
Duet of Monarchs

Rune I


5 Years
09-04-2014, 10:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The longer his family retained the label of a pack and the name Secretua, the more strongly Rune felt the urge to help it establish a strong, centralized member-base. Family had done its part at the very beginning, each of them devoted to assisting the other and concerned enough for the well being of them all to push themselves and make it work. But it was not going to hold out forever. Time was reminding him just how important it was for new blood, new insights, new help to be brought in. Already he had made excursions into the Battlefield, the widely used locale for bringing in new recruits, but the very atmosphere of the place caused the fur along the ridge of his spine to rise warily. It was not the most hospitable of places, nor did it always house the best recruits available.

For that reason, he had taken a detour, heading west and skirting along a territory that he knew from past history to reside somewhere near Valhalla. Or at least where it once had stood. His dark paws were careful not to draw him in that particular direction, not wanting to see the state of the home that had once provided shelter to his mate and himself. Whatever had befallen Valhalla and its inhabitants since it had been lost to his aunt was out of his control. At least that was what he kept telling himself.

Pale, frosty blue eyes were narrowed and the male's expression was set it its customary scowl, but overall he appeared relaxed. Here in the wilds, in unclaimed territory and without company, he could relinquish his status for a while, simply be a wolf on the prowl. And perhaps it was the pleasant sort of location, all wispy willow trees with the fresh smell of water upon the air, that made him more comfortable, that made him hopeful of perhaps finding more driven, like-minded recruits for Secretua. Purposeful and observant, the pale grey wolf roamed about the Willows, seeking and searching and enjoying the shade the wispy trees offered as he went along.



7 Years
09-04-2014, 11:01 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal had been enjoying a meal of beaver when the smell of someone familiar wafted over her blood soaked nose. Her ears perked, and her head lifted from the carcass. It was familiar. Male. Older. Rune! She remembered meeting him as a pup, and that he had joined Valhalla for a short time, before he and Alamea, his mate, had left after their pups had become old enough to swim from the island to the mainland. She?d often wondered how he and his family fared.

She rose to her paws with a dignified air, running her tongue over her jaws to clear most of the blood, then lowered her head and snatched up the carcass as she started off toward the scent of the male. She knew him just enough not to make her approach silent, instead letting her paws fall with enough sound to make him aware of her approach. He looked well, and through the smell of the rich beaver, she could smell the strength that accompanied an Alpha. A muffled wuff was issued through the beaver carcass, before she dropped it.

?Rune! It?s good to see you. Care for a beaver? I?ve eaten my fill.? Her tone was easy and light, warm, with no edge of distrust. Why should there be? She had no inkling of his relation to the red bitch who?d torn Valhalla apart, then dropped it into another wolf?s paws and walked away from it. Mismatched blue and gold eyes surveyed the male. ?You?ve gained a pack. Congratulations.? There was no rancor in the words. Only honest pleasure.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Rune I


5 Years
09-06-2014, 09:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The further he traveled within this willowy land the more he began to recognize something about the scents that lingered in it. They were familiar to him, not of recent acquaintances but of some distinct point in his past, and the stronger they became the more he began to wonder who they could have been from. The west had never really held any attraction for him and so he could see no reason for him to have any ties with anything or anyone from here...except where Alamea was concerned. Her pack, Valhalla, had been out this way once, before it had been overthrown by his own aunt. Could those who had called that place home still be out this way? Was that what he was smelling and recognizing now?

His puzzled thoughts drew him up short as he stopped walking to consider, a new sort of quirk present there upon his brow while he continued to scent the air. The delay appeared to work in his favor as a set of paw steps were soon heard as well, and just a bit Rune stood straighter, turning himself in place to meet the approaching wolf head on.

He was startled to note that he recognized her. And from the apparent friendliness about her even as she carried the beaver within her jaws he knew she recognized him too. The burly male relaxed, easing the stature he had taken on into something more comfortable and conversational now that he knew who he was dealing with and no longer had to worry about irksome rogues. This grey wolf, Surreal if memory served, was no one that he needed to be wary of.

A friendly greeting was issued on her end as she dropped the half eaten beaver at his paws, leaving no room between her introduction and her offer of what remained of her mean as she left it to him to do with as he wanted in case it appealed to his appetite. Briefly his blue eyes shifted downward toward the animal and then back at the young woman again, becoming familiar again with how friendly and downright peppy she had always seemed to be. He almost did not know how to react. "Uh...I'm fine, thanks," he answered at length, feeling oddly rude for not at least trying the small meal she had been kind enough to offer him. But honestly food was still far from his mind what with all the questions that had suddenly filled it.

She offered congratulations after identifying the change to his scent that identified his pack and though she had said it all with a sincere tone he did feel rather odd knowing the state of her own home and the connection he had with its demise. "Thanks," he replied somewhat flatly, frowning yet again as he considered how unkind the world had been to this wolf and her family when they had been nothing but welcoming and considerate of his mate when she had been with them. And yet at the same time he felt powerless to fix it, knowing it was all out of his hands and beyond his span of control anyway. "Is this..." - how did he even ask the question? - "...where you've been staying?"



7 Years
09-10-2014, 11:18 PM

He was tense, at first, but she couldn?t blame him. From what she remembered of him, he hadn?t exactly been the most sociable of wolves, so his turning down of the offer of beaver was met with a good natured nod and smile. He had been a male of terse nature, and in the time she had been around him, he had never smiled; not that she could recall.

Her hind end settled elegantly on the ground, as he thanked her mismatched eyes studying his face. She had wondered how life had been treating him and his young family. Very well, it appeared. A pack, land, and a home to call all his own. Not once did it occur to her to be jealous. With the glow of her own family growing inside her, and Falk being at her side again, she wasn?t jealous at all.

His hesitant question caught her ears, and she shook her head. ?No, not myself, my mother, cousin, and uncle, or our equine friend and the friend who used to be Valhalla?s secondary lead hunter. When my mother fell at the challenge for Valhalla, I concentrated on getting her out of there. The small unit I mentioned went with us. We holed up on Atlantis Island, up until a few days ago. Now, Cael and Imena, and Deviant, another member of the pack, found this place. It?s a good enough base, until we can either win back Vericona Plains and the other land under the control of the female there now, or an agreement on new lands can be made.? For a moment, a shadow fell on her sunny expression as she spoke about the challenge, quickly cast aside.

She pulled the smile back on her face and studied him. ?I intend on rebuilding the pack again. The world needs to learn that it cannot beat us down. They?ll get tired of it, eventually, and turn their eyes away from our families and friends.? It was a matter of fact statement, an opportunistic approach to the future. The past had been full of events. Dark times, and times full of joy and laughter. It was the nature of life.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Rune I


5 Years
09-11-2014, 05:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rune was silent as Surreal began to tell him of the details that had surrounded the challenge where her family had been uprooted from their longtime home, unable to stop the sudden feeling of guilt that accompanied her words. His aunt, his own flesh and blood, had been the cause of their distress, the cause of their disbandment. He hated that he felt responsible somehow, as if he might have had some way in which to talk Viridiana out of her hopes for conquest even though deep down he knew her to be a determined woman when she set her mind to things. There was nothing he could have said, nothing he could have done short of causing a mutiny within the ranks, to alter the course of things, but by the time he had even realized what had happened it had all been too late. It was truly a shame; he had only wished for them to live comfortably, just as his mate had done when she had been part of their family.

But it seemed from the way Surreal went about telling her tale that her family was still together, or at least a part of it. He was glad of that, certain he would have been a mess if he had been separated from his own kin for any unwanted stretch of time, consumed by worry and thinking of all the worst case scenarios. "I'm glad to hear you're still together," he stated, and was surprised when she went on to speak of returning to the Plains. That was ambitious, but knowing what he did of the family, having witnessed their resilience first-hand, he knew it was going to take more than defeat to destroy the Adravendi line and keep their pack off the map.

It was still far too soon to start bargaining with the young woman, particularly since it was not guaranteed just yet when or even if she would get the pack that she so desired to have again, but respect and appreciation for what Valhalla and its wolves stood for pressed him to speak. "I wish you the best in regaining the pack that was taken from you," Rune promised, sincerity coloring his stoic words. "Viridiana, the woman who challenged your mother, is a relation of mine. My aunt." He paused, unhappy to have to speak of it but feeling it necessary all the same. "I'm sorry I didn't hear about it sooner. It was already over by the time I did." It was certainly a sore point for him, just as sure as the whole ordeal of living within the pack that had destroyed her old home had been for Alamea.

