
This world I created for myself...



6 Years

02-25-2015, 01:00 AM
Surely this place must be enchanted. It was too beautiful to be real, or so the young she-wolf believed as she cast her emerald gaze around her. Her gait had been at a steady, powerful trot, the scenery passing her by in a blur, her mind racing without order, without a destination. The summer sun beat down on her jet black coat, causing her to pant heavily, growing weary from the heat. However, as she splashed through a shallow, clear stream, she couldn't help but notice the cool air brush over her whiskers. So deep in a summer haze, wrapped up in her thoughts, she'd not perceived the change in scenery. As she slowed to a saunter and lifted her head, she observed how the shadows were speckled with sunlight glimmering on the stream's surface. Rich hues of green were all around her, and the willows' tassels danced lazily in the fresh breeze. There was not a sound but the rustling of lush leaves, slow trickling water and soft birdsong.

Esarosa paused, wading just past her ankles in a shallow streambed, no longer feeling inclined to keep traveling. The refreshing water lulled her into a state of rest, the fog lifted from her mind and her thoughts quieted. Suddenly she could feel the ache in all of her muscles that begged her to stay a while. She dipped her muzzle just below the water's surface, quenching her hot, dry throat before flopping down onto her side. She stretched out each leg, soaking herself thoroughly, sighing in comfort as her tail splashed back and forth, the water's surface gently gliding by her shoulders. She hadn't come by peace so easily since leaving home.

If only I could share this moment with Ajax. A slight huff escaped her lips and she looked to the canopy, squinting as sunlight streamed through. Then she shook her head, dunking her face into the refreshing stream, disbanding the fruitless thought. Anyone would do right about now, I think. How long has it been...? She had lost track of the sunrises she'd spent alone, and as much as she didn't want to think about it now, nor regret leaving home on a stubborn whim, the thoughts crept back in, even as she breathed in the fresh scents surrounding her. She tried to let her senses flood her with serenity, yet still she felt the gnawing ache of loneliness claw at her belly. Surely I cannot be alone in this enchanted place...



2 Years
02-27-2015, 10:23 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

The crucifying woodland ashes permeates through the pores of the ebony vixen. The sticky substance impacting her entire embodiment was well known as mud, she was quite used to the gooey feel of it since her home land favored in the arts of stealth. With the mud clinging to her being, her lavender and glorious scent will be disabled to the more keener and toxic senses of the wolf. Fayelon stalked endlessly through the forest, twisting and turning her slim and slender physique between shards of trees and openings that welcomed her with open arms through its portal.

The mighty vixen prowled onward, light on her feet like a feather in the wind and propelling herself further into the distant darkness. Although with a raft of breeze flourishing around her, a feminine aroma caught her attention which brought her to a standstill in her waltz. Sensitive ears used to detect vibration of sounds from a far grazed in the direction the sources came from. Rushing currents reached her auricles just in time as her muscular alignments went bolting towards her destination. Slowing just before she'd reach her target, skimming through the shadows, quiet as a mouse as she lightly swayed her tail across the earth's furnace.

Coming to an immediate stop, hidden beneath the fractions of tree walls and bushy vines, yet her glowing orbs never once left the specimen wading in the water. With a flash of a sapphire blue and an ocean green ocular she'd emerge from the shadows that enveloped her in its harboring haven. Removing further from her solitary of confinement, edging closer and cautiously toward the female organism. Skimming her over once, calculating her body measurements and muscle fragments, watching the way her joints reacted -- analyzing if she had a weak reflex system. It seemed the femme was healthy in all aspects, but then again the two hadn't gotten to properly meet, so Fayelon stayed calm but not collective. She'd surely show confidence(as always), and bravery(likewise). "Lost little one?"



6 Years

02-28-2015, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2015, 12:42 AM by Esarosa.)
Esarosa had allowed herself to drift into a sleepy haze, her eyes mere slits of jade as she relaxed in the water on this hot summer day. The soft but tantalizing sounds of the environment blocked out the sounds of someone approaching. When a voice disrupted the steady sound of the flowing stream, Esa's emerald eyes flew open and she scrambled to her paws. Her claws scrabbled on the smooth, slick stones, causing her to stumble and thrash awkwardly in the water until she was able to regain her balance. Thoroughly embarrassed and caught off guard, she felt even more flustered as she was addressed as "little one" while clearly making a fool of herself. She didn't know how to respond. Annoyance sparked within her and she wanted to react irritably, but at the same time she was desperate for interaction - the lady seemed genuine, and Esa did not really want to agitate her if they could be friends rather than enemies.

