
It's a pleasure to meet you



4 Years
04-18-2015, 05:55 PM

It was time to begin, she had only just gotten used to moving around without Cypress attached to her hip. In the back of her head the only thing that was really keeping her going was that she had to be a good president to represent the pack. The three legged woman started for the border and once she stopped it still had a foot between the scent lines and her. Scarred face looking around, this was the one pack she really didn't know anything about. So it was the first she would speak to. Arian stood there and raised her head in a howl for the alpha.

Her mood was unknown today, she was feeling down nor happy either. It was simply normal, as she moved on her mood fluctuated. She found it easier to interact with others now, but it still scared her to the very core of what she might do from this point on. After all that had happened, she had a fear of the past repeating itself. She would rather die now then give up her pack so easily as she did last time to get her heart broken.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 06:28 PM
Voltage was humming as he moved along his beach, doing the most productive and meaningful thing someone in his position could ever do.

Looking for pretty rocks.

A gentle grin was laid across his lips, his eyes shining brightly as he moved along the beach, picking through the black sands for rocks to add to his collection. He had very high expectations for his pretty rock collection, and only the best of the best could make it in. Really, it was more of a time waster, he didn't have much to do. Sure he could seek out a family member and work on their skills, but everyone deserved a break. Since creating the pack Glacier and Voltage had been pushing their family to learn and adapt more and more, and it was time for a break. With a gentle grin on his lips he moved along, poking at a rock before shaking his head.

Suddenly his ears perked and he glanced up, stormy eyes narrowing and his smile widening. So he had a visitor, huh? With a small laugh he'd trot towards the borders. "Welcome!" He called across the distance with a toothy grin, eyes shining so brightly as he quickly closed the distance between them. She was pretty, a little scarred but Voltage always believed scars were the greatest story tellers. "Welcome to Donostrea." He said with a polite dip of his head, standing on his side of the border. "What brings you to our little corner of paradise today?"




4 Years
04-18-2015, 06:43 PM

The male that approached her indeed had an interesting coat of colors. Bright yellow, although in her memory it was not uncommon for odd colors to be in her family line. Bright red bands across the legs were something a family member had on her blood line. Her tail curled up a little, trying to keep herself calm. He seemed nice, he was one inch shorter than her while more muscled and she was a lot thinner. While she had filled out, most of her body weight had gone to Itsume when she was kept captive. Now it would take time to build back muscle through training.

Arian would smile a little, trying not to show her nerves. "Donostrea, that's a nice name." her eyes wandered the beach. She remembered walking on here by herself. "My name is Arian Adravendi, I'm from the pack Sonticus we recently formed. I'm the president or equally the alphess. I came to learn about your pack and figure out where we stand with each other." Arian would lower her head a little. "I'm not asking for an alliance, springing that on a stranger is a bit rude. But I'd like for us to get to know each other if that's okay."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 07:57 PM
Voltage would continue to grin as she spoke, his ears swivelling forward as she spoke of her pack. Newly formed? He hummed lightly, tilting his head just slightly, his grin never leaving his face. He loved meeting new people, and it was great learning more about their lands and the packs that lived in it. "Thank you" He said with a gentle grin when she complimented his packs name. He had spent a great deal of time coming up with a name suitable for them, using a language of their homeland to create it. Unique, all their own, their home.

He listened as she described her pack and her rank and he would remain silent as she spoke. It was only polite. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Arian. I am Voltage Elementas, the Ferax of Donostrea." He said with a gentle smile, humming lightly before he shifted. "I rather dislike discussing such matters over the border. Why don't you come along, I can give you a tour and we can get to know each other better." He said with a delicate grin, his head tilting the other way before he inclined his head. "My pack is my family, we are all siblings and loved ones, our intent as a pack is to merely defend our borders and not intrude on others. Please, come see my home."




4 Years
04-18-2015, 08:29 PM

When he invited her inside, Arian would nervously look behind her. She would always be constantly looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life she knew that for certain. The healer was skid-dish with people, especially strangers on occasion. The woman would give a rather forced grin to the other as he explained about his home and she stepped into his borders but she would keep at least a two foot distance between the two of them. Him being a male only made it worse for her. She tried to keep her emotions under check, smiling a bit more relaxed over the fact that he mentioned the pack was all family. One more related than others would be.

Her crippled leg hung off to the side as she watched him carefully. "It's an interesting notion for a family, there must be a lot of you then?" she asked. Of course, the walkers and adravendi's were ones to talk both of them had a large amount of members. As did the armada's, last names meant a lot in some a sense of pride in their heritage. "Sonticus is a communal pack, we accept everyone and work together to better our lives as well as help others. All the wolves have a say in rules and the such." it would be rude not to explain something about her own pack.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 08:37 PM
He would keep an easy smile on his face, even as she kept the distance between them. He knew how some women reacted to him, but he never could understand why. He wasn't the largest nor the most muscle bound, and he was always smiling in some way. But reguardless, he allowed the space, hoping that she would warm up to him even in such unfamiliare territory. How could they be friends if both the "leaders" of their pack were awkward or unable to hang out, really. Walking slowly along the beach of black sand he'd smile in her direction.

"We total ten wolves, all siblings spanning three litters. My brother, Glacier, and I are the oldest and we take it upon ourselves to guide our family." He said with a gentle smile. "After being homeless for two years I longed for a home, and so Donostrea was born. I couldn't fathom my family belonging to any other pack, nor could I bring myself to trust their lives in others hands. The only option was a pack." He laughed softly then, smiling gently towards her.

When she spoke of her home and her pack he grinned and nodded. "Quite the original concept for a pack. My brother and I are merely guides, and our family exists as it has always done...they're a very free willed bunch." He said with a gentle grin, looking towards her again. "Miss Arian, what made you decide to create a pack such as this?" He asked gently, wanting to get to know her better.




4 Years
04-18-2015, 09:04 PM

She had forgotten how good it felt to listen, how she had been so good at that as a pup and she was far smarter beyond her years. Time passed and things happened, she went from such a bright child to a shut in mess after what had happened to her. Arian had far too many problems inside her head, anxiety, depression. It made her unqualified to be a leader at times, but she pushed herself like no other wolf in all honesty. Her tail wiggled behind her as she glided along, despite having a useless back leg. Free willed, she remembered when life used to be like that for her. Her blue crystal eyes looked at him rather sadly when he spoke. Maybe she didn't like being here.

"I uhh..." it was a very personal reason but she might as well share it. How could she expect to earn his trust. "I made Sonticus because the last time I had a pack I failed to protect it. I was taken as a slave after I gave it up, a hole still remains very much in my heart. I'm trying my best to fill it. So I'm hoping this time is different." She smiled a little bit. Though her head was turned away a little. "Sorry my story is a bit more depressing than yours I don't mean to be a downer." Arian went to look at him and smile.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 09:23 PM
He could almost feel her uncertainty, her anxiousness around him and this conversation in general. With a gentle smile he'd look off towards the ocean, hoping that if he didnt look at her too much she might feel a bit better here. But when she went on to answer his question, he understood that it went beyond just social anxiety. And he smiled, turning to look at her once again. "You have a lot of heart, Miss Arian." He said with a gentle grin, his head tilted just slightly. "And you are very brave." Perhaps not in a very pronounced way, but she defintally was brave. He knew of many wolves who quit after they had failed, and she hadnt. "Dont compare your history with mine, little lady. I can assure you we are both filling in a hole in our path, and all we can do is keep going" Him with his abandonment and her with her failings. So he smiled towards her. "Would you like to see our view point? We get the most lovely sight of the stars from there. I know its a bit early, but you can also see the ocean as far as the eye can see. He wanted to help her feel comfortable some way.




4 Years
04-18-2015, 09:46 PM

Arian had her ears twitching to his words, it was wolves like this that made her feel at least a little bit more better about herself. Or at least about being around them. Sometimes she felt like curling up into a ball and crying, and others she felt like beating peoples face in. She always had liked this place, she nodded her head. "Near the waters during the night hours there are tiny squids that like to stay in the water. They are easy to catch and a nice treat for young ones." Arian told the man. Tilting her head as she tried to remember the terrain. "I would love to see it Voltage, I've been to these lands before but it's been so long my memory is foggy." she would admit.

"Were you born here in Alacritis Voltage? How old are you?" Arian asked, she was really getting into the swing of things. Her tail wiggled a bit behind her. She only recently turned three after all, it felt like her life had passed her by so quickly. But there was much of it left.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 09:57 PM
Voltage hummed, his ears flicking forward as she mentioned squid. He wasn't much for those, liking fish and large crab so much more, but it sounded nice. "For the time being, our youngest wolves are two." He said with a gentle laugh. But soon, eventually, perhaps they would have little star children running around. A tender smile took his face then before he glanced back towards the ocean, seeking out the shore where she said the squid would be. He'd have to tell Locha of that one, if she didn't know that already.

When she agreed to go see their look out, he smiled and directed her towards one of the dens that held the tunnel. "We found a tunnel that leads towards the lookout. It's entirely safe. I can go up first if you'd like." He said softly, standing at the mouth of the den. Perhaps him going up first would make her less...nervous that it might be ill intent. When she asked him questions, however, he paused and grinned. "No, my parents inhabit an island to the north of Alacritis. We were all born there, but we were banished, each litter at the age of two. I'm four now...nearly five come spring." He said with a gentle laugh. "Man, time flies. Yourself? Has Alacritis always been your home?"




4 Years
04-18-2015, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2015, 10:07 PM by Arian.)

Arian smiled, she herself had no pups in the pack. She was unsure about Fiori, she supposed she spent most of her time recovering to meet anyone really. The girl would nod her head up and down to him. Indeed it would make her feel more comfortable. She felt bad really but her nature derided from being kidnapped. "I'm happy you're here, I don't do well in dark places anymore. Usually my mate cypress is with me." she explained as they walked.

So he wasn't born here, did he know of the ice king, of the kingdoms before them. There was so much history behind this place sometimes it made her tingle. "I was born here I recently turned three, my mother and father died when I was around five months old. I was adopted into a kingdom and went from there. Thus Hutashi is my maiden name from my real father. There are quiet a few of them running around, by walker instead of hutashi. I've seen many things in Alacritis, an empire that came and ravaged us like fire but just as quickly was gone. I'm born from royalty." Arian would puff out her chest proudly. "I'm sorry that your family was banished, but sometimes bad things happen to find good things, like your pack."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-21-2015, 05:26 AM
Voltage smiled gently as they walked, his ear flicking as she spoke. With a blink of stormy eyes he glanced towards her before offering her a toothy grin. It was playful, nothing sinister. "Just my job, miss." He said with a gentle smile, dipping his head. With a tilt of his head he'd listen intently as she spoke of her history. "I'm sorry about your parents.." He whispered sincerely, giving her a small smile. But she was adopted, into an empire no less. A princess. With a playful grin he'd fully turn towards her and bow deeply. "My my, I didn't realize I was in the presence of someone so high rank." He said with a smile, not meaning any harm or even to kid too much.

Standing straight then, he'd dip his head towards her before moving off towards the tunnel in the wall to walk up first. It was a very short walk, but mainly a steep incline, before it broke through to the sky light. Their cliff allowed them to bask in the moon light more closely than the beach, but it was nothing compared to the volcano that had inhabited before. Moving away from the hidden entrance he'd wait for her to come up before he'd continue, wondering if she wanted to know about the Elementas history anymore. He was intrigued by this empire, and he wanted, desperately, to learn more about it. But first, she'd have to join him, of course.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
04-21-2015, 05:08 PM

The more he listened and responded, the more she became more comfortable. It wasn't often that others made her feel this way. Kind wolves didn't seem to come into her life very often anymore. She surrounded herself with the bad kind almost her whole life, when she thought about her uncle Syrinx it made her skin crawl. She originally learned how to fight from his children, so ruthless, and yet the family itself and its origins were so different. However she had become rusty with that limp leg of hers. Following Voltage, she held a small smile on her face, she made a decision then that Voltage was a friend. When they stepped out onto the cliff view, her crystal eyes seemed to light up and feel the wind moving through her fur so easily.

The smell of the sea, the movement of the wind, it made her step out to the edge. Looking down she would think for a moment had she tried to do this before. Jump off, all it took was one step and it would be over. Yet, maybe she just needed to breath a little. Her ears wiggled as she looked out. "I'd like to know more about your family Voltage. I have so much to share myself, but it wouldn't be fair if I didn't listen. Plus both my biological family and adopted family have some stories that are unforgettable!" she exclaimed wagging her tail back and forth.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
04-21-2015, 07:41 PM
Voltage would grin as she took in their view point. It was even nicer at night, when the moon was strung high in the sky, and the stars shone their light. The youngest litter sure seemed to like this place, especially Astrea. It was one of his greatest discoveries (since Glacier was the one that had discovered this place). He didn't know her experiance. Aside from his parents, Voltage had been rather lucky with the company he had kept around himself. With so many friendly wolves, he deemed this place like such a lovely place to live. He didn't know of her experiance. But that didn't mean he was ignorant. He knew bad things happened in the world, and that there were mean wolves out there...he was just lucky to be surrounded by happiness.