Knowing how much his little mate had enjoyed being a part of their pack, and appreciating everything they had done for him and his family, Rune continued, "We're far from impressive, but I can assure you that Secretua won't be any trouble to you. And, should you need it," he added, speaking as both an alpha and a friend, "you are welcome to stay there. For any length of time. I'm sure Alamea would enjoy seeing a couple familiar faces."



7 Years
09-11-2014, 06:30 PM

He spoke of gladness that she and her family were all still together, and she registered the surprise in his eyes as she went on to tell him of her plans. A smile pulled at her jaws, her tail sweeping the ground to wrap about her rear. His good wishes were met with a further smile. ?Thank you, Rune. I?ll need all the best wishes and help I can get.? But as he went on, speaking a name, and identifying the name as being that of the red challenger, she fell silent, her head cocked in attentiveness. Her eyes were solemn as she studied him, now understanding the guilt she?d spotted in his eyes. ?I won?t judge you just because of her actions against my family. We all have those in our families that run on the darker side, and it would be completely unjust for me to condemn you for the actions of your family member. I do wish I knew why she tried to kill my mother out there, however. Several times I saw her go for a fatal blow. And my mother did lose a great deal of blood.? Her voice was musing. If she could just understand why that red female had acted as though there was more to that fight than just a challenge, maybe she could see more sense to it.

Runes offer was met with a bright smile, the solemnity dashed away as easily as a cobweb. No use dwelling on the past. ?I?ll keep that offer in mind. And if you should ever need help from me, or my family; you know my mother?s one of the best healers; just call for us. I wouldn?t mind meeting Alamea. I never did talk to her, face to face, but it would be good to see her.? Her words were sincere as ever, with no note of distrust. It didn?t matter if he was related to the female who?d harmed her mother and scattered her family. He was her friend. And his actions proved that he was a good wolf.

Her head popped up, a bright grin cracking her jaws. "Oh! I've also got some other news. I do believe my mate and I are expecting." All the pride of a mother shone in her eyes, radiated in her voice, and her rump wiggled happily against the ground.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Rune I


5 Years
09-15-2014, 01:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He should have known the knowledge of his relation to the red woman who had taken Valhalla would have no effect on Surreal's opinion of him, but it did not stop his own from turning bitter. He knew his family was composed of a darker tone of wolf, those whose ambitions tended to get in the way of their conscience if they had a conscience at all. He knew his own morals were not always so present at times as he suspected they was for his mate, and he knew his own habits were often not as considerate as they could be, especially with his unyielding desire to protect what he considered his, but he could still honor good deeds done to him and his, and knowing this wolf and her family had been wronged without him having any way of fixing it was a difficult truth to swallow.

The offer he made, at least, was welcomed with a smile, and it eased his mind to know that the grey wolf did not immediately decline in favor of staying here in these willows. He had to admit, it was a nice location, sheltered enough to seem inviting and still green though it resided within the dry western region. It really was a little spot of paradise on the edge of something typically inhospitable. Not to mention it was still relatively close to their previous home so that keeping an eye on it from afar could still be possible. "Speaking of healers," he added, a touch of fatherly pride sparking within his blue eyes that caused the very edges of his lips to draw into a small smile, "if your mother would ever be interested in paying us a visit, I?ve been told by my daughter Warja that the Gulley where we live is teeming with useful plants. I?d offer anything she could take with her if she?d consider giving a lesson to my little healer." Perhaps it was too much to ask of the woman after everything she had been through - and undoubtedly journeying would not be high on her priority list - but Erani was also the leading expert when it came to plants and healing. Surely Warja would appreciate that he had asked.

Very suddenly Surreal looked as if she might leap right up in place, such a strong surge of happiness overtaking her that Rune was a bit taken aback by it. But as she explained herself, he could understand why. She was going to be a parent, her and her mate. "Congratulations, Surreal," he offered, the tone of his voice sincere despite the surprise it held that likely was evident in the expression of his face. Since when did Surreal have a mate? "I don?t think I ever met your mate. Who is he?"



