
i'll save you an echo from the hall



4 Years
03-20-2015, 05:49 PM
He would just let her cry, even if she wanted to stop Gaia was sure that she would have continued pouring her tears into his fur. She lost any control she might have had on her emotions, the girl would weep into the man's fur with no regard for how long it was she'd known him for. Even so he would hold her close, like he wanted her to feel safe. There was no judgement in his embrace, but even as he offered her comforting affections she would feel that it really was going to be okay. She wouldn't be accepted back into her birth family's arms, nor did she really believe that she would ever see her mate again. Somehow though, she just felt it as he pulled her close. His song would soothe her as his lyrics brought his wisdom and experience to her. "Life is full of hardships, little cloud.." They were a soft whisper as he filled the silence with his melody, her soft sobs still audible, but as time went on she would slow.

She would sniffle as her eyes finished leaking, though still very close to overflowing her cheeks would remain free of new liquid. Her focus would shift as he opened up to her, sharing his past. So much time had passed since she'd even thought about her mother, she'd never known her father. Knowing Voltage knew what she was going through was probably the greatest comfort, next to his perfect hug. She fit just right in his embrace, "my lovely little cloud." She felt herself melt as he pulled her closer, she would let him hold her tightly as she squeezed out the last few tears. Still unable to make words she found herself nuzzling into his neck, returning his affections as he offered to be there for her. A complete stranger, a leader of a pack, offered his shoulder to her.

This of course would cause her to cry that much more, she'd burst out again but this time it was different. She wasn't crying for her aunt or lost love, she was overwhelmed by this wolf's selflessness. He really sounded sure of himself as he told her that it was going to be okay. Gaia would sigh into his fur, her voice breaking during and she would whine softly. Someday things might make sense again but right now she could still very clearly feel the pain. "It still hurts so bad now though," she'd whisper as she clung to him. He'd eventually seen it to memory, but recovery was slow and painful. Did he intend to see her to recovery? How much time was Voltage willing to devote to her, a near perfect stranger?



6 Years
03-20-2015, 09:25 PM
Voltage merely held her close, nuzzling her fur and holding her tight. It wasn't that he was at a loss for words, he just held her, humming his soft lullaby. There wasn't much he could do in this moment but allow her to cry, and he would smile warmly as she seemed to settle after his words. He sighed softly as he turned his head in the other direction, resting his cheek atop her head and hugging her closer. Stormy eyes closed slowly. His heart hurt for this woman, and he wanted desperately to know why she cried, but he stayed quiet, somehow unsure of how to go about this. He slowly breathed in, almost as if to pull in her scent and her sorrow. He wanted to pull it all in, to take it from her so she wouldn't have to feel it anymore, but that's not how life work. Life needed you to be sad, to feel your emotions, to process them, and that meant she had to feel sad.

When she started up again, her sobbing picking up into the furs of his neck, he would pull away, to try and look down at her. This wasn't the same crying, was it? With a gentle smile he would try and push his nose against her, to lick and kiss her tears away. (Respectable boundaries be damned) "It will hurt..." He whispered so softly. "But I can help you, any way you wish for me too." With a small sigh he'd nuzzle her, stormy eyes closed as her emotion washed over him again and again. In this exact moment, he felt as if this were his life purpose, his destiny. His entire story had been written to find this girl, and soothe her aching heart, and he would do everything in his power to help her over this. "But please, tell me, why is it you cry so?" He asked softly, still unaware of exactly why she was sad, why she felt so hurt that she would sob in his shoulder. He knew of the emotions, and how to take them, but he didn't know the motive, the reason, the catalyst. Why did she cry? Was it really important to him, why? Perhaps not, if she didn't wish to share her history he wouldn't push untill she were ready. "You don't need to tell me if you don't wish too.." He would whisper, his nose sliding close to her ear as he pulled her close again, nuzzling into her fur.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-20-2015, 10:44 PM
There was a long silence between them, not that Gaia minded. She had no voice, not that she was willing to find then anyway. Instead she'd get lost in his cuddles, and whisked away by his musky scent. He just held her tightly for a long time no questions asked just simple affection. He noticed the change in her tears, and she would feel him pull away from her. For a moment her heart would skip a beat as she tried to decipher what he was doing when she felt his touch against her cheek, taking her tears for himself again. She'd feel little shivers run over her skin at his touch, through his words he would nuzzle closer, tearing through any kind of barrier Gaia might have wanted to put up. "But I can help you, any way you wish for me too." She didn't expect herself to lean in to his tender touch. "Why is it you cry," he whispered gently. Just in case though he made sure she knew that she didn't have to tell him about her tears, but as he pulled her close once more she couldn't deny him the truth.

She was still struggling with her tears, little sobs still inhibiting her soft voice. She would take several deep breaths, obviously an attempt at regaining composure as well as her voice. "They're gone." She'd manage to whisper. He had already heard of Solo, but she'd not told him of her aunt or the family she was separated from. "My family, my mate." Her voice would lose any of the confidence it might have had as she explained further. This wave of emotion felt different, there were no tears but even as the words left her mouth she just felt an awful pain grip her body. She'd whimper again as her face scrunched in discomfort and she buried her features into his neck clinging to him like she might be clinging on to her life. Above the pair the little red cardinal would call out to his pained friend.



6 Years
03-20-2015, 11:16 PM
He held her as she composed herself, unable to move even if he wanted too, not that he would ever want too. His strong embrace would hold her tight, his paw drapped over her back squeezing her to his frame every so often, as if to remind her that it was solid, that he wouldn't leave. Each sob he would nuzzle her fur, eyes closed tightly as he floated in her emotion, trying to keep both of them afloat in this time. The silence would only be cut by her small voice, and each word was like a slice to his heart. With a soft sigh, that could easily be called a whine, he held her tight as she clung to him. His heart seemed conflicted, unsure if it should race or squeeze in agony. It was a weird feeling, the way his chest tightened as if they were drowning, and yet, as she nuzzled and clung to him, he felt as if he were floating. There was no way he could let go of her now, especially in such a state. He couldn't part from her if he tried, not untill he knew she was okay.

"Oh, my little cloud, I am so sorry." He whispered, sincerity painting his soft tones as he rested his cheek against her skull again. Shining stormy eyes lifted to her bird companion, his ears twisting back in a silent question. How can I fix this?. Such pain couldn't be fixed, it could only be suffered through, and then become a memory. He just had to help her ride the waves, and keep her head above the water. "I couldn't imagine what you're feeling, little dove.." He would whisper, his eyes returning back to her back closing, his paw rising a little higher along her back to hold her that much more closer. He had experianced loss before, the abandonment of his parents, but he had always had his family at his back to help him through his waves of depression and sadness.

He let a deep silence settle between them, his melody ceasing and his sighs non existant. He felt her pain, as she clung to him, face scrunched in his fur. Agony coursed his lungs, his chest, as he held her. This little cloud, this broken girl he had only just met. He couldn't let her go. "I think...we have a problem here." He whispered softly, suddenly, burring his nose into her fur. "I don't think I can let you go now.." He couldn't. He couldn't let her go off to where he couldn't be, and cry alone. He couldn't leave her to her misery, all alone.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-21-2015, 12:08 AM
His embrace did not falter and she felt as though he might never let go, as the night progressed the more she didn't want him to. Especially she she whispered her loss, amazed she'd even been able to voice those words to him at all. They hurt just as bad as she thought they would, and the full acceptance would feel like a punch to the gut. She'd feel herself crumbling in his grasp, barely able to keep herself upright. Not that he let her support her own weight anyway. Gaia would sink into Volt's embrace, leaning into and returning the affections he offered her. "Oh, my little cloud, I am so sorry." She'd push further into him as she heard the sincere words uttered gently. She was too, and even as he said he couldn't imagine her hurt she felt how much he cared.

She was thankful for the silence, she felt like she was losing and finding herself at the same time. As Voltage pulled her in even closer she was filled with incredible amounts of different emotions. Sadness, anger, fear, love, loss, lust, and despair. She didn't know which one to pursue, not that she could focus on any one emotion. Her breathing would become less erratic though, her form calming slightly as he just held her close. "I think...we have a problem here." She couldn't even begin to predict his next words as he pushed his features into her neck. She'd feel giddy and absolutely crushed at the same time, her emotions were so confused. "I don't think I can let you go now.." She'd let out a silly noise of a giggle mixed with an unexpected gasp. "What if I didn't want you to let go?" She'd whisper shyly into his neck fur, not loosening her grip at all.



