
Frame Thy Fearful Symmetry

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
03-29-2015, 02:53 PM

Skælingr was enjoying himself. The spars had been just what he'd needed, the chance to let lose some of his pent up energy and to grow more accustomed to the culture of the wolves around him. The evening had fallen soft and fair with only the faint rumbling of thunder in the distance. A late summer storm perhaps? Autumn would soon be here and it would be at that time that Skælingr would withdraw to his old hunting grounds in the Rustling Thicket where his pelt blended so seamlessly with the grass.

Only half serious, the tiger let out a roar, a call to any who might wish to duel him. He somewhat doubted anyone would answer, but it was hard to tell. The wolves in Alacritis seemed to be growing to be as large as the great cats. Surely there were spunky canines wishing to test their metal against such a fierce and beautiful creature as a tiger.

Skælingr vs Mercy for SPAR
Rd. 0/?

Mercy I


5 Years

04-07-2015, 05:58 PM

She was growing bored of fighting against her pack mates, they were all the same and she was starting to get pent up about it. Mercy didn't feel like she was learning anything anymore, which brought her to the battlefield once more. How long had it been since her pale paws at touched this blood stained earth? Too long, that was the damned answer. She needed to learn some new moves, some new tactics. So when the loud roar of a large cat sounded in her ears, her head tilted towards the sound. Mmm.... a fight against a kitty cat? Oh yes. She had only met one cat, but he had been quite small, but feisty. But by the battle cry of this pussy cat, she was in for more than a few bites in this battle.

Making her way towards the large cat, she was quite shocked at what she saw. Beautiful black stripes adorned an orange and red-ish pelt, white spotting others body parts. She noticed that she had been staring, and Mercy shook her head and smiled softly at the cat. "Sorry, I've never met a cat like you... You're quite stunning. Mind if I ask what kind of cat you are?" Her voice was sweet, even though her shoulders rolled forward as she prepared for battle. Even though he was a really big kitty cat, she wasn't afraid. In fact, a thrill ran down her spine just thinking about battling those large claws and teeth. Swallowing hard, her eyes narrowed as her hackles slowly started to raise. "But regardless, I'm ready to fight when you are. Just don't slice me into tiny little pieces." She said with a wink, eyes roving his form. Mercy had to admit... he was a nice thing to look at. Mmm.

ROUND 0 of 3?


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
04-11-2015, 05:34 PM

Skælingr waited like a statue, focused an intent as we waited for a potential opponent.  The tiger did not have to wait long before a young, pale femme of fair size answered his call.  She was an odd one, brave and ravenous but even she paused to take in his form in surprise.  Skæ grinned back and dipped his head and chuffed in greeting until she recovered herself enough to speak.  "I am a tiger.  My name is Skælingr, what of yourself?"  Jade eyes watched as she prepped herself for battle.  Skælingr did the same.

Fur and hackles stood on end as the beasts striped head and tail moved to align with his spine.  His eyes narrowed, ears pinning tight to his head as he tucked his chin just slightly.  Massive shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back.  Skælingr widened his stance, evenly spreading his weight, limbs coiling to lower his center of gravity.  Toes spread, claws unsheathed in preparation for attack.  His back rounded slightly as he prepared to spring.

He twitched just slightly as her eyes roved his form in something a bit more than awe… what in the world.  What an odd creature.  The tier smirked.

"I can't quite make that promise, you best be quick on your feet."

As the words fell from his lips Skælingr would launch himself forward as he attempted to close the distance between himself and the pale youth.  The tiger attempted to approach the wolf directly head on, aiming to lift his upper body and re-distribute his weight in his hind legs as he attempted to throw the lower center of his chest into the exact center of the underside of the wolf's neck, halfway between the jaw and the sternum, hoping to slam his massive weight into the girl with enough force to knock the breath from her and cause heavy bruising.  At the same time as he attempted to throw his chest into the youth he would also attempt to raise both forelimbs to try and wrap them around the wolf in attempt to pull her right into his chest slam.  He sought for his left foreleg to wrap around the right side of the base of Mercy's neck so that he could sink his left fore-claws in between the girls shoulder blades, seeking to get a grip on the wolf.  His right forepaw, with claws fully unsheathed, would seek to slice into the flesh above the spine, about five inches behind the shoulder blades in an attempted swipe to drag his claws all the way down the girls left side and back to the ground.

Simultaneously, Skælingr's neck would shift to his own right, head twisting in to his own left as he attempted to bite the wolf's upper left-sided neck, just behind the jawline.  Upper fangs seeking a grip over the girls left ear, lower fangs seeking to pierce the flesh at the corner of the girls left-sided jaw.  Skælinger sought a vice-like grip from which he could quickly subdue his opponent.  The girl might be young but Skælingr did not wish to underestimate an opponent and in practicing for the greater skilled it was best to fight fully.  Pulling punches would not help either of them improve.

Skælingr vs Mercy for SPAR
Rd. 1/?

Mercy I


5 Years

04-14-2015, 11:37 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2015, 11:42 AM by Mercy I.)

He named himself a tiger, also introducing himself. Pulling her purple gaze from roaming his body she smiled softly at him, dipping her head in greeting. "I am Mercy, and it is a pleasure to meet you." Oh Revenge was certainly going to kill her for getting into a fight with a big kitty like this. Those teeth and claws were meant to do a lot more damage then Mercy could ever dream of. He smiled at her, telling her that he couldn't quite keep a promise that he wouldn't slice her into little pieces. She chuckled, fast on her feet indeed. For the first time in a long time, she was finally excited for a fight, no matter how cut up she may walk away from this.

As the tiger pounced at her, she was almost mesmerized by the way that he moved. But as he got closer she ducked her body down into a play bow, her front limbs sliding forward as her chest nearly touched the earth, rump still high in the air. Purple eyes watched carefully as his chest nearly missed her head as he reared up, his massive paws wrapping around nothing but air. From this lower vantage point the tiger's belly was exposed to her. Smirking, Mercy attempted to raise herself back up onto all fours, trying to dash forward as her jaws parting as she attempted to bite into his soft underbelly, just a few inches down from his sternum and directly in the center of his stomach. Mercy hoped to lock her teeth in, waiting to achieve a grip on the sensitive underside. Because she had risen up before his bite, however, she felt the sharp sting of his teeth entering her body, cutting through it like butter. She had moved slightly, so instead of locking around her ear, he managed to bite down on the left side of her neck, about an inch down from her ear. His lower jaws were only a few centimeters away from her spine, while his top jaws sunk in on the outer portion of the side of her neck, an inch from her bottom jaw. The wound was pretty deep, as his jaws kept hold of her a rather severe wound formed. She swallowed hard, knowing damn well that this might have been a stupid idea. But it was too late to back off now. Knowing that she had put herself in a rather awkward position, her mind reeled to try and come up with another attack. Thinking fast, Mercy attempted to lift up her front right leg, trying to bring it over the left hind paw of the massive cat. In one fluid motion, she tried to return her paw to the earth, hoping to slam it right on top of his left hind paw. She hoped to cause some bruising, hopefully spraining some of the toes.

Because of her now tri-pod stance, Mercy shifted her weight slightly to her own left as the rest of her defenses slid into place. Her eyes were still narrowed and her ears flat against her skull. Her paws on the ground were equal distance apart, toes spread and claws dug into the earth. Her shoulders rolled forward, her neck trying to align with her spine as best it could. Her tail was aligned with her spine as well, legs bent slightly. Mercy was going to start to have to react faster if she wanted to walk away with all her body parts attached.

ROUND 1 of 3
*Had to edit to change the rounds, Kat watched!*


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
04-25-2015, 06:53 PM

She was a quick little devil, he'd give her that, but he wasn't going to simply let her get away.  His chest thrust missed as his forearms wrapped around thin air but the instant he saw her duck he rotated his paws to aim his claws down, attempting to swipe them down at the femme, letting gravity assist him in the downward motion.  He sought to drive the claws of his left forepaw down the right side of the base of her neck in front of her right shoulder in a slashing motion that would hopefully end with his paw back on the ground.  His right foreclaws would seek to land in between the girls shoulder blades in an attempt to throw more of his massive weight into the girl and pin her down on the ground.

She lunged and Skæ's abdomen tenses as he realized she was going beneath him.  Thankfully at that moment his jaw attack succeeded though due to her forward lunge his attack didn't land where he'd hoped it would.  Instead his jaws sunk into her upper neck an inch back from her jaw.  He succeeded in getting a hold and due to that fact as well as his exceptional body length in comparison to the wolf he was able to prevent her attack from reaching his belly.  However he would not escape unscathed as her jaws cut moderate lacerations into the lower center of his muscular chest, between his forelegs, seizing a precarious hold on the large, awkward surface and making him hiss in pain.  Dammit.  Skælingr did not see her paw attack but do to his previous hold on her upper neck near her head she was unable to get far enough underneath him to stomp on his left hind paw.

In addition to his adjusted paw attacks Skælingr simply hoped to keep his bite grip on her upper neck even though he knew it was precarious for if he held onto her she could do serious damage to his chest.  He only hoped that his paws would be able to pin her, or at least limit her movement, before it came to that.  All the while he kept his defenses as best he could.  Fur and hackles remained on end, head and tail shifting to align with his spine, eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his head as his shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back, chin tuckled.  His hind legs were spread wide, coiling to lower his center of gravity as he hoped to bring his weight down on his foe.  Back toes were spread, claws unsheathed, tearing into the earth.  His abdomen remained tensed on the chance his grip might falter.  This rush, the danger, he had to admit he was having fun despite himself.

Skælingr vs Mercy for SPAR
Rd. 2/3