
Turning Point


03-25-2015, 09:35 AM
THIS MEETING IS MANDATORY! IF YOU DO NOT POST HERE (unless you're on absence of course, I'm not unreasonable lol) YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM PANTHEON. FIRST ROUND DUE BY APRIL 1st!

Hercules moved nervously toward the large willow tree that stood at the center of the Estuary. He remembered the first time he had been brought here by his parents when they moved here from the volcano to start Pantheon. That seemed like eons ago now. He sighed softly and paused in front of the tree's draping branches. This would be his first real act as Patriarch. He knew he had very few members to account for right now, but with the changes he wanted to make he hoped that would change. Turning so that the tree was at his back and the majority of Pantheon's territory was spread out in front of him. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he lifted his head and let out a long, loud howl. It was a summoning howl for every member of Pantheon to come here, young and old. This was going to be their turning point. This was going to be the moment that Pantheon went from something that was closed off from the world to a force that all of Alacritis would recognize... he hoped.

"Talk" "You" Think



1 Year
03-25-2015, 05:57 PM

She had only been part of the pack for such a short time, and slowly she was getting used to being in a pack that was not led by her father. But when the call was sang out by Hercules, she lifted her head as her ears quivered, pinpointing his location. Oh yay, her first meeting! Letting out a giggle, she raced forward, short legs pumping to try and eat up the distance between them. She was starting to fill out a little more, her bones still poking out but her hips bones were less visible. As she arrived at the meeting she saw that she was the first one. Oh cool! She loved being early. Not even caring, she ran right up to the dark brown man ans snuggled against his chest, burying her head into his fur. He should be getting used to this now, she had no boundaries at all. In fact she would most likely end up hugging every wolf who showed up today. She had yet to talk to anyone else besides Hercules, and she knew that it was about time to do that!

"Talk" "You" Think

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.

Helios I


9 Years
03-25-2015, 08:04 PM
Helios had known that the pack would be turned over to his son. He hadn't agreed of course but had no other ideas who could lead them, he was certainly in no state to take over again... he would be there to help Hercules when needed though.

So when his son's call reached him Helios would gather up his young children and lead them towards the meeting area. The russet man stopped short however. There was an unknown girl pushed right into his son?

"Hercules who is this?" Her scent was unfamiliar and he wasn't so sure he was willing to trust a girl who seemed to be all over his son... Even if she was tiny.



1 Year
03-25-2015, 08:12 PM

It wasn't long before another wolf came trotting into the meeting, and by the looks of him, he was related to Hercules. She girl let out an excited squee as she broke away from the alpha, and raced towards the unknown male. Without a single moment of pause she flung herself at the older man, colliding right with his chest and wiggling into his fur as well. Humming softly she let out a small giggle, pulling back to try and catch his gaze with her wide, blue eyes. "Hi! My name is Charmeine, Hercules was really nice and saved me from a... a .. crocomons'er. And 'hen he asked me 'o come and join his pack, cause well, I don' have anywhere else 'o go, mis'er." Charm said all in one breath, her tongue nearly tripping over itself as everything came out at once. But Charm wasn't one to really take her time... Wiggling back into his thick chest, she just sat there with her pale tail wagging, hugging a complete stranger.

"Talk" "You" Think

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.


03-25-2015, 08:45 PM

When it was Herc who called, rather than Phoebe, the young man was surprised. Why had his aunt not called? Plus there was such an... authoritative tone in his brother's voice. Strange as it was, Thanatos would heed the call of his brother, and he would pause from him walk to shift direction and head to where his brother had called from. Above him flew the companion he had gained when his mother died, and though he had not been her biological child, the boy was honored to be counted among her children. Natalya was missed, and Poe, following after him now that she was gone, was a sign that he was acknowledged as one of her own. He was acknowledged and strong There was definitely a mutual respect between the two now.

The young man would arrive to find Hercules, Helios, and a stranger present. He would eye the tiny girl some, raising a brow before slowly coming up beside Helios. She was speaking, all in one breath, about something or another. He just caught the tail end that she hadn't had anywhere else to go. He would offer a small smile, remaining standing as Poe landed on his back. "Welcome... to Pantheon... then." He was surprised though as the girl hugged his father. She was a stranger! He would frown some, curious, whereas Poe focused his beady gaze on Helios. "She seems attached to you." The raven would remark. He was adjusting to his new companion, but seemed to like the boy already. Still, he missed the ravenesque woman who had been lost.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono



1 Year
03-25-2015, 08:59 PM

Before the poor man could even react to the stranger hugging her, another man entered. Oh he had a cute little raven with him too! How sweet! He had a white mask too, kinda like her gray one. As he sat beside Helios she zoomed over to him, brushing up against his chest as she snuggled into him this time. A burst of giggles left her maw as she wiggled her head deeper into the dark fur. "You really all mus' be family like Hercules said, cause you all look 'he same!" she said with another laugh. Charm pulled back just enough to look up at the black bird on the man's back, a white paw raising to try and run gently down his chest, like she was petting the creature. "You have such a pre'y bird! Wha' is his name? Oh! Mine is Charmeine if you didn' hear, bu' you can call me Charm if you like!" Her pale tail was a blur behind her as she leaned happily against Thany, not having any idea that this may be very, very strange for them. This is just who she was, and how she would probably always react. Poor Pantheon, they would have to deal with the very snuggly Charm.

"Talk" "You" Think

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.


03-25-2015, 10:07 PM

Philotes was quiet as she trailed after her father's scent. She had heard her brother's call, and she was confused! Why had Hercules made the call for the pack and not her aunt? Where was she? Fear of abandonment rose in her heart, and she would fight off tears as she slunk along. She was afraid. So very afraid that Pantheon would fall apart around her. After witnessing her mother's death the girl had some trauma, naturally, and she was wary, so very wary of strangers. So when she saw the strange girl clinging to Thanatos she just froze.

Her body would begin to shake, her eyes widening. Stranger danger alert! Her breath would catch in her throat and then a loud, pitiful whine escaped her like the cry of a banshee. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddyyyyyyy!" The small girl would wail, taking a few steps back. She didn't want to get closer to this stranger! What if she was bad? What if she'd take away Thany or Hercules? What if she took away her daddy like that mean silver lady? The tears would stream down her face, tail between her legs as she cowered down. She wanted her daddy and brothers away from this stranger. Strangers were bad.


Art by Evelyn


03-25-2015, 11:27 PM

The young man had hardly uttered her greeting before she changed to snuggle up against him, catching Thanatos off uard. He would blink, her speed almost alarming to a male who took everything at a slow, easy pace. She was giggling too, and Thany would look at her with confusion, and perhaps a bit freaked out, as he tried to find words. “Yes... We are...” The boy would cast a look at Hercules. Okay, who was this and why on earth was she getting close to not just Helios, but him too?

Poe on the other hand would not stand for getting touched. He would take to the sky, though her pet was gentle. He would look down at her, cawing out. “I am Poe... And I would thank you to not treat me like some pet.” The raven would watch as his new companion just allowed the girl to lean on him, probably unsure what else to do in this case.

“I am... Thanatos...” He would say softly, before shifting a bit uncomfortable. “You are... Close...” It was a bit awkward phrasing it that way, but he wasn’t sure what else to say.

The sudden wailing of Philotes would startle him, and Poe would fly to the child’s side, landing on the ground to try and soothe her. “Shh child. It’s alright. This stranger is not going to hurt anyone.” He knew she was scared. Who could blame her after what happened to Natalya?

Thanatos would turn his head, giving a heavy sigh. The poor child... She would probably be forever scarred after that event. “Sorry... It is... Not... Your fault... She is... Afraid... Charm.” He tried to explain in his slow drawl, looking to the femme.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf


03-27-2015, 02:40 PM

His newest member was the first to arrive, but he was all too happy to see her so eager to be there. Of course the first thing she was was cuddle into his chest, which he had come to expect at this point. He chuckled softly and leaned down to give the top of her head a little friendly nuzzle. She was so high energy, but in a way it kind of kept him on his toes. However, he wasn't expecting her to move in a flash of pale fur to dart over to his father and velcro herself to him. He blinked and gaped at her, one brow lifting with surprise and confusion. His expression soon smoothed out into an amused grin as he laughed softly to himself and shook his head. She was a handful, that was for sure.

Before he could answer father's question Charmeine introduced herself in a rapid flurry of words. He chuckled again and rose to his paws to go retrieve her from his father's chest, but Thanatos arrived and then she had another wolf to terrorize. He couldn't help the little snort of laughter that escaped him when she attached herself to his quiet, stoic brother's chest. The look on Thany's face was priceless. But then one of his youngest sisters cried out, obviously terrified by the stranger being at their meeting. His ears pinned back against his skull at the sound. Okay, the fun was over.

He quickly trotted over to Philotes with a reassuring smile and leaned down to nuzzle his sister. "It's okay, Philly, no need to be scared. She's a friend of mine, okay?" He lifted his head and looked to his father and Thany, giving them both a little, apologetic glance. "I see Charmeine has introduced herself," he commented with a chuckle. "I helped get her away from a crocodile not long ago and since she had no home I invited her to come stay with us." He went over to Charm with a smile, playfully nudging her shoulder and whispering, "Why don't you go introduce yourself to Philotes? Gently." He chuckled again and went back up to where he had been sitting to take up his place once more to wait for the rest of the pack to arrive.

"Talk" "You" Think



03-29-2015, 10:21 AM

A silence surround his every waking moment as he opted to remain silent over the manner of his mother's death as well as any other manner. Watching the life leave her eyes had left him scared and scarred. His silence surely had gone unnoticed, even as he slowly walked towards a meeting held by someone that he surely did not know. He had not said a word, unless he talked in his sleep from the nightmares that had affected him. That was when he swore he would find the revenge he so desperately craved. The strange woman would fall before Aether died sometime in the far future - that much was certain. He would arrive and plop down, looking up but not speaking as he held to the muteness that gave him some sanity.



03-29-2015, 10:33 AM
Despoina had been saddened by the leave of her sister and mother but she understood and knew that she could not go with them. She had things to do and plan. She had made it a personal goal to do something important with her life and make an impact. As the young girl peaked and approached her first year, coming in the fall, she knew it was time she shaped up and received some training. She wanted to be able to fight and she wanted to hold up strong in a hunt. She wanted to know the basics of healing and, most importantly, she wanted to lead a group of wolves to victory some day. Big dreams for a little girl. She heard Hercules call for a pack meeting and quickly responded though she was not the fastest to get here. She sat down and smiled at him, eager to hear what he had to say.



3 Years
03-31-2015, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2015, 01:19 AM by Eros.)
Eros began a treck up the steep incline. She'd gotten lost, again. Her golden fur glinted in the harsh sunlight and slightly irritated eyes scanned to the horizon for some shelter. In her jaws she held some herbs. She was not extremely knowledgeable in the art,but she hoped to learn more soon and there was no harm in building up stores. Sighing, Eros stopped under the shade of a sickly looking tree. It cast enough shade for a momentary rest. At that moment a call rang out for a meeting. Smiling Eros turned toward the sound, sending a little prayer of thanks to the gods. Now, at least, she knew where to go. The girl started in the direction of the summon hastily.
She was far from the first to arrive. Awkardly she noticed that she knew no-one there. As the girl started to slink to the back, she noticed Helios. Breaking into a grin, she edged her slightly closer towards him before settling herself. Curiously she looked around.


04-06-2015, 08:50 AM
Sorry for the delay, guys! Life got real crazy real fast. Second round is encouraged, but not mandatory. There's no posting order from here and I'll post Herc as needed to answer questions and what not.

The last few Pantheon members trickled in and a small, satisfied smile touched his lips. They were few in number, but at least they all showed up. That had to say something. He could see the questions on many of their faces. Where was Phoebe? Why was he calling the meeting? He knew he had a lot of explaining to do so he cleared his throat and began. "Thank you all for coming," he said as he tried to keep his nerves steady. "I guess the first order of business is to explain why I am up here. Phoebe has decided that it would be best for her to take some time for herself after the loss of Natalya and Conan's disappearance. She hopes to return soon, but till then she has entrusted Pantheon to me. Her daughter Hera decided to leave with Phoebe as well to keep an eye on her. I hope to make this transition as easy as possible on all of us and I hope you all will wish Phoebe well on her vacation." He paused with a small smile to let that sink in before he went on.

"While I do not wish to make any major changes to the ground work that my parents and Phoebe laid out for this pack-" he glanced toward Helios breifly at that- "I do think a few changes need to be made. While the Olympus family will always be the core of this pack and will always hold special importance, I think it is also important to make this pack more open and inclusive for others as well." He glanced toward Charmeine and smiled before letting his orange gaze wander over everyone in front of him again. "The biggest change to our ranks that I want to make is to do away with the high council. I want everyone to feel free to come to me with any problem, no matter how big or small and I feel like having the council as a barrier between the Matriarch and Patriarch creates a rift between us. Secondly, from here on out any rank except for Patriarch, Matriarch, and the Prince or Princess shall be open to any member that best fits the position. Olympus family members will get special consideration of course, but if there is no Olympus that can do the job then a not family member will be welcomed into the position." Again he would pause, both to catch his breath and for the information to sink in.

"Because of these changes the ranks will now be as follows: The Patriarch, Matriarch, and Prince or Princess will of course remain the same. The position that was once known as the Delphi will now be the Atomist. I did not feel it was right to make the Delphi position into one that was open to anyone considering its importance in the Olympus family culture. The Atomist will act mainly as the lead healer, but will also be considered one of my advisors. After the Atomist will be the Ephors, which are the betas. They will also be considered advisors and will have the power to discipline as needed with my approval.

In the next tier is the Apellas, Peltast, and Strategos. The Apellas will basically handle any day to day needs of the pack that the higher ranks may assign to them. I really want the Apellas to look out for any of our pups or elderly, just to make sure they are cared for and comfortable. The Peltast is our lead warrior and the Strategos is our lead hunter. Next is the Antipeltast, Antistrategos, and Antiatomist, which are the warriors, hunters, and healers. The Proxenos are the children, Spartiate is anyone over a year old that hasn't chosen their specialty, and the Gerouse are the elders."
He stopped breifly with a soft chuckle. "I know this is all a lot to take in, but I hope that these ranks will help streamline things around here and make it easier for us to communicate with each other. I want everyone here to feel like they are family and that they have a place here, whether they're actually related or not."

He looked around at everyone in attendance and he smiled. They were all family except for Charm of course, but he hoped that by the next time he called a meeting there would be new faces in this crowd. "While you're all here, I'd like to introduce our newest member to those of you that haven't already met her, Charmeine. Make her feel welcome. Also, I would like to ask my brother Thanatos if he would be willing to step up to be our Peltast." He looked to Thany and grinned, waiting for his answer before he continued. "With that you are all free to go. If you have any questions or want to speak with me feel free."

"Talk" "You" Think


04-18-2015, 10:43 AM

So that was it. Phoebe had passed the pack off to his brother in order to take a break and go off on a journey with Hera. Thanatos would give a small nod in response to this. He would miss his aunt, though he wished her well in her endeavor. There would be some more minor changes to the pack as well, which Thany would listen to quietly. So there didn’t seem to be too much changing, other than the fact that there would be equal opportunities for all members of the pack. This he agreed with, though he wasn’t sure how Poe might feel about the changes. It was something the wolf decided to discuss with the raven later.

There was something unexpected in regards to him, however, as Hercules asked if he might step up to the rank of Peltast. Thanatos would blink his seagreen eyes, finally giving a nod as he let out a gentle rumble. “It would... Be an... Honor...” The young man would lift his head a little higher. “I... Accept... The position.” He would smile at his brother. There was much he would need to help shoulder, but Thanatos felt ready to take on this responsibility. He would give his all for his family, for Pantheon. He would need to step up his game for certain.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf