
What Is Fate?


02-28-2015, 07:22 PM

The talk he had with his aunt still very much so clung in his mind. The fact that he actually knew little of the other packmates he had, save for Hercules, a wolf he saw as his brother. He wanted to get to know more of them, get closer to Aether, Mneme, and Philotoes. They were the youngest Olympians, the youngest and purest of their blood. They would carry on that line, as he would. But Thanatos also had a duty to the father he had never met, the man whose surname he chose to take in a form of honoring him. Thanatos was one who would never forget where he came from, and what made him he was. In a sense the boy had been damned since his creation and, in others, he was made to stand through even the test of time.

The young man walked through the Pantheon lands in his slow lumbering gate, moving towards the Estuary. The fowl there were unique in shape and size, as well as flavor. There was always a tasty treat to be had if you cared to catch them. Thany would lift his gaze, his sea green eyes shining brightly as a smile crossed his features. Ah, it was a wonderful day in Pantheon. The sun was shining so brightly, warming his fur... though the heat of the day did have the Estuary smelling a bit more strongly than it usually did. But still, it was home, and Thanatos found himself comfortable here.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono


03-01-2015, 06:35 PM

The young spitfire had risen with a certain determination. Technically, she was a princess now and perhaps she should start acting like it. Carefully the girl shook the leaves and dirt from her pelt before leaving the den. Despoina would be a name that was remembered throughout all of Alacritis and perhaps beyond. She kept her head elevated as she debated what it would be like to be a good princess and perhaps a future queen. Should she behave in a regal manner or just be herself? These were the debates that ran through the young girl's mind as she walked. She kept her eyes peeled as she compartimentalized so she could do several things at once.

Her glowing yellow eyes spotted another figure moving in the distance. She dipped her head to the side slightly in a small bout of confusion before letting a grin slide across her face. "Hello!" The words were in the form of a soft bark as she ran forward towards the other Pantheon member. "Hi there!" She was eager to meet more wolves. She felt like she knew this wolf but she could not be sure if it was just some kind of mistake or not.


03-02-2015, 07:35 PM

He was alone for but a moment longer, before a voice calling out to him caught his attention. Thanatos would blink and slowly turn his head, gaze falling on a girl with a black coat and piercing yellow eyes. She was younger than even he was, perhaps to be a yearling in fall judging by her size. Was this one of his aunt Phoebe's children? The chocolate boy would stop, turning his body towards her. She certainly smelled of Pantheon, even if he had never officially met her yet. The boy would flick what remained of his ears forward and let a small smile cross onto his face.

"Hello." The boy would rumble in his slow drawl. The young man could tell by her voice she was eager to meet another, as well as by how she scrambled up to meet him. The young man would would dip his head, deciding to introduce himself first. "I am... Thanatos Adravendi... nephew of our... alphaess... Phoebe Olympus..." He hoped that if he introduced himself the female would do the same.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf