
Valentine vs Hati



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
04-18-2015, 01:28 PM

"That leaves you and me...sir." Beneath the mask, Hati's yellow eyes glittered with a dark glee as he locked eyes with his alpha. Others might have been intimidated by the grump's malicious gaiety, but Valentine was not. His lips lifted in a wicked smirk. Oh, he was going to enjoy this. This was not going to be a dainty, lighthearted spar where the fighters aimed half-assed attacks and were fearful of hurting their opponent. No, he was sure Hati was going to come at him with every intention of causing him harm. Perfect.

Nonchalantly, Valen paced away and attempted to face his opponent head on and at a distance of eight feet.

As Hati barked out his final words, Valentine set his defenses. He widened his stance and bent his knees slightly as his toes splayed and his nails tipped down to dig into the dirt. Along his back, his hackles rose as his tail lifted to become level with his spine. His ears flattened and his eyes narrowed, his lips curling to wrinkle the skin around his eyes. He rolled his shoulders forward and tipped his chin down modestly to make his throat an undesirable target. The brute carefully found his center and balanced his weight over it, muscles tensing as he waited for his opponent to stop yakking. No one should touch his mask, eh? A devious thought took root in the Imperator's mind and his expression grew mischievous. "If I win, how about you let me try on that mask of yours?"

Kicking forward, Valentine attempted to close the distance between himself and his opponent rapidly. He sought to build up as much momentum as the distance between the brutes would allow. A split second before his attack, Valentine dodged to his left in an attempt to line the front of his right shoulder up with the crease between Hati's left shoulder and his chest. Valentine jutted the front if his shoulder further forward in the hopes of driving the lower portion of it into the aforementioned crease. He intended to partial dislocate his opponent's shoulder and render it useless. Hoping to capitalize further on his momentum, Valentine also attempted to ram the lower portion of his chest into the upper portion of the middle of Hati's chest.

As his shoulder jutted forward, Valentine's right forepaw rose. He attempted to slam it down on the innermost toes of Hati's left forepaw in the hopes of straining the fibers that held it together and temporarily rendering the paw useless. If the big ole sourpuss chose to take the opportunity to give a girlish shriek at the pain, that would be an added bonus.

Finally, Valentine's head swiveled to his right and his jaws flung wide as he attempted to lean forward and bite into the right side of Hati's neck. He aimed for the point where Hati's jaw met his neck. His crown tipped modestly to his left as he attempted to sink his lower teeth into the crook of Hati's neck just below his jawbone and to the right of his windpipe. His upper teeth searched for a higher target, seeking to drive in behind the curve of Hati's jawbone and directly beneath his right ear. Valentine sought a grip that would allow him to control his opponent's head.

VALENTINE versus HATI for SPAR (and the right to try on his mask)
Round ONE of TWO(?)

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

The Judge


06-03-2015, 03:26 PM
And the winner is...

Valentine! Due to Hati refusing to let Valentine be a meanie and put on his mask, Valentine has won and can bask in his victory. No buddy buddy for you.
