
I'll paint you a dreamscape



6 Years
03-21-2015, 08:27 PM
It hadn't be a very efficient walk, he had kept their pace slow so they could make this night last the longest he could. He had talked about his family, which was always at the forefront of his mind. His entire life depended on his family, so he would share that with her. He told her of Serefina's fire and how fiercly loyal she was, how they often supported each other when their energy or fire got too high. He spoke of Glacier, his goliath brother, and his steadfast mentality, the unmovable one. The celestial triplets and how their eyes were constantly on the skies, how close they were but still so different. Like Night and Day! "That was a bad joke." He chuckled, shaking his head. Of Terrae and gale and locha and arcus, and their ways. He spoke of their old home, of everything he could think of. The way the island had felt, their journey from there to here, their first settlement on the volcano. He wanted her to know everything, because his history is truly what he was. Everything about him depended on his siblings and his family and their safety. They were, at this moment, his everything, and he wanted her to feel as if she belonged in the mix...if something came of this of course. And it would, he was sure of it! Well...he hoped.

With a gentle sigh he glanced over at her, constantly pressed against him whether it was by him leaning or her he wasn't sure. It made for their walk to be slow, and he didn't mind at all. Instead he merely grinned, swallowing his long story as he stared at her, bathed in the moonlight. Everything about her was amazing, absolutely stunning, inside and out. "I've talked too much.." He breathed softly, moving to nuzzle against her cheek with a small laugh, sighing as he slowed to a stop. They were just before the border, and the beach was silent. Astrea and Selini were probably the only ones awake, especially with a sky so clear, but it would be hard to see this border from the viewing spot. With a careful glance around he turned to look at her again. "I am positive it'll all be fine, but don't worry if we do come across one of my siblings. They'll love to meet you." He whispered in a tender voice, smiling gently before he would nudge her, moving to step over the border. His destination was the little storm proofed den he and Serefina had made, hoping that the fire queen was in the main den and not waiting up for hi. Oh, he hoped. He, selfishly, wanted this night to be all for them, so he could know her better, and understand just what this spark that ignited between them was.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-22-2015, 12:30 AM
She enjoyed their slow walk, not finding any need to hurry themselves along as they enjoyed the night. Voltage was easy to fall into conversation about the family that he lived with. They all seemed very different, but hearing Volt talk about them made obvious how much he loved them. She'd smile easily with him as he did, amused at his silly jokes. Thankfully he hadn't given her much option to talk of her family. Likely she would tell him more about her siblings that lived in Ebony on their way there the next day. "I've talked too much.." Gaia's expression would become more curious before feeling his nuzzle against her cheek as they slowed to a stop. She had smelled the border a long way back, now they had made their way right up to the edge. He was sure everything was going to be alright, and she could believe him.

He wouldn't let his voice rise above a whisper as he assured her, but she shared his thoughts, she didn't know if she was ready for that yet. First Voltage, then maybe later she could really meet them. Still she would smile at his words, sure that he was right. Nuzzling into his neck softly she would follow where he decided to take her. He had been right too, the sand was so soft and the feeling of the ocean's breeze on her fur made her feel fresh and vibrant. This was indeed a beautiful place. "Your home is beautiful, Voltage." She'd smile as she leaned into his shoulder, her decorated tail wagging enthusiastically enough to brush at his legs.



6 Years
03-22-2015, 01:09 AM
All her nuzzles and affection continued to both unwravel his very existance, and prove that this was what was meant to be. He believed a lot in fate and what the universe had designed for them, especially considering the way his family ran. You couldn't look at the elementas, understand their history and not believe the universe had some hand in it...or something. It was because of this that his faith in...whatever was happening was strong. He trusted these feelings, and he would leap, knowing he wouldn't entirely drown..Well, so he hoped. Gently, he'd nuzzle her in return, giving her the affection she needed as well before he continued to walk through his home.

It wasn't necessarily that he was trying to be sneaky...he just so happened to keep them close to the shadows of the den walls, keeping her close to his side to ensure they couldn't be spotted so easily. It wasn't that he wished to hide her, he just knew how overwhelming his family could be. Especially if a certain fireball came out of nowhere. Or Gale, her teases could be quite on the dot aswell. When she commented on the beauty of his home, he smiled and laughed so softly. "Wait untill morning, when the sun's heat just touches the waves and the wind still has the cool night air, it's like magic." He whispered, his muzzle inclining close to her ear as he stopped at one of the outlier dens. He hummed lightly, deciding it wasn't the safest bet to take her to the storm-proofed den, and he knew Serefina would probably be upset to find Gaia's scent in there. So he stopped, gently nuzzling into her neck. "This way.." He whispered gently, turning into the little den. He had taken his time to fill each sleeping area with furs or leaves or something nice to lay upon, especially since Voltage had a tendancy to den hop. He didn't really have one to call his own, he merely decided which family member to intrude upon that night and sleep there. His sleep schedule was also erratic, due to his energy spikes jolting him awake, so he often just napped where he could. "There's some furs if you'd like a comfy place to lay." He said softly, his smile prominant on his voice as he watched her.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-22-2015, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2015, 10:49 AM by Gaia.)
All she had to do was wait until morning, the sun would warm the sands while the cool of the nights air would still be present on the wind, she could only imagine the sensation. Of course it would have no comparison to how Volt made her feel. She didn't have to dwell on Solo being gone, he'd let her focus on him and life that continued on. There were many different scents she would pick up, each one belonging to a different wolf. Volt would eventually nudge her to a less visited den, thankfully. She wanted to meet them, but not tonight, she just wanted to curl up.

The den was smaller, though obviously cozy, her silver frame would slip into the entrance gracefully, her paws greeted with soft furs. She settled down a lot fast than she had expected, her lithe form sinking to the earth. Dark ears were attuned towards Voltage though, a contented sound that sounded suspiciously of a purr. "I know why you love your home so much." Her whisper was soft, just as it had been the entire night.



6 Years
03-22-2015, 01:38 AM
Voltage grinned as she settled down, seeming comfortable here. A tension seemed to rise from his shoulders as he moved towards her, to lay down at her side. It seemed natural, this closeness, though some could call him a fool for rushing into this so quickly. But it was all foreign territory, he had never felt this way. With a gentle sigh he'd slowly lay at her side, hoping she'd accept the close proximity in such an intimate environment. Here he was, a wolf in his prime, bringing a beautiful female home and to a private den. Yet all he wanted to do was press close to her, enjoy her comfort and her affection. "It took a lot of work.." He whispered. "My brother and I searched endlessly for a place that would suite each of us in turn, and this was the closest we could get." He said with a gentle laugh, moving to rest his chin along her back, staring at the moon lightened wall. "But I think we finally found it, our home." He wouldnt explain his constant longing for a permanent home, not yet. It wasn't important. Instead he just sighed, burrying his nose into her fur and breathing in her scent. "Gaia, my little cloud.." He whispered, as if he just wanted to say her name. Again and again. He was smitten. "I've yet to feel this way for anyone." He whsipered truthfully, closing his eyes and tensing. This was crazy. Just crazy! But oh so perfect. "Thank you..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-22-2015, 11:15 AM
He wouldn't let her side stay cool for long, she would hear him follow in after her just as easily before feeling him against her side once more. For a moment she wondered if he would want to continue cuddling her now that her tears had mostly dried, she felt as light as a feather when he pressed against her tenderly. How had this happened so quickly? That very same morning she had been searching for who she was sure had been her other half, and now Voltage was doing his best to fit that part. Actually it didn't even seem like he was trying, the just fit together so well. Gaia would sink into his side, melding to his stomach in perfect fashion. She didn't even think when she nuzzled into his neck once more, the motion quickly becoming habit over the night. "It took a lot of work.." She held no doubts about that, her ears would perk as he told her about making this place real for his family.

He would sett;e his features over her shoulders and she would let her head rest on her dark paws as she listened. Her ears shifted towards his words, "our home." Gaia could understand the want for a stable place to live, she didn't know how many times she'd been forced to up ad leave what she thought would be her home forever. When her mother took them from ebony the first time, being captured by Katja, eventually she'd been given a choice. Even as she thought of Voltage she wondered if Ebony would continue to be her home.