With a gentle smile he, too, looked out at the ocean, untill he heard her ask him her question. She wanted to know of him and his family? He blinked over wide stormy eyes, tilting his head just slightly before he allowed his signature grin to cross his lips. "It's odd that someone's curious." He said with a gentle smile, turning back towards the ocean view, thinking. How would he start this story, how could he explain their history? "Well, it all stared with the universe..." He said with a gentle smile. "It gave birth to two wolves, and gave each wolf strings of the universe, of the elements and the bodies in the sky, to pass on to their children." He said softly, glancing up at the sky then, at the light the sun weilded, before looking to watch it play along the ocean again. "These two wolves gave birth to two child. One was given the string of Ice, and the other, of Energy. The two children were born with the markings their string bore..."  He looked in her direction then, with a gentle smile. "This string tied them to the universe, to their element, it was their connection. A year later, another litter was born, bearing the strings of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. But when the second litter turned one, the first was sent away, off to try and survive on their own, forbidden from seeing their younger siblings...forbidden from their connection to them." He said softly, his story an odd one. "Another was born, again a year later, in the spring aswell. They bore the storms, the stars, the moon and the sun. As history tends to do, the process repeated. The second litter was banished, sent away, and they joined up with Energy and Ice. They all ventured off to find a home, a land not far from their island, called Alacritis. They settled on a volcano, much to Fire and Air's delight, but it wouldn't last. A year later, Ice and Energy went off to collect the Moon, the Sun, the Stars and the Storm, to join the family. They settled along a beach, a place that allowed each one to feel some semblance of their connection, if only for certain parts of the year..." He then grinned a toothy grin, looking to Arian with a smile. "And that's our story..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
04-21-2015, 08:08 PM

Something about him made her heart jump, not as much as Cypress had perhaps, but it sparked something she hadn't felt in a very long time. Something about Voltage reminded her of the very thing her family had been raised on, on both ends of herself. She felt like she was standing in front of a door sometimes, in a black room. In her wolf mind of course it was two path ways leading to either her blood line or her adopted family and what she wanted to take from either of them. What lessons could she have learned, the walker's path was a bloody one, but so was the adravendi's. Her true father had built up this persona of being happy no matter what, he would hide his own feelings, and Arian saw so much of that in Limno. Her adopted father Maverick had become unfaithful, he had a litter of pups without her adopted mother. Her mother's side of the family, her uncle in which she had followed no matter what Syrinx. He taught her how to fight with such fierceness through her cousin Meinx. Yet on her real fathers side, there was Hajime he had taught her about the struggles of life as a young wolf who boded a personality of smarter than the average wolf. The insanity that the walkers dealt with, and their genetics striking mental instability in some, perhaps even her own. So hearing Voltage's it was like her brain came to life like it hadn't in years.

As his story went on, she gave the very intent signs she was listening as it went into her brain. Her paws leaned in closer to him, her ears went straight up. It was almost as if she completely forgot her leg was useless, that she had that ugly scar on her face. Was there a sense of pride in her own heritages. She was half adravendi, and half walker, both of them had made such a huge impact in her life it almost felt like a dream of what she was. As Voltage finished, she almost felt sad that the story was over. The universe boded well for them, yet she felt herself missing it. She was cursed wasn't she, convinced some of her blood was boiling on the edge of some type of insanity that one day she wouldn't be able to get rid of it. How would she be able to protect what she held dear then? She looked at the blue sky, "I do believe it's a sign that your generations want you to do something great. The gods play in your favor as long as you follow the path that you most believe in." she flicked her tail once more. "I feel as if my own blood is boiling on an edge of insanity, I'm torn in half in most cases. I have traits from my adopted family just as much as my real one. But as much as life hasn't been kind to me, I've always looked up." Arian would soften a smile towards him. "You made me remember an important part of myself, the part of story telling."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.