
My mom needs you gone



4 Years
04-22-2015, 07:17 AM

So much happened in a short amount of time. Arian always had been a stronger wolf than most mentally wise. Perhaps that was why she had shattered easily soon after her uncle's death that year. Now though, even with her problems she was living and breathing. She had met wolves and learned a lot from them. Sonticus wasn't perfect, a few of the members most likely didn't get along with Cypress included. But, it wasn't like she would stop loving him. He was the first, and Arian believed that she should try her best to be what she could for the man after all that she had been through, with all of her fears that he took her with. The blue eyed woman would bare a gift, a herb that she was stuck on as of late. She had found that Mint really did calm her nerves enough she figured it was a good enough gift for her mother and their pack.

Carefully stepping up onto the borders she settled the bitter leaves to the ground raising her head into a howl, her tail wagging slightly back and forth. Her ears still made sure to pick up sounds in all directions. Arian found it funny about how now, nobody could really sneak up on her, she was always very alert due to her paranoia of getting kidnapped again. The last step she needed to take was to get back into the game of fighting with her leg like this. She could move around pretty well with the severed tendon, using the leg to balance if she needed to jump or otherwise. There was so much she had to tell her mother now!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2015, 08:03 AM

It hadn't been long since Arian and Cypress had left Fiori - a few weeks and most - which was why hearing her daughter's call ring across the lands was surprising to her. Instinctively, she'd wonder if she was in trouble, but her call was far too light-hearted to imply that anything was wrong. Without hesitation she would make her way toward her daughter's call. She stood at the borders, though Epiphron wouldn't have cared the least bit if she'd crossed them as though she lived there still. A broad smile crossed her features, seeing that Arian was at ease, watching her tail wag to and fro behind her.

"You look wonderful," she'd comment as she moved forward to embrace her very lightly, knowing there was always a chance that Arian might pull away, and not wanting to force anything if she didn't want to be touched. Briefly, her gaze would fall to the bundle of herbs she'd set down at her paws though she paid little mind to them, instead pulling her gaze back up to Arian's. "How is your new pack?" she'd inquire gently, truly curious, and hoping for nothing but good news from her.



4 Years
04-28-2015, 11:25 AM
Arian was even more glad to see her mother than ever. Her last events had been nothing less of depressing. It was a nice feeling to finally have some good news. News that wouldnt drag her back into a hole. Arian wasnt exactly perfect mentally but she worked hard everyday to get better. Her muscles clenched lightly when her mother embraced her but she didn't mind only smiled and let her tail wag. Of course her body still needed work, but it was the same with cypress. "I could still look better I suppose." Arian would muse before hearing the question.

The russet would first pick up the mint leaves. "I wanted to give these to you. They grow near the packs territory and I know its a hassle to travel up north for them. I also discovered they do wonders for nerves as well." She hoped her mother would accept them before speaking again. "Its going great. A lot of our members are darker aligned poor cypress is trying to get used to their sass. My blood brother hakku came to join. Yet while we are small were doing okay there hasn't been any trouble with packs." Her tail flicked against the ground.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-04-2015, 02:42 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2015, 02:42 PM by Epiphron.)

If Epiphron had ever been anything at all, it was a mother. Perhaps she hadn't been the best one in the world -- she'd let her children go off on their own, even when she'd known it hadn't been for the best -- but she loved her children more than she ever imagined she could. Even Arian, despite being adopted, was no different than Amalia or Isolde in her eyes. It certainly helped that she looked similar to the rest of her children. Her smile was genuine as she beamed at Arian, her tail waving freely behind her.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you look so well," she assured her with a gentle laugh. Perhaps she could look better, but that wasn't necessarily the point. She looked good, which was extraordinary considering all she had been through. Her expression of joy was genuine as she examined her, gaze shifting to the leaves as she nudged them toward her. "Thank you," she'd acknowledge the gift gladly, knowing it was not just a personal gift, but a gift between packs. It was honorable and wise of Arian and she found her smile growing wider at the news that the pack was going well.

"I'm glad," she nodded eagerly. "So long as they are loyal and will never betray you. There is darkness even in the best of us," Epiphron would muse quietly. Perhaps in some more than others, but she trusted Cypress to look after Arian, and it seemed her daughter was growing quite stronger than she could've imagined. "Would it be wrong of me to assume our packs are allied?" came her next comment, knowing that Arian would likely feel the same way but knowing that she shouldn't assume anything.



4 Years
05-04-2015, 04:29 PM

Arian would quietly listen to her mother carefully. One of her skills she had always been proud of was being able to listen to someone if she tried. Arian's head was full of stories and legacies of other wolves, family traits, histories, and even about new packs that came and went almost like dust in the wind. Her crystal eyes watched her carefully as well, every movement, how her head stood, how her mouth moved and any other thing that might indicate if her mother was feeling unwell or otherwise upset. As she spoke about darkness, it would remind Arian a little of Syrinx. Indeed the uncle she followed around like he was her own father for some time until his death, the ones who had taught her how to fight before her limb was deemed useless because it didn't heal properly. However she pushed these memories aside.

Arian would smirk or rather grin at her mother when she mentioned an alliance. "Would it have been wrong of me to assume that as well?" she said for a moment. "I would hate for Sonticus and Fiori to be on bad or neutral terms. After all, both of them are communal packs where every wolf has a voice." Arian would wag her tail mildly. "I love you mother."

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-18-2015, 09:03 AM

It was a bit surprising - though quite pleasantly so - that it was Arian who was ruling a pack now. She had always expected such endeavors from Caeto, or Leo, or even Quintus, but not necessarily from Arian. Leadership seemed to be treating her well, and her daughter in such high spirits was quite uplifting and she couldn't keep herself from smiling. Even if the wolves of her pack weren't exactly perfect -- but who was? Arian knew that wolves had flaws. She'd trained under Syrinx for awhile. If anything, he'd taught her that much.

She chuckled gently at Arian's words. "Not at all," she'd tell her readily as she shook her head. If anything, she wanted to be allied with the packs of her children, but she knew they had the freedom to decide otherwise if they chose too. It was interesting that she, too, had decided to run a communal pack. Perhaps Arian had taken some ideas from her mother? "Then it's settled: we'll be allies," she'd state with finality, grinning at her daughter's declaration. "I love you too," she'd assure her with a gentle nudge to her cheek. "Don't forget that you aren't a stranger. You are welcome in Fiori any time; you don't need my permission."



4 Years
05-18-2015, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2015, 06:13 PM by Arian.)

Arian always looked up to her mother, her loyalty had never faltered really. If anything sometimes Arian had felt as if she herself had not been worthy of her mothers love, of anyone's love for that matter. In all her life, she struggled with that, the constant balance of understanding and wanting to understand how others felt. Only then to decide how she felt about any situation. Arian would welcome the touch, intently at this time. Only close family would it be allowed, because otherwise she was afraid of temptation that she felt on most occasions even out of her season.

"The same to you for Sonticus, it's cold but, it's nice." she smiled at her mother wagging her tail. "How have things been for you mother? For Amalia and her wife as well?" she would be curious as to how Athena and her sister were doing. They were just as important to her as any walker would be after all. She would relax her muscles, and looked around. Homes changed a lot didn't they, Arian didn't really know when she ever had a more stable one other than Seracia at the time.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-01-2015, 08:07 AM

Her children had all surprised her, in their own ways, as they had grown into adults. Who had expected Arian to be running a pack, after all she had been through? She had never imagined in a thousand years that sweet Amalia would be in a relationship -- no, raising children even -- with an Armada, let alone that one would be in her pack. Perhaps even more than being surprised by her children, she was surprised by herself. This was not the life she had expected to live. Sure, she had always dreamed of being in a position of power, but not like this.. not that she would ever trade her life for anything.

Epiphron wore a genuine smile was Arian spoke again. "They are well," she acknowledged, though there was a touch of hesitation in her voice. They hadn't been seen nearly as often as she had hoped for, though she hoped the quietness of Fiori was due to the approaching winter that they were all simply preparing for. Even their children seemed quite independent, keeping to themselves unless absolutely necessary. "And how is Cypress doing?" Certainly he was caring for her.. she could tell he had meant every word when he had promised to care for her and defend her, and she didn't expect that to have changed.



4 Years
06-09-2015, 11:40 AM

Arian definitely thought life was a strange thing. Denki must have hated her for the longest time, she could imagine the great wolf in the back of her mind. As her eyes centered back over at her mother, so many thoughts ran into her head. In these moments though, she was truly content as she was. A smile on her face as she let the wind travel through her fur. When her mother asked about Cypress, Arian became slightly shy. Her ears pinned to the back of her head and she looked off to the side for a moment. So many bad thoughts went through her head, well...... they weren't bad for her. "Cypress is doing fine, we sleep in the same den together and.... he's taking the adravendi last name. We've been thinking about starting a family soon now that Sonticus is doing okay." Arian nodded her head a little. With Avalon and Amachi around she was not afraid of what would happen to the pack during a time she should be pregnant.

"Oh mother.... recently a woman by the name of Avalon joined Sonticus. Me and her are rather close but she says that she knew the family, her father was Gargoyle of old Glaciem? I didn't know about this." Arian would ask curiously. It wasn't often that Arian didn't know of something in history. She loved history with a passion, it was probably what sparked her to take in information so easily. As she tried to think about Avalon and how she was doing, hoping that the woman was alright. Dare Arian say she was like another sister to her. Especially after that night when Arian had her panic attack.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.