Her name was on his lips once more, the girl would be brought from her thoughts as he confessed to her "I've yet to feel this way for anyone." She felt her features warm, but she'd grow nervous as he tensed. Not that he'd given her any reason to believe he would do anything to hurt her. She'd only known him the day, and she wasn't sure how he might react. "Thank you..." She hadn't expected that. A soft whine would leave her as she turned her features to nuzzle into his low hanging muzzle. "I don't deserve thanks," she would whisper, her voice as soft as ever, "You were the one that saved me." She wondered for only a moment what might have happened if she hadn't met up with him today. Would she have just returned to Ebony when she continued to be unable to find Solo? She would never know.



6 Years
03-23-2015, 03:52 PM
She seemed to melt into his side, as if it were made perfect to fit her mold. He tacked that up, once again, to the wonders of fate and the universe. With a gentle sigh he'd nuzzle into her furs, tail flicking to lay over hers. It was all so perfect, as the moonlight danced into the den, and the cooling coastal winds whistled through the cracks in the rocks. It was a perfect moment, and he vowed to himself that this wouldn't be the last of them. He couldn't let her go now, and that didn't just mean their embrace. In the swiftest of moments she had seemed to place herself just perfect in his life, and he couldn't imagine it without her now. Sure, they had only just met, and outside of her sorrow, her soft voice, the way she fit against him just perfectly he hardly knew her. But the heartache would be there, if they never met again. He merely cuddled into her side, nestling in just perfectly.

When her soft voice pushed back his thanks he laughed softly, shaking his head. How had he saved her, exactly? That he wasn't sure, he wasn't sure what exactly she had needed saving from. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he knew nothing about her. Nothing but what he saw and felt. And he hated that. "You're wrong.." He whispered so softly, eyes closed as he held her close. "It seemed we both needed saving from our sorrows." Volty might not show some of his anguish, and infact he often forgot about it. But the pain of his island home, his rejection of his parents still hurt. The stress that he took on so happily, keeping his siblings happy in their new home. There was so many personalities, so much to do. He loved them all so fully, but sometimes their clashing likes and dislikes could be the death of him. Voltage didn't do well without structure, or knowing where it was safe to lay his head, and untill recently he had spent too long without a real home..

He was silent for a moment, just breathing in her scent and opening his eyes just slightly to stare at the wall beyond them. "Gaia.." He whispered gently, nuzzling into her fur. "After I return you home, I would like to see you again. Would you mind terribly if I were to make plans for us?" He would close his eyes again, waiting for her response with baited breath, hoping that this wouldn't be the end of it. One night, he decided, wasn't enough.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-23-2015, 04:21 PM

There was a really big hole in her heart left by Solo, and as it festered it would eat away at her self confidence. She wasn't worth his time, he had found someone better. Someone with sight she was sure. He was either dead or off living a completely new life with someone who deserved him. She really should have never thought that he could love her, especially after she'd been stripped of her title of princess. She'd once been an heiress to a mighty empire, but no longer. Kassander had honored her with a high rank within his pack which had helped her cope, but here she was in another man's lands. She'd lost interest in her duties more every day she had been with out Solo. Kass must have thought her useless by now too.

Voltage would give her confidence though, he'd boost her will to live and help show her that life never completely closed all the doors. His soft whispered managed to disagree with her statement, but still agree. They had saved each other, both having been holding on to their sorrows. She'd smile at the words but she'd given up any argument. She could agree with those terms. Silence would take them and Gaia found herself focusing on his touch, his scent, and the warmth that lingered between them. She'd definitely started feeling the effects of the day on her. Sleep was beckoning her form, but she couldn't ignore Volt's words. SHe would hear her name as he nuzzled into her fur. Sleepily she would push into his touch, craving his affections.

He'd ask her if they could see each other again, and plan to see one another after she was to go home. Her lips would curl up innocently, her tail wagging pleasedly behind her. "Of course," her voice was a whisper as she nuzzled into his neck. She didn't know if she would be able to enjoy anything else at this point. "I'd really enjoy that, but aren't you busy here?" She couldn't take him away from his family, she knew what that was like and didn't wish that hurt on anyone. She didn't want him to have to decide on putting his time with her first or his siblings. They were still practically strangers in most respects.

Art by Evelyn



6 Years
03-25-2015, 07:53 PM
Voltage sighed happily, shifting his tail to cover her ever moving one. The silence that filled the air was thick with sleep, and he knew he shouldn't keep her up much longer. Dealing with such heavy emotion could tire out a body, shouldn't it? He would hold her close, drinking in her warmth as he waited for her silent words. It didn't take long before she answered him, and his heart beat heavily against his chest. It was an anxious feeling, but something that caused him to feel lighter than air. He almost felt like floating, holding her tight, as she agreed this wouldn't be their last night. He would see her again. When she questioned him, he would only smile into her fur, stormy eyes closing. "They wont miss me much.." He whispered softly. The fact that they were a family made pack allowed him more freedom. There wasn't so much politicalness within the pack, everyone had their duties, and he could easily take a day or two off if he really wanted to.

He merely held her, breathing in her warmth and scent, feeling it perment into his skin. It felt as if he would always have it lingering along his fur, and he knew it wasn't something that he could ever keep secret from his family, not that he wanted too. With a gentle sigh he would lift his head tiredly to press kisses along her ears and cheeks. "Sleep, my little cloud, you must be tired.." He whispered softly, laying his head back down to nuzzle into her fur and closing his eyes lightly. Sleep wouldn't take him yet, even if she succumed to it within moments, he would lay awake to watch the moonlight play upon her fur, bathe in her scent and warmth, before finally he might fall asleep, knowing he would have to let her go in the morning.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-26-2015, 02:22 PM

He lavished her with much needed affection, holding her close and listening quietly as she agreed to see him again. She couldn't deny how much she enjoyed his company, how much more whole she felt when she was with him. She didn't want to think about how hard it would be to stay home in Ebony the next day. For now though she would banish the thoughts and simple lose herself in his embrace. "They wont miss me much.." That was a relief at least, she wouldn't be distracting him for now. She would find herself sighing contentedly, there were no more protests to come from her. She'd feel his kiss press into her fur as the sounds of his own tiredness would become more apparent. "Sleep, my little cloud," she would certainly not argue. Snuggling in closer to his form she wouldn't have to wait long for sleep to take her. Though for a moment she would just simply enjoy the feeling of him surrounding her. Eventually her breathing would even and sleep would take her.


She only knew it was morning by the sound of birds outside, or at least she thought it was morning. The sounds the sea birds made were much different from the song birds of home. As consciousness returned to her she would feel herself panic suddenly, not having any idea why she was on a beach or who she was with. She almost freaked out, but after taking in a deep breath she'd realize the scent and the previous days events all over again. And she felt like she could melt into the arms of the man that held her still. She realized too that she would have to leave him today.

She wouldn't move much, having no wish to leave his grasp any sooner than she had to. Though her eyes were open now, and she'd stirred just enough to cuddle further into Volatge's form. A soft sigh would leave her lips, the first morning since she'd returned from pantheon the girl would not think about Solo.

Art by Evelyn



6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:32 PM
He held her through the night, falling asleep sometime after her. He wasn't quiet sure when he fell asleep, for even in his dreams did he hold her and watch her, soaking in her radiance. He would hum as she stirred, too used to the sea birds to awaken by their incessent alarms. With a gentle sigh he wound his limb around her to pull her tighter to his stomach and chest. Blinking his eyes open groggily he judged the sunlight, and woke more with surprise. The sun was shining, and it wasn't dull like a just-risen sun. Morning had come long ago. He had slept through the night! His energy hadn't peaked to the point of waking, he hadn't had to get up and move. He stared at the sunlight wall across from them with wide eyes, merely holding her and not making a sound. It was like miracle, he felt much more rested than he normally ever was.

With a gentle smile he finally pulled his head back to gaze down at her, delighted to see her own eyes open. It was a great way to wake up, her warmth, her scent, her...he didn't want this to change. But then the realization hit was the day they would have to part. He would have to take her home, and he would have to leave her. He pressed his nose to her crown, breathing in her scent. Good morning, my little cloud He whispered, his sadness coating his voice, and yet it was still happy, dreamy. He couldn't believe how his fate had turned out, how he had found her. He sighed gently, reluctantly unwinding his limbs from around her to roll and stretch. While he enjoyed his sleep and her embrace, he was rather stiff from sleeping in the same position for so long. He wasn't used to even sitting still for so long, let alone sleeping through an entire night. He was stiff and sore, but he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked with a gentle grin, sprawled on his belly with his legs out infront of him. Stormy eyes would gaze at her, soft and gentle as he waited for her to wake up more fully.He wished he could have stayed laying with her for longer, but he had needed to stretch the stiffness out of his legs. Instead, he leaned over to nuzzle into her fur and to lay a kiss along her crown, close to her ear. He was an affectionate fellow.



4 Years
03-27-2015, 11:34 AM

As she slipped back into consciousness she would feel Voltage renew his embrace around her, and for a long time the pair were silent. Gaia would lean into his chest, listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart as she indulged on his stormy scent. She wanted to memorize everything about him before she went back home to Kassander today. She knew they'd see each other again, or hoped desperately, but she still felt bittersweet about waking. Gaia would bury her muzzle into Volt's fur, not ready to seperate herself from him but her body was beginning to stiffen as well.

She'd feel him press against her fur, his voice soothing as he greeted her, but she could still hear the same emotions in his voice that she felt. They were together right now, and it was indescribable, but she would have to leave him soon. "Good morning," she'd whisper softly, trying desperately not to protest as he unwrapped her from his form. Gaia would roll the opposite way onto her back, her limbs would stretch into the air, a relief on her frame as she finally moved positions. "Did you sleep well?" The girl would roll back to her belly, towards voltage so she could reach up and kiss the bottom of his chin. With her paws on his she would smile, "I did." He'd nuzzle into her fur, returning her kiss. She wondered how long they might lay there, she wouldn't have minded if it was forever. She didn't want to be with out Volt's presence and she had barely known him for a day. What happened to her? (Not that she did not enjoy falling for him.)

Art by Evelyn



6 Years
03-28-2015, 02:01 PM
He sighed gentle into her fur, breathing in her scent and committing it to memory. Oh, if only he could bottle it up, so that he might remember it when she was gone. He wondered, just briefly, if he should ask her to stay, to join Donostrea...but that wasnt fair to her, or to his family. There were others that had wolves close to them, anais and Seerten for example that hadnt joined their pack, for him to whisk her away and give her a rank to their home without even introducing her to the family. And besides, she had her own family, he couldn't put that pressure on her. Instead he remained silent, just nuzzling in close to her before he sighed gently. "We might need to leave get you home at a decent hour..." he said softly, the sadness eveident in his tones. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her side, but he had promised her that he would return her home.

And yet he didnt move, not untill she said she would like to go, he merely nuzzled close before a shine caught his eye. Lifting his head he stared at her tail, tracing the band and the feathers with his gaze. It looked innocent, a trinket, but his curiousity was peaked. It was not something he had ever seen before, not at all. He would turn back to her, pressing another kiss along her ears. "That band along your tail...does it have a story?" He asked curiously, nuzzling into her fur and laying a paw upon her back to pull jer back against his side.



4 Years
03-30-2015, 08:28 PM

She could have sat and laid with him all day and have not a single problem with it, she just wanted to flip over onto her back and snuggle. She needed to go back to her family though, she needed to be there with them. Voltage gave her hope that she was going to feel better someday, he couldn't be a crutch. She was going to have to get through this mostly on her own, but knowing he was out here ready to support her however he could. The sigh he uttered reminded her as much as his words that she would not be able to stay here all day. He was sad, and that emotion would reflect exactly how she felt. "Yeah." She'd agree with little enthusiasm as he nuzzled her closer. He'd suddenly move, his touch no longer at her chest. What caught his attention? She'd perk her hears as her sightless eyes looked up to him, his kiss trailing over her ears as he whispered to her.

Solo's gift. She'd nearly forgotten about it really, she had become so used to wearing the band. The night she'd gotten it flashed through her mind, and the hurt would return. She wanted to tell him though. He'd pull her closer to his side, and even though the sadness she felt was obvious on her features. "It was an engagement gift from Solo," her words were a whisper as she pushed herself into his fur. "As was Freewing." The bird would chirp lightly at his name, he was feeding outside on the beach.