6 Years
03-21-2015, 12:30 AM
There was so much in one embrace, so much emotion and thoughts and he wasn't sure at all where to even begin when it came to sorting them. How in his right mind could he believe this was alright? That he could feel so strongly for a girl he had only just met? With a gentle sigh he would hold her, as if she were the entire world and everything that mattered. It was like everything fell into place and shattered all at once. What even mattered an hour ago? A day ago...a week? Where was he without her in his arms? He sighed desperately, just holding her and feeling the warmth she provided. It was like the answer to wishes he never knew he had wished, or dreams forgotten. Just her, Gaia, the little cloud, here in his arms.

Perhaps it was selfishness more than selflessness that pushed him onwards, that had those words tumbling from his mouth, that had him wishing for things that could be deemed improper since they had only just met. It was like taking advantage of a broken girl, showing her kindness and wisking her away. But, it still felt right, like the fates had finally given him the element he longed for. The misnamed one, did he finally have his clouds? Could lightning survive without the clouds to live off of? Even if lightning was not his named element, he still felt her energy, and his heart sang. So he held her, squeezing as her soft voice electrified all his emotions, all his expectations, and he knew it would a memory he'd never forget. Was it mutual, or was he just being selfish? He wasn't sure. But he held her, tightly, his brows furrowed in desperation as he held her, as if the world was about to end. "Come home with me? Just for the night and I'll return you to yours." He whispered, resting his forehead against her. "I cannot let you go...I cannot let you go home alone, and I can't bare the thought of letting you go at all." He couldn't, not now that the stars had aligned, not now that he had his fate, his destiny, and all the pieces that came with it. Not now that he knew of her sorrow and her lonliness. He couldn't let her go.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-21-2015, 07:11 AM
With ever sigh he uttered she knew he thought that same as her, how was it so easy to fall into his embrace. Still she was amazed, how fast had she given in to his touch, his empathy? The comfort he offered her tired soul, the affections she wanted internally had been offered and she had taken it, easily. She didn't understand how quickly their relationship shifted from stranger to.. something so much more. She didn't know if she could describe it even if she wanted to. This was so much different than how she felt with Solo. All of her emotions were super charged, and she didn't know how to fully process any of them. She only knew how safe he made her feel in his arms.

He'd keep her there, just like he'd said, unable to remove her from his grasp. She could feel his passion, though she felt herself craving that she also felt a nervousness within her that tried to comprehend a future, not that she could even look into the future with the past weighing so heavily on her mind. "Come home with me?" She would not expect the question he'd offer her. He wished her presence for the night, but he would see her back to Ebony soon after. Surely no one would miss her for a night? Voltage couldn't let go and the last things Gaia wanted was for him to. She hadn;t felt anywhere close to this alive since before losing Solo. Her emotions though had never been so conflicted before. Not that she was even debating about telling him no. She would lean into his touch, "For a night." She would whisper easily, not hesitating at all to let him take her home. What happened tomorrow though, when they really were made to part? She did not look forward to that moment as she fully appreciated his current embrace.




6 Years
03-21-2015, 12:58 PM
An odd tension filled Voltage as the moments ticked by from his question and her answer, and the seconds felt like hours. He merely stared at the ground behind her, his paw sliding down the slope of her back before he'd pull it back up to settle along her shoulders, repeating the process. Did they really have to move from here? From this fairy tale he had somehow found himself in? Had he somehow fallen down the rabbit hole, and she was his happy ending? It wasn't long (and yet still far too long) before he received her answer, and the second her soft spoken words registered in his mind, he would pull his head back to look down at her. Wide stormy eyes would search her features for any hesitation, anything that would tell him that she didn't really wish to go home with him. And while his intentions were pure, he knew it was an odd request. But he couldn't part from her, not yet, and they couldn't stay out here. At least...he couldn't. His family would worry.

When he saw no hesitation, he would grin and then laugh so happily. He moved to gently pull her close again, but not as close as they had been, moving to press his forehead against hers. With a gentle sigh his stormy eyes closed, and he allowed himself to drown in her scent. "This is quite crazy," He whispered softly. "How you affect me, little cloud." He would take her home with him, only for her safety, and he would return her the next day. "It must be fate.." He breathed then, pulling his head away and slowly letting his paw slide from her back, and he laughed a gentle laugh again. "Shall we go? It's not far from here, but it's still a walk." His tones were soft as he gazed down at her, a happiness he had never felt filling him to the brim and beyond. He felt like he were overflowing. How strange was this? The day had been like any other untill he had stumbled upon her and her heart ache. Voltage had merely tried to heal her agony, and in the mere moments of touch, he knew something had begun. Perhaps it was the heat of the season, or her scent, or her, it was just her. This was destiny, he was sure of it. "You're little friend is welcome too." He would grin, looking up at Freewing. He hoped that his siblings were sleeping, so they wouldn't overwhelm the poor girl. All he wanted was for them to go to his beach, to curl up in a den and sleep her pain away, before the time they would have to part came. With the warmest of smiles he leaned forward again, nudging her cheek with his nose, happier than he had ever been in that moment. It only took a moment...

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-21-2015, 04:37 PM
Her skin felt electrified with each soft movement he made over her fur, she'd find herself easily distracted by the feeling. Still she'd find her words agreeable, and he would shift away from her slightly. Upon her silver lips would play a timid smile, finding herself easily swept away by his charm and his sweetness. Sweet lyrics would bring a most joyful laugh from his slips, Gaia felt her grin grow at the sound. She couldn't know what he looked like, but she knew he was beautiful in her heart. She pushed pack gently as he pressed his skull to her own, he'd call it crazy how she seemed to affect him. "I know," she'd whisper back, just as amazed at how she reacted to him. "It must be fate.." She wished then more than anytime in her entire life before that she could see. She'd melt at his voice, amazed at what she had found today.

Then he was pulling away, which was only half okay. She felt a buzz of excitement, forgetting her siblings that might be waiting at home she would go with Voltage. They still had quite a walk to go, of course that just meant they had more time to tell each other of themselves. She'd been more vulnerable in front of him than she had Solo already and they'd now even known each other a day. You're little friend is welcome too." She'd smile at this, more amused than was probably necessary. Freewing knew when he was being talked about, he'd chirp lightly and Gaia's features would turn up to where he was perched. His little bird noises would grow demanding as Gaia found her feet, his red form would swoop down to her shoulder as she stood at her full height. "We're ready." her smile was unmistakable now, even through her sadness she could see hope resting with Voltage. He made it easier to cope with and not just try to forget.

She would take a step closer to him, wanting her shoulder to line up with his own as they walked. Gaia had no intention of dissolving their contact, using her eyes as a quick excuse. She could travel just fine with out sight, (though Freewing was a big help) she just liked the feeling of Volt's muscular frame against her side.




6 Years
03-21-2015, 07:57 PM
His smile was permanent on his lips as she pushed against him, stormy eyes soft as he gazed down at her. While he could still feel the lingering ill feelings, the sadness that would never truley go away (because that would be easy, wouldn't it?) he could feel her happiness as well. He also affected her? In such a way? The way the words slipped from her lips, her affirmation, the shock and awe they shared over what this was, whatever it was, cause his heart to skip its beat, and a warmth to spread through him. Never..never had he felt this way. Slowly he would pull more fully away from her, instantly missing the warmth and affection, as she and her little bird readied themselves for the journey.

For a moment he stood there, staring at nothing and rather silent, wondering how exactly he would explain this to his family? How could he possibly explain something he couldn't name? Destiny, fate, the could he explain this? And for a moment he was lost, eyes narrowed and face scrunched in silent emotion as he wondered how they would react? It was like when Glacier suddenly brought home Anais suddenly, but they had known each other for a while previously. Could she withstand Serefina's fire? The oddly harmonious discord of their family, they way they all clashed and yet somehow fit together like a odd warped little puzzle piece. But all that worry suddenly disappeared when he felt her at his side, pressed so snuggly, and he knew everything would be just fine, especially with her at his side. With a gentle laugh he'd turn his head, aiming to run his muzzle along the length of her neck and nuzzling into her fur, a hum vibrating his throat. "Then let's go." He said with a gentle smile, taking the first step towards his home and the unknown yet fascinating future ahead of them.

"Burn Baby Burn"