
Not A War, An Alliance.



4 Years
09-04-2014, 09:06 PM
The ivory Queen would pace around the borders of Abaven, the girl almost stressed about the situation. Her tail swayed behind her and her hips swayed with the movement, the thought of putting herself in a pack making her stomach knot. Being submissive to someone, or being commanded and thrown around like a rag didn't sound like freedom to the girl. "My Queen, calm yyourssseself. It caaan't be tthhat bad," Sabre would say with a tight slither around her pale neck, Anzhelika smiling softly down at the male. "Thanks, Sabre. Maybe in this pack I can still kill others for fun?" She tossed up the idea with a giggle, giving the snake that slithered around her a wink. She was a rather large wolf for a female's size, so she would best fit as a warrior in the pack. Or maybe even a hunter.. But a healer? Blehh. She hated helping others, unless she took the better prize for it. An eye for an eye. The ivory and pale hued babe would finally tilt her head and howl, calling for the pack's leader.

(OOC; Crappy starter, and Anzy is just crazy xD)
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



7 Years

09-04-2014, 09:20 PM

He was finally back to his old self, his wounds had healed and he could move about just as freely as he could have before. He was still careful about the workings of his jaw, he was finally able to talk and eat without it causing him too much pain. He had been taking a drink in the lake when a howl called out for him, his alabaster ears perking towards the sound. Another caller to his door? Chuckling he shook the dampness off of his muzzle and padded towards the caller. The one who howled for him was a pretty wolf indeed, but his eyes were drawn to the snake curled about her neck. He froze at first, thinking that one of the snakes that lived here had tried to slither around her neck, but he caught the wink that the dame tossed the snakes way. He was wary of the creature, most of the snakes that lived here they needed to kill off, they seemed to like to bother the wolves. "Greetings stranger, interested in Abaven are you?" He asked, his head tilting to the side as he found a seat before her. Those two different coloured eyes were very nice, a trait that he liked. He loved his sister Harmony's mismatched gaze, and since then he found it to be rather compelling on others. "My name is Bass Destruction, I am the Azat -- or Alpha -- of these lands."



4 Years
09-04-2014, 10:15 PM
Anzhelika would lift her crown to look at the male who had spoken. Her gold and violet gaze meeting his. He matched her height at the exact thirty six inches, the girl matching his behavior and sitting on her haunches, tucking her tail neatly beside her, weighing his question in her thoughts. "Hmm, I am interested, indeed." She would answer him, flicking her pale ears at him as he continued speaking.
The ivory Queen would bow respectfully to Bass Destruction, Azat of Abaven. Even the snake would pay his due respects to the alabaster male, dipping his head down at Bass. "I am named Anzhelika. Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov... And this is Sabre," the girl would say, motioning to the snake that slithered around her neck. "Bass.. You have any room for a warrior, or perhaps a hunter? I enjoy killing things at times" she would tell the male aloud in a soft giggle, nodding at him. The snake Sabre would hiss as he slithered around Anzhelika's neck, narrowing his eyes at the cautious male, then turning his gaze back onto Anzhelika.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



7 Years

09-04-2014, 10:48 PM

He nodded his head as he introduced herself and her snake companion, on whom he was about to comment on until she made the point of killing. Bass' golden eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes taking in the same sized female again. "I am always looking for stronger warriors, and our lower ranks feed for the pack. But, I will not approve of mindless killing, or harming of another pack member do you understand?" His words were firm as his eyes slightly pinned, he would kick her pretty butt out if she dared to go around on a mindless killing spree. Life was a precious thing, and he hated to see it cut short because of the state of a wolf's mind. Only then would he be able to comfortably accept her into Abaven.

Her snake -- Sabre -- was eying him carefully. "As for Sabre, I have no problems with him joining you as well. I must warn you though, these plains aren't called Serpent Plains for nothing. My pack is used to killing a snake if it bothers them, so I would make sure that either everyone meets Sabre, or he stays rather close to you." He would hate to see her friend getting killed because his pack had learned to swiftly deal with other snakes. "I mean no offense Sabre, I just try to keep my wolves safe." He said, eying the beast with a small smile.



4 Years
09-04-2014, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2014, 11:20 PM by Anzhelika.)
Mindless killing. Ahh, how she loved the thought of it, but he seemed to misunderstand her words a bit. "Oh, no, no, no, darling. Not my pack mates, or someone you favor. I simply mean I can crush someone without a hesitated decision if it ever came to that. I enjoy the cold, ruthless, and barbaric ways of the war, and the sheer enjoyment of the last breath choked in the throat I'm clasping on. Don't worry about your pack members, but please do tell them I don't have the best temper, for I respect if I'm respected. I do apologize in advance if I.. Snap," the white girl would say with a hard chuckle, turning her attention onto Sabre as Bass mentioned his name. "As for him, he stays fairly close to me at times, coiled around my body." She would tell Bass, nodding at him. "Jussst make ssshhure thossse wolvesss don't ssstep on my bodyy, pleassse," Sabre would tell Bass with an almost worried expression, coiling himself affectionately around the pale Queen's neck. "Ohkay.. Now what?" Anzhelika would ask aloud at the male. She wasn't sure what to do after she had "joined" a pack.. "So, what is my rank? Warrior, hunter, or just down right at the bottom- the lowest of the low?" Sabre hissed at the thought, speaking his own thoughts aloud. "Don't worry, Anzzzhelika, you'll alwayyssss be a Queen to meee," he would tell the female, snuggling his head into the soft, plush fur of the white Queen's neck.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



7 Years

09-04-2014, 11:50 PM

Her words almost made him want to turn his head away. While Bass would fight to his last breath to protect his pack, it didn't mean that he enjoyed tearing into the flesh of an opponent. To each their own, he supposed. As long as she didn't harm Abaven members like she said, he wouldn't turn her down. He believed that there was a goodness within all wolves, and would not turn them away because they had fallen a bit towards the darker side of things. There was no denying that Anzhelika was a strong warrior, he could see it in her very build. Bass needed good fighters, and she was clearly skilled. He nodded his at her, remembering that he warned her about a temper. Bass hardly ever got mad, so it was a bit amusing for him to watch those with more of a short fuse. His attention was turned back to the snake, chuckling at the worried look he seemed to have. "I will let everyone know to be wary of your passage on the ground Sabre. Sine Anzhelika is joining, you will be considered part of the pack as well." He said. It wasn't like he hated snakes, only when they decided to try to bite and poison him.

Bass' attention was once again turned to the female when she asked what next. "You will be a level one guard, or a Mruni. I do not hand out higher ranks, they are earned though training or though a challenge. You may challenge for any rank at any time, just not Azat or Azgrat, a position held by my sister." He said, tail thumping on the earth. "You may explore our lands, we lay claim to Serpent Plains here as well as Monument Rapids. Any other questions you have for me?" He asked, head tilting slightly.



4 Years
09-05-2014, 09:27 AM
"Ahh, makes enough sense. You're put at a beginning rank, and then earn your other ones. Yes, yes. I see. Well, Bass Destruction, Azat of Abaven, thank you for accepting me within your pack." She would take a graceful bow, dipping her large, pale bodice. The snake did his own thing as well, turning his head down respectfully at the alpha male.

She would raise her stance back to standing, turning her head a bit as well at the males words. "Hmm, yes, darling. Is there any pack activities that I could put myself in, you know, to perhaps get to know my pack mates better?" She would question, gold and violet gaze holding curiosity within their bicoloured orbs. Truthfully, to Anzhelika, she couldn't give a rat's butt less about the other wolves in this pack. But, she did favor Bass- Azat of Abaven. She craved his power and desired a high throne. She even enjoyed his mere presence. But, for anything to happen, she decided to make Bass favor her as well by placing herself into activities with others. Just for him. 'The things I do for others, seriously..' The ivory Queen would think to herself, turning her attention back to the male.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-05-2014, 09:31 PM

Shadows concealed her shadowed frame so perfectly. Onyx mocking the shadows whilst ecru hues blended in well with the surrounding golden patches of grasses in which had been cooked by Summer's sun. Suspicion intruded upon her mind and of course - jealousy. Though, jealousy would be pushed aside for the sake of her climbing ranks and her respect for her king. She felt a need to watch this gal carefully.

The woman's words would sing out words of a murderer, though, at least she seemed to speak truthfully. Murderer. Did she not enjoy tasting blood upon her lips herself? Enjoying feeling a fighting heartbeat throbbing upon her tongue? Mmm, her own heart was darkened, but in a much different way it seemed. She enjoyed wooing men and being ravaged - a masochistic succubus. Though, war and blood was a bonus.

Ears listened to each word that dripped from each maw. She took in each syllable carefully - evaluating each one. Tender hearted Bass would, of course, grant the gal entrance. She would pay careful attention to this woman during her stay at Abaven. As a climbing warrior in rank, it was her duty after all to ensure the peace.

Body began to move forward, her posture reflecting her higher ranking among Abaven. She would come into view as she elegantly made her way to Bass's left flank. Marbled eyes gave a hard look of concern in her King's direction. Right eyebrow raised questioningly. Gaze then quickly retreated from Bass and gracefully settled upon the gaze of the taupe female. Welcome to Abaven. . . Perhaps us two can take a walk sometime around the borders and I can offer you some training. Though, training and familiarity was important, she was more concerned in getting to know this one more personally.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



7 Years

09-06-2014, 12:32 PM

Bass would nod at the woman as she thanked him for accepting her, although a wary glimmer settled in his gaze as he heard the stirrings of another creature. Ears flickered in the direction of the noise, although his nose told him that it was Venus, coming to spy on the newest member. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, gaze turning to her as she approached the two, raising her brow at him. He matched her facial movement, knowing that she had been listening from the shadows. Not that he cared, it was her job as Kashkar to keep an eye on everyone for him. When she spoke, he turned his gaze back to the creamy female. Anzhelika called him darling once more, a pet name that would soon start to irk him. It made him feel as if she were talking to a pup, not her alpha. He let it slide for now though, a small sigh leaving his lips. "There was just a meeting called for the whole pack, something like that will not be called for a while yet. As for training..." He paused, golden gaze flickering to Venus for a moment. He had yet to ask her, so he sought her approval in his next words. "I have been thinking of calling all Abavenian warriors for a little one on one training with either me, Motif who is my secondary and Venus, my highest ranking guard and currently head guard."

Bass paused then, sensing a bit of tension within the black and cream female beside him. "Venus poses a great idea. Why don't you two ladies have a look around Abaven, I am sure that there is no other guide better than her." He said in a slightly teasing tone, leaning over to bump his shoulder with Venus'. Bass was a jester after all, there was hardly a time when he was not making a pass at someone. "I just warn you again to take caution with Sabre, I would hate to see something happen to him."



4 Years
09-06-2014, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 03:39 PM by Anzhelika.)
Anzhelika would listen to both Venus's and Bass's words, smiling a bit when Bass would tease the pale and obsidian woman. "Hmm, yes. I will make sure to keep up with any pack events that I can participate in, and I thank you both. For accepting me inside of your ranks, and greeting me into your pack. Venus, I will make sure to meet with you soon, but for now I must say my curiosity is peaked to explore my new home lands. And Sabre is exited as well, he loves basking in the warm sun," Anzhelika would say, giggling softly as the snake would slither around her pale neck. "And, I'm off. Good day," The pale lady would say with a polite dip of her crown in a small bow, and then picking herself up trotting of into the pack land's distance, her silhoutted form slowly disappearing for the sake of curiosity and exploration.

(OOC; ~Exit Anzhelika unless stopped.)
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-06-2014, 05:58 PM

Something whispered to her that Bass shared her suspicions. Perhaps a growing ability to communicate without words. Mmm, if the gal had no intentions of harming Abaven members, her thirst for blood could lead unwanted attention to the King's pack. Though, she would respect the alpha's decision in giving the stranger a chance. An overwhelming sensation of pride would pulse throughout her body when Bass would address her as his lead guard. Ah, it was a nice title to hold - though, not enough.

Eyebrows raised at the king's teasing tone and she simply went along with his bump to her shoulder. Uneasy feelings about this girl refused to allow her to relax, rather it forced her to watch the woman's expressions and movements carefully. Her least concern rested upon the snake - the serpent could easily "go missing" if he became too much trouble.