Art by Evelyn



6 Years
03-31-2015, 01:18 AM
Voltage would continue to hold her close, nuzzling into her fur and leaving kisses along her ears, cheeks and neck. He didn’t know that his question would bring another bought of sadness, he had assumed that perhaps it was a good story. Something that might bring a smile to her face. If it was so sad, why did she still wear it? But when he heard her soft voice, whispering the meaning behind the band, he would pause. An unknown emotion flooded him, and he wasn’t sure whether it was jealousy, sadness, anger, or a mix of the three. Instead he would hold her, still, unable to let her go, as he pushed his nose into her fur. He knew it wasn’t right to feel this way, to feel a possessiveness like this. It wasn’t healthy. But he could blame it on the fact that he just wanted her to be happy, and staying in this sadness was not helping her.

Instead, he sighed. ”I…didn’t know you two were engaged.” He whispered, sadness echoing his tones. Had it just gone over his head? Had he missed something she said? Or had he just…never connected the dots. He had assumed Solo was important to her in some way, but it certainly seemed that he held a key to her heart. A gentle sigh he’d nuzzle in close to her, glancing out the den entrance to where Freewing tweeted. ”I’m sorry, my little cloud.” He whispered. ”Such a heartache, I couldn’t imagine. You don’t know….where he went?” He would instantly nuzzle in tighter, kissing along her ears as if it were an apology for even asking. ”I’m sorry, I know this must be hard for you…the last thing I should be doing is digging it all up for you.” He apologized, deep in her fur, wanting even less now to let her go. Couldn’t they just spend the rest of their lives in this den? In each others arms, away from the lives they held? No, he couldn’t do that, especially not to his siblings, not at all.



4 Years
03-31-2015, 05:03 PM

He'd pull her close, becoming aware of the memories he'd brought back up some less than pleasant memories. She knew that Solo was not going to leave her mind anytime soon, and even though she seemed to have easily run into Volt's arms she knew that if they were to move forward with any kind of relationship she would need time to recover from the loss. Solo still held her heart, no matter how much she wished otherwise. She needed to heal herself before she could offer Voltage anything of herself. Not that she wouldn't cling to him now, letting him drown out the sorrows that wanted to overtake her. He would hold her tightly as he realized that she had been so serious about Solo, he wouldn't quit his nuzzles, and she would lean into them as he continued to speak. She'd been afraid for a moment that her previous engagement might change something between them, but he would only utter the sweetest of apologies.

She knew he knew that he was brining up some very uncomfortable memories, and if he hadn't been showering her in an affection she might have had second thoughts about telling him so easily. She'd sigh softly as he kissed her ears, his words caressing them just as softly at his touch. "It's alright, you should know." She'd whisper back into his fur. "I haven't seen him in a long time. We lived together in Ebony and recently I went to say my goodbyes to my aunt who was sick.. dying." Pain would grip her heart. "When i came back he was not here, and he's not returned." Her hopelessness was obvious, Solo wouldn't be returning to her.

Art by Evelyn



6 Years
04-04-2015, 10:12 PM
While Voltage had spent a great deal of his life seperated from his siblings, a year from the second litter and two from the third, he had a great deal of experiance helping them through their emotion. He was a comforter, knowing just when to calm down and hold his siblings through the emotion, and when to distract them with play. He could feel it against him, the emotion she was drowning in, it was the same as it had been last night, though he knew that she seemed to be getting  little better. So he held her, after he had asked his question, hoping this was just what she needed. When she nuzzled closer, explaining that he had the right to know, his brows furrowed. Perhaps, sure, if they were to pursue whatever this was (and Voltage didn't want to think that she might not) he should know her past. But if it caused her harm, if it hurt her too deeply...

