
A Knight Is Not A Knight Without His Horse


04-22-2015, 09:48 PM
"...or so he believes until he realizes it is not a horse that makes a knight. Being a knight is having something you care about and want to protect."


The young man was wandering, cooling his head for his interactions with his packmates. They were not necessarily bad wolves but... they were not his taste. They held different views on the world and simply did not see eye to eye. He would give a soft sigh, his paws carrying him onward through the lands. He had headed south for no particular reason other than to find a getaway, really. A place to discover what he wanted to do next.

But what he found was something stranger than anything he'd encountered before.

The bit of metal he stepped on caught him offguard, and the young man spent some time examining him. It wasn't a rock. What was it? He would frown, tilting his head to the side as he tilted his head to the side. How bizarre...

Bicolored gaze would sweep the land, and for a moment he felt like he was standing in the open, barren field alone. But was he really?