
Finding a niche



2 Years
04-17-2015, 09:45 AM
The sun had been almost at its summit when Irelyn had come upon the gaping cavern nestled close to the beach. It seemed to be uninhabited except for shadows and a few beetles that glittered like jewels as they scuttled across the worn stone. Her tongue lolling thanks to the warmth and the distance travelled, the syrup-brown wolf had given the cave a good once-over before stepping gratefully into the cool shade.

It wasn't until Ire had rested there a few minutes, gazing out towards the ocean, that the sun finally reached its highest point – and the cavern seemed to come alive. Irelyn watched with widening green eyes as fingers of light reached in to caress the uneven walls, brightening the stones around her and revealing their true colours. Ire felt as if she was sitting in a treasure trove and was hesitant to move in case the sudden splash of colour and beauty retreated from her paws.

Retreat the sight did not, even as the long-legged female rose and padded down the gentle slope to investigate the cave's recesses. Fish bones were dotted around, indicating that this was a favoured snacking spot – and also that the place might fill with water once the tide crept up the beach. Even with that suspicion in her mind, Ire felt safe in this semi-enclosed space; secure, for the first time in a long while. Her limbs moved loosely as she slowly trailed around the lower portion of the cavern, her eyes bright and alert, but soft in her fascination.



5 Years
04-18-2015, 06:21 AM

On this particularly warm day, his lungs sought fresh air from the tight caves that entrapped his form. His legs had grown stiff from the seated position he always found himself in, a wonderful stretch dying to be released. Of course, his duty was with his injured and unconscious brother who had been moved to the largest cave after the incident a few days ago. Being the only healer within the pack, it was his responsibility to oversee the family's health and help speed up any recoveries if needed. To be honest, there would be no recovery unless he had the opportunity to scout the territory for possible medicinal flora. While his herb knowledge hadn't expanded so far that he knew how to heal broken limbs, herbs to soothe pain he certainly knew of. After a few moments of which he continued further contemplation, he settled on the decision of heading outside. It would only be a quick search around the borders, nothing more. Besides, his brother wasn't in any fatal condition at that moment and so it was the perfect opportunity for the healer to have some solitary time and collect what he deemed necessary.

As he passed by satisfying patches of particular plants, his thoughts took a mental note of their location so he could be able to gather them on his way back. Earthen paws strayed from the designated path his mind had planned out alongside the greenery further up from the onyx beach. The water was rather tempting as usual which was why he continued his search on the moist shore. The rhythmic waves flowed to and fro, lapping his ankles with a cold sensation as he trekked a short distance beyond the pack's borders. This "quick" search wasn't quite living up to his expectations. While he prepared himself to turn back and find the herbs he had spotted earlier, he came across the scent belonging to another. He had no time for random encounters with strangers yet his elder brother had suggested talking with native rogues about the herbs that grew throughout the unfamiliar continent. Which was he to follow?
After deciding to try his luck and see if this stranger was in fact a healer, he approached the female who happened to be within an unexplored cave's walls. His apologetic words held a charming tone to them as he addressed the rogue.
"Pardon my intrusions, miss. I've only come in search for medicinal herbs."

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



2 Years
04-18-2015, 10:31 AM
The female's body lowered into the most satisfying stretch it had been treated to in several hours. Her eyes closed for a few seconds so that she could really revel in the feeling of stretching out overworked muscles. It was easy for Irelyn to underestimate the effect her pent-up tension and energy had on the workings of her body; her constant state of nervousness only added to the weight which felt like a yoke around her neck.

As Irelyn returned to her full height and her eyes cracked open, she spotted the wolf standing silhouetted in the cave's mouth. Crushing the surprise which leapt up in her chest before it could show in her face, the brassy figure gave the smallest of shrugs. “It's no intrusion.” Irelyn sidestepped so that the triumphantly bright noon sun wasn't directly in her eyes.

The smaller wolf could see the earthen colours making up the male's coat now, the heavy build and windswept look which seemed to offer a roguish quality. A crooked smile flashed across her face at the mention of herbs and she took a step forward. “Anything in particular you're after? I'm no expert on these lands but I know where some herbs like to grow.” Ire would have quite liked to track down some lavender for her own use, and she asked partly in the hope that the stranger might trade her some knowledge of the area's bounty in exchange for a second pair of eyes who were familiar with the shapes and smells of herbs.



5 Years
04-20-2015, 05:20 AM

His piqued gaze briefly rested upon the smaller female in an examining glance while he took note of the warm array of honey hues that wrapped around her long figure. Despite the season of winter was drawing to near, the oddly pleasant day would explain why she had ventured to the coast, not that this interfered with the neighbouring pack. Although there were no other sleeping arrangements other than the caves that swept to the beach's surface, this particular cavern seemed almost alike the rest in its shape and tunnels. Unless the female had engaged herself in subterranean exploring, he arose to the quick conclusion that really, he hadn't intruded on anything. As well as confirming this for him, it also seemed she held healing knowledge. This was, in fact, the first rogue he had approached to consult this matter and already he had received positive feedback. Why hadn't he heeded his elder brother's advice earlier?

"Ah, I'm no expert either, seeing as I've recently settled in these lands. Still, perhaps our knowledge could be of some use to one another." Because of how this encounter was forming to be, his mind was determinedly set on learning any new medicinal facts whether they be on herbs or healing procedures. If they were both healers, it shouldn't matter how long they had resided on the continent as it was more about the knowledge itself. But more importantly, and back to the female's inquiry, what herbs was he looking for? Since he was speaking to a fellow healer, his words could spill for as long as he wanted with trust that she would understand him. Of course, he'd hate to overwork her mind by blabbing out too many of his problems so he kept simple yet bold. "I was looking more along the lines of something for pain relief or even an ointment for limb pain. I'm dealing with a broken leg, you see, and the first time if I may add."

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*