
Zenyata Yinoka



5 Years
03-14-2015, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015, 01:33 PM by Yurella.)
Hello everyone, I have decided to make another adoption, yay! Ok, so this one will be more detailed and descriptive so I hope that someone adopts her. Well, anyway, hope you all like her.

Name: Zenyata Yinoka
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
alignment: True Neutral
Appearance: [Image: bfj1c0.jpg]

Ok, she is somewhat of a perfectionist, everything has to be perfect and precise. She loves to hunt and fish and she is always making sure that she is presentable to everyone she meets. She is great at fighting, but she always groans or acts up whenever her fur is dirtied.

Family: Enta Yinoka (Mother- deceased)
           Shadow Yinoka (Father- deceased)
           Percy "Perry" Yinoka (Brother- Alive)

Note: I will be making her brother as an adoptable once she is adopted. She loves her brother and would do anything for him, and is always trying to make sure that he is presentable for he is the opposite of her.

Ok, my plans for her is that she travels with her brother and makes somewhat of a pack or band for she has always wanted to be an alpha. She is somewhat caring yet sometimes has her moments of being serious and is not afraid to defend her family or be punishing whenever someone steps out of line. I also hope that she has a family in the future and has a mate and pups, etc. Also, whoever adopts her, I will be willing to make the pup designs once she has a mate and everything else. Ok, so here's the adoption form:

Name: Zenyata "Essy" Yinoka (You can change the last name if you wish, but I would like the first name to stay)
Personality: 150 words minimum
Rp Sample: 200 words minimum

Ok, that is it on the form and I hope you all consider adopting her ^^