning a toothy grin. He blinked down at his expression before he laughed loudly, shaking his head. No, fabrication wouldn't work. With a gentle sigh he continued to move through the canopy of orchard trees, blinking up at the fruit among the branches. He would need to eat soon, he decided, as his stomach tightened at the sight of the food. With a gentle sigh he lowered his head and blinked forward, surprised when he suddenly saw a stranger among the trees. Her furs were a varying colors of blue, shining almost like the stars, and his eyes grew wider. Her furs were gorgeous! Astrea would be so jealous at the constellation that colored her pelt. He would smile then, trotting towards her but slowing, trying to get her to see him before he surprised, or worse scared, the young thing. "Hello.." He said softly, his voice tender as he looked upon the delicate thing, glancing around as he tried to find someone that had to be looking after her. "It's not safe to be out here alone" He called over the distance, stopping to allow her to close the distance if she wished to speak to the Elementas.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 05:46 PM

Her attentions would be drawn to the presence of another as his foot steps alerted her to his presence. Brilliant blue stare would be interrupted as she shifted her gaze from the low hanging branches to the brute's form as he trotted closer. She wouldn't move and fear would certainly not take her as she had two giant body guards only a howl away. He would slow and she wouldn't miss the smile on his features. Her won would pull back into an amused smile as she watched him. He was older than her, but he also held upon his pelt bright yellow markings. Still so different from what she was used to but at the same time he was just as exotic and that made her feel more comfortable. Not that she was about to run up and dance around him or anything, but she would take a couple of curious steps forward as he greeted her softly.

He looked around for a moment before his attention came to rest back on her, his observations seeming to make sure she was alone. Was he really concerned for her safety or was he the one she needed to worry about while she was 'alone.' She'd peer at him for a good long moment, her scrutiny obvious on star burst features. Well she was about to find out, seemed adventure was out to find her today. "Hello," she'd answer back as the thoughts dripped rom her features and nothing but her good natured expression remained. "And why not, don't I look like I can take care of myself?" She'd tilt her head as she flexed the supple muscles within her forelegs for emphasis. He didn't need to know about her giant companions just yet.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 08:38 PM
He would smile good naturedly as she reguarded him. A flurry of emotion seemed to cross her face, and he merely tilted his head but didn't say a word. Happiness swelled in his chest when she seemed to be comfortable enough around him. There was no fear in her expression, and he felt greateful for that. Yet it almost made him nervous at the confidence she had for one so young and so tiny. Surely there must be a reason for it. He wondered, there must be a reason. Perhaps she was just delusional, but he just continued to smile, his tail swishing behind him as he held his place. Voltage meant no harm to anyone, especially not little ladies like herself. When she spoke his smile grew into a boyish toothy grin. "That's not what I meant at all, little lady. I was just greatful I found a big strong body guard to protect me from the dangers. After all, it's not safe to be alone." He said teasingly, hoping to get on her goodside. For what, he wasn't sure. Perhaps he just wanted to make a friend with the one female he had met lately that wasn't scared of his very presence. He shifted then, glancing around in the shadows again for anyone that would come to defend the girl, because surely she wasn't so alone. He slowly sunk down onto his haunches and smiled to the girl. "I honestly mean no harm, I'm just a bit bored and lonely and was hoping that you would like to help entertain me?" Perhaps he was giving off pedophile vibes, but he really meant no harm! Honestly.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 09:17 PM

He didn't seem so different from her, with a similar smile painted on his maw and an easy going demeanor she didn't really feel like there would be anything to worry about. Mith and Caia could go on sleeping for all she cared, she could take care of herself here. Her words would earn her a grin as she teased him, sharp teeth becoming exposed as he took in her words and replied. He'd play right along with her like she'd hoped, now that she was there he really didn't have to worry about dangers. She'd nod in answer, yes she was here now and he had nothing to worry about.

She'd take a few steps closer to him, even more curious now as he looked around again. His next words wouldn't come across as inappropriate to Ria, not yet anyway. She was just a year old and was still mostly innocent and naive about more adult activities. When he said entertain her mind went straight to a game. "No one's gonna come out and bite you." She'd tell him with a chuckle as she came to stand closer to him, her starry tail lashing out behind her eagerly. Usually for fun they hunted or played chase or really they could do anything. "What should we do?" the pixie like girl would ask as she tiled her galactic features.




6 Years
02-25-2015, 02:06 PM
He laughed softly then, shaking his head. "Biting isnt what I'm worried about." He said with a gentle smile, looking down at the celestial girl. He wondered if she might have any connection with his family, her furs reminded him of their parents, but he quickly brushed it aside. All he cared about was his own family, and not the wolves they left behind on the island or anyone connected to them. He merely smiled down at the girl and tilted his head. "How can you be so sure that no one would bite me?" He said with a gentle grin. "I'm delicious!" He laughed then, good naturedly as she asked, then, what they would do. He hummed lightly and looked around, wondering just what they could do in an Orchard. He wasn't entirely sure, he had never played games with apples or other fruit. Infact, he wasn't even sure where to begin. He was taller than her, so any "find the best!" games were in his favor and that wasn't fair. He was sure he was faster than her, so any races would be boring. He shook his head then, turning his attention back to the yearling. "My family is very rough with our games, so I don't know what to suggest. What do you think we should do?" He asked with a gentle smile, deciding to allow her to come up with the activity. It would be more fair, and perhaps more fun, if she decided anyways. Voltage's imagination only went so far!

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
02-26-2015, 12:24 PM

Her voice only brought a chuckle and a quick shake of his head as the man assured her that he was not scared of being bitten in the least. She had no idea of the potential connection she might have had with his family but she wouldn't have doubted somewhere in her lineage their was someone who'd found his own great grandsires. These possibilities would not linger in her mind as her new companion went on, asking how she could really be sure that no one wished to take a bite out of him? Were she older and maybe a bit more lose about her words she might have made a more sexual comment as he joked about how he tasted. Though with his good natured smile the thin she wolf only grinned and giggled at his preposterous statement.

Her question would move their conversation right along. She didn't know what there was to do around here, and she couldn't imagine this brute would enjoy the rough and tumble games of Mithras and Caia, but he did tell her that his own family was quite rough. Surely there was some common ancestor somewhere in their past? Bright cyan eyes would look him over for a long moment, assessing his form. He was easily double her weight, and obviously taller than she. However she was used to taking on her impressive body guards. (not that she was really aware of how easy they actually went on her) but she was still a force to be reckoned with.

"Ya wanna... wrestle?" She'd ask as she settled on a game, her front half of her body lowering to the ground as she went into a play bow. Her star spangled banner flying eagerly around her slim hips as she beamed up at him mischievously.