This stranger seemed to vanish as quickly as she appeared. Hurrying away to who knows where. Venus would be sure to keep watch over the girl until she felt comfortable with her presence. Eyes looked at Bass questioningly. I feel uncomfortable in her presence. I will be sure to keep an eye on her unless instructed otherwise. Though, I would feel more comfortable if she was watched until she can prove her loyalty. I just hope she does not bring unwanted attention to Abaven. . .

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



7 Years

09-11-2014, 02:36 PM

The man watched the woman vanish into Abaven territory, a soft sigh leaving his maw. He turned his attention back to the woman before him, a faint smile on his lips. It seemed that she shared his suspicions as well, but Bass had too kind a heart to turn anyone away from his pack. But this was one of the reasons why he picked Venus to be his Kashkar, even though some wolves may think that it was jealousy that led her to not like other members, but Bass knew better. She had a good judge of character, and he both respected and admired that. Venus had no issue with speaking her mind and letting it be known how she feels, but Bass -- he was nothing like that. He still needed to learn and grow, but turning wolves away who were in search of a home was just not within him. His tail thumped against the earth as he pulled himself out of his thoughts, giving his full attention to Venus as she spoke.

He nodded his head at her words, knowing that she only wanted the best for him and Abaven. He let out another sigh, meeting those colourful eyes. "Yes, something tells me that she will not heed my warnings. Just keep an eye on her, I trust your judgement here." He said softly, his white head slowly shaking. "Maybe you should follow me when a summoning howl is heard, clearly I need to grow more of a backbone. I have too must trust for the world, something you seem to be raising your brow at." He teased her slightly, although his tone was still serious. "I just believe that given the chance, any wolf could prove to be great. Is that such a bad thing?" He asked her, his golden gaze searching her face. Was he so wrong in thinking that there was good within everyone?



09-11-2014, 11:00 PM

The Medusa took her leave quite rapidly. For what reason would never be understood; however, it ignited a flaming curiosity. Though, if there was a dark reason for her joining, it would soon become known to all the world. Shadowed intentions never seemed to remain masked for long amounts of time and so she would allow fate to inescapably play out its role. Time would eventually present her an opportunity to be alone with the gal.

Marbled eyes watched the man before her carefully. Thoughts seemed to devour his mind. A moment of silence taking over the land before he would speak again. I will most definitely watch out for her. I assure you that I will do my best to protect Abaven from any ill intentions she may have. Motley eyes would dart to her paws as she listened faithfully to the man's continued words. Talons would shift delicately, grasping the terrain with its hold and then release it. . . A continuous cycle of motions as she played thoughts through her mind, carefully deciding on how to respond.

There really was nothing wrong with giving all wolves a chance; however, these chances would vary depending on the situation. Would she have accepted the woman into the pack? No, probably not. Though, beyond pack borders she may have given the woman a chance at friendship. Eyes would look off toward the horizon, eyelids closing partially shut due to the light the radiant sun emitted. Ah, such a powerful star.

Gaze would then return to Bass's eyes. A serious look painted her face perfectly. She did promise the king help and so she would give him the best advice her mind could conjure. My king. . . She would pause for a moment before continuing. Sentence would begin breathy and then trail off in her usual timbre. Somewhere along the road I heard spoken, "Live each day as if its your last and someday you will most definitely be right." I suppose you have to ask yourself what you can live with. I, as your friend and Kashkar, refuse to tell you how to run your pack and who to accept or to turn away. We all have to believe in something - whether it is our gut feeling, our heart, or fate. You just have to trust whatever you believe in and do what you feel is right. If I made the decisions for you or if my opinions influenced your own, the pack would no longer be built upon your own dreams, but rather it would be built upon mine. I will gladly accompany you when a joining call is made and I will happily share my opinions with you about prospective members; however, I ask you, no matter how I may feel, that you make the decision you are most happy with because in the end, that is all that matters. When there comes a time that you are unsure what side of the fence to fall on, just ask yourself what you would do if you were to die tomorrow. Because when one is faced with death, everything that does not matter simply fades away leaving only what is important.

It was important for him to hear this, or at least she felt that it was. Thinking in such a way would help the man make important decisions in more ways than accepting or declining new members. Paws would relax, ceasing its never-ending movements. Serious gaze would relax a bit as her eyes would return to the horizon. Eyes would close slowly and head would tilt upward - body taking in the warmth the sun offered.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts