
Too Many Sharks Not Enough Blood In The Waves {M}



2 Years
02-27-2015, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2015, 04:00 PM by Lavendel.)
Acid green eyes narrowed at the dead creature, floating in the water. What was this? A violet paw reached out and poked it, wincing at the cold flesh. A slight tilt of her head made the body a littke clearer. A rabbit, black and white in color. It was rotting. Lavendel could tell that by the stuff crawling through it. The sight was enough to make her sick. Pulling away, her white and violet ears flattened. Ugh. She wanted to get out of there. But....Before she could, another scent caught her attention. The sharp tang of blood. Blood? Maybe something's injured. Following the scent of the blood, she skirted around the rabbit, her ears flattening in disgust again. "Stupid rabbit." She muttered, glancing at the creature. Shaking her head, she continued to follow the scent of blood.

It wasn't long before she started noticing blood on the grass. Whatever it was, it was large. When she came upon the creature, her acid green eyes widened. It was a bear, on it's side. It weakly batted at a coyote that got too close, cutting the creature. It escaped with a yip, and Lavendel carefully made her way closer to the bear. Once the gigantic creature saw her, it growled, but wasn't going to be able to reach her. Glancing over, Lavendel saw the thing that had injured it so badly. There was a deep gash in it's throat, still bleeding, matting the bear's fur. So, the creature was dying. It wouldn't be long at all until it's eyes glazed over and it was still. Giving a strange laugh, Lavendel hopped forwards, still not that close to the bear. "Not so high and mighty now, are you?" In response, a paw was sent at her. Acid green eyes narrowed as the bear struggled for breath, obviously not having much left.

After a few more moments, the bear was barely breathing, the gash in it's throat too deep for it to live. Violet limbs carried her to the bear's side, where she hopped onto the creature, giving it's head a harsh nudge. "Die already." She growled at it. In a way, she didn't want to see what had hurt it so badly. But the bear was gone before she had the sentence out of her mouth.  It went limp, and Lavendel hesitantly lay on the dead bear's side. It wasn't long before the white and violet female was half asleep, not caring that she was laying on a dead bear, or about the cold, stiff fur.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--