
A Ghost From The Past

Marina I


7 Years
03-11-2015, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015, 08:58 PM by Marina I.)
[Image: spencer_agatsuma____art_sheet_by_reflect...8lch7v.png]

Basic Info

Who wants a lovely plot baby? You all know you do. Meet Spencer Agatsuma, brother to the infamous Rainbow Syndrome, my lovely rainbow skunk of a wolf. This here boy is two years old currently, born in autumn and of course male. I am warning people right now, first and foremost, I am going to be VERY picky with who gets to play this character. If he falls inactive I do reserve the right to take him back, no questions asked. He is a plot baby, and due to the plots I have planned for Rainbow he could very well end up becoming the co-alpha of a pack so activity is definitely a must! Threading with his sister is definitely a must!


Of course, like all adoptions threads there are some need to know things about these characters that simply must be passed on. Spencer, like Rainbow, was born in Lyenne to Nicole Agatsuma and Niako Agatsuma. His father was a brown wolf and his mother black and white, thus, when producing Rainbow and her brother {considered a twin} they were quite surprised. Twins are considered signs of luck in Lyenne, as many of their gods and deity pairs are in sets of two. However having children with odd coloration upon their coats was considered a very bad thing. An ill omen if you will. However Rainbow, or as she was christened at birth and known by her brother as, Marina, was kept alive and with her family.

The family lived within Lyenne, a large land that is to the west of Alacritis. The particular area that the family lived in was known as Arthurin, known for river that ran through it. Arthurin, a valley at the base of Dragon's Fangs, a mountain range to the south, would not be left in peace. A pack of cannibals would invade and, in the chaos, Marina was separated from her family. Like his sister Spencer was told to run, and while she believes that her brother died along with their parents this is not the case.

Spencer was one of the younger wolves taken by these cannibals back to their base camp. Kept there as a slave he was treated badly, though his lighter spirit and kind nature would not be taken from him. Regardless of how they beat him, Spencer would not change his mindset. He remained, in a sense, innocent. He would do all he could for the other slaves, telling them stories of a better place and adventure.

It was the death of the cannibal alpha, when Spencer was roughly a year and a half old, that sent the pack into chaos. In the confusion many slaves escaped, Spencer included. He was now a free wolf, to go where he would go. Hearing a rumor, he began to follow one lead after another about a wolf infected with the Rainbow Syndrome {a term used for psychopaths in Lyenne, basically}. The few things he heard about the appearance of the large female only made him believe this all the more strongly. Now he is on a path to reunite with Marina, his sister who he has not seen since puppyhood.

Beliefs And Gods

-Marina and Spencer both believe strongly in the gods and goddesses of Lyenne. They are commonly born in sets of twins, thus making twins and litters of two considered lucky / a blessing.

-Wolves of odd colors are said to be a bad omen when they are born. It is normal for these wolves to be culled at birth, though since his sister was not Spencer does not discriminate against odd colored wolves. He will not do this usual custom of Lyenne.

It All Begins Somewhere

Celeste and Nox are the mother and father of the gods. Celeste, usually called upon by females, is known as the more merciful of gods. She is the goddess of peace, balance, life, and all things good. Her mate, Nox, is the god of destruction, resurrection, chaos, and malevolence. Darker thoughts are said to be born of this man, and from him evil is initially sown.

It's All About Life and Death

The first four children of Celeste and Nox are the two sets of twins, also known as the pairs of life and death. In each set there is a male twin and a female twin.

Charis {female -- has rule over the good souls} and Erebos {male -- has rule over the evil souls} are the twins of death.

Aoi {female} and Chrysos {male} are the twins of life. They work together to create each life.

Some Of Us Are Just Helpers

Abeni {Female} -- Hound helper for Charis. She keeps the dead in Charis' command from wandering into Erebos' domain and becoming corrupted.

Riyeth {Male} -- Hould helper for Erebos. He tracks down those under Erebos' command who try to escape his domain. Also known as the punisher.

Abyss and Fates {Both Male} -- An ironic set of male twins that control fate and a time. They work together to determine the direction a soul will go and how their choices will influence where they go when they die.

Reflected {Female} -- The keeper of memories. She holds all memories bad and dark, with no set appearance. It is said she has a rather selfless nature, wanting to help everyone even at the sacrifice of her own being.

Time Rift {Female} -- A torn up being said to be able to change the path a soul will take. When a dark wolf goes back to light it is said that Time Rift has made an appearance in their life.


<b>Name</b> Spencer Agatsuma
<b>Age::</b> 2 Years {Autumn}
<b>Gender::</b> Male
<b>Appearance::</b> Build, Size, Weight, Description Based On Above
<b>Personality::</b> Good, Neutral, and Negative Traits. Keep in mind he is no darker than a True Neutral.
<b>History::</b> Bullets for me to make sure I know you read the above information. You can also add other details in if you would like.
<b>Why Do You Want This Character?::</b> Self explanatory.

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



4 Years
03-11-2015, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2015, 10:36 PM by Aisling.)
Name Spencer Agatsuma
Age:: 2 Years {Autumn}
Gender:: Male
Appearance:: Spencer is sorta a medium build of a wolf. Though he's stocky and well-formed, he's thin through his rear half. His shoulders and chest are muscular, and he's built for running long distances. Clocking in at 35" in height, and a weight of 200lbs, this boy is quite the force to be reckoned with. His pelt is cloaked in darkness, with a break of white on his underbelly, eyes/muzzle, legs and his ear tips. He has black freckles dotted along under his eyes and across his nose. All four paws are dipped in light graphite. His eyes glitter like pale-colored emerald gemstones. He's kinda fluffy, with a lot of fur. He weighs a little more than his sister, but stands a little shorter than she does. His weight mostly comes from the muscle he has, as he is a rather thin wolf by genetics. He's not thin to the point of starving, but has a narrow build to him.
Personality:: Protective [+/-]: Spencer is protective over his twin sister. He won't let her come to any harm, and will defend her with his life. He would do the same for any mate or pups that he has.
Loyal [+/-]: While being a loyal wolf can be a good thing at times, Spencer can also be... too loyal. He can be loyal to the point that he would die for his pack, and would willingly do so to save the lives of his loved ones.
Fatherly [+]: Spence is quite the fatherly figure, and adores pups. He would be the model father for any pup. He's also willing to take in pups without any parents, or take pups 'under his wing' so to speak.
Brave [+]: Spencer is a brave wolf, willing to step up to any challenge that steps his way. He will not back down from a challenge, especially if the challenge is against his family or friends.
Reckless [-]: Spencer is quite the reckless wolf. Since he's loyal and brave, he's more apt to get into battles over small things involving his honor, family and friends.
Blunt [-]: Spencer is blunt, to say the least. He'll say it as things are, and will rarely, if ever, sugarcoat it to make someone feel better. He feels that if something happened, it should be told as is, with no editing.
  • Lived in Lyenne w/ family
  • Born as a twin to Marina, AKA Rainbow
  • Believed to be dead by his sister
  • Taken by cannibals to base camp
  • Escaped at 1.5 years old after death of cannibal Alpha
  • Followed lead to Alacritis, hoping to find his sister
Why Do You Want This Character?:: Spencer seems like a cool, well-rounded character. Also, RainbowIsEpic, and I felt the need to want her brother. Plus, KenoIsAnEpicPersonAndIMustHaveAKenoCharacter/Design.
Nikolai is allowed in any of Aisling's threads, regardless if they are private or not once they become best friends ^^ They more than likely will always be close to each other.



3 Years
04-05-2015, 05:57 AM
<3 Alrighhhhhttttty! Due to Dream making a lovely app and no other interest Spencer goes officially to her! owo
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