
Rapid Waters



4 Years
04-14-2015, 05:30 AM
The brute watched in pleasure as the waterfall fell down, creating a large uproar. The smell of the crystal waters, as well as some of the other scents of wildlife that passed through not to long ago, lingered in his nostrils. His bi-colored optics shimmered from the crystal blue waters that inhabited it. He had made the lands of South Ala his home, though, he knew that many other wolves and packs might think of the same thing, but, he was happy with a challenge or meeting new friends. He was young, but, he had much knowledge in hunting and healing, remembering seeing some of the plants that he happened to find when he was in his old homeland.

He closed his eyes. Taking in the cool winds and mist from the water that happened to come across his maw. He could hear the many other sounds, some of hare and other creatures eating their fill before bolting back into their burrow or tree from which they had come from. He was new, not having many friends at all; if any. The first wolf that he had encountered, he had made a bad first impression on due to not being able to speak to her at all. But, the male was determined to find someone to speak with and perhaps even have a friend.

The mahogany colored brute lied down at the shore, his eyes staying closed as he listened to the wind and water that reverberated past his lobes, causing them to move sometimes to catch the other sounds that happened to come across him, though, despite his bodies eagerness to investigate the many other sounds, he stayed put and listened. Though, he also wondered who he might come across now.


04-15-2015, 02:41 PM
One of her friends had lead her here, and now she knew why; there was a waterfall here, and her crystal blue eyes widened as she stared up at it. Her gray and white limbs carried her to the water, and the innocent female stared into it, her head raised as she watched the waterfall. Noticing the pool at the bottom of the waterfall, she ran over to it, wagging her tail. Colors of blue mixed, and yet the female watched as a dark shape swam through it, stopping for a moment; she could see the shimmer of silver scales, the icy blue eye staring up at her. She glanced over, seeing the other wolf, and her tail slowly stopped wagging. Snow, are you okay? The voice wasn't really there, but Snow turned her attention back towards her imaginary friend. "I'm fine." She said softly, giving the male another glance.

Snow. Snow shook her head and turned back to the imaginary friend, her voice soft as she answered. "Yes?" The imaginary creature moved closer, and Snow did as well, curious as to what was going on. And, before she could say anything, she stumbled and fell, a soft splash coming from the water as she struggled to make her way to the bank again, the water from the waterfall hitting her with force. She was pulled back, even though her gray and white paws struggled against the water. Snow! She struggled towards the bank, her paws churning in the water, her blue gaze narrowed in determination. After a few more moments, she managed to get to the bank, and struggled upon it, shivering.

That water had been colder than she would have liked. But at least it wasn't one of those fire dragons that were around. They would have let her die.



4 Years
04-16-2015, 01:02 PM
Otaktay was being calm and listened to the sound of the waterfall beating against the water underneath. The smell of the different prey animals that scattered around him were normal, but, he paid no mind to their rambunctious chattering and squeaks. His dual colored eyes would soon open when he heard talking, a voice much younger than he was. He turned his cranium and happened to see a young pup that was of a silver and white color, basically the color of freshly laid snow. His right ear flicked slightly, hearing the pup speak to no one but herself. Was she speaking to something that he could not see, but she could? But, before he could approach, the pup fell into the water, fighting to stay afloat.

The mahogany colored brute stood up and ran over to see if the pup needed assistance due to the rapids that would surround her, but, to his amazement, she had managed to make it to the shore alive. She appeared to be shaken up, which he knew was normal for someone her age for almost being in a life or death situation.

The brute walked over to her, his eyes showing kindness and gentleness as she approached. "Hello, Child," he would say, his voice deeper yet still keeping its gentle and calm tone. He did not wish to scare her away, he was only wishing to make sure that she did not sustain any serious injuries. "You ok?"


04-16-2015, 02:39 PM
After a few moments, a male ran over and asked if Snow was okay. Not just any male; the male who had been sitting there a few moments before. Snow turned her blue gaze towards him, backing away a little, hearing the soft voice of one of her imaginary friends, almost in her ears, but not quite. Tell him, Snow. Tell him that you're fine. That no water can do what a fire couldn't. Snow turned towards the water, backing away from the male even more. "He's scary. His color reminds me of fire." The female's words were whispered, but the creature spoke again. Don't worry. He won't think of hurting you. Snow hesitated for a moment, then spoke, her voice hesitant and soft as she answered the male who was asking about if she was okay. "I-I'm fine." She glanced back once more, but the water creature was gone, a dark shape slipping away into the water. After a moment, she spoke again, her voice a bit stronger now. "Water can't do what a fire couldn't."



4 Years
05-04-2015, 01:16 PM
His eyes shown kindness and gave a small smile, that shown compassion and light. His heterochromatic eyes shifted from side to side for a couple of seconds before looking back toward the young wolf. She would explain that water couldn't do what a fire couldn't and the brute gave a slight chuckle, his voice deep yet calm.

"Yes, it would seem that way. But, if fire is controlled properly, it can be beautiful, and, can also be an advantage to you if you were to be pursued by something such as an enemy. Everything in life is beautiful, yet even the beautiful things can be dangerous. You just have to know when to control it," he would explain before sitting down in front of the stream, smacking the water as a fish landed down in front of the young dame's paws. "See how the fish came in front of you?" He would say, turning his head to her, "The fish had come in front of you, because I controlled it. Everything is able to be controlled, it is only whether you have the proper mind, and the heart to make a change and to be able to control your own wishes, and destiny." He explained, turning back out toward the water.