Trying to collect herself, the young femme looked to the dual coloured eyes of the other, an uncommon trait in her experience. Blinking, she glanced to the water. With a half-smile, Esarosa  muttered, "Well, I wasn't really... because I left home... but I guess now I'm found.." she was trying to be clever but it came out quietly and awkward, her social practice at an all-time low. Clearing her throat and giving a flick of her ebony tail, she looked up again, trying to muster a little more confidence. "Oh, I'm Esarosa," she stated. Her name; it was something she could easily confirm without second-guessing herself. She supposed she could also ask for the fae's name without appearing stupid. "So... your name is..?" she questioned, which still managed to come out somewhat awkwardly.



2 Years
03-01-2015, 11:09 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

The younger she-devil seemed a bit on edge with Fayelon's arrival, though as that may be the usual reaction to such confrontations, this onyx vixen will not tolerate difficult and catty attitudes. But thankfully Faye knew how to control her demons, keeping them well at bay and not deeming them any entrance into her already tormented and deranged mind. As she obviously wasn't the largest of fae's, but also not the smallest, she probably didn't come off as a target yet do not let her looks fool you.. she is the devil in disguise when piqued to degrees far past her limit of control and serenity.

With the other female specimens preaching her name in a matter of seconds Fayelon had to try and keep her name in the dark crevice of her minds demented abyss. Esarosa.. She repeated for a short period of time before being snagged away out of her trembling thoughts by the girl's next examination, which held a simple question. Ah yes, name. Taking in an intake of oxygen she exhaled with tidings, all laced in her famous Greek accent. "Names Fayelon, nice to meet you Esarosa."



6 Years

03-01-2015, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 11:38 PM by Esarosa.)
The vixen's voice had a nice ring to it, an accent Esarosa had never heard before. As she watched the lady's face, she tried to gauge what she was thinking, but it was difficult to tell. It almost seemed like she struggled with the interaction as well, but in a way Esa didn't understand. She did not know what was below the surface of Fayelon. Shaking the water from her dripping pelt, Esa allowed her tail to wave in the air in more relaxed matter. "Nice to meet you, Fayelon," she said, trying to forget her embarrassment and be glad someone was talking to her at all. Tilting her head, she wondered about Faye. Was she also just a lonely traveler, or did she have somewhere to sleep at night, somewhere to call home? Esa wasn't sure she'd want to plant her roots any time soon, but it would be nice to at least know someone living in the area.

"So Fayelon, where do you come from?" she asked curiously, stepping up out of the water but not standing too close to the other, "Are you familiar with the lands? I've been traveling for several moons, so I'm new here." The cool breeze ruffled her ebony coat as she stood just at the water's edge, relieving the stifling heat she had felt earlier. It would be nice when the sun went down beyond the horizon, then she could truly relax. She wondered what Fayelon planned to do when night fell.



2 Years
03-04-2015, 02:15 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

As the other wolf spoke she'd store the one question that stuck out, embarking quit hastily on if she were new here or not. Yes, she was, but why should she give such information about herself out. Then again, she had breathed her name to the girl so why not just tell her. Taking in a deep, steady intake of oxygen Fayelon erupted into a sequence of remedies. "Ah, yes, I am quite new here actually. Met a couple of wolves on my passing through these new lands and first meet and greet wasn't as pleasant as this one is. Although I can't say that for certain, who knows you might decide to attack." A fool of a grin came sprouting onto her characteristics and she couldn't help but release a chuckle. Watching carefully as the femme began to move and when she did so did Faye.

The other question hit her with a pang to the heart, she remembers clear as day when her father banished her from her homeland. But instead of taking the heat and walking off with her head held high she turned satanic and slaughtered her father for his wrong doing. That day was one she'll never forget, having her own parents blood on her coat was something she never thought would happen; but it did. Fayelon would blink in sync motion as her digits toyed with the soft soil beneath her, looking over at the she-wolf whom seemed like she was awaiting an answer.. so the onyx woman gave her one. "I come from a far away place, one that is past the horizon and across treacherous landscapes. I am a Greek descendant, born to a king and queen. I am indeed a foreigner."



6 Years

03-06-2015, 01:46 AM
It seemed to her that the other she-wolf hesitated to answer the questions. Esarosa found it odd, used to speaking with wolves who were straightforward. But she knew being away from home would offer different experiences, and she guessed that started now with this stranger. Fayelon. An intriguing individual indeed. Esa frowned slightly when Faye mentioned that she had met some unpleasant wolves recently - she hoped she wouldn't run into any such characters. She supposed she was lucky she hadn't come across any so far. Her ears flicked back uncomfortably when Faye implied that despite their pleasant greeting so far, she suspected that Esa may still decide to attack. "O-of course not!" she assured Faye, "I'm glad to have met you, I've been alone for so long. I would never mean any harm." She chuckled along nervously with Faye, wondering why she would suggest such a thing.

