
Einarr vs Tinaro


05-01-2015, 07:57 AM

The young man had come here with his mother in hopes of him opening up some more. There were many strangers, those whom he didn't recognize nor care to associate with. The young man would heave a huge sigh past his lips as he waited alongside Akemi. She wanted him to spar, just as she longed to. She felt that, through battle, you could get to know someone. Sometimes better than merely by talking. So he would do his best, and tried to keep himself occupied until the spar pairings and teams were announced.

His opponent was to be a young man by the name of Tinaro. It was a name that was foreign, definitely not a Secretuan. The young man would move off to where they would have enough room to themselves and buckled down, throwing up his defenses.

Einarr would spread his legs, widened his stance. Claws would bite into the soil, toes spread, as he distributed his weight across his limbs. The young man would choose to align his tail with his spine, pinning his ears and narrowing his eyes. His muscles were tense, shoulders rolled forward and his hackles were raised. Jaws were parted slightly, giving the young man a fearsome look. He was ready for his opponent, and would grant them the honor of the first move.


Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
05-02-2015, 05:25 AM
The festival spars were the most anticipated part of the day, and soon commenced upon his arrival. His sparring partner was earlier announced as Einarr, a name definitely unfamiliar. This wolf was more likely to be of another pack, and the thought of that made him nervously gulp. What if other packs trained more often than Abaven? If that was the case, his own inexperienced fighting skills would be no match against a more formidable and trained wolf. He grew more certain of that negative thought especially after getting a long examine of his opponent. The cream and russet male's scent was not of Abaven, yes, but he stood at a towering height. Tinaro felt puny and weak against such an opponent, almost intimidated by the size. What was he thinking when he decided to participate in the festival spars? Well, there was no turning back now. No way was he going to chicken out before the actual fight started. Facing the other youth head on with no more than a distance of 2 metres (7 feet) between them, he hesitantly set up his defences. When he occasionally forgot all about the other boy, he surprisingly felt quite confident preparing his battle stance. His head lowered to align with his straightened spine and tail while his chin tucked and shoulders rolled forward. He adjusted the positioning of his limbs so that they were evenly spread apart and slightly bent while his toes splayed and claws dug tightly into the ground for grip. His eyes narrowed as his ears flattened against his skull and lips curled. It didn't matter that his opponent was larger, right? There had to be advantages with a small size.

He began the fight with an attempt to close the distance between them in as few strides as possible, approaching his opponent head on. In the hopes to confuse his opponent, his whole body pivoted to his right (Tinaro's right) just before exposing his chest in an attempt to drive the upper right half of Tinaro's chest into Einarr's lower left shoulder. It was unlikely the larger male would lose his balance from such a slam, but Tinaro was only hoping to cause bruising. Without hesitation, he lowered himself in a swift ducking movement so his jaws could easily reach the area he wished to bite. His jaws lunged forward, attempting to clamp down upon his opponent's upper left foreleg, right where the limb connected to the shoulder. Whilst doing so, he would pull the foreleg to Einarr's left in a quick and fierce yank in an attempt to pull or strain the muscle and limit his opponent's usage of it. However, taking his opponent's weight and size into consideration, it would not be so much of a successful move.

Tinaro vs Einarr for SPAR
Round one of two(?)

Head lowered, tail straightened, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread apart evenly, legs slightly bent, toes splayed, claws dug, eyes narrowed, ears flat against skull and lips curled
Reactions: None
Attacks: Attempting to drive the upper right half of his chest into Einarr's lower left shoulder, attempting to bite opponent's upper left foreleg and pull or strain the muscle
Injuries: Mild bruising to the upper right side of chest


05-04-2015, 01:46 PM

There was, perhaps, a sense of exhilaration as the fight was to begin. Einarr kept his legs spread and toes spread apart, his weight evenly distributed across the four limbs. Claws bit into the soil, preparation for the attack that was sure to come. The young man would keep his eyes narrowed, tucking his chin in close to his chest. Shoulders were rolled forward, legs bent at the joints, head aligned with the spine. Everything that his mother taught him was falling into place. Ears were pinned, his neck scrunched, jaws parted and hackles raised. This, fighting, was what he was born to do.