With a gentle sigh he'd lay kisses along her crown, shifting on his side to lift himself up and press one along her muzzle, nuzzling into her fur. "My little much tragedy." He whispered so softly, feeling his own heart compress. The only tragedy Voltage had ever had to deal with was their parents rejection, their displacement. He had never faced death, never had anyone who he had loved disappear from his side. "You had such a love, I know it's tragic now, and it will always be. But isn't it good to have known such love?" He whispered softly, not wanting to push aside or invalidate her emotion or tragedy, but he wanted to try and comfort her, help her heal and come to terms with it. "I have never loved, little Cloud. It hurts now, and I will help you through it however you might need." He whispered softly, continuing to nuzzle into her fur. "I'm terribly sorry, Gaia..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
04-06-2015, 05:45 PM

She'd sigh as she finished telling him all that he needed to know, all he had to do was ask and she would give him an honest answer. She might have to go through difficult emotions to answer him, but she was already dredging through those emotions. Now was the best time to confess any and all of the painful memories that lingered. Voltage would comfort her like he'd been made to, offering little kisses and comforts as he whispered to her. She'd lean into his touch, letting his comforts wash over her as she was filled with the intense emotions that collided within her. She would sigh heavily at his words, knowing he only wished to make her feel better. Like he'd said last night though, only time was going to bring her through the pain.

She'd nuzzle back into him, wanting to linger here and disappear from the world outside, but she knew they could not. With a painful sigh she would relent, "We should probably start walking." Her whisper was regretful, but she was serious. They would have to part eventually, and the walk home would be a long one. She almost felt pained as she left his side, pushing herself from the earth as she settled herself on her feet. She hadn't realized how much she didn't want to let him go.

Art by Evelyn



6 Years
04-06-2015, 11:23 PM
Silence. That's all there was. It wrapped around them, well, him, and it seemed to almost...suffocate. His words were heavy on his tongue, and the silence almost seemed to suck his lungs and the den dry of any air he could breathe. He'd never had this feeling, never been so wholly terrified of how someone would react to his words of affection. But she said nothing, which was both a blessing and a curse at the moment. He couldn't help but wonder...had he said the right thing? Or had he just made it worse... The care he felt for her felt so heavy in his chest, and the silence made the air unbreathable.

So when she finally broke it, telling them that they should start walking he felt, at the exact same time, both entirely relieved...and shot. He would move to his paws then, nodding his head before he remembered. Clearing his throat softly, he'd try and adjust to his odd...tension so she wouldn't hear it. "Yes," He whispered sadly. "We have a long way to go.." He would look at her then, standing to his paws and stepping towards her. His nose would gently press into her cheek (if she'd allow the touch) and with the most tender of voices he'd whisper to her. "If I have said make your pain worse, please....let me know. Don't hesitate." With a small grin and a nuzzle he'd pull away from her to move towards the den entrance. "I have been known to talk too much." With the gentlest of laughs he'd pull himself from the den, finding the beach oddly...silent. He wanted to take her home without the drama his family would cause, and he knew that her meeting nearly anyone could potentially get a crowd out here. Who wouldn't want to tease their big brother about being caught bringing a girl home. Quickly turning his attention away from those thoughts he'd turn his eyes up to the bird who stuck out like a tomato. "Goodmorning Freewing. I trust you'll guide us home? I assume you know I don't know what direction we are going at all." He'd laugh softly, turning his eyes back to the den and waiting for his little cloud to join him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
04-08-2015, 09:36 PM

She hadn't noticed the tension he felt, she had just accepted his words with out a word, and hadn't realized how rude she'd been. As he caught his bearings and agreed with her she would remain in the dark, but as he stood and told her to tell him if he said something wrong she would shake her head and return to hs embrace. She'd nuzzle into his dark fur, "No, Voltage you've been so wonderful. It's really comforting to know I've got you to call for." She'd manage a smile for him as she followed him out of the den, their journey to Ebony would begin and before she knew it she'd be with out him again.

She'd feel a sadness creep back up on her, but she'd do the best she could to supress them. She had to enjoy her time with Volt while she could. Dark ears would perk as he addressed Freewing and the bird would chirp eagerly, his song would continue as he took to the sky, doing as he did with her and he would fly to a tree and wait for them to catch up. She'd lean into Volt's side once more, enjoying the sound of the ocean and the last few moments of the ocean breeze.

Art by Evelyn