Esa shifted uncomfortably when Faye went quiet, her eyes seeming to see something distant that Esa could not envision. At last there were words to fill the silence, and Esarosa perked with curiosity. So this fae was borne of royalty. She blinked, grinning with amusement. "It seems we are both royalty," she stated, whisking her tail around, "I for one feel far out of my element... yet I feel a lot more free than back home." She didn't know what Faye's background was like, but she felt in a way like she had common ground with the femme, something they could both relate to. Though she was curious to know more, at the same time she felt somewhat afraid to ask any further. The other she-wolf seemed rather hesitant to answer some questions. Maybe she would find out more later. They didn't need to know everything about one another right off the bat. "I was hoping to catch the sunset tonight," she mentioned, trying to change the subject a little bit, "The sky is so clear today, I'm sure the colours will be magnificent when the sun sinks. Do you spend time just watching the sky change sometimes?"



2 Years
03-07-2015, 02:46 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

Hastily the femme would fight against her crude comment about her deciding to attack Fayelon, it wasn't that she didn't think she would, just a precaution. Since it was her habit when females or some males got close to her she backed away just a tad, leaving a great distance from them so that she didn't have time to analyze or examine Faye. When she said she was glad to have met her Fayelon was a little thrown off guard because not many people would say such a thing to someone like her. But she took it as a compliment and smiled warmly at the younger fae. "Good. Guess that means I won't have to maul you after all." The onyx she-wolf chuckled, flashing her  grin as she implied her joke. Then again, was she really joking? Who would know..

Fayelon rolled her shoulders in effort to ease the stiffness in their joints, cautiously sitting back on her haunches while her tail wrapped neatly around her foundations. Both royalty? Now how Esarosa born to royalty? That is one question she'd like to know, how did she compare to Fayelon in this category? She took an intake of oxygen, breathing ancient tunes to the girl. "Dear, you say your royalty.. to whom were your parents? Where exactly did you come from? If you don't mind me asking?" With that being said she'd listen carefully to the other black females loaded question. Tilting her head slightly in wonder.. did she ever really just watch the sunset? She hasn't had the time to sit and watch as the sun sets beyond the horizon. Then again, Fayelon has never done such a thing. So her answer was sweet and simple, "no, I have not."



6 Years

03-07-2015, 09:48 PM
The young femme chuckled nervously once more as Fayelon joked that she wouldn't need to maul her now. Her heart began to race anxiously and she couldn't help herself as she took an uneasy step back, unsure if Faye was truly joking or not. She seemed a little odd, and Esa wasn't sure if she could fully believe her, or trust her. Faye's underlying tone was edgy, implying some seriousness. But so far it seemed that she would be okay with Faye if she didn't do anything to set the older femme off. She had to make sure Faye saw she was no threat - there was no need to fight. Gulping nervously, she no longer felt the serene enchantment she had moments ago while settled in the cool, refreshing stream.

Esa felt slightly easier when the other femme sat down, making it less likely that she would rise quickly to attack. At least she could see it coming if anything were to happen (though she wasn't sure what she would do even if she saw it coming). Her tail continued to wave through the air, hoping to maintain her friendly appearance. Then she forced herself to sit down as well as the conversation continued. Her toes shifted and clawed at the soft, lush ground as Faye questioned her about her lineage. It seemed yet another serious topic; something Esa had hoped would make them feel more akin to each other seemed to drive the wedge between them further. She wondered if the place that Faye came from had more serious ideals attached to royalty, since she couldn't see the importance of it at all. "Well, you probably wouldn't have heard about them at all..." she began somewhat quietly, awkward again, "I come from a place called Tirisfal Valley... They called my mother Lady Snowfall; I never knew her, because she got very sick giving life to my sister and I... my father, Nuri Bade, took her to a pack in mountains far away where they could heal her. Apparently before mother fell ill, the two of them were a powerful duo with a loyal following of brave warriors. Even the baddest wolves didn't want to mess with them."

She hoped her answer would satisfy Fayelon. She didn't know a whole lot about the way things were before her birth - she only knew that things had sort of fallen apart after her mother fell ill. Esa had spent most of her puphood roughing around with her sister and surrogate siblings, and her surrogate mother - between raising four pups alone and fulfilling pack duties - didn't have much time to spend with her, or any of the siblings, one on one. The young she-wolf shook her head, not wanting to think about any of it in too much detail lest she feel a pang of longing in her heart. Tilting her head in Faye's direction, she wondered what else she would like to know. She was somewhat disappointed that she gave little interest to the sun set, something Esa had always enjoyed by herself, but she supposed everyone enjoyed something a little different.



