
When The World Came Crumbling Down



8 Years
02-28-2015, 02:01 PM

She had wandered away for all the wrong reasons. Her poor, dear Isolde, what had she thought about all of this? After the birth of the pups she just couldn't handle it, the sadness had taken taken over. Try as she may, she just couldn't fight it off. She had to leave, she couldn't infect the new family with her lingering depression. But now, she had to return. After running into Ellis she knew that she needed to repair her broken family, to put all the pieces back together. She wasn't getting younger, and her babies were a year and a half now. So she headed back towards the Range, back to everything that she had so foolishly left behind. But when she got there, the claiming scent of a pack lingered on the border with strength. No... it couldn't be! With panic in her eyes and her heart pounding fast, she paced along the border, the temptation just to cross so strong. But she was weak, her body frail. She hadn't eaten in almost a week, her ribs showing though her pale coat. Tossing her head back she let out a call of sorrow, of utter loss. How could she track down Isolde now? She had no idea where the family may have gone, and no hopes of ever catching their scent. Her purple gaze grew damp with tears, her body collapsing to the earth. Just when she wanted to fix it all, she came back to having it all ripped away from her.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 08:07 PM

Life as a slave was nothing that she'd ever imagined would happen to her. Their family was quiet and kept to themselves, how had they somehow come under the rule of their tyrant? He'd taken her children, forced them into slavery and completely destroyed the life they'd had, all for what? She still saw no reason for their capture and longed to have her babies back. She'd never intended for them to happen, but she never realized how much she could love them. She felt her heart break as they'd been led away and still awoke every morning hoping and preying that she'd open her eyes and realize it was all a horrific nightmare. Their scents were becoming stale in the den, and with each passing day she felt a part of herself dying. This was not where she was supposed to be, and this was not how her life was supposed to be.

More than ever the girl had craved Othello's touch, the woman had practically saved her from herself after Soliloquy had disappeared. She knew that Othello held a piece of her with her, a piece that was free of the chains that held Isolde's body. Her heart was with the white woman even as Isolde mourned her loss in her quiet den.

She would lay within, quiet and still when she heard the familiar call. Her heart would leap, the possibility of it being a trick of her mind almost enough to convince her to stay within her den. She had to know though, she had to see Othello to know she was alright. She had escaped imprisonment, and Isolde would not see her chained too. She had to warn her to run. Hoping beyond hope that another wolf had not heard the call Isolde would run for her soul mate. She'd not felt complete since her disappearance after the birth, knowing she was going to see the gentle she wolf Isolde's heart would beat in her chest furiously.

She'd become so hurried that by the time she reached the border the girl had lost her breath, but the sight of her friend was well worth the effort. Isolde couldn't help but rush to her side, tears already streaming down her face as she laid her eyes on the gorgeous woman. "Othello," she'd cry, "You came back." More than anything she wanted to embrace her companion, but after her retreat that day she wasn't so sure where she stood with the woman. A whine would leave her lips as she tried to draw near, craving the close comforting contact they once shared.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



8 Years
03-24-2015, 12:03 PM

The longevity of her wait was growing by the minute, although it felt like hours and days had passed since her call. She hadn't known that within the very pack before her rested her beautiful Isolde, the poor dear that she had left behind when life had caught up with her. But a flash of movement caught her eye, misty purple pools looking upwards to catch sight of the very woman she was mourning. Othello froze in place, her pale paws refusing to move. Her elongated tail quivered behind her, trying to see if this was simply a trick of her mind. Did she truly imagine her spotted companion to her, or had she been here all along? So many questions swirled in her mind, but none of it mattered the moment her name was uttered. She caught the tears already streaming down Isolde's face, and a whine left her maw. They were right on the border of the pack, but as soon as Isolde echoed her whine she didn't care. Only her front paws crossed the line as she pushed forward, burring her face into the soft neck of the spotted one. "My Isolde..." She breathed, greedily drinking in the scent of the mother. She was shocked to pick up the faint pack smell, but even more at the bareness of it. Only the smell of Soliloquy clung to her, the scent of the pups absent. Her eyes opened wide, but she tried to hide it as she placed a plethora of kisses along her neck and scruff. "Of course I came back, dearest," she answered at last, drawing her head back so that she could rest it against Isolde's forehead, searching her darker gaze. "I should have never left in the first place." There was regret in her words, the wish to turn back time and stay at her side. "Seeing you there with your perfect little babies, well it broke my heart. I couldn't handle it, it made me miss Mercy and Revenge so much. I... I was a fool to turn away from you like that, but I had thought myself to be a burden at that point. You had Sol there, much to my regret," she said, a smooth chuckle rumbling in her throat, "but you had your family. And where did I fit into it? I was just the broken companion, who's sadness would taint your most perfect moment." Othello's words were soft, whispered as she moved her nose up, pressing it into Isolde's left cheek. Eyes were squeezed tightly shut, her heart hammering in her chest. "But I realize now that if I would have stayed... I could have been there for you. I was so selfish, to flee like that, when you needed me. And now... this. Did you join this pack on your own free will, or were you a package deal with our land?" She almost didn't want to ask, but it wasn't adding up. It was suspicious, and she didn't like the direction that this road was heading. Othello eyed Isolde thoughtfully, trying to draw the truth out of her spotted friend. She would take no less than that, even though she deserved none of it.



4 Years
04-06-2015, 06:14 PM

The pale woman was there to embrace her only a hint of hesitation was evident and Isolde could only guess the same thoughts were running through the other woman's mind. Surely this was ghost come to visit her, she'd never thought she would see Othello again. No matter how much she craved the other woman's touch and simple presence. With her own words though Othello would answer and embrace her and she knew that the woman was real. She wanted to fall into the others arms and curl up with her. To forget about where she'd ended up and how she'd gotten there. Forget that her babies had been taken away from her. She'd been broken, and Isolde felt very much different from the young she wolf she used to be.

Othello would explain herself, not that she needed to. The moment she returned she'd been forgiving, she was thankful the woman had run. Had she not it was very likely she could have been in the same place as herself. The last question she would utter made Isolde fold her limbs in defeat. They'd been taken. "We were claimed. Soliloquy tried to fight, to protect us, but the alpha was too much for him. We were taken as slaves and my.." She was losing control of her emotions quickly. "He took my babies away." She felt like it had been so long since she'd seen them. Too long. Her heart was broken for them, and she felt completely helpless to get them back. She would never defeat the alpha even if she wanted to try. So, she'd been doing her duties. Hunting for the pack.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



8 Years
04-15-2015, 05:23 PM

She watched with wide eyes as the tan girl fell, saying that they had been taken. A growl vibrated in her throat as she paced back and forth along the border, pale ears twitching as she said that they had taken her babies taken. A loud bark sounded, her whole body quivering. She had half the mind to march past the line herself and grab the bastard by the neck. Still pacing, her gaze fell on Isolde again. "Who did? I will kill them myself if I get the chance." She lunged forward and over Isolde, only to pause and curl around her form. Letting out a shaky sigh she held the darker woman close, humming softly. "I will get them back for you, my dear Isolde. Even if it is the last damn thing that I do." Othello remembered something then, that Ellis had told her that Mercy and Revenge were in this pack. She didn't want to change the conversation, but the question burned a hole in her heart. "And my babies? My Mercy and Revenge? They are here, are they not?" She asked softly, licking the very top of her head. She had the need to fix things up with her daughter, she wasn't getting any younger.
