
Are You Ready To Face The Eye Of The Storm



2 Years
03-18-2015, 04:35 PM
Hehe. This was going to be epic. Limping slightly, the female walked into the borders, and glanced around, as if to see where her servant was. If the white and violet female was forced to, she would say that it was all the smaller wolf's idea. That Lavendel was innocent. Maybe acting scared of her servant would help her case out some.

What was she thinking? She wasn't gonna get caught! And if she did, she'd be far away from the border so she could make a quick escape. Her white and violet limbs made their way carefully through the border, as she glanced around to see a limb laying in the water. Racing over to it, the white and violet female literally shook the tree limb in the air, throwing it in any random direction. Then she glanced around for anything else. Well, Lavendel was going to have to get creative here. "Your blood will be spilled on this beach." She muttered at nothing in particular, sinking her fangs deep into her paw as she raised it. Blood dripped from her paw as she limped around the territory, making sure the blood could be seen.

A small chuckle escaped the female as she escape the territory, running as fast as she could with one paw held up and an injured shoulder. When she was far enough from the border that she could see the pack's reaction, she raised her head and howled, hoping they could hear it. Then she ducked down, hopefully out of sight.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



5 Years
03-18-2015, 04:47 PM

The stupid bitch thought that she hidden away, but Serefina had been watching her from the moment that she crossed the border. Her border. She snarled as she stalked forward, aiming to come at the purple marked intruder from behind. "Does the little puppy want to play?" she snarled, her hackles raised. Sure, she may have run back across the line, but Serefina wasn't stupid. How DARE she cross into her pack and draw her own blood, and then run away again? Teeth were bared as her shoulders squared, her legs spreading equal distance apart. "You could obviously smell our border, and yet you cross anyways? Just to run away out here, howl, and then hide? What a coward you are," she hissed, her ember eyes glaring at the paler girl. She looked younger than herself, but not by much. However, she was taller. Not by much, only 4 inches separated the two. That didn't matter though, Serefina was used to fighting those taller than her. "Well you can count on not leaving this place in one piece. Let's see how funny you think crossing my pack is when you leave here with no nose." Came her snarl, jaws snapping towards the stranger. There was still about three feet between them, unless the other had moved closer to her. Serefina was hoping to remain in place, behind the girl and slightly towards the purple marked bitches left, by about a foot. No, there was no backing out of this now.

SEREFINA vs LAVENDEL for MAIM (Removal of nose)
Round 0 of 3


Art by Skylark



6 Years
03-18-2015, 08:49 PM
Voltage heard the howl, and luckily the brute was close enough to not have to run too long. But that's what his strength was, quick bursts of speed that ate away the distance in seconds. He scented the blood and eyes narrowed drastically, but when he saw Serefina moving to defend their borders a sense of pride washed over him instead. White hot anger at the coward who had deemed their pack a play thing. Their objective was to remain small and unnoticed, but unyielding against the forced that did try to mess with them. And he was proud of his sister, but there was a small part of him that hoped no other harm or danger would befall them because of this. He growled deeply as he sped across the black sands, the Ferax of Donostrea, his stomy eyes glittering with anger and strength. But he stopped at a great distance from Serefina and the woman, stopped to watch the fight and observe. His mind was set on where exactly he wished his firey sister to be in their pack, but this moment would only sweeten the deal. He wanted to see her strength, her skill and what needed improving. And already she had gained points for being here the quickest, for being the one to defend their home against this wrench. And he grinned, his tail waving like a banner in the air. "Our borders are not to be messed with! Show her Serefina, show her what a fire can really do." He said with a snarl, bowing down on his forelimbs before quickly correcting himself into a more dominant stance. His gaze would sweep the border, around his sister and the wounded girl, hoping that no one else would come out to make this a more complicated affair. He hoped she was alone, and for their luck, she was also wounded. He quickly thought of the packs near by, who could possibly have a healer, or if Terrae would have basic combat healing knowledge...just incase the girl managed to get a good hit on his sister. Battle scars or not, he did not wish to see her hurt.

"Burn Baby Burn"



2 Years
03-19-2015, 05:20 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 05:22 AM by Lavendel.)
The white and violet female rose up, her cover blown and now being challenged by another. A lazy grin appeared on Lavendel's jaws as the smaller wolf spoke. "If I'm a so-called puppy, then you're a bug." The taunt slipped easily from her jaws, her ears flattening against her head as she spoke. Her legs bent, and she balanced her weight on all four paws, muscles tensing as she got ready to lunge. Her acid green eyes narrowed, and her head lowered and chin tucked to hide her throat. Her tail hung out to help with her balance, and her shoulders were rolled forwards. Head whipping to face the female, Lavendel quickly slipped closer to the female, her jaws opening for a moment as she lunged.

Lavendel would attempt to sink her teeth into the fire-colored female's right shoulder. If she managed to do this, the female would attempt to bite deeper into the flesh.

Lavendel Vs Serefina For Maim {Removal of Nose}

Round 1/3

Defenses: Ears flattened, legs bent, weight balanced on all four paws, eyes narrowed, head and chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward to hide scruff, tail out to help with balance.

Attacks: Attempting to sink her teeth in Serefina's right shoulder, and bite down harder if she manages to do that.

Injuries: None.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



5 Years
03-21-2015, 10:05 AM

Her brother soon appeared, and her ears flickered in his direction. That is all that she gave him though, her ember eyes were intent on the one who dared to enter their pack lands. The woman called her a bug, and Serefina let out a loud boom of laughter. "We will see who will get squished, puppy," she spat. Quickly her defenses slipped into place, eyes narrowing as her ears pulled back against her skull. She spread her legs, evening out her weight to be balanced across all four limbs as her toes spread, claws digging into the earth. Tail raised to align with her spine, head lowering to do the same to make her as straight as an arrow. Her chin ducked towards her chest to protect her throat, shoulders rolling forward as her hackles stood on end. Lavendel closed the distance between them, and Serefina braced for the impact. As the purple woman's jaws opened, Serefina attempted to rear, trying to raise the front half of her body to about four inches off the ground. Right away her weight shifted to keep her balanced, her own jaws opening wide. Her front legs bent slightly as she hugged them close to her chest. Because of her raised position, Lavendel's bite did not land on the shoulder like her opponent had hoped. Instead the trespasser's jaws landed on her right leg, about midway on the outer portion of the limb. Serefina's blood boiled as the bitch managed to draw her blood, a moderate wound at best. Lavendel's upper jaws were on the top of her limb, bottom jaws landing on the outer portion of her right leg. Not hesitating at all, Sere's head tilted towards her own left, jaws pointing down at the purple marked woman. Serefina then attempted to snap her head downwards, trying to lock her jaws around her opponent's muzzle, right around the base of the nose. Her top jaws were aimed for the left side of her top muzzle, bottom jaws aimed for the right side of Laven's top muzzle. She was hoping to crush down with enough force to splinter bones, hoping to puncture the purple woman's soft, plushy nose. Serefina would have hopes to keep a hold of the woman's muzzle, wanting to gain control as well as try to cause further damage to her nose. At the same time, Serefina attempted to extend her left limb that was tucked to her chest, trying to bring it over Laendel's right eye and slam it down right n to the socket. She was aiming so that the leftmost side of her paw was directly over Laven's eye, hoping that her claws would dig in and blind her. Hopefully the shock of the attack would bruise around her opponents eye, and enough to get her off of her own limb. Because of all of her leftward movement, Serefina attempted to lower her lower half closer to the ground, so that she was almost sitting on her hind legs. Hopefully this would keep her from being knocked over.

SEREFINA vs LAVENDEL for MAIM (Removal of nose)
Round 1 of 3


Art by Skylark



2 Years
03-22-2015, 01:47 PM
Lavendel's jaws landed on the female's right leg, instead of her shoulder, but she still allowed a small smile at the taste of blood in her mouth. Acid green eyes closing, Lavendel released the other wolf's leg as claws scratched around her eye, but the female had barely avoided being blinded. The female's eyes opened as teeth bit into her nose, a low growl coming from the violet marked woman as she quickly shook her head, spraying blood everywhere and hopefully getting the other's jaws away from her. After she did that, Lavendel would attempt to ram into the other and knock her off her paws. At the same time, one white and violet limb was raised and aimed towards the woman's right side. She attempted to cause some scarring with her claws. After that attack, the female gave her head a vicious shake, attempting to pull away from the other female. Claws digging into the ground, Lavendel backed away a little, giving her head a final shake. Her jaws opened as she pulled her bleeding snout away from the other, but it was too late. The damage had been done to her nose, blood beading on it.

Lavendel Vs Serefina For Maim {Removal Of Nose}

Round 2/3

Attacks: Attempting to ram into Serefina and knock her off her paws, while using one paw and attempting to scratch Serefina's right side.

