
Sister Mine


03-14-2015, 11:59 AM

The female walked along the wash, thoughts stirring in her head Nostrils would flare some, tracking the beast that she had recently injured. A young moose, the closest she had found thus far to their usual prey in this land, was moving on ahead, but Sunniva was determined to get him. The red makred female would lick her chops, each step placed carefully. There were stale scents in this area, unlike an area she passed not too long ago. It was a place with several wolves gathered, perhaps a pack or a tribe. The thought of it reminded her of her brother and sister, and for a moment a sense of longing filled her. She would pause, throwing back her head to howl for Sabine, or, perhaps in the case of a miracle their brother.

Sunnia could not deny she grew lonely from time to time. The strangers in this land were so different from what she was used to. She couldn't say she completely approved of them. But still, it was better than being alone she supposed. The female would continue on, her mind starting to tick away in thought. She wanted to know what Sabine thought they should do as well, if they should linger in this area a while longer in searching for their brother or move to different spots right away. There was no way to know how much ground he covered, or what her sister's own plans were just yet, until she would ask. A sigh left her lips and Sunniva would look up along the wash. Ah... at least it seemed the young moose had stopped. Perhaps it had died from it's wounds, by the way it lay there. Hopefully Sabine would be along without too much of a wait. Sunniva would really like to share this meal with her.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
03-14-2015, 01:10 PM

”Common language” ”Translated Finnish”

As her sister tracked the moose, Sabine tracked her. She'd run across Sunny's scent while exploring the marble riverbed. Of course she'd followed, doing her best to do so silently. She wanted her return to be a surprise.

Nose to the ground, Sabine followed the trail with ease. The rock underfoot was smooth but not featureless; she could feel the gentle rise and fall in the stone were an ancient current had worn it down. So far she had yet to find a dip in the riverbed that caused her to stumble, so she assumed it was relatively safe travelings.

Slinking up behind her sister with a smirk on her lips, she called, ”What kind of creature goes after a moose alone?” Sabine frisked closer, her head held high and the tips of her canines exposed as her smirk grew. She stopped and tipped her head to the side as if thinking. Teasing, she went on to say, ”Can't decide if that's incredibly brave or foolish.”



03-19-2015, 08:24 PM

There would be no mistaking who the call behind her belonged to. She would turn her head around, waiting for her larger twin to come up beside her. Her own smirk would grow and she would let out a laugh. “I’d like to go on with brave, if it’s all the same. I figured if you were lurking about you’d appreciate a bite to eat as well.” Sunniva would walk on, her eyes bright as she took a glance at the prey.

“Though to tell the truth, with it being so young, I wouldn’t call it an amazing feat or anything. Though it should be enough to satisfy.” She reasoned, her mind in thought. “I wanted to ask you about the next possible steps, Sabine. Do you think our brother is here? She would press deeper into these lands? Spread out separately?” She would stop next to the carcass, taking a bite as she waited for her sister’s reply.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
03-21-2015, 01:43 PM

”Common language” ”Translated Finnish”

She trotted closer, following the voice until it brought her alongside her sister. Sabine brushed her right shoulder along her sister's left side, using it guide her until they were standing abreast. ”Then brave it is,” she said with a smile. ”You figured right. I'm starving.” Sunny began moving forward and Sabine was quick to do the same, sticking by her sister's side until they reached the carcass. Once there she began to circle the downed moose, using her nose and whiskers to locate the belly of it. After it was found she dug in.

Sunniva spoke of Aki and Sabine considered her sister's words as she ate. After a few moments of thought she straightened, briefly letting her tongue brush over her lips  before speaking. ”I'm not sure. I've asked everyone I've encountered and none have seen him.” Aki's tusks made him hard to forget. She doubted someone would forget seeing him even in passing. ”I think we should carry on as we have been, staying together when it suits us and parting when that suits us better.” She paused to pick at the carcass, then, ”Unless you have a better idea?”


03-24-2015, 11:09 PM

Sabine would take a few moments of silence before she spoke. Sunniva knew her sister was intelligent, not one to simply jump into giving an answer if she could help it. She would not press Sabine to answer faster either, instead enjoying the tasty morsels of fresh kill that she dug into. She was glad that she was able to get a meal for her sister as well, though, at the same time, a bit frustrated as well once she answered. Still not a single sign, and the one stranger that she really ran into that she could have asked questions about left before she could bother to do so. It really was a bother.

The female would shake her head as Sabine asked if she might have a better idea. “As much as I wish that were the case I do not. It’s just a bit frustrating to not have any word yet, especially with a trait so noticeable as his own.” The female would gaze down at the carcass in thought. “I guess I’m worried about if we never find him. If we’re going the completely wrong path is all.” Sunniva would shake her head.

“Though better to try and fail than to do nothing, right?” She would manage a small smile, tearing off a hunk of meat for herself once more.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
03-27-2015, 07:00 PM

”Common language” ”Translated Finnish”

Sunniva's words drew a shrug from her taller sister. Sabine wasn't nearly as concerned. She was also confident they'd find him sooner or later and was content to simply enjoy the adventure in the meantime. ”I'm not worried. Either we'll find him or we won't.” There wasn't much more to it than that. She wanted to find Aki as much as Sunny did, but their brother had left on his own accord. He'd said his good-byes knowing it might be the last.

Flopping down, Sabine scooted forward until her chest bumped into the belly of the elk. She took a couple more bites; nibbling at the skin and teasing the abdomen open. Sunny's final statement brought a slight smile to Sab's lips and she paused what she was doing to smirk at her sister. ”That's true.” She shrugged again. ”I think we should keep doing what we're doing.”


04-23-2015, 10:34 AM

Sunniva would give a small nod in response to Sabine’s answer. It was true... Either they would find him or they wouldn’t... And there wasn’t much they could do to change that. When he had said his goodbyes he knew that they might be his last... But that didn’t mean the twins didn’t want to find him any less. Sunny would take another large bite out of the elk, wolfing down the meat in a bit of a hurried fashion. She wasn’t necessarily a lady-like eater... But she got the job done for herself.

The young girl would slowly settle down as well, licking her chops as her sister said that they should probably just keep doing what they were doing. Fair enough, she figured. “Alright then. That’s what we’ll do.” Sunniva would perk her ears some, looking up to the sky. “We’ll need to figure out where we want to bed down for the night and meet up there I guess...” She mused, though mostly to herself.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah