


03-19-2015, 12:07 PM
It was when she had caught the scent of her mother here in the South that Theisinova found her heart beating faster. She longed to see the healer again, after seeing her just briefly in her travels before she had left Alacrita for a while. Theisinova had yet to reunite with Mack, her dearest brother, but she had little doubt that the young man was lurking somewhere within the lands. Sometime soon they would reconnect, she was sure of it.

There had been other scents she recognized too, especially as she neared the lands claimed by a pack. The knolls where she had played once... it was undoubtedly Mercy and Revenge's scents. So her adopted siblings were still here. Theisnova could only wonder how they had grown. She had missed them, surely... felt guilt at their mother having to keep an eye on them as well when her own disappeared. That was, in part, a small bit of the reason why Theisinova had left.

But the other part..? To become stronger than what she was. To learn more skills; hunting, fighting, and herblore alike. The girl wanted to be rounded in ever skill, to be the best she could be. Perhaps that was where she differed from Mercy and Revenge;; her sister who cared more for fighting and her brother who cared more for healing. Rather than focus on one thing she wanted to focus on everything.

Along the river the she wolf moved, her head lowered a bit and good eye observant. She had yet to run into another in the south though perhaps, if she did, it would be her mother that she found.

Mercy I


5 Years

04-07-2015, 06:56 PM

She didn't often wander away from pack lands, it was her home and there was little reason to leave. But there was a soft calling for her to stretch her long legs, elongated tail streamline behind her like her banner of pride. The Rio Grand was not too far from her home, and hopefully would sate this wanderlust that was consuming her. Pale paws hesitated when an all too familiar form crossed in her line of vision. Mercy stopped completely, eying the grey and tan woman that was heading in her general direction. Theisi? She hadn't seen the girl since Ellis had vanished, both her and her brother following in behind her. Not knowing what to think, she raised a single paw in the air. Did she want to talk to this girl? When she talked with Ellis it hadn't gone so well, so how would this one go? But her heart pounded in her chest, head spinning as she tried to make a split decision. But by this point, the girl had probably already seen her. Dropping her paw to the earth, she seated herself as her tail curled around her form. "Theisi..." she whispered, usually hard eyes soft as she waited for the slightly older girl to come to her. She just hoped and prayed that this would go better than planned.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


04-23-2015, 10:18 AM
...and Theisi had seen her sister. She would see her standing there, alone, gazing upon her. She would remain still for a long time. Single good eye would meet the purple eyes of her sister, and slowly she would slink forward. Mercy. It had been so long since had last seen her sister. She held no ill will toward the other girl, just a sense of emptiness now that she had been gone from her side for so long. She was completely disconnected from her family... not even Mack was around anymore. She would give a soft sigh, a light smile appearing on her features.

"Mercy..." The female would say softly. "It has been some time." She would come to a stop before the other, larger girl, looking up at her. "I've missed you a lot... I... I'm sorry if we caused any additional burdens on you and your family after mother's disappearance. I assure you that was the last thing we wanted to do." The first thing she felt the need to do was apologize.

"How have you been fairing? You're in a pack now it seems?" The half-blind girl had caught the scent of Imperium on her sister's coat.