
I Am Not Dead Yet


04-22-2015, 09:40 PM

Her life had revolved around a single being as of late -- her son. He was still so innocent, so small, even at a year old. He was delicate in a way that made Pamela want to protect him all the more. That made her feel the need to protect him all the more. She was wandering around the east, a little more content to wander now that Shiki was growing. But still... she couldn't help but wonder what had become of her siblings. The pack in the North Quelt had ruled was long gone... the scents no longer there of her siblings. Whatever had happened to them she could only hope for the best... and perhaps expect the worst.

Was it morbid to think that way? Wrong? No... there was no way Quelt was dead. Wael might have fallen... maybe even Shiekra... but Quelt? No. Never. The femme would chuckle softly to herself at the thought of anyone ever being powerful enough to take down her brother. Surely there was someone out there stronger, who was better. But no... her brother wouldn't just lay down and die all of a sudden. He wasn't like that.

Bicolored eyes would look on as the rain fell. While she hoped for thunder there was none. Instead a fog floated around her body, a thin coating of it enough to make one appear as if they were a ghost coming out of the mists...


Table by:: Toothless