Injuries: Scarring over right eye, injured snout and nose.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--



5 Years
03-23-2015, 12:00 PM

As her paw slammed down on Lavendel's eye, she let out a small growl of frustration when her claws did not penetrate through the thin eyelid and into her eyeball. But the force of the slam had been enough to get her opponent off of her leg, teeth slipping free of her skin. However, the purple marked woman was not so lucky, as Serefina's teeth bit easily into her top jaw. For whatever reason Lavendel started to shake her head, and Serefina's jaws tried to remained locked around her top jaw. The woman couldn't help but smirk as the intruder started to do the work for her, possibly digging Sere's teeth even further into her flesh. She felt the pale woman try to push forward and into her bite, but because she still refused to let go of Laven's top jaw, she didn't get too far at all in pushing her over at all. Then the woman's right front leg came forward and struck at her own right shoulder. The fire marked woman let out a booming laugh as her opponent's paw uselessly bounced off her shoulder blade. Did this woman think herself to be a cat? Wolf claws did no damage, not unless you are aiming for eyes or noses. Still snickering around her grip on Laven's nose, Serefina felt the woman tear her head backwards. Serefina had not yet even attempted to loosen her grip on the violet spattered woman, and her opponent would probably force Sere's teeth even deeper into her top jaw and nose. She let Lavendel go this time, blood coating her jaws and dripping from her teeth. Lapping at her chops, Serefina took this break to lower herself back down onto all four legs. Her defenses reset at this time, legs spreading an equal distance apart, toes spreading as claws bit into the ground. Her ears remained pinned towards her head, eyes still narrowed as her chin re tucked towards her chest. Her weight fanned across all four limbs as she slightly bent her legs, tail still aligned with her spine as her head lowered to do the same. Serefina's shoulders rolled forward, gaze still locked on the purple intruder.

With only a slight pause in battle, Serefina quickly aimed to close the gap that Lavendel had created. Once again her blood stained jaws parted, and this time she aimed to close her jaws around the very point of Laven's muzle. Serefina's top jaws aimed to sink into the top part of Lavendel's nose, while her bottom jaws were aiming for the underside of Laven's bottom jaw, about an inch down from the front of her muzzle. Sere tried to lock her teeth in and tried to gain a grip on the woman, nose wrinkling upwards into a snarl. She was aiming to once again cut into the trespassers nose, hopefully causing even more damage to it. After all, it was her hopes to take Laven's nose away from her. At the same time Sere lifted her front right paw, attempting to bring it over Lavendel's front left paw as she tried to slam it back towards the earth. Hopefully she would manage to slam her own paw on top of the pale and purple woman, crushing her opponents toes beneath her. She also shifted her weight more towards her own right, trying to keep her body balanced.

SEREFINA vs LAVENDEL for MAIM (Removal of nose)
Round 2 of 3

OOC: I had asked Croa to explain the shove in the cbox, and she told me that she didn't know how Laven was trying to push her over. Also confirmed with Croa that Lavendel was trying to strike out with her right front leg. Since Croa did not answer me on how much distance was apart, I ignored stating how much and just attempted to close whatever distance it was.


Art by Skylark

The Judge


03-26-2015, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2015, 07:50 PM by The Judge.)
And the winner is...

Serefina! Due to Lavendel not posting in the allotted timeframe the fight defaults in favor of Serefina. Serafina's maim is successful.  Lavendel loses her nose and must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out



6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:27 PM
Voltage would watch, stormy eyes assessing his sister for reasons he wasn't sure of. He knew Serefina was an excellent fighter, and she had the instinct and the fire to back up her bite. There was little that could withstand her flame, and it seemed this trespasser was not one of them. With a please smile he would watch as his sister overtook the threat and won the fight. Joy and pride flooded him, and he felt like an old sensi watching his pupil win the fight. Sure, she learned a lot all on her own, especially in the year they were apart, but he knew that he must have influenced her fighting in some way. He knew what he had always known, that Serefina deserved the rank he wished to give her, and he was positive Glacier would agree. They had even made such a rank with her in mind. He would smile to Serefina, dipping his head. "Well done! The PraeTeniuem, lead warrior, is yours if you wish for it." He said with his signature grin, stormy eyes shining brightly as he waited on the sidelines for Serefina to be done with the little rat of a tresspasser. They would show the world that they weren't to be stepped on, even if they wished to stay as invisible as possible. All he wanted to do was secure his borders, and that's all he truley cared about, becuase they secured their safety in some way.



2 Years
04-07-2015, 02:22 PM
Lavendel had lost, and was bleeding heavily from every wound, including the one that had caused....This. The white and violet female backed away, blood streaming down her face, and she shook her head. The female didn't know what bothered her more, the pain or the fact that she couldn't really smell anything, only blood. A soft snarl, muffled by blood, escaped her jaws as she moved even further away, even her pride hurt a little. She had been bested by another; what would her brother think of this? He would be shocked, sure, but he would also say that she was going soft. That she hadn't been in enough fights since she left. No, she couldn't be going soft, she couldn't; she would come back stronger, and she would have her revenge. But at the moment, she couldn't fight, not until she managed to heal again. If only her servant had been here as well. Maybe everything would have went differently than they had; maybe something else would have happened. The white and violet fae moved away from the territory, leaving a silent promise behind. If I get a pack, this one shall be the first to fall. Her acidic green gaze was turned to the firey female, and a few whispered words escaped her jaws, spoken to herself. "And you, little wolf.....Your fire will be the first to burn out when I get my pack."

[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--