2 Years
03-08-2015, 03:55 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

Tirisfal Valley? Nope, didn't ring a bell. Although a lot of places didn't really sound right to her. All she knew were the lands of Greece and the one Empire that reigned havoc because the ruler hadn't one idea how to lead such a flourishing Kingdom, that maniac was her father - King Lryan. Fayelon remembered that her father had the audacity to allow her and her brother fight for supreme power after he passed, it was her will to keep fighting that made her a better successor than her brother.. and that infuriated the King. Sadly, she had to take her father's life and with that her brother swore vengeance. Which brought her here, in Ala, trying to keep a distance between her and her past.

She listened to the girl, her dome hung low and she worked the pillars and wheels in her mind. Faye had no more to express what Esarosa spoke, but only one thing came alive and her chambers worked around the tidings that came flying out of her mouth. "Your quite right, never heard of them. But they do sound like royalty.. Probably nothing compared to what I'm used to but I consider that power." The ebony woman shot a glance up towards the feminine organism, watching as she became uneasy and the muscles in her being shifted in an act of protection if Faye decided to leap from her stance and attack. At the thought Fayelon chuckled, shaking her crown before rolling her stiff scapula's than throwing out more venomous miens towards the girl.

"My father was King Lryan and my mother was Queen Sapphira, rulers to the thrones of Greece, they ran a strict Empire and the numbers they had were remarkable. Although when I was still in my mothers womb, she was murdered by a rival King of my father's.. and out of my mothers death I was the only one to survive. Sure, my father grew up protecting me and my older brother best he could, but that would never be enough for the dangers that he faced with a war festering just outside his walls. He taught me and my brother the act of war, how to fight, how to hunt, how to survive. Everything that we needed in order to ready ourselves for battle, yet my brother and I never got along.. always clashing heads, trying to be the better successor." Fayelon would take a pause as she stood to her foundations and waltzed a little forth onto the rushing water. Dipping her left fore paw in its sparkling pool, twirling her appendage 'round and 'round before breathing life again.

"My father had us battle each other, so therefore it gave us an excuse to despise one another even more. After every fight I was the victor of it all, and believe it or not my father hated me for that. He wanted his son to be the better warrior than his daughter, the King never sought the females to be of higher rankings than males. So once the war finally arrived me and Castro were sent out into battle. The war was won, yes, but my father shoved me aside and focused mainly on my brother. This put a wedge between me and him, although in his absence I found an unlikely ally, his name was Elijah. For months me and him grew closer and I guess you would have called us something much more than just friends.. Yet it didn't take long when my brother challenged me for the last time for father's crown and I had two choices, either stand up and fight or turn and run away. But I was no coward so I did what any brave soul would do, I fought my brother and in the end I was the only one left standing. This enraged my father and he banished me.." Fayelon paused again, her head rotated to look over her shoulder but she dared not meet Esarosa's gaze as she spoke the last part of her past. "and out of my father's betrayal I turned satanic and slaughtered the King.. my sire.. my dad.. And with that my brother swore to redeem him and I fled, didn't look back, didn't turn around and face what dangers I knew would be waiting for me, I just.. ran.. never stopped until I reached Ala and now I have to live everyday looking over my shoulder in hopes that my brother wouldn't be standing behind me. There have been many sleepless nights where I just lay awake and listen to the silence in the night and the blackness that swallows me up.. I don't live in fear, no, never, but I live in regret and insanity."



6 Years

03-08-2015, 09:30 PM
Esa relaxed some more as Faye sat quietly, listening to her describe her homelands, and what she could remember of it. She wondered what the she-wolf meant when she said it was probably nothing compared to what she was used to. She would find out as Fayelon delved into her troubled and harsh past, speaking as though merely thinking out loud. Esa was surprised that it all came out so suddenly, as Faye had seemed so secretive just moments ago. But perhaps she felt at ease around Esa, at least she hoped so. The more she spoke, the more Esarosa began to realize why Faye seemed a little odd. Her entire upbringing was riddled with violence and adversity - she realized then that she was speaking to a wolf raised amongst those she'd only heard nightmarish stories about. Like the wolves of Mount Muerta, the vicious enemies of her birthpack, who had grown more bold and unpredictable since she was born and her mother departed. No wonder Faye had been so on edge during their initial greeting - by nature and by habit, she seemed to be expecting conflict.

