
Home, in all its glory



6 Years
Extra large
02-25-2015, 02:41 PM

There was a surprisingly good variety to find in the beach, from the fascinating black sand, the cool waves of the water, the interesting depths of the cave and all its wonders, and of course the cliff that he and Voltage had discovered an entrance to. It would be here he would head to today, having already explored the cave indepthly, swum daily in the ocean and watched from the sand, both his siblings and any sign of strangers that might come to the beach often. So he would enter the small cave where he and Voltage had found a path up the cliff, slipping into its cool shadows, up the inside 'ramp' that they had enlarged, and then out into the other side where he would continue to climb a little further. No, it was no where near the height of the Volcano they had previously lived on but it was a great place to watch the stars and he was glad that they had discovered it.

He would finish the climb, his tongue lolling from his mouth at the feel of the heat torching his dark coat, and move to the cliffs edge. As well as a great place to star gaze and soak up some rays, it was also a fantastic place to watch over the beach, and he had a feeling he would be coming here often to ensure the safety of his family. He settled his rump on the earth and let his paws dangle over the edge as he rested his head against his outstretched paws, and simply watched and listened.