His opponent would close the distance in a head on assault, and Einarr would keep himself locked into place, a steady weight, until the other got closer. His gaze was watchful, ready. He would, however, get caught slightly offguard as the other young man pivoted to his own {Tinaro’s} right, his left. His opponent would slam into his lower shoulder, causing pain and bruising that would bloom as the fight went on. Einarr would move then, snapping his jaws downward. Thanks to throwing his weight down when his opponent grabbed his left foreleg it would only give a bit, though not enough for him to loose his balance or have it pulled out from under him. Though the muscle would be mildly strained, enough to cause some discomfort during the rest of the fight.

Einarr’s own jaws would go to work as well. He would seek to grab his opponent’s scruff, to get a firm hold upon it so that the other would not, hopefully, be able to pull free of his grasp. He would side step with the right side of his body, righting the distance between his legs as he once more threw his weight down, an anchor that planned to use his weight to his advantage. He knew it wasn’t much of a move but... There was always time for a more powerful set of moves.

Einarr vs Tinaro for Spar
Rounds:: 1/2

Attacks:: Attempt to grab and get a firm hold on Tinaro’s scruff.

Defenses:: First paragraph

Injuries:: Moderate bruising to lower left shoulder, punctures from Tinaro’s fangs on upper left foreleg, mild strain to left foreleg upper muscles

Notes:: Skype me if you have any questions to KenoKedieo. I’ve been derping a lot in my spars due to my new medication so I apologize if I’ve done so again. ^^;;


Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
05-05-2015, 05:36 AM
As the two bodies struck successfully, Tinaro only then realised how large his opponent truly was from such a close distance. However, he still followed through with his attacks without having negative thoughts cloud his concentrating mind. He felt hyped with his muscles eagerly tense and abdomen tightened, perhaps because he was starting to grow overly confident with himself. Blood seeped from the laceration that he had inflicted upon his opponent's foreleg while he hoped he had strained the muscle along his opponent's upper right foreleg (he couldn't notice if he had). However, the other male seized the opportunity of attacking his exposed neck and so the best he could do was raise his hackles to provide himself with some protection from the upcoming bite. Jaws grasped his scruff almost suddenly, forcing Tinaro to release a droned yelp of surprise mixed with pain. Instinctively, he would attempt to wriggle beneath his opponent's weight in the awkward position he had found himself in, but he doubted there would be any change from it.

He remained lowered to the ground, almost in a crouching position. Lifting his right foreleg from the ground while redistributing his weight to balance, his right forepaw would lash out as far as he could extend it in an attempt to drag his paw along his opponent's underside, just a few inches from where it curved into his chest. His toes would stretch out with claws dug deeply to create the most damage with his scratching attack. His paw would stop right where the underside curved into the chest and at the same time he would attempt to straighten his legs in one quick yet forceful movement. He would propel himself upwards in the hopes to inflict bruising on his opponent by slamming his (Tinaro's) neck into his opponent's chin. While doing so, his own chin would tilt upwards and slightly to his (Tinaro's) left and lunge out in a snapping attempt to desperately grip his opponent's lower chest. Ears remained pinned to his skull with his gaze narrowed, cheeks scrunched and teeth clenched in an agitated snarl. He wanted to bite anything; anything that might make his opponent release his own grip on his scruff even if it was unlikely they would land successfully.

Tinaro vs Einarr for SPAR
Round two of two

Muscles tense, abdomen tightened, hackles raised, redistributed weight, toes stretched, claws dug deeply, ears pinned to skull, gaze narrowed, cheek scrunched, teeth clenched and snarling
Reactions: First paragraph
Attacks: Attempting to scratch opponent's upper underside (area closest to the chest), straightening his legs with enough force to slam his (Tinaro's) neck into Einarr's chin and snapping his jaws out in an attempt to latch onto his opponent's lower chest
Injuries: Deep and serious lacerations to scruff and mild bruising to neck (if successful)
OOC notes: This one was a little rushed. PM for any clarification.