Suddenly Esarosa felt that maybe Fayelon was more normal than she initially gave her credit for. As the story of Faye's past opened further, Esa felt herself drawn in, appalled at her father's desires and actions against her. When Faye paused, no longer stirring the water calmly with her forepaw, Esa held her breath. Then Faye looked over her should at her, but not making eye contact. She spoke once more, and Esarosa felt her heart race again. Fayelon was admitting to slaughtering her own kin. She didn't know what to say to the she-wolf, who seemed to be wracked with guilt and worry, but not admitting to fear. Surely she could fend for herself if someone came after her, but it was clear that her past weighed heavily on her. Esa lifted a paw, her gaze shifting from side to side, then she stood slowly, allowing herself to glance just briefly upon Faye. "Well, hey, maybe you just need a day to relax," she said in all her youthful naivety, "We could swing from the willows and lounge in the stream... and maybe there's some fish to be caught. If we stick together, no one will want to come after you. Safety in numbers, right?" Having never met aggressive wolves before, she didn't know of the vicious tricks dangerous wolves could play, nor how far they would go for the taste of blood. She just hoped she could convince Faye to brighten up.



2 Years
03-12-2015, 03:37 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

The young female seemed to take her story to the heart, listening carefully as Fayelon explained in great detail about her life and what had become of it in due time as a teenager. Maybe the obsidian beast engraved her past too strongly, which probably caught the ebony vixen off guard but she was a wise wordsmith and grew in the arts of her lengthy vocabulary and strong vocals as a speaker. Speaking out loud was something she was used too, wasn't really something she had control over then again she didn't have much control over anything that came out of her mouth -- let a lone what her reactions to things as far as violence goes. Mastering in the arts of stealth, combat, survival, and hunting sure goes a long way when your new to different life styles.

Fayelon perked her ears up, rotating and angling themselves in the direction Esarosa's risen tunes birthed to life from her larynx. The goddess grinned at her response, shaking her head quickly in a means of simply saying otherwise. The woman stood to her feet, circled 'round so that she was facing the other femme and boldly spoke without nary hesitation in her depths. "Lovely way to change subject, haha, but yes I could use that. Seems like I damn well need it, ain't that bout right? Hah, indeed, well come on, let's go. Don't want to stay here too long or someone might come upon you and they may or may not be as nice and gracious as I am." Thus the ghoul spun on her heels, beckoned Esarosa to follow with the flicker of her peeked black tail before venturing further into the woodland phalanstery.



6 Years

03-13-2015, 11:49 PM
Esa offered a nervous grin and felt her heart palpitate as Fayelon circled around only to end up staring her down, her voice unfaltering as she spoke to the younger she-wolf. Her ears flicked back the moment that Faye mentioned the change in subject; she felt abashed for having so quickly changed things when Faye had been opening up to her about serious things that had happened in her past, that still affected her. She looked to Faye's eyes, as best she could, she mustered up an apology. "I-I'm sorry Fayelon, I didn't mean to ignore you! I just thought..." she said, clearly scrambling for a way to make up for it, but before she could, Faye was embracing the change of mood and beckoned her away from their current location. Esa would be glad to stay on the move when she was with Fayelon. She didn't want to get caught up with anyone else who may not be so forgiving as Faye.

She was happy to splash through the stream again, letting the water soak into her thick ebony coat. The air was humid around them, making the warm air even more stifling. She wanted to ask, but now she felt like she might say something stupid if she opened her mouth again, but she was curious to know what a she-wolf like Fayelon did for fun. Maybe she didn't do much fun stuff, too wrapped up in her past to truly relax. Unable to keep quiet for too long, she blurted out, "Well what do you like to do for fun?" she asked, trotting along behind the young woman, wondering what they could get up to together, and how long before Faye grew tired of her an left her alone. She didn't want to think of being alone again, so instead she shook the thought away and perked her ears hoping for a response.



2 Years
03-21-2015, 07:18 PM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

While the other sashaying beast spoke, Fayelon was free falling into an abyss of mellow concentration. Trying to at least seek whatever knowledge she could from her fellow commingling demons that thrive within the confines of her boxed in black hole, for they file many memories in which travel back to her past. She was in deep thought when the girls chiming melodies sparked in her auricles, the soft lyrics caught her attention and she halted in her waltz. Glancing briefly at the onyx phoenix for a overlook of her appeal, Faye would return her gaze in front of her and continue down the yellow brick road that winded endlessly down a hill. "What do I do for fun? Good question dear, well for one I do like to explore. Not much fun but it soothes the mind and eases my demons. Guess you could say I'm adventurous, I love to pry the thrill out of every little situation."