
Hero to Zero



6 Years
Extra large
04-12-2015, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2015, 01:01 AM by Glacier.)

Patrols where routine for glacier, even before he had become an alpha and this land hand been sanctioned as their home. Patrols told him what was out there, and was something that aided in the safety of his family. At this stage he could vertically do his patrol on his sleep, and perhaps it could be said that he didn't put as much attention into it as he should have. It wasn't just the familiarity of the action that lulled him into loss of attention, it was a mixture of things, and it would be the latest developments of his relationship with anais at the core of his problem. He had come to the realisation that he loved her, he had watched her fall asleep and vowed that he would watch over her. He missed her desperately, but having already sacrificed a great deal of time to her rather then his family, he knew he couldnt let her monopolies his time much further, he would see her again soon and the time between would not kill him.

He almost missed the sent of wildcat, and had there been anyone near by they might have found it amusing to watch the brute stop mid stride and backstep to where the scent had been strongest. It took a bit of nosing around to get a picture of what had happened, but sent and footprints in the soft dirt could tell him a young mountain line had come to the border, passed a length of their scent markings, before moving on again. Something about the actions troubled him - first and foremost, what was a puma doing around here? It was the first time he had ever caught the scent of one anywhere near his home land. Second, why had it not turned away immediately at the scent border? Its like its passage had been scouting in its own right, and that deeply troubled the brute. He glanced once back into their territory and furrowed his brow. He would play it safe, he would track its scent back and learn a little himself, if it looked like he was walking into trouble, he would call on voltage and sere, if it looked like nothing he would move on. the titan gave a firm, if slight nod, it sounded like a plan. He crossed over the terratory and started into the rouge lands.

The trail didn't take him far, another reason to worry, and as he got closer to the den he would catch another, strong scent, that of blood. He tilted his head, puzzled. It didn't have the taste of herbavour to it, in fact, he would guess that the scent was indeed puma, was she injured? He would procced with caution, creeping closer to the den until he was able to peer inside. Before his eyes could adjust to the gloom, there was a flurry of movement, startling him into taking a step backwards as the crazed animal charges him. With a growl of suprise he threw himself to the side, and then the puma and him both where outside the den in a stand of. The brutes ears where to his skull, and his hackles where raised. He cut an imposing figure with his titanic size, despite the face that his lean muscles where concealed beneath his thick coat. It was a rare day that he was attacked unprovoked when there where always easier pickings elsewhere. That the puma showed no signs of backing off was the first clue to her insanity. The pair would stand in an awkward stalemate, before she began to move. As she started to circlez so also did he, neither of them letting up the advantage or allowing the other to face anything other then head on. Glaciers lips curled into a snarl, and the Lukas wild eyes met his, and he would see in them that this wasn't going to end easily. The scent of blood was fresh now, and he would see the wound on her hindleg, cracking open with the jostling of each step. Glacier was mentally cursing himself, having thought his own size would be imposing enough to avoid this very mess, ans wishing he had brought back up to scare off the cat - he had no wish to kill her. He snarled again and broke the formation to step towards her, having no wish to continue the impasse.she growled herself and he fluffed his fur up further, pulling his lips over his fangs as he stepped closer yet.

His adversery was reconsidering her stance he could see her fault, and glacier three back his head and howled. The puma turned, and ran, and glacier gave chase, with the intend of changing her mind of ever settling near his home again. He tore through the trees, and the puma gained ground - glacier was a heavy figure. The puma was out of sigh in moments and he was just considering turning and coming home, turning his head back towards pack lands when his foot came down awkwardly, it didn't find purchase on the ground but instead kept going, straight into a concealed rabbit hole, and we his foot stopped the rest of him kept going, he was thrown insintly to the ground, hitting his head with a powerful crack, and would lose consciousness immediately. that he had a broken leg and a concusion there would be no doubt.






6 Years
04-12-2015, 03:42 AM
Voltage had been laying in his and Serefina's soundproofed den, trying to catch up on his sleep that was still so scattered. It wasn't often that Volty slept through the night, and it seemed it was only when he had a warm body to cuddle up too, namely Gaia, Serefina or his big brother. He knew Glacier was busy elsewhere, either doing his big body guard protector thing with the pack or out spending time with his distant love, otherwise he might have asked him for a few hours to lay with him so Voltage could get some decent sleep. But it seemed that that wouldn't happen at the moment, or for a while for that matter. His less than comfortable sleep was interupted by his brother's urgent call, that rang and vibrated through him like the crash of the ocean's wave. Instantly Voltage was awake, head up and eyes wide. In the next instant he was off, like the strike of lightning. He sped through the land, through the tunnel and towards his brother's call.

The scent of blood, predator and his brother was strong in his nose, and stormy eyes were wide with worry. He didn't take the time to decide who's blood it was, all he knew was that all three went together. Panic shot through him, like sheer white hot fire as he bolted through the undergrowth, chasing the scent. It didn't take him long to reach his brother, and the moment he saw him he cried out.  "Glace!" He shouted, watching as his brother fell flat within seconds, the sickening sound of it all echoing in his ears. The whole thing caused Voltage to fumble, but in a moment he was at his brother's side, nudging his neck in hopes that he hadn't lost conciousness yet.  "Oh, big brother..." He whispered, his panic, is sheer fear coursing through his rough tones as he looked him over. In an instant he threw his head back, howling for his siblings, especially Terrae. He would need help with the wounds, need help getting Glacier back where it was safe. There was no way Voltage would be able to move the behmouth of his brother, especially not without causing more harm. With a pitched whimper he nuzzled into the thick fur of Glacier, licking and kissing along his crown, ears, face.  "You're alright, big brother...You'll be alright." He whispered, his voice pitched as mist covered his eyes before he shook his head. He had to help Glacier, in some way...he had to get him moved back to the dens....somehow.  "Terrae!! Serefina!!" He shouted over the distance, howling again for them, a sound of fear, of panic, and an order. He needed them here, he needed their help...

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
04-12-2015, 09:49 AM

Locha had been standing on the shore, looking out to sea when she heard Glacier's call. She'd been feeling a little uneasy all day, but she told herself it was just the restlessness of the water. Her dark fur was still dripping with cold water when she heard Glacier's call. It sent a shock through her, freezing her to the spot. Horrible scenarios played through her head, but it was Voltage's urgent call that got her to move. The girl bolted towards them, arriving in record time. She smelled blood. Her brother's blood, and that of a feline. The cat's scent trailed away into the distance. Locha's blue eyes snapped to her injured brother. She could feel tears pricking at her eyes, but the girl tried to swallow them back. She had to be collected so she could help.

Running over to Voltage, she nudged him gently on the shoulder to let him know she was her before looking to Glacier. He was unconscious and seemingly stuck. It became harder and harder to hold back her tears. She hiccuped, tears rolling down her face and onto the ground. Seeing her big, strong brother like this seemed impossible.

"Oh, Glacier..."
She whined.
"What can I do."
She said firmly to her yellow brother.




5 Years
04-12-2015, 07:03 PM

His mind remained in a wonder as of how he was going to get promoted to a lead healer. At the moment he laid as an ordinary healer, the only one in fact. He showed eager interest in mentoring others, despite no other family had joined him in his journey through medicine. His expectations told him the only way for him to rise in the ranks, would be to pass a mere and harmless herb quiz. Already he had shown initiative by scouting Donostrea's territory in search for familiar flora that grew in their former home so he wouldn't have to encounter random rogues and ask them to mentor him. So far his mission had been successful by uncovering herbs, revising their purpose in healing and storing their location in his mind. If he notified the elder brothers of this, perhaps getting a promotion wouldn't be so difficult after all.

Never did he reckon his skills would have to be put to the test.

Glacier's howl broke his daze and after moments of registering what was happening, his paws skidded out from the den, a few strides behind his lightning brother. There was an edge to his brother's howl, one that called for desperate help. His thundering limbs urged him onwards only out of sheer worry over what may have befallen his brother. He had travelled a fair distance away from the border; what quarrels concerned Glacier so far from the pack's territory? Seconds after Voltage let out another howl, he had arrived at the scene. The stench of a cat lingered in the air, mixed with Glacier's scent and the reek of blood. The feline that had obviously inflicted damage upon his brother had well and truly fled, leaving an injured brother in its place. After his expressionless gaze had enough of ingesting the sight, he crouched down beside Glacier and expected his wounds carefully. He never wanted to prove his healing skills in a scenario like this. No family should go through such pain and suffering just so he could receive a useless rank. Now, everyone would be counting on him, seeing as he was the only healer. The thought made his stomach churn with stress and horror as he continued his analysis. One of his legs had sunken into the swallowing earth, the only explanation being a hidden den of a smaller creature. If it was only a sprained or broken leg accompanied with a few minor scratches, it wouldn't have been as serious. Yet he assumed his fall delivered a hard blow to his head which lead to the unconscious state he currently was in. Head injuries amplified the seriousness of the injuries altogether.

"We need to move him into pack territory at least, a den preferably." The earthen male finally announced what may have been an obvious thought. Really, the longer they stayed outside the borders, the more dangerous everything seemed.