
Getting Around... NOT LIKE THAT!



3 Years
04-29-2015, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2015, 08:12 PM by Deivad. Edit Reason: table code )

Being a curious fellow, Deivad decided he would begin heading up north to see what kind of weather the lands have been gifted with. Down south he had been liking the place, it was nice and cool for just the beginning of autumn, and he was hoping that if it was like any of the others lands he had walked across it would be barren of snow smack dab in the middle of winter. But now he just wanted to scope out the north, see if there was any snow laying on the ground just yet, and if so then how much was there already?

And so here he was, making his way across the plains of a particular area, jade eyes running over the areas of tall grass and irregular shrubbery. From where he had decided to walk through he could see some cluster of trees spread out in small amounts, having to take a moment to recall what they were called ad remembering that they keep those odd needle-like leaves all year long.

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4 Years
04-29-2015, 07:47 PM

The bitter cold, it was sinking in, and she could feel her bones aching at the thought of the upcoming winter. It was the entire reason she chose the ship as her home, the north had no other packs in it, and it was warm in their home. The president would take in a deep breath, opening her jaw wide enough to let the intake of air fill her lungs. Just so that she knew she was breathing, it was happening again. Arian didn't feel super today, part of her wanted to go back to her hole.

With a lowered head the president would watch the young wolf in the snow. Something sparked in her though, her head raised a little, depressed blue eyes taking a slight interest in him. If she wasn't the leader of a pack she probably wouldn't be so interested in other wolves anymore. Her tail flickered a bit, she sighed and walked forward towards him. "Hi." she managed to squeeze out of her muzzle as she sat down a few feet away from him.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



3 Years
04-29-2015, 08:10 PM

Deivad would have continued on his merry little way up until he heard footsteps nearby, causing him to come to a stop and swing his skull around in the direction it was coming from. Jade eyes fell upon a female that looked to be around his age, fur of russet with a white eye-patch and chest, adorned with sky blue eyes. He would admit she was a beautiful young woman, even if there was scarring down her face, which he honestly found kind of sexy if the female rocked the look. Pulling back to the situation, Deivad was a bit thrown off when she gave a simple hello and sat herself on the ground just a few feet. It kind of made him feel a little suspicious.

”Um.. hey there.” He answered, his tone friendly but unsure. The male began to shift, body turning around so that he could face the female head on, dipping his head to her briefly, glancing away to check out the grasses around him. ”You usually come up to strangers like this miss?” He questioned in a light manner, smirking as he looked back to the female with a raised brow. Deivad would remain standing, his demeanor rather relaxed, but ready to spring into action if need be. His nose wiggled the slightest as he took in the air around him and sorted out the scents, only managing to catch the female's and that of the flora.

This male was not the fighting type, and he much disliked being toyed with in such a manner. Hopefully this wasn't some sort of trap for him, and it was actually just a wolf looking to meet someone knew along their own travels like himself.



4 Years
04-29-2015, 08:27 PM

The man did have Arian questioning herself. Did she usually come up to strangers like this, no she didn't. She hid behind the bushes, any source of brush that would conceal her even if they could scent her. The woman's blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, watching her breath leave her nose and muster out into the air. "No, but I guess I've been doing it more and more as of late." her head turned towards the ship that made her home. It was but a small dot in the distance, barely visible among the tree's. She turned back to the male and smiled a little, perhaps it was her body begging for a sense of companionship. While her mate was not here, she had to be her own self motivation.

"My name is Arian Adravendi. I am the alphess of a pack who lives at that ship. When I need to think I often come here, plus lots of the herbs I collect are here." Arian would stand again, letting her limp leg lean off to the side. How he viewed her no longer mattered to her. She would forever see herself as ugly, because the story behind her scars were foolish. Perhaps it would have been better if she got them through a battle, but they were a sense of shame that poisoned her heart.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



3 Years
04-29-2015, 09:07 PM

Streams of vapor slipped from nostrils, slow and calm almost like the atmosphere around the two wolves. Pools of jade watched with interest while the female sat before him, ears swiveling atop his head to face forward when she spoke. Apparently she didn't approach strangers like nothing before, but lately she was doing it more and more. Brows faintly moved together at the answer, and immediately his thoughts would shift towards the possible danger the girl was putting herself into because of it. Deivad just had to take a moment to clear those thoughts away, looking the girl up and down once more to confirm that she looked like she could take care of herself and wasn't some naïve pup that didn't understand the world around it. ”I see...” He voiced quietly, allowing his voice to trail off with the protectiveness.

She appeared to turn towards the side, looking off into the distance at something. The male too would do the same, after a pause of course, looking in the same general direction but finding nothing out of the ordinary from where he was standing. Finding nothing he looked back to the female, a cool breeze rolling across the plains, ruffling the long fur around his neck and sending a chill down his spine, tail seeming to wave as if it weigh nothing. She smiled, and in turn he smiled as well, it was almost as infectious as when someone yawns in his eyes.

It was then that she introduced herself, Arian Adravendi, Alphess of a pack who lives in a ship. A ship, hm? He had to admit it was kind of neat that he was approached by an alpha of a pack, and equally as neat that her pack lived in or around a ship. He had heard about them before but it was only a small bit of information that barely satisfied his curious nature, causing his head to turn back in the direction she had been looking towards just moments ago in an attempt to find this ship. At first there was nothing, but after he squinted his eyes and really looked at the top of the land he swore he could see just a bit of the oddly colored vessel against nature.

Alphess Arian also mentioned that she often came to this area to think, and in addition to it this was a good spot to collect herbs. ”A pleasure to meet you Alphess Arian, it isn't often I meet someone of such rank in my travels.” He spoke up with another dip of his head, watching as she stood, her back leg leaning off the side which made his brows furrow. Did she sustain an injury while out today? "You okay there? I may not be a curer, but if you injured your leg perhaps it is a good idea to head back into the safety of your packlands." He was relaxing quite rapidly with each passing second, even taking a small step towards the female with what could be identified as worry across his features.



4 Years
04-29-2015, 09:26 PM

He seemed to calm down a little, her tail would flick from side to side a little. Though as he spoke, her mood would spiral once more. However, she was used to it. Arian was used to others thinking she couldn't take care of herself, that she couldn't hold herself on her own three feet. She could just as easily, hunt, and hopefully soon fight, and sure as hell it didn't stop her from collecting her herbs. Arian would swiftly walk around him for a moment hopefully to show him a little that she was fine. Her leg, was simply useless. "Don't let me intimidate you, just think of me as any other wolf. My pack is communal, every wolf has a voice." She explained a little. Perhaps he could pick up her mood.

"I'm okay as I'll ever be." she tried to keep the smile upon her face. "My back leg is crippled, last year it happened. However, I've learned to move with only three legs, I'm just as strong as any other four legged individual out there." Arian would stare into the snow, she couldn't feel sorry for herself, no matter how down she felt regardless. Her depression was acting up, but part of her was reaching out for companionship. "What's your name? If you don't mind me asking Sir."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



3 Years
04-29-2015, 09:54 PM
my brain went blank by time I got to him giving his name... o_0

He stood in silence while waiting for Arian to answer, hopefully not take offense to what he said. Deivad had come across a crippled wolf before, however he was much older than the two and had quite an attitude on him, he just found clever ways to get around obstacles. Plus, he had no idea if something happened to the female's leg just before approaching him or if it was from some time ago, so maybe she would cut him some slack since he didn't outright say she was useless and to get out of his way... not that he would ever say such a thing to anyone.

To show him just how capable she was he watched as she began to move around him, able to walk perfectly fine. It didn't surprised him too much nor did it really make him feel bad for saying such a thing, it was only a correction for his statement, and if they were going to meet again he would keep it in mind. And at last she spoke, saying how he shouldn't be intimidated and to think of her as a regular ol' wolf, her pack being communal, everyone having a voice. That was a good thing, earning a nod from the male. It wasn't often you were able to have a voice in a group or full pack, the leaders ruling with an iron fist. Obey or be exiled.

When it came to her leg however, she stated she was okay as ever and explaining that it had been crippled last year but she has learned to move with the remaining three, being just as strong as any other wolf out there. Now, Deivad knew that was a lie, you could try as much and as hard as you possibly could but you would never be back to one hundred percent. It was just a fact, but he wouldn't be one to voice that. ”I see, well that's good that you're still keeping yourself active so that it gets back to its previous state. Gotta work them muscles to stay strong!” He spoke in a rather cheery mood, flashing the girl a grin and giving a wink her way.

It was then she asked about his name, the man mentally face-palming at realizing he hadn't gave it to her. ”Apologies, the name's Deivad. Just a nomad exploring and mapping new land.” He had straightened himself out, tail and head raised and stance squared, a foreleg folding and head lowering in a bow to the female before rising again.



4 Years
04-30-2015, 07:13 AM

While many would believe it was untrue, it was not a fact. After spending time with her memories, of her mother, if she remembered correctly Katja had even had a crippled healer of a sister. It got Arian to thinking, and if she applied herself she was just as useful as the next wolf if not more with how hard she had to work. Sure it was a waste, yet the fact that she was here, that she was breathing was proof enough that her hard work would prevail over the so called nature that tugged at them. Her toes would feel the snow underneath her, but sometimes she felt useless. Sometimes she felt she dragged others down, that she didn't belong in this world, yet her heels would turn in her mind because she was afraid of the death that loomed over her shoulder. Paranoia, depression, and at one point dependency, she was broken, but being so broken was probably what had made her so strong at this point in all honesty. Her neck would turn towards the male at his comment, she could feel it. Yet she would give a rather lower smile, no, never let a stranger in. Arian would be getting herself into trouble once more if she didn't think these things through.

He was a nomad, his name sounded like her great grandfather, but it was probably a different variation of it. Arian's chest heaved to take in another breath of air, every waking moment felt like a nightmare would come back to her in the next moment. "A nomad...... do you ever get lonley?" she asked tilting her head. She knew some like Kreft of her pack enjoyed being alone, but it wasn't always the best thing. At least Arian figured so.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



3 Years
05-05-2015, 12:25 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 05:03 PM by Deivad. Edit Reason: 1st para dialogue )

She asked if it got lonely, being a nomad. ”It can be...” His voice grew low at confirming the question, a small nod of his head following. *”I am with a group of childhood friends and my sisters, we treat each other as family but there are times where I crave a companion.”* Babbling on to the female, Deivad's head had turned to the side, jade green eyes staring off into the distance, recalling every time he wished there was somebody by his side to ease that loneliness.

Quickly he would pull back, noticing where he was taking the topic and not wanting to stray in that direction. So with a deep breath he looked to the female and flashed a kind smile. ”But that is what I have to deal with if I want to be free of troublesome packs. I never did well within them.” He chuckled, his small smile turning into a goofy, toothy grin. Troublesome indeed, the reason why he had left his family and their pack behind in his birthplace. His father had grown drunk with power, taking his member's freedom away and punishing all who oppose him.

Which brought him to this question. "Have you been an Alphess for long Miss Adravendi? Though you are larger than me, your features give me an idea that we are around the same age." He was a bit curious to know, for in his birthplace most wolves who took the position of Alpha normally did so around the age of three, any sooner being a rarity and a bit alarming to some. His head tilted to the side as he awaited her answer, light orbs running over her body once more for any signs that she had fought for the right to rule.



4 Years
05-05-2015, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 05:18 PM by Arian.)

If it was one thing she was good at, it was being in tune with others feelings. Even if she couldn't quiet get a grip on her own. Arian herself was a pack dweller since birth, she had started off in a rogue family but she was raised within the kingdoms of Seracia. They learned about honor, and how to treat others kindly, but to still have that type of vigor to protect the ones you loved. Even if Arian felt she had never really had those traits, even after begging for her own physical harm because she had been convinced her last name was a curse in either form it took. Yet she knew what it felt like not to belong. She herself had lost and regained homes over and over again, it had ruined most of her hopes of a stable home. So she did suppose Sonticus was her attempt at making one for herself and not failing as she had with Isokan.

She closed her eyes for a moment before thinking about his question. "I haven't been president for long in Sonticus, but it isn't uncommon for wolves younger than we are to take on alphaship. The youngest I knew of was a woman of a year old. I did run a pack before hand but it ended badly. This time I'm determined to do better by myself as well as the pack." she smiled at him. "All the wolves work together and no one drags each other around. I'm only a guide because ultimately we decide together what will happen to us. It's similar to how my mother had things in her pack before I left." she sighed. "After being gone through so much, losing home after home, I want to protect this one and have a safe place for future generations to grow and prosper."

The woman would stand a little facing the smaller man. "You said you haven't fit in packs before but, what about Sonticus? You aren't looking for a pack but we're small and you're free to explore how you wish as is your family even if you were part of our members. We're a family, even if not by blood. Everyone would be welcome." Arian knew blood didn't mean everything even if it meant a lot. After all, her entire heritage was built upon her adopted family. She had never once complained, never once acted like she was alienated out. Bonds were hard to make, but they were even easier to break.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



3 Years
05-07-2015, 05:48 PM

His brows raised as Arian answered his questioned, surprised to hear that it was common for wolves younger than themselves to take on leadership and that the youngest she knew of was a yearling. The expression on his features went from surprised to concern, finding it ridiculous that someone so young would be allowed to ruled without any protest from somebody older and far more experienced. Did it mean that wolves were dying sooner in these lands? Or did people just not care who ruled and just wanted to be part of a pack? It was confusing.

Deivad quickly shook the thoughts away to refocus on the female's voice, ears perking up and listening to her talk about how she had previously lead a pack but that it ended badly. This time she was determined to to better. He nodded his head to this, understanding a bit but unable to feel bad for the girl for her previous pack failing. That is why back home wolves didn't take them on till they were older, had their mind made up and had some bit of experience. He wouldn't voice it though.

Contagious, the man smiled almost immediately after Arian did. She went into describing how things were in her pack, explaining that they worked together and no one dragged another around. Though she was their alphess, she was merely acting as a guide, allowing them to make decisions together, similar to how her mother use to rule. ”That is an interesting method.” He voiced quietly, not wanting to interrupt her to bad when she was still talking. This pack was her way of finally having a home after losing all of her others, wanting to protect it and create a safe place for future generations to grow and prosper. ”That is a wonderful goal, Miss Arian.” He said with a nod, tail beginning to wag steadily.

The conversation shifted now, moving from her ruling to the possibility of him and his family joining Sonticus. Bringing up how he mentioned he didn't fit in packs and that hers was small, he would be free to explore as he wished with his family, even if they weren't part of the pack. They would be welcome. The man would breath in heavily, his head lifting, jaden eyes staring to the changing sky in thought. ”It is a generous offer.” Lowering his head the man tried to keep the smile there to remain friendly and everything but he couldn't fully hide the uncertainty in his features. ”My family and friends have suffered greatly from our birth-pack, so we are wary of packs we come across.” He paused, searching the girl's face for a change in expression. ”I will have to decline joining for now, I apologise. I would have to check it out first then slowly convince the others if I find it suitable, that said, it might take some time... Thank you though, it is very kind of you.”

Deivad tried his best to kindly decline Arian's offer for now, but he would consider it and think about the possibility of joining if the pack turned out to be as she described it. Everyone in the group deserved a good home, especially his litter-mate Gessika... she deserved so much, needed someplace safe to heal from the damage inflicted. Thinking about the family, the male's attention shifted towards his surroundings as the wind shifted and brought a chill with it. Eyes squinted as he looked off to the side, a light snowfall appearing to be approaching them from further north. "Looks like snow is rolling in."