
When The Rebel Spirit Answers To My Call



2 Years
03-17-2015, 02:07 PM
Black and white paws carried her here. The small vampire bat on her back was mainly silent, except for a few words when she glanced back. "You seem as if you are running from something, my queen." The wolf simply shook her head, words escaping her jaw in a way that was hard to understand. This was because of the fact that the female once known as Hestia had no tongue. "'M n't." These words, if she had a tongue, would have been "I'm not." But the vampire bat knew exactly what her words were. Stretching his only wing out, the vampire bat flinched as he thought of what had happened. A male had appeared, and.....Well, Ainsel had done some things she ended up regretting. The vampire bat had questioned it, and he had came out of this with only one wing. Now he knew to never question anything around that again.

Icy blue eyes narrowed as the female in question stretched one limb out, stepping over a fallen tree branch. The vampire bat stared out behind him as he waited for another wolf to appear. That was the thing with this place. It was ridden with wolves. And all of them, besides his queen and her sister, were not worth talking to. He glanced at the female. "Shall I keep a lookout for other wolves? Ainsel glanced at him, her ice blue eyes narrowing for just a moment, until she muttered a response. "D' s' y' w'sh." Do as you wish had just sounded awful. Ugh. She wished she had her tongue back.