7 Years
09-24-2014, 07:34 PM

As to why Viridiana had attacked her mother, and chosen Valhalla in particular to challenge for, Surreal received no answer, and she didn?t press further, however much she wanted to understand why this had happened. Instead, she let him mull through whatever thoughts he was thinking, until he answered her with a request. Surreal grinned. ?Mother loves teaching the younger generation. I can ask her later.? Her tail curled comfortably around her haunches, as she settled back upon them.

His surprise at her sudden delight made her grin again, and his congratulations were received with a wider grin, and a cheerful ?Thank you.? His question brought a warm smile to her face, her eyes going soft. ?Surprisingly, he is an Armada, a son of Isardis. However he and has father don?t like each other. He?s asked to take my name. His name is Falk. He?s as far away from his fathers personality and morals, or lack thereof, as you can get. He?s generous, honest, kind, and loving, and he?s beyond honorable. I think he?ll make a wonderful consort and fellow leader, and I can?t imagine anyone else by my side.? Happiness thrummed in her voice as she spoke, her head raised a fraction higher as she spoke of her mate.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Rune I


5 Years
09-27-2014, 10:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was grateful the request he had made for Erani had not been denied right then and there, for reasons both obvious and not. He knew her skill to be unsurpassed by anyone within all of Alacritia and also knew how valuable a lesson taught personally by her would be to his daughter. He wanted to encourage her along the path she had chosen and could think of nothing better than this. It was also nice to know that it was still a possibility, that Erani was well enough to consider the trip should it take her fancy. Selfishly he hoped it would. Secretua only had his little healer alone, and the better prepared she was to help them all the better off all of them would be.

It was impossible to miss the way in which Surreal's face seemed to change as she spoke of the male who she had taken as her mate, and naturally it made him think of his own. No matter how gruff and surly he tended to appear around just about everyone else, she was the one who could pull a smile from him, could draw a nice word from his lips, could get him to open up about what he feared and hoped for. It was obvious Surreal had found that too, and he was happy for her. It was something he thought everyone needed to feel.

What he had not anticipated was the wolf's lineage. The mention of Isardis caused the striped wolf's brow to raise speculatively, knowing all the implications attached to the name "Armada" and the history those wolves had with the Valhallan wolves. "Fate sure is funny," he remarked, a little more dryly than was likely necessary. Not only had it paired off a Valhallan wolf with an Armada, but it had sent Rune off to live with the stranger who had killed his brother. It was a fact he was not at all willing to share with Surreal - it was all in the past now and he certainly did not want to ruin her happy thoughts for the future.

Inclining his head, clearing his throat, Rune set aside his own issues and offered further congratulations. "I'm sure he will be," he stated, trusting her judgment on the matter. She might have been a bit excitable, almost like a puppy at times, but she was her mother's daughter and Erani was not easily taken in with false pretenses. "Do you expect to have the pack before the pups are born?" he questioned, curious about the timeline she had set for herself. He could recall how Alamea had been during her pregnancy, how tired and drained it made her at times. He wondered how Surreal planned to do it.



7 Years
10-04-2014, 03:19 PM

Runes dry remark brought a chuckle from her lips. ?It is that.? Would any of the children from herself and Falk have his fathers coloring? She wouldn?t care if they did. They would be her beautiful children. And she would love each one with all her heart. She smiled dreamily for a moment, looking forward to the days when they?d be tumbling at her and Falks paws. In the way, and all the happier for it.

Falk would indeed be a fine consort, and Rune seemed to share that conviction, and the trust he had in her judgement brought a smile to her jaws. And, as Rune?s question came up, she frowned thoughtfully. ?While I would like to have them born within the strength and safety of a pack, I would also be vulnerable, and a pregnant female would be at a disadvantage in a fight. So? I will likely wait until after they?re born, and are able to travel before I make any moves. There is also the worry that your aunt might not be done with us. There was more than just a challenge in that fight.? A thoughtful frown creased her brow. ?With that in mind, I may not challenge, as that would bring attention to the pack. I?m willing to do whatever I can to buy us more time to get strong and be able to defend our lands.?

It never occurred to her to keep a secret from Rune, who was related to the female who had challenged for, won, and then tossed Valhalla to another wolf like some piece of rotten carrion no one wanted. She trusted the male. He seemed honestly ashamed that his own family had been the cause of Valhalla?s most recent trouble.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.