
Losing Myself Close To The Edge

Marina I


7 Years
04-06-2015, 10:04 PM

Where was her life going? She honestly wasn't too sure anymore. Every day seemed to drag on, and the female found herself swimming in thoughts that were darker. She had made her promise to Ganja, and by the gods above, the child willing, she was going to keep it. The babu was far too precious to her to simply lose, and it, in the end, merely reminded her of what was lost. It hurt. Gods above every memory hurt. But she would fight to keep this last shred of her new family with her. She would fight and she would kill if need be. She wanted Ganja to be happy... and so certain steps would need to be taken.

The female would step into the cold lands of the North, this time seeking knowledge from another rather than plain interaction. Her goal was still set as well, to form a pack of her own. Lyenne, it would be called. Lyenne. Both a gifted name and a cursed one, a fitting title for a place she would call home. Rainbow had vowed to face down all her demons, every last one, until they were screaming and begging for her mercy. There would be no quarter given until she took this world, or at least what she wanted from it, by storm.

Perhaps there was more to gain somewhere. It meant getting down to business and making plans. The female would give a soft growl as she stepped onto the cool sands. It was her season... that meant that her babus were a year now right? Were they okay? Were they looking for her? Her heart would clench, a whine leaving her jaws as she thought of Ganja now too. She didn't like leaving the child alone for long. She would be on her way back within an hour or two. Hopefully with good news to report.

Of course she had considered going back to Lydovne's old territories in search of the plants. But the thought of returning home again... It made her feel sick. She kept thinking about what if she ran into an Imperium wolf... if she could keep her temper in check. If her emotions could be controlled. Perhaps... perhaps it was worth the trip.

Some demons lay there waiting after all.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



3 Years
04-21-2015, 06:53 AM

If Mirabelle could hear the rainbow wolf's thoughts, she'd be agreeing - and wondering the same thing about herself. Where has her life gone? Wandering aimlessly, searching for nothing and yet something at the same time. She was meandering her way North, towards Glaciem - she had heard the pack had fallen, and so she wondered if one would step up and claim the lands that once belonged to the wintry pack. She was far off course, of course, but no matter; she could head that way at any point in time. She was also exploring, after all.

What she hadn't expected was another wolf. She really shouldn't be surprised by now, every time she went to explore and expected to be alone, there was another. It would be better to say she didn't expect a fucking rainbow wolf. As she also stepped onto the sands, paws squishing down a bit... oddly, she just kind of stared, an incredulous look on her face. Was she imagining things? Was there really a rainbow wolf in front of her? She shook herself, dragging her eyes away from the bands of color to gaze isntead at the black-grey fur of the face. Regardless, it was still... unseemly to stare. As she did with Aki - here she smiled slightly at the memory - she would ignore it. Mostly. Her mind was still going what the hell.

"Hello?" she questioned, hoping that this wolf was friendly - it would be a bit inconvenient for this rainbow wolf to also be hostile.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]

Marina I


7 Years
04-23-2015, 09:22 AM

The dark beast would raise her brows and turn her head to a voice, her tail bristling and hackles raising slightly. She had been startled, but it was not an immediate threat. A stranger, inquisitive and offering a greeting. Rainbow would turn to face her fully, her sharp gaze scanning over the other female. My my, what a beautiful creature she was. The female would smile, dipping her head and giving a most elegant bow. Upon raising she would finally speak, words rumbling past her lips.

"Hello there love." She would rumble, her words practically a purr. Rainbow would stalk a step or so closer, her head shifting to the side as she examined this other beast. "Who might you be? A creature as fine as yourself in the North... my my... you must like the cold, no?" Her words would slide past her lips in almost creepy manner. Truth was... Rainbow was a bit fascinated by the woman before here. She had such a rich color upon her coat. The woman was jealous and captivated at the same time.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]