05-09-2015, 08:26 AM
A surprised yelp, mixed with pain, would escape his opponent as jaws sank into his scruff. He didn’t know how deep his hold was just yet, but he tasted blood and fur within his mouth. Ears remained pinned flat to his skull, eyes narrowed in concentration as well as to guard them. Hackles instinctively remained risen, tail raised and aligned with his spine. Shoulders were rolled forward, legs and toes spread and his weight evenly distributed across the four limbs. His muscles were tense, head aligned with his spine as his mind instinctively decided what to do next with his opponent.

Einarr would side step to his right at a forty five degree angle thus moving his back end out further to keep more of his body out of his opponent’s reach. Claws would rack at his underside unsuccessfully, getting just a few hairs rather than any of his flesh. He would clench his jaws tightly, feeling his opponent tense up beneath him. He would raise his head, keeping his hold, as the other male came upwards towards him. This time he would feel some pain, some mild bruising to his jaws as the hit jarred them. It wouldn’t be enough to make Einarr let go, however.

He would feel the clip of his opponent’s teeth also grab on to some flesh of his left forechest, a mild bite that would be, in his mind, rather inconsequential in the end. To worsen damage upon the young man’s scruff Einarr would attempt to shake it back and forth, snarling into his opponent’s fur. Furthermore, shifting his weight upon three legs to lift up his right forepaw and slam it down with force upon his opponents left forepaw.

Einarr vs Tinaro for Spar || Round:: II

Attacks:: Last Paragraph::

Defenses:: First Paragraph

Injuries:: Moderate bruising to lower left shoulder, punctures from Tinaro’s fangs on upper left foreleg, mild strain to left foreleg upper muscles, mild bruising to jaws, mild bite to left forechest.


Table by:: Eldarwen

The Judge


05-15-2015, 08:47 PM

Tinaro v Einarr for Spar


9 for clarity:

  • You mentioned Tinaro pivoted to the right when approaching Einarr, but pivoting requires rotation of the body which didn’t seem to be what you were describing later on.
9 for powerplaying.
  • I think it was more of a wording thing, but you said “he would pull the foreleg to Einarr's left in a quick and fierce yank in an attempt to pull or strain the muscle and limit his opponent's usage of it” which didn’t include any form of attempting, trying, hoping, etc.
10 for defenses.
7 for attack.
  • +2 attempt to drive chest into shoulder, +3 bite to foreleg, +2 pulling the foreleg
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Tinaro's round one total: 45/50

7 for clarity:

  • You mentioned that Einarr moved by snapping his jaws downward and thus missed Tinaro from pulling his limb too far, but that doesn’t seem to add up. You also didn’t mention how bad Tinaro’s bite was to Einarr’s foreleg.
10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
3 for attack.
  • +3 attempting to grab/hold Tinaro’s scruff
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Einarr’s round one total: 40/50


9 for clarity:

  • Need more info on how bad the bite is to his scruff.
8 for powerplaying.
  • I find it hard to believe that he could push his neck upward to slam Einarr’s chin and simultaneously bite Einarr’s chest. That seems like a lot of head/neck movement for one post.
10 for defenses.
5 for attack.
  • +1 attempt to claw Einarr’s underside, +2 attempt to slam his neck into Einarr’s chin, +2 attempts to bite Einarr’s lower chest
8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations to scruff
Tinaro’s round two total: 40/50

9 for clarity:  
  • Side stepping refers to stepping to the side without rotating, this is a wording issue that was slightly confusing to imagine.
10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
4 for attack.
  • +3 shaking Tinaro’s scruff, +1 paw slam
9 for injuries.
  • -1 bruising to chin

Einarr’s round two total: 42/50


Tinaro: 85/100
Einarr: 82/100

And the winner is...

Tinaro! Einarr must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Moderate lacerations to scruff, will heal in 1 OOC week.
  • Moderate bruising to chin, will heal in 1 OOC week.

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Millie: see below

For Keno: see below

For both: Really all of my notes are for both of you, so I’m writing them here. You guys had a good fight, it was easy to read save for a few minor issues. Most of your loss of points came from attacks that weren’t complex enough or serious enough. Really elaborate and think outside of the box when it comes to attacks. Also, watch your wording because it can be tricky when you write one thing and really mean another.

- By [Andy]