
We stand strong, together



4 Years
04-15-2015, 07:14 AM

Perhaps it wasn't the most normal of places to live, but it gave them some sense of shelter more than the other places did. The three legged woman would step upon the ships hull, the old frozen wood giving a curious feel towards her pawpads. Her crystal eyes looked at the gloomy autumn sky as she sighed, Arian was having one of those days. Even though she felt like dying on the inside, on the outside she would remain looking bright to her members. After all, she would just spend some time with Cypress later, besides perhaps this could make her feel better anyway. Raising her head back, she pulled out her voice in a meeting howl for the newly made pack.

Today she would count their members, and then they could get to know each other, for the next meeting they would be choosing one cabinet member from their ranks. After all, in order for this pack to work everyone had to show an effort to do something. Arian did have the authority to kick them out if they were just going to sit back and do nothing. Sonticus was going to be a pack of action, protection, and strength as well as their neutral parts of them.

ooc: posts are due by the 22nd gives you one week! If you don't post your wolf, they will simply be placed as a citizen!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
04-17-2015, 06:43 PM
Kreft had been wandering close to the area of the S.S Antiox so when the call came he could hear it, he was taking advantage of his last day of freedom and just plain enjoying the world when he heard the call. His ears had pricked and he started towards the large structure that land marked the territory, he sat down on the ground in front of the ramp that allowed access to the ship. Nobody else was here yet besides Arian who was on the ship itself, Kreft would enjoy the time that he would have to himself before anyone else arrived.
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]


04-18-2015, 06:45 PM
The male would hear the call of his mate, not that he was far from her. He had been trailing after Arian like a shadow, almost a bit paranoid that something would happen to her. Cypress was ready for anything to happen... he would attack anyone who made even the slightest wrong move towards his beloved mate. Cypress was, in all senses, definitely paranoid of something happening to his happiness. If he lost Arian now he felt like he would shatter, as if he was a man made of nothing but glass.

Cypress would stalk on, coming to the ship that his beloved had chosen as their home. He would walk up to Kreft, who was sitting before the ramp of the ship, and he would dip his head to the other man. "Please allow me to pass." He wanted to be up where Arian was so that he could better monitor the rest who came to the meeting. His bicolored gaze would shift, gaze falling on his beloved. He didn't like that they were apart, even for a moment. Kreft seeming to 'block' the ramp had him edgy too...



3 Years
04-20-2015, 06:49 AM

The female appeared behind Arian, a soft woof of greeting leaving her lips as she walked around the president. She started to pad dfown the ramp until a few feet away from Kreft; here, she leaped deftly down to the ground, landing solidly next to Kreft. She turned to regard Cypress, eyes flicking between him and the ramp where she jumped off of. Despite Kreft blocking the ramp easily, it was possible for the male to still get up there - he just had to jump. He didn't seem to realize that, though. Of course, he also didn't seem to realize that as a regular member of the pack, he should stay below, mate or not. However... it was pretty damn obvious he was paranoid, too. She gave him a crooked smile before turning back to face Arian, a curious expression on her face.


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



4 Years
04-22-2015, 03:01 PM

Disappointment, that's what mainly covered her face towards the lack of wolves coming to the meeting. Exactly like last time and it made her angry, although those here would obviously be awarded. Arian would watch how they interacted, already it was two against one. Cypress seemed a bit annoyed by Kreft, she understood though. The two of them were of the darker kind. But for a moment she had a lapse in her sanity. Her devilish grin grew on her face at the small number of wolves. Though it soon vanished as she gestured her head for all of them to get closer to her on the deck. Maybe Cypress saw the grin, she'd be more nervous if he did but at the moment her emotions were ticking anyhow. Now was the time to show her worth as a leader anyway.

"It is unfortunate such a low number of wolves joined us today, but I suppose it makes it easier to address you. All of you get extra impression points on me for showing up. The others are going to be reset as citizens." She watched them, hoping Cypress would be okay. Giving him a short smile. "This is a chance for us to get to know each other and touch on what's happening around the pack. As you know Cypress is my mate, however this is a pack not of a kingdom but communal but please do respect each other. The majority will usually rule, so our allignment is neutral but can sway one way or another. It doesn't matter to me if you like being aggressive or not as long as rules are followed. I mentioned getting along." her eyes shifted to Mirabelle and Kreft for a moment. "You can spar all you want, I just don't want our unit becoming unable to function because of tension." she sighed for a moment. She didn't mean to lecture them entirely.

"Our first priority at the moment is securing our borders and recruiting members. Now this doesn't mean force claiming, it means really showing your efforts to get loners to come into our ranks to make the pack. Sonticus is made for a bigger bulk of members. Those of you who recruit members will be rewarded, as actions speak louder than anything. I know I may not look like much, but there is much I can do. After we get enough members I intend to hold fight training in which I will be participating in. Now does anyone want to share anything? I'm open to idea's, suggestions, thoughts and feelings. Just because we don't agree with something, doesn't mean it's wrong." Arian stepped forward a little to get closer to the group. She could be less formal in a small group, but it was clear to see two of her members did not yet respect her the way she figured they should. So she would have to prove to them that she deserved it through strength. The healer wouldn't feel like